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Showing posts with label Capitalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Capitalism. Show all posts

Apr 9, 2024

Is History on Russia's Side?

From Khrushchev's Lips to Trump's Wide Girth

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

When speaking about capitalist states in a speech at the Polish embassy in Moscow on November 18, 1956, Russian de facto leader Nikita Khrushchev famously said, "Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you." Since then, the correct translation of his words has been in doubt in various quarters, as noted on the phrase's Wikpedia page.

Later, on August 24, 1963 in a speech he delivered in Yugoslavia, Khrushchev confided, "I once said, 'We will bury you', and I got into trouble with it. Of course we will not bury you with a shovel. Your own working class will bury you." This refers to the Marxist saying, The proletariat is the undertaker of capitalism (a quote from The Communist Manifesto).

Q: Are the January 6, 2021 insurrectionists being described here