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Showing posts with label Hitler's birthday eclipse 2023. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hitler's birthday eclipse 2023. Show all posts

Jul 10, 2024

Project 2025 and Kevin Roberts

A Quick Peek at the Planets of Kevin Roberts

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

The Wikipedia bio page of dystopian provocateur of tyranny, Kevin Roberts, labels him mildly as a "political strategist." Yet the page contains reference links to a variety of articles about him saying he's a "DC outsider" and a "cowboy Catholic." Take your pick but don't leave out the fact that Roberts assumed leadership of the Heritage Foundation and Heritage Action on December 1, 2021, and soon after he took the reins of control, Project 2025 became a thing, a game plan, as it were, for a longed-for Trump v2 stint in the Oval Office come January 20, 2025. Or, if agent orange can't attend, an agenda for any other Aryan-styled seditionist, eager for power and pining for a pat on the head from Vlad.

Update July 26, 2024: It has been reported that Kevin Roberts is a member of Opus Dei which suggests a Vatican link with the global take-over scheme.#

Now if you've read any of my fussy posts before, you know that I consider the GOP's dystopian agenda they call "Project 2025" to be their hail Mary effort to sabotage the US government into a military police state, aka, Fascism with a generous helping of neo-gnatzie-ism.

Meanwhile, "Project 2025" has become the most searched for term on Google in recent days which is a good thing since Election 2024 approaches: let's sunlight the heck out of its madness. And despite Herr Trump hiding away for several days in an attempt to disassociate himself from the harshness of their purge agenda, no one is fooled by Donnie's absurd coyness. We know who and what the orange monster is - and he must be directly faced to be vanquished.

So just in case you ever need it, above a noon natal horoscope for Kevin Roberts surrounded by the July 2, 2024 Neptune Station Rx @29Pis55:54 - which conjuncts the fixed star of extreme misfortune, Scheat. Why? Because, as you see, Roberts has a trio of natal planets in the tribal sign of Cancer: Sun @2Can47, Saturn @7Can34, and Mercury Rx @12Can02, and all three will be eventually squared by Neptune in the coming few years. Beginning with his Sun (which squares his natal Pluto giving him a "might makes right" domineering attitude - including toward women). This is a transit of confusion and disorientation when his leadership position, integrity, principles, and honesty are in doubt. Then once transit Neptune enters Aries and proceeds to oppose natal Pluto (@4Libra), whatever political and financial power he has gained by then will erode.

Of course, this might be a comforting thought but unfortunately its influence won't come soon enough to gum up their vengeful Project 2025 agenda in case a Blue Wave of sane voters fails to Vote Blue on November 5, 2024 and be counted. Now you must have read or heard Roberts' threat against our families and America's future, but I'll quote him here (with one asterisk) for those who've managed to miss his intention so far:

"We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain blo*dless if the left allows it to be."

And this psychopathic behavior of aggression, dear reader, was signaled to us last year by the 7 North "blo*d lust" Eclipse of April 20, 2023 @30Aries, the position of the American Revolution's Sun and the J6 position of warrior planet Mars on January 6, 2021. 7 North in April 2023 qualified, in fact, as Herr Adolf's "birthday eclipse."

And btw: 7 North also timed the first shot of America's Civil War of 1861.

Sep 3, 2023

Sept 2023 and the Belligerence of Mars

Caricature of a mouthy Trump; source unknown

With a very active Mars (the warrior), a favorite planet of Mars rising Mr. Trump, it's worth noting that the current legal battles going on now fall within the time frame of the Summer Solstice 2023 Horoscope until the Autumn Equinox 2023 Horoscope 'takes over' on September 23rd. A shift of energies within the Collective will be noticeable, and significantly, Venus-ruled Libra is the sign of the Scales of Justice.

Meanwhile, here's a link to a recent post displaying both the Autumn Equinox 2023 Horoscope and the Winter Solstice 2023 Horoscope, its frosty Saturnian energies taking us into 2024 until March and Spring Equinox 2024 (a chart not yet published but coming soon to SO'W).

Significant to Trump's current legal challenges is his natal Pluto rising in the Autumn EQ chart, and this necessarily brings along Trump's Mars-Saturn midpoint (the death axis - R. Ebertin) with its destructive energies and 'intervention of a higher power' vibes. Set for Washington DC, the chart's Midheaven ('MC': The Goal) @29Aries+ is the position of belligerent Mars during Trump's January 6, 2021 coup attempt (failed, but ongoing). In addition, this happens to be the position of the Sun in the "first shot" Horoscope of the American Revolution, as you can see if you wish.

