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Showing posts with label America's War Economy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label America's War Economy. Show all posts

May 22, 2017

Social Program Cuts? Republicans Can't Shoot Butter

Republicans to Slash Needed Domestic Programs to Fund More War and Conquest

by Jude Cowell

Since Mr. Trump and the Republicans have their knives out intending to gut social programs for the weak, ill, and aging among us while massive tax cuts are put in place for the wealthy class, a review of the History of Medicare and Medicaid seems timely. And as you know, in 1972 (under Nixon) an expansion of the social safety net was enacted to include coverage for the disabled, end-stage renal disease patients needing dialysis or a kidney transplant, and citizens age 65 and older.

But waging perpetual war for the sake of Empire is a very costly endeavor and it isn't as if the disabled, ill, and aging can or would enlist in the military, right? So did the GOP finally accept Trump as their 'outsider' president because they knew that an unprincipled man would agree to cut whatever programs they targeted? And that, after spouting campaign rhetoric that he would not cut the very programs now under the GOP knife! Not that I believed him, of course. Did you?

By Ricard Canals (1876--1931) {Sick Child, Octavi, the artist's son} circa 1903; Barcelona. Details of artist on Google Art Project [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Always the Tiresome Trade-Off: Guns vs Butter

Photo: Paul Ryan: "We've Been Dreaming of Slashing Medicaid Since My Kegger Days"...a drunken dream? Now he's drunk with power.

Yes, with dreamy Neptune rising in his natal chart, Speaker Paul Ryan is quite a big dreamer. But do the current GOP austerity measures against the American people put you in mind of Republican President Eisenhower's famous Chance for Peace speech of 1953? Here's an excerpt:

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children." Theft. He said theft. To give the wealthy more tax cuts while harming little children.

Now Eisenhower's words contain way too vast a concept for a subjective man like Mr. Trump to grasp although certainly some Republican congress members have the mental and emotional capacity to understand that such theft from We the People will result in millions of Americans ill and starving on the streets and infecting everyone else. Plus, the US economy will suffer from the additional financial burden placed upon our families. (No, churches cannot do it all). But that's where lack of conscience and principles come in--when politicians plainly show that no, they are not their brother's keepers.

Now I don't mean that the US isn't worse off economically than we've been led to believe these last decades and my suspicion is that this is very much the case. 'White collar' theft abounds, as you know, and as noted, waging global war and acting as World Cop takes a whole lot of filthy lucre.

However, the austerity path of heartlessness the GOP demands for America is not the only path to take. Even if it's the global bankers' * 'big picture commands a certain course of action, little option to do otherwise' offer-they-can't-refuse situation that our compromised, bribed, and threatened 'representatives' on Capitol Hill are following because the 'otherwise' involves too much risk for their own hides to take. Apparently the extra added 'benefit' of population control (a la Ayn Rand) seems to suit the Republicans (and their enablers) just fine--as long as they and their loved ones remain unaffected. (They hope!)

Well, thanks for letting me vent. The current news on Medicaid and other financial cuts enrages me on behalf of the common good and for the sake of my native country (which I'm very partial to!) I must vehemently dissent against the Republican austerity agenda and sorry-a**ed war economy which are suggested by the cruelty and hardship potentials of year 2020.


Here's an audio excerpt (under 3 mins) of Eisenhower himself delivering his Chance for Peace speech on April 16, 1953. Now that soup lines across America will come into vogue again, it's obvious that someone didn't listen to Ike's counsel and preferred to sell out our nation to the highest bidder.

* the oh-so-rational 'new world order' planets of The Enlightenment, Uranus and Neptune, met three times in Great Conjunction all through 1993 at or near '18 Capricorn' so that a current midpoint picture has formed via transiting Pluto: the big picture commands a certain course of action, very little option to do otherwise.' (Noel Tyl, Solar Arcs). And that's no matter who must pay the price--saboteur Pluto of the Underworld doesn't care.

