1971 Solar Eclipses: 9 Old South ends, 9 New South begins
For astrological purposes, a previous post details the proclamation of December 2, 1971 which created the United Arab Emirates. The federation, now in the news, is one of four Arab member states in the anti-ISIL/ISIS coalition.
The UAE proclamation date seems fairly auspicious falling within the 9 New South Saros Series of Solar Eclipses which first manifested on August 20, 1971 @27Leo (conjunct the Descendant in the UAE natal horoscope and thus prominently angular.)
Now, in February 2015, transit Saturn @3Sag conjoins the UAE's natal Neptune (the 'grim reality' or 'wish come true' transit) while opposing natal Saturn, a period when authority is challenged by another authority. Therefore, the UAE's Saturn-Neptune opposition of paranoia is being activated in a fearsome way by karmic Saturn so that reaping what's been sown may become prominent as the past catches up with leadership (Saturn; MC/IC)--on one level in the sphere of security measures. Plus, citizens of the region may be seriously affected with tr Saturn soon to oppose UAE natal Moon.
Hopefully other planetary influences will mitigate the Saturnian picture and provide protection for the good people of the UAE no matter how their leaders proceed to act or not act for a natal Sun-Neptune conjunction when activated by tr Saturn denotes a time of persistence and consolidation alternating with frustration and delay.
Usury vs the American People
Another event of historical importance occurred in 1971 and was influenced by the ending of the 9 Old South Saros Series, the Pre-Natal Eclipse of President 'Tricky Dick' Nixon's economic measures concerning gold convertibility. As of 1971, our debts became ever-lastingly unpayable into infinity....perpetual debt.
There's even a name for it: Nixon Shock and much has been written in hindsight about its deleterious effects on the US economy, a collosal mistake as noted in a commentary published in Forbes on August 15, 2011, the 40th anniversary of the profound changes Nixon proclaimed as directed by the secretive Fed (the central world bank). To quote, August 15, 1971 "...marked the beginning of the worst 40 years in American economic history." {Edit June 5, 2023: The article link is no longer Live for me, but if you know your way around Forbes Magazine perhaps you can locate it, if interested.
So Fare Well, 9 Old South, you did your part to serve Planet Earth before your energies ran slap dab out.
Wait. What? A beginning described by an ending? Yes, 'twas an ending influenced by a never-ending monetary condition...an end to being able to end one's debt burden? Well, eclipses do herald change so thanks, privately owned 'Federal Reserve' and your cat's paw, the White House. Eclipse conditions of 1971 demonstrate that our debt-based economy is wrong on a cosmic level as well as on every other level of decency, fairness, and justice that can be named.
Included in the Forbes feature is a link to Nixon's Sunday night address from the Venusian Oval Office on August 15, 1971 during which he slipped in the announcement of the ending of the post-WWII Bretton Woods era...ah hah! There's our 'ending' and it's proven to be a very unfortunate cluster 'ef', as you know. And note that the current Jupiter Rx period--Jupiter, the banker, the politician, guru--activates August 15, 1971's Sun @22Leo and Venus @19Leo; tr Saturn has recently conjoined--and will again--1971's Neptune @00Sag, ruled by moneybags Jupiter, which suggests to me the 'grim face of reality' for the US economy and US workers but a 'dream come true' for global bankers and those they fund and enable to oppress us with perpetual debt and usury interest rates while implementing their 'new economic order'.
Yes, how wonderful the Fed's grand promises that were to result from the monetary changes of 1971: more American jobs, smaller trade deficit, avoiding recessions, international competitiveness for US workers (job loss), price stability, and more--which all now show themselves as the lies and fraud they were from the start. And the liars--including mouthpiece Nixon--knew it all along.