And everyone who's paying attention has heard the maga/reich-wing shout-outs attempting to link their Trumpian sore loser sedition efforts with the 1775 Revolution while calling for another civil war like the loose cannon troublemakers and zealots they are. For my part, they behave much more like the Confederates of the 1860s than the patriots of the Revolution whose battles and victories ultimately led to the estabishment of our democratic Republic, a form of government that the current crop of reich-wing zealots now work against.

Eclipse Cycles Bring Similar Conditions 'Round Again

So as I type this post, we operate under the auspices of April 2023's 7 North Solar Eclipse at its critical 29th degree, until the 7 South Solar Eclipse @21Libra 'takes over'. And perhaps you've noticed that the Eclipse in the 7 North Saros Series has previously been termed, Hitl*r's Birthday Eclipse by yours truly. Well, Herr Adolf does have his modern-day followers who imagine that they need to complete the little Austrian's mission of world domination - as if theirs is a worthy goal when all they offer society is evil and suffering.

And yes, America has been in such an evil Saturn-Pluto pickle before - and democracy survived. An example of a watershed moment? The Big Brazen N*zi Rally of 1939 NYC (horoscope shown) in which a gaggle of 'em brashly latched on to the reputation of George Washington who walked away from power as the archetypal example for all future US presidents to follow - all but malignant narcissist Donald Trump, that is.

And so there's an example from 1945 that I hope for America's sake will be followed now via the "Trump Trials": that the sadistic brutes of the 1930s and 1940s FAFO!

Apr 13, 2023

Nazism Then and Now: The Threat Is Real

Nazi Era 1933--1945: The GOP Has Brought Back the Primal Violence

by Jude Cowell: pro-democracy all the way

On April 20, 2023, what I've previously termed "Hitler's birthday eclipse" in the 7 North Saros Series manifested @29Ari50, the degree of warrior planet Mars on January 6, 2021, the day of the maga mob attack against the US Congress on behalf of Donald Trump. One would have to be a head-hiding ostrich not to see the connection with the current poisonous infiltration into American institutions of Hitler-loving sabtoteurs of the political class.

Through this Mars-Eclipse synchronicity, a cosmic time link is revealed between Hitler, his Nazism and dictator-wanna-be Trump along with the scofflaw vigilantes and thugs he set loose on January 6th to stop the vote certification for Joe Biden. Outrageously, complicit Republican politicians of a fascist persuasion now "serve" in the House of the 118th Congress, with sabotage and the protection of indicted criminal Trump on their to-do list.

Image: 'Big Mouth Trump'; attribution unclear

Old Boss 'Same' as the New?

Not necessarily because a total reversal of their cruel plans is certainly possible with our persistent determination and the power of truth on our side. One necessary aid in the struggle is to know what democracy is once again up against. Therefore, for those who might appreciate it, historical information concerning Nazi Germany and the Third Reich is readily available online and includes details concerning the old Nazi ideology of their mislabeled "national socialism" which animated Hitler and his fellow criminals hiding behind its facade, a group with extreme resentments beginning with Germany's humiliation over the Treaty of Versailles, signed on June 28, 1919; the provisions of the Treaty ending World War One (WWI) went into effect on January 10, 1920.

Now as you know, "national socialism" was a ruse to fool the German population with the illusion that Herr Adolf and his brutal gangsters worked for the common man as they stoked resentments already within German society. If this exploitation from the Nazi era sounds familiar, you must be an American experiencing the 'Trump era' which I count from his Gemini 'prez bid' New Moon of June 16, 2015, the morning of his descent on the "golden escalator" of Trump Tower NY when he delivered a racist speech to a paid-off audience, $50 per head. It was political thespianism by a B-list reality TV "star" with a longstanding dream of being president but was really an announcement of what he and his wealthy backers intended as the death knell of democracy in America, and the vanquishing of America as global leader. We might also time our Trump troubles beginning with the Spring Equinox 2015 Eclipse, its energies made more sinister by its conjunction with Scheat, the star of misfortune and extremism.

So when it comes to exploiting resentments in society for selfish purposes, perhaps we can agree that in our day, there may never be a man more resentful and begrudging against others than the Mango Mussolini!

So in closing, here's a related SO'W post published in February 2011 (!) which was intended as a forewarning of our present difficulties that only ostriches can ignore now that they're no longer hiding behind 'the Republican party' label and are prancing around openly - Horoscope: Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse 1933 (then and now). Perhaps you can see, dear reader, that I've been writing and warning about the sadistic 'white power' criminals (Adolf's 'Aryanism' on steroids) attempting to take over America for quite a long while.

Also related is the Horoscope of the Third Reich, January 30, 1933, 90 years ago. A study of transits to this chart and its progressions is revealing concerning our current societal conditions.