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Showing posts with label Marjorie Taylor Greene. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marjorie Taylor Greene. Show all posts

Jun 4, 2024

Maga Marge is "desperate"

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Marjorie Taylor Greene is reportedly "desperate" to impeach President Biden over the border situation. Perhaps you've noticed her kicking up a storm of contention in the House and her extreme malcontent could hardy be more obvious. She's even assaulted her own political party calling Republicans "feckless" and useless" because they won't go along with her impeachment efforts, and all performed to please her idol, convicted felon Trump. Or are there bigger bosses behind the scenes pressuring her?

Well, we can see that Maga Marge is the restless kind who expects a lot, as shown by her natal chart even with only a "noon" horoscope to study.

And yes, we've considered her planets previously but here they are again. Below the chart I'll list the five dates of her current, first-ever Chiron Return/s the first of which occurs on or about June 19, 2024, and note that she may have been stirred up more than usual by the April 8, 2024 8 North Solar Eclipse ("dreams and visions") @19Ari24 conjunct transit Chiron, also @19Ari24 - even though her natal Chiron clocks in @22Ari56 in her noon chart (she's a sensitive gal, perhaps a bit psychic), as you see here with May 27, 2023 planets penned around the outside; her unrealistic expectations are in focus:

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene May 27, 1974 "noon" Milledgeville, Georgia; Chiron @22Ari56; Chiron Return a five-fer on or about these dates:

1. June 19, 2024

2. September 1, 2024

3. April 11, 2025: transit Sun conjunct her Chiron

4. December 6, 2025

5. January 29, 2026

As we see, this is an extended period of lessons from wounded healer and blindspot Chiron who teaches those who listen with the right spirit. Thing is, each Return will emphasize the meanings of her Chiron's natal aspects which include: a conjunction with Venus, possibly a trine with her Moon, definitely an aggressive square from spunky Mars, and an opposition with Uranus, the radical anarchist.

And if we add to these energies her big-dreaming, grand-scheming Jupiter-Neptune square we find Maga Marge having difficulty dealing with the harsh realities of life, prone to misjudgments, and somewhat on the gullible side. Now there's a quality an experienced con man can certainly take advantage of for his own purposes, yes?

For more Chiron info see: Chiron in Houses, Signs, and Aspects, Maritha Pottenger; and Richard Nolle's Chiron, The New Planet in Your Horoscope #ad.

May 18, 2024

Rep Jasmine Crockett v Rep Marjorie T Greene

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Below you see two noon natal horoscopes in bi-wheel form of the two US Representatives who snarled at one another via personal insults at a House Oversight Committee hearing on the evening of May 16, 2024 with the Sun @26Taurus casting a spotlight on enraged star Algol. Then as they say, Rraowwrrr! This eruption between them may have to go down in political history as America's infamous Eyelashes vs Butch Body conflict, with a side order of an allegation of racism due to Greene's eyelashes remark.

Turning the hearing into chaos was achieved if that was the intent of Rep. Greene although order was eventually restored. And it may be no accident that Rep. Greene's star is said to be fading while Rep. Crockett's star is definitely rising.

For details see CNN's interview, Crockett speaks out about fight in Congress with Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Bi-Wheel shown above: Planetary contacts between Greene (1974: inner) and Crockett (1981: outer) are circled and include some heavyweight generational contacts relating to power and financial concerns, and all in Venus-ruled Libra. Meanwhile, 1981 Mercury in mid-Pisces contacts 1974's Jupiter in mid-Pisces which possibly indicates legal conflicts, there are reciprocal Venus-Pluto contacts suggesting that both ladies possess personal magnetism, an attraction to power and wealth, and a tendency toward fanatic beliefs and aims. Additionally, their authoritative Saturns square one another which denotes their different sets of values clashing and causing frustration: Saturn in watery Cancer vs Saturn in airy Libra, sign of the legal planet's exaltation. Saturn in Cancer tends toward discontent, while Saturn in Libra is known for a strong sense of duty.

To close, here's a previous offering concerning the noon natal chart of Marjorie Taylor Greene, displayed in all its splendor. And for the curious reader, Greene's 12 North eclipse themes are listed in the post.

