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Showing posts with label Full Moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Full Moon. Show all posts

Aug 22, 2010

Full Moon 1Pis25 conj Chiron Aug 24, 2010

Since I'm now involved in writing a longer-than-usual article these days, my blogging time has been sporadic. But not to fret! For the next lunation is covered by Julie Demboski - Tuesday August 24's Full Moon in early Pisces is detailed in her excellent Down the Rabbithole offering.

As Julie mentions, it won't be a 'rabbithole' for everyone - there are caveats, after all, even with Mercury Rx. Yet everyone has Pisces in their charts somewhere, planet or no, so I fully recommend to you Julie's insightful assessment of the August Full Moon in Pisces which is the culmination or fulfillment phase of the New Moon 17Leo25 of August 9, 2010.

Meet Me in September?

Actually, I just posted something on the New Moon of September 8, 2010 which happens to occur on the afternoon of the Jewish New Year, if you're interested. This New Moon culminates with a Full Moon on September 23, just in time for Autumn Equinox 2010, as Sun and Moon join the already-titanic Cardinal T-Square with apex Pluto, along with Jupiter, Uranus, and Saturn.

The Full Moon at Cardinal Points makes this one a world event of some proportion for big events tend to manifest or be triggered on the Cardinal Axis (00Ari/Lib-00Can/Cap; here we have Sun 00Lib15 opposing Moon 00Ari15 - the MC/IC axis in America's natal chart, if you use the 'Sibly' version for July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA.) Sun/Moon = Pluto: critical time of development, which also applies to Iran's nuclear activities since this is thought by the West to be a critical time in its development, and Pluto = nuclear or atomic power. (Hopefully, Israel won't bomb Iran. Please, God. What a self-destructive move that would be for the entire planet.)

There's a YOD (turning point; crisis; special task; Finger of God) in the Sep 23, 2010 Full Moon chart, too: Mars/NN = MC: teamwork; partnership values gain importance. Mars/NN is 'pointing' toward US natal Uranus 8Gem55 as well, so we have what may entail a predicament:

Mars/NN = n Uranus: sudden events that affect a lot of people; stirring people up; organizing others (Tyl); sudden disruptions during meetings (Munkasey.)

But back to August 24's Full Moon 1Pis25:

Now everyone knows that the Virgo/Pisces axis is the victim/savior axis in Astrology. And everyone is experiencing, or is aware of, the loss and despair so prevalent in the world today. So perhaps the two Sun Virg/Moon Pisc Images for Integration may apply to the Tuesday August 24 Full Moon. If you listen to or read the news this coming week, you may discover something 'in the air' that sounds something like either one of these:

'The scientist has a dream and then, in his sacred laboratory, puts the finishing touches on his magnum opus...A peasant rests in the wheat field, and shares his bread, cheese, wine, and wisdom with the hungry labourers.'

(Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

Well, Happy Pisces Full Moon everybody - don't let the myriad of details available just now swamp or confuse you! And if you could pass some wisdom around, the planet could surely use a huge helping of it.

Jan 29, 2010

Perigee Full Moon in Leo Jan 30, 2010 est

FULL MOON AND MARS: Friday night's full Moon is the biggest and brightest full Moon of the year. It's a "perigee Moon," as much as 14% wider and 30% brighter than other full Moons you'll see later in 2010. But that's not all.

Mars is having a close encounter with Earth, and on Friday night, Jan 29, it will join the Moon for an all-night-long conjunction. Don't miss it!

You'll find sky maps and images at


There are too may storm clouds here this evening to view 2010's perigee Moon. And I know you've never heard this before, but it's a rainy night in Georgia. jc

Nov 2, 2009

Taurus Full Moon 11.2.09: Pluto and Persephone

The '11 Taurus' Full Moon is at 3:13:52 pm est today, Nov 2, 2009 which gives the collective a Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus flavor.

This particular Sun/Moon blend is shared natally by some notable folk you may have heard of once or twice: Warren G. Harding, Prince Charles, Michael Dukakis, Clifford Irving, Erwin Rommel, Nanette Fabray, Roy Scheider, and Michael Crichton.

What might we encounter today and in the waning stages of this Full Moon based on its alchemical blend of energies of Sun (conscious mind) and Moon (unconscious)?

Water-Earth blends create mud! Yet this is one of the most practical and nourishing combos around. Sympathy and compassion and a determination to do what needs to be done are prominent. Material and emotional security are wanted so change and challenge are viewed now as threatening. If we can keep ourselves from getting mud-stuck or swamped by duties or inertia, we'll use its practical energies well for domestic concerns and in the marketplace in resourceful ways.

It's a great influence for checking out possible business partners, too.

More specifically, the Sun Sco/Moon Tau blend is one of quiet strength, concern for others, self-control, and sensuality; dark mysteries of autumn alternate with love of the sights, smells, and tastes of the natural world.

