by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good
On Monday April 15, 2024, the Election Interference Trial of former NY playboy Trump, also known as his "Hush Money" Trial involving pay-offs to adult film star Stormy Daniels, is scheduled to open with jury selection. Fatefully, Trump's "prez bid New Moon" of June 16, 2015 rises at 9:30 am edt Manhattan, NY on that very day along with Trump's 10th house trio of Sun-North-Node-Uranus - all in duplicitous Gemini.
Now as you know, the pay-offs to Stormy through attorney Michael Cohen occurred in October 2016 just prior to Election 2016 in November and would have been politically risky for 2016 candidate Trump if publicly known especially since the Washington Post on October 7, 2016, published an article and the video of Trump's lewd, crude, boastful Access Hollywood remarks.
Monday April 15, 2024: Much More Than Tax Day
Visible at 9:30 am edt are three difficult planets in 10th house and if we read them as a midpoint picture (Saturn-Neptune = Mars) we might suspect that Mars rising Trump (born with the Saturn-Neptune midpoint of illness rising) will be feeling quite listless and will be preoccupied - probably with his sense of martyrdom and unfairness (his Jupiter in Libra) on display. To this picture Michael Munkasey adds, "defending shabby practices." Well, yes.
An unmarked Horoscope of the "Hush Money" Trial:
And below is a tri-wheel of horoscopes with Trump natal (inner), Stormy Daniels natal (center), and the 9:30 am edt "Hush Money" Trial Horoscope of April 15, 2024 (outer) which is also shown, above:
Incidentally, Election 2016 Sun @17Scorpio as Trump's victory was announced conjoined Venus' position in sexy Scorpio as the tape and article were published. This cast a bright spotlight upon lady Venus in Scorpio, with the placement's strong power of attraction and tendency toward jealousy. So perhaps hiding his rendezvous with Stormy (and relationship with Karen!) was a part of his clumsy pay-off plan.
And as we know, the Sun-Venus duo can be romantic but also relates to birth, a symbol of wife Melania at home with newborn Barron while her hubby was out romping with an adult film star named Stormy. Serial adulterer he, a cad and a bounder.
Now besides Stormy and Michael Cohen (who did prison time for his part in the pay-off/cover-up scheme), it's reported that Trump's National Enquirer pal David Pecker may also testify in the Trump "Hush Money" Trial next week (about their "catch-and-kill" scheme), or however long the proceedings screech on, as may Trump's former WH associate Hope Hicks.
So I hope you'll stay tuned to SO'W for more details as seen through a common good astrological lens by yours truly!
A Related Post: The 17 South Eclipse Brought Trump's "prez bid" announcement in June 2015.
Plus, Reuters News Service published a Timeline of the hush money payments and criminal charges, for the curious reader.
And for a refresher on the entire unsavory situation, nab a chuckle with SNL's Michael Cohen Wiretap Cold Open.