Mar 18, 2024

Homeland Security Department: Erosion

Homeland Security an Entity of Revenge

by Jude Cowell

Several moons ago on Jude's Threshold, my WordPress blog, I published a Homeland Security Department Horoscope set for November 25, 2002 1:44 pm est Washington DC with 27Pis29 rising. Since then I've discovered an alternate timing for the entity in my files of 1:46 pm est with 28Pis19 rising and 29Sag05 at Goal Point ('MC', at "The Pope Blessing the Faithful" degree). Any reader having more accurate data, please leave it in a comment with this post, and thanks!

Meanwhile, 'HoSec' operations began on March 1, 2003 with the agency created in "response" to the attacks of September 11, 2001. This is the reason the subtitle of this post is Entity of Revenge. But it was misguided revenge as it turned out since invading Afghanistan and then Iraq showed bad aim by the Bush-Cheney administration - and America's foggy, misdirected 1776 Mars-Neptune square of erroneous inspiration was utilized once again. Even our attackers on 9/11/01 had better aim than Dubya, at least in part, with one plane going down in Pennsylvania, thanks to the actions of its courageous passengers.

Shady Neptune in Secretive Pisces

Now anyone keeping up with the path of nebulous Neptune through its own sign of oceanic Pisces knows that today's position of the gaseous giant is @27Pis24. Therefore, a Neptune-to-Ascendant transit is in progress (and has been for some time) for the Homeland Security Department. This relates to our country's national security, and to its weakened condition brought along by classified and other documents purloined, shared, and probably sold to the highest bidder by the orange denizen of Mar-a-Lago. So on one level, Neptune-to-Ascendant is symbolic of our society's current condition of susceptibility to negative forces of subversion, deception, and fraud, both internally and externally.

Then you may have seen a Rolling Stone headline in July 2023 that Maga Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene, Will Sit on the Homeland Security Committee, flame-throwing conspiracy buff, non-legislating, QAnon supporter as she is. Here's a previous post concerning Ms. Greene and her Prenatal Solar Eclipse. No birth time is known for my fellow Georgian, last I checked, so this is all I've bothered posting about her nibs.

Potentials of Transit Neptune to Ascendant Include:

Gradual erosion of image, weakened trust, difficulty maintaining position or status; sense of helplessness, confusion, mystery; failure for unknown reasons; impracticality; loss of reality; lack of stamina; used as a tool for selfish interests; can identify crooks, liars, and insincere people (J. Skalka).

Now above you see a list of the November 25, 2002 midpoint pictures and their potential expressions to provide a view of the planetary energies of the day and the entity. Also listed is the Solar Eclipse of influence, the 4 North and its themes of restriction, illusion, and misjudgment. Please enlarge the image to read the rest.

Previously appearing on SO'W: The Conspiracy Party and Its Neptune Return to mid-Pisces - to the extent that there's anything left of the GOP now that Herr T has had his way eroding it into a death cult of personality.

Moral of the story: Vote Blue on November 5, 2024.

Dec 25, 2023

Trump Rally Trail for early January 2024 feat. Noem and Greene

Acting as if he's a normal candidate campaigning in a traditional US Election cycle, sans any court appearances, the indicted Mr. Trump has quite a busy schedule lined up as 2024 gets underway.

From the Trump website (and subject to change), here's a list of his early January 2024 rallies and Maga events: all events are scheduled for various locations in the state of Iowa:

Jan 3, 2024: Maga event with Gov. Kristi Noem Sioux City, IA 7:00 pm CST;

Jan 4, 2024: Maga event with Marjorie Taylor Greene Keokuk, IA 7:00 pm CST;

Jan 5, 2024: Caucus Rally Sioux City, IA 4:00 pm CST;

Jan 5, 2024: Caucus Rally Mason City, IA 7:30 pm CST;

Jan 6, 2024: Caucus Rally Newton, IA 1:00 pm CST;

Jan 6, 2024: Caucus Rally Clinton, IA 4:00 pm CST.