This blend likes to encourage the regeneration of society and individuals and is a gentle blend that thrives on harmony. Art, science, and business are favorite pursuits; working hard tends to be balanced with playing hard - a feast or famine combination.

Yet there can be a remote quality at times with difficulty putting inner insights into words. This is an intense and passionate blend emotionally and it expects the same measure of devotion to be returned in kind.

Inflexibility, stubornness, and possessiveness are its unconscious/shadow side with a proneness toward clinging to the known. Blindness to the motives of others may cause trouble, so we perhaps should all beware of looking Trojan Horses in the mouth!

'Images for Integration: A successful businesswoman probes the mysteries of life...A celebrated surgeon amasses a fortune...Pluto takes Persephone into the Underworld.'

(Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.) Note: I changed 'businessman' to the feminine, just because.

Noel Tyl gives the Sun Sco-Moon Tau blend as: "the ambition to reorganize or reform things desperately needs a sympathetic audience to develop its potential" and says that it "depicts life in 'the grand manner.'" So my question is: could self-dramatizing Washington politicians be any happier? (Synthesis and Counseling in Astrology, Tyl.)

Both Pluto and Persephone relate to transition and permanent changes of status. For the collective my wish at this Full Moon in Taurus is that current societal changes will all be for the betterment of everyone concerned!

Oct 2, 2009

Harvest Moon 10.4.09: gather crops

Space Weather News for Oct 2, 2009

HARVEST MOON: This weekend's full Moon has a special name--the Harvest Moon. It's the full moon closest to the northern autumnal equinox (Sept 22). In years past, farmers depended on the light of the Harvest Moon to gather ripening crops late into the night. Now we appreciate it mainly for its beauty. Go outside this weekend and enjoy the moonlight.

SOLAR MINIMUM RETURNS: Two sunspots, which appeared on the autumnal equinox to break several months of extreme solar quiet, have faded away, leaving the sun blank once again. The deepest solar minimum in nearly a hundred years appears poised to continue.

NASA spacecraft are now reporting a surge in cosmic rays around Earth caused, somewhat ironically, by this low solar activity. The full story may be found at

May 14, 2008

America's Progressed Full Moon in Virgo

Here you see America's Secondary Progressed Chart for Dec 24, 2008, the moment of her Progressed Full Moon (based on 'Sibly' natal chart, July 4, 1776, 5:10 pm LMT.)

Transits for that date and the moment of the Full Moon are written around the outside of the chart along with a few other details, plus you'll find more info here:

US Progressed Full Moon if you wish. I will be adding details there concerning the Hard Rectangle pattern you see in the chart as time and tech gremlins allow.

As you notice, the end of this cycle comes upon Christmas Eve 2008 and between the Nov 4 elections and Inauguration Day 2009.

Oct 25, 2007

Today in Washington and NYC

"Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just." --Thomas Jefferson

So do I, as should we all. (Physical) water is not the only thing in short supply.

Image: sunrise 7:33:01 am edt, Washington, DC, Oct 26, chart-ruler Mars in 9th house of foreign enemies, conj Fixed Star, Alhena, to have a mission. Mars is inconjunct Chiron at IC. (You'll find Chiron mentioned below.)

Click-to-enlarge chart to read my scribbles because it's on to New York...

As the fairy dust settles from last evening's Full Moon, we find that at 3:00 am edt in midtown Manhattan, Explosives in NYC's Mexican Consulate so explosive Mars is still busy in 'the homeland' (Cancer), out-of-bounds and lobbing makeshift explosives from a bicycle.

3:00 am in NYC brought up Bush's natal Virgoan Mars, just after tr Saturn, whose Hour it was. Saturn Hours are good for things like taking responsibility and for control, with an air of restriction and inhibition involved. This lobbing was a diversion of some kind, and indicates that activist Mars has more trouble in store. What else is new, right?

So Bush has this goin' on: Mars/Saturn = ASC: obstacles caused by others; illness; separation; bereavement; struggling for every step of advancement; possible health threat. (Will his colon come back to haunt him?) (midpoints: Tyl; Ebertin.)

Saturn will be restrictvely conjuncting his natal Mars soon (health concerns continue.) It's a period when circumventing rules is ill-advised and relationships with males may be interrupted or broken off entirely. Loneliness increases, yet a reaffirmation toward long-term goals is also possible. Kind of a 'stay the course' transit (ad nauseum.)

But back at the Mexican Consulate:

At the WHY Point of the chart (MC) was tr asteroid, Midas, the King, greedy lover of gold, and at IC (the HOW Point) was asteroid, Bacchus, keywords: denial; substitution; management of uncomfortable emotions. This lobbing occurred only a couple of hours after the Full Moon, Moon 3Tau46, "4Tau": "The rainbow's pot of gold."