Nov 2, 2013

Of Phony Drug Wars and Neptune

Saturn-Neptune in America: Addicted to Wars, Both Real and Phony

by Jude Cowell

For decades in America, many people have intuited or experienced the phoniness and corruption behind our alleged 'War on Drugs' as officially declared by one Richard Nixon on June 17, 1971. PBS' Frontline provides a timeline if you should be so curious about this tool of oppression.

There are other sources on the topic, however, and here's an excerpt from one of them with its link posted underneath:

"In 1909, Walter Rathenau-" (of General Electric) "-said the following about the Committee of 300": "Three hundred men, all of whom know one another, direct the economic destiny of Europe and choose their successors from among themselves."

"For nearly a century the British East India and Dutch East India Companies gathered fortunes from their opium trade with Asia and now through the Committee of 300 they continue to wage phony drug wars around the world today."

For more info visit the Committee of 300 conspiracywiki page.


If you look at a horoscope for June 17, 1971--perhaps set for noon, since it was an announcement to the public by the president--you'll see a retrograde Jupiter in Scorpio, one of the 'drug signs', conjunct Neptune Rx @1Sag03, a planet whose connection to drugs and sub-rulership of the other 'drug sign', Pisces, is well known. This pairing seems to indicate more of an expansion (Jupiter) of drugs (Neptune) rather than a restriction. Plus, Neptune's karmic Sabian Symbol for '1Sag' is: "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire." Curious, no? Especially in light of the lucrative drug trafficking the US military (and the CIA) allegedly carried on during the Vietnam War--and since.


In Astrology we might say that Governmental Saturn = Real and Controlling, Fraudulent Neptune = Secret and Phony. And this difficult planetary pair's influence goes back to our nation's founding with its invisible/shadow (Neptune) laws/government (Saturn) vibes that have only become more pronounced in recent years as global governance promoters peek out from the shadows into the camera's bright glare.

If such conspiratorial drug trafficking allegations are true--and we're not just being paranoid--no wonder the phony, corrupt "War on Drugs" prohibition with New York's draconian Rockefeller Drug Laws and other statutes that ignore the health issues underlying drug use keep grinding on and purposefully creating in the US a massive prison population and the broken families that go with it.

Jul 3, 2009

Chalmers Johnson: US military bases expand

The Secret Sorrows of Empire by Chalmers Johnson is one of my go-to books for inside info on the roots of US imperialism, and July 3, 2009 has brought a report from Mr. Johnson on the escalating costs of new US military bases the number of which is being increased, not decreased, by this Democratic president.

To settle up, state governments in the US are sending out IOUs, many July 4th fireworks displays are cancelled, and the nation is hurting in a thousand ways, but the eagle-soaring imperialists continue to march America on toward perpetual war while charging US taxpayers for war expenses while the power elites pocket the filthy profits.

"All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it."

Alexis de Tocqueville

Don't look now, Monsieur de Tocqueville, but a political faction in league with the international banking system figured this out decades ago. Or else they've been following your notes and intend to keep the masses enslaved by the chains of perpetual debt.


Paul Craig Roberts has something to say about Mr. Obama's continuance of Bush's wars, too.

Aug 22, 2008

America's War Economy of Waste

'America's Outrageous War Economy! 'Pentagon can't find $2.3 trillion, wasting trillions on 'national defense'

By Paul B. Farrell

Yes, America's economy is a war economy. Not a "manufacturing" economy. Not an "agricultural" economy. Nor a "service" economy. Not even a "consumer" economy.

ICH has the rest of Paul Farrell's article for you.

That last 'brick' - the much-promoted shop-till-you-drop has dropped off many American's to-do lists. Is this where I place a reminder of whose watch this has been these last 8 years?

See a real-time previous post typed during Bush's Let's Blame Congress press conference of April 29, 2008 (which was his second press gaggle of the year) where he offers his deepest condolences to the American people for high fuel and food prices and comes up with an oil man's perfect if-only solution to our economic miseries.

Then and now it's: testy testosterone! John McCain wants to blast a man to Mars as does Bush - and TV's Craig Ferguson says that the astro-man McCain has chosen is: Barack Obama!