Now here's a little Astrology concerning maga Republicans, Noem and Greene, with both women operating under the nebulous influence of their deceptive, delusional Neptunian natures as they angle for a seat at Trump's dystopian table where he intends to serve the special American Carnage dish he and his enablers have been baking since at least January 20, 2017:

For bio details, check out the Wikipedia page of Kristi Noem (nee Arnold) born November 30, 1971 in Watertown, SD under the vibes of a 9 New South Eclipse @27Leo (negative issues: pride, pomposity, vanity) with themes of 'worries over paperwork and/or health issues surface and come home to roost' with a 'feeling of destiny or fatedness attached'; last occurrence in 2007, next 9NS occurs on September 21, 2025 @29Virgo. The first lady governor of South Dakota was born during a Saturn-Neptune opposition suggesting a tendency to always try to avoid paying dues. The Saturn-oppo-Neptune aspect is labeled "SUBTERFUGE" by Alan Oken, plus, her Sun-Neptune conjunction implies an active fantasy life (suitable for fantasist Herr Trump).

Then there's the sparsely filled in Wikipedia page of another fantasist, Marjorie Taylor Greene with her birth date listed as May 27, 1974 (nee Taylor); This gives her Sun in early Gemini opposed by Neptune Rx in early Sagittarius, an aspect Oken labels, The Chameleon and The Psychic, which suggests that 'MTG' is a highly sensitive individual, with a bit of a powder keg temperament, imho. She was born under the auspices of a 12 North Eclipse @3Capricorn (negative issues: selfishness and avarice) with themes of 'accepting commitments due to another person's inability to carry on'. Obviously, with Capricorn trouble with authority figures is involved, as we've seen by her behavior. A 12N Eclipse last manifested in 2010 and the next will occur on January 26, 2028 @6AQ - conjunct US 1776 South Node, a separative influence.

So continuing in US Politics in 2024, we have the curious threesome of Trump, Noem, and Greene - a trio of fantasists now popular with the QAnon/Freedom Caucus crowd, most of whom are not too shabby themselves in the fantasy department. And that's putting it mildly.

To close, here's a related post: Astro-Notes: An American Tragedy of Mass Delusion.

Eclipse info: paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad.

May 30, 2023

Summer 2023: Saturn, Pluto, and Marjorie Taylor Greene

That Fussy Sedition Caucus on Capitol Hill

by Jude Cowell

Below is the 'noon' natal horoscope of maga woman Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, who behaves as a troublemaker (her Uranus in Libra); surrounding her chart are the planets of May 27, 2023, representing the weekend that "Debt Ceiling Deal" was brokered between President Biden and Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, a manufactured crisis, as you know.

Joe Biden was actually negotiating the nation's budget, not the made-up debt ceiling crisis with America's budgetary year running from October 1 to Septmber 30 so now, magas are running around with their wigs on fire while members of the Progressive caucus of Democrats are criticizing the deal as well. Of course, the legislation must pass through both the House and Senate before it reaches the President's desk, so patience with the process will be a virtue for us all.

Currently, karmic Saturn, planet of laws and lawmakers, in early Pisces now squares Greene's Sun in early Gemini, suggesting obstacles to her goal/s, yet transit Pluto, here @00AQ12 Rx, trines her Sun, making her feel powerful and in control. We see this displayed when she's temporarily given the House gavel to bang, and I'm sure you saw House democrats burst into laughter a few days ago when she had the audacity to "remind" the House to abide by the "decorum" of the House while banging her little borrowed maga gavel. The phrase, she's one to talk comes quickly to mind.

So here's a 'noon' natal horoscope of the Greene woman with May 27, 2023 planets highlighted in green and penned around the chart. Note transit Saturn is hitting her Sun-Neptune midpoint (see bottom right corner), and across the noon ASC-DESC axis, the transiting Saturn-Pluto midpoint (18AQ31) opposes her natal Saturn-Pluto midpoint @19Leo05! You'll also spy other planetary contacts to her natals even without an accurate birth time for the maga troublemaker, and beneath the image I'll add notes on the Prenatal Solar Eclipse Saros Series ('PE') she was born into, the 12 North which is not penned on the chart:

12 North occurred December 24, 1973 with Themes of "accepting greater responsibilities due to another person being unable to carry on" (Brady). Speaker McCarthy? Is that You, Kevin?


News Alert 2:07 pm edt: in his Live broadcast, Thom Hartmann just reported that Dan Bishop (R-NC) has cited the "option to remove McCarthy" from the Speakership. Thom asks if removing Kevin negates the deal and blows up the economy, will Biden still be blamed for the crash? Well, we know without a doubt that, based on their past behavior, guilty Republicans would try to deflect the blame as they've tried before! If House Republicans can scare up enough votes, that is.