3Tau08 is the Discovery Degree of Chiron, the Wound or the Wounded Healer, which is again splat upon Dick Cheney's natal Sun (10AQ48)--a transit which may spiritualize (Chiron) one's purpose in life (Sun), or indicate wounded vitality (health issues--with Cheney, probably heart-related. They do say he has one.)

And speaking of Politics in America, have you ever been to the Edge of Petrified Forest?

Jul 31, 2007

can the Full Moon hurt you?

No, says a new study from Vienna, Full Moons won't hurt you a bit. Seems your chances for bashing your finger with a wayward hammer are not increased in the light of a Full Moon...but they're saying nothing about eclipses!

Feb 15, 2007

New Moon 2.17.07

You'll find many interpretations online of the New Moon of Feb 17, 2007, so I want to type out for you from Adriano Carelli's, The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac, with its antiquated and colorful ways of expression.

There's a real traffic jam at the top o'the chart, the Mc/Aspiration Point, the WHY of the chart, where you see tr Chiron nestled. Several planetary midpoints add to the picture, and as you see, the chart is specific to the White House, or to Capitol Hill not so very far away.

But first let's consider the midpoint which is rising, Saturn/North Node, a duo which together indicate isolation and inhibitions in unions or associations (Ebertin.)

Sat/NN = ASC: a inhibited person with a desire for seclusion; separation; suffering under difficulties with others. Sounds like Bush and his Iraq ball'n'chain...and he forged it himself.

Midpoints at Mc include:

Sun/Mars = Mc: efficiency; ready to fight for one's principles; accepting responsibility gladly; the character of a fighter; attaining success; marriage or union (the Part of Marriage is at Mc also);

Moon/Mars = Mc: a woman with strong principles; upright behavior; a forceful and purposeful nature; getting married (who's getting married? Anyone?)

Venus/Pluto = Mc: love; karmic union.

Now delusional, if idealistic, Neptune is being highlighted by a few midpoints as well, and they are:

Sun/Mc (the goal) = Nep: pursuit of the wrong objectives (how tiresome); apathy; indifference; confusion or a lack of clarity (Washington likes it that way for the most part--you weren't doing anything with that understanding, were you?); disappointments (they've been disappointing me for years); insecurity (they promote that--Homeland Insecurity); something threatens ego definition (a lack of ego in Washington? Impossible!)

Mars/NN = Nep: demonstration of anti-social conduct in associations; falsehood; undermining of associations; disappointments (again); self-absorption within the group--charismatic or off-putting (consider me off-put.)

There are two midpoints pointing at the New Moon itself...

Mercury/Neptune = Sun: possibly allowing oneself to be deceived; intellectual creativity; impressionability;

Merc/Nep = Moon: a misguided imagination; pictures from the subconscious; a deceived or deceptive woman.

NN/Mc = Sun: maintaining associations through shared interests; unions based on the physical; easy social ascendancy; the importance of friends and contacts for success;

NN/Mc = Moon: sharing emotions with others presents a challenge; a cozy atmosphere; an emotional character.

Neptune/Pluto, the Robber Baron duo, is conj Mars: being used a tool for other people's interests (there are many tools in Washington, as you know); a lack of resisitance, stamina, or energy.

Now quoting from Carelli's interpretation of the MC/Chiron traffic jam (Carelli recommends using the degree without rounding up)..."11AQ": Symbol: "A headless man, whose body is in full battle harness":

Warlike, rushing and forcible, outwardly splendid and innerly noble (there seems to be) no bearings and no aim. Reckless--nay, altogether blind--(he) will be destitute of any authority; his victories and his possible popularity will be short-lived. If a winner, he will not know how to exploit his victories and will leave his shoulders undefended for his opponents to hit back; if a loser, he will wander about as luck would have it. In a material sense, there is a real danger of wounds, mutilations, or death sentence.

Want Carelli's Symbol for the New Moon? Perhaps you don't, but here it is anyway:

"28AQ": "A man guzzling from a flask":

The assets will be merriness, an absolute naturalness of manner, a direct insight into reality. This degree's besetting sin is a tendency to ply the rummer. There will not be bad manners; there will be no manners at all.

Possible vices are alcoholism, idleness, fondness of gambling, dissoluteness, a tendency to loathe both poverty and the means to keep it at arm's length. Any reflection upon the consequences is superfluous.

With the New Moon the beginning of a cycle, and the Full Moon in two weeks being the culmination of something begun now, Washington sounds like its usual big honkin' barrel of monkeys, doesn't it? Guess it's what we've come to expect...aimlessness and recklessly warring, drunkeness (with power and greed along with the rum), idle, and long as it's other people's money, that is.

Now what are the chances the flask is in Bush's back pocket?