Dec 13, 2022

Saturn and the 12N Eclipse of Marjorie Taylor Greene

Saturn in Cancer: Hypersensitive, Discontented - and with Family Aggravations

by Jude Cowell

As you've heard, Marjorie Taylor Greene boasted over the weekend at a Young Republicans event in NYC that, had she and Steve Bannon "led" the January 6, 2021 insurrection, they would have "won" (with guns ablazing as if there weren't guns - and deaths - involved already). My suspicion is that she must've meant that fascists like her and Steve could've pulled off the heist. CNN's Don Lemon has spoken of the brazen boast of violent uprising by Marjorie Taylor Greene in case you missed it.

And while it's true that Mizz Greene has appeared on SO'W once in October in a Mehdi Hassan video segment How the GOP Lost Its Mind, her boast of overthrowing the US government by 'armed riot' has made QAnon darling Mizz Greene's dream of grabbing power and control in the US House of Representatives (the 118th Congress) more obvious to the point that another post concerning my fellow Georgian, however reluctantly considered, must occur.

This is that post.

Marjorie Taylor Greene born May 27, 1974 Milledgeville, Georgia; Sun Gemini, Moon Leo or possibly in Virgo (her deep need for attention and leadership suggests a Leo Moon); birth hour unknown so 'noon' is used in the bi-wheel, below, her natal chart surrounds her 12 North Eclipse Horoscope:

As you see in the bi-wheel, Greene's natal planet of authority, authenticity, and realism, Saturn @4Can03, opposes her 12 North Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') @2Cap40 indicating one who refuses to face up to their karmic obligations and blames their problems on other people (anyone but themselves - like Tr*mp, also born with a watery Saturn in Cancer with its Moon-Saturn signature). For karmic progress, the individual must face up to reality and correct problems in a responsible manner (R. Lineman). Let's not hold our breaths.

Because instead, Mizz Greene craves more power and authority once the 118th Congress gavels in on January 3, 2023 and, sorry to tell you, but the themes of her Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the 12 North Saros Series support more than hinder her power grabbing efforts. Significantly for her zealous activities, Greene was born on a day when the disruptive chaos-creator planet of anarchy, Uranus, arose with starry Spica ('the spike') with its potential for brilliance and a cosmic connection to the Washington Monument, and thus, to the presidency! Could this ultimate power position be Marge's eventual goal? Her ego is certainly large enough.

Yet the thing is, such politicians are anti-democracy so apparently their hook-up with the global fascist-nazi movement now working to sabotage America into collapse and establish a fascist-style dictatorship is close to Mizz Marge's aim. Such saboteurs gnaw away at American Democracy from the inside, as we'll see when the House gavels in the 118th Congress, and continues making a mockery of the US government.

So here's an unmarked, printable Horoscope of her 12 North PE which manifested prior to the birth of little baby Marge; the chart is set for Milledgeville, Georgia on December 24, 1973 at 10:07:02 am EST, and its themes are listed, below, and notably, the initial 12 North Eclipse @28Tau38 (of May 19, 1613) conjuncts the IC, the Foundation and Root of the 1973 12 North manifestation which gives extra strength to its themes; additionally, there's a YOD of crisis and opportunity if one counts the Midheaven (28Sco45 - conjunct President Biden's natal Sun-Venus) with a Mars-Saturn sextile (with its talent for organization) at its base, and with the Mars-Saturn midpoint as 'the death axis' (R. Ebertin); so the YOD has violent implications which are beyond the scope of this post - other than the above noted 'armed riot' remarks of Mizz Greene:

12 North Themes: 'Opportunities to accept greater respnsibilities come suddenly; new commitments appear due to another person's inability to carry on; events are difficult but outcomes in terms of harmony or self-esteem are positive' (paraphrasing B. Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad). The last 12N occurred in January 2010 @25Capricorn, the next 12N occurs on January 26, 2028 @6Aquarius conjunct the US South Node of 1776.

And of course, 12N's "inability to carry on" reminds one of Kevin McCarthy and his deperate attempt to become Speaker of the House, yet said to be lacking the necessary votes, as reported so far. And considering the 'supportive' themes of her PE, I suspect you see what I mean about Mizz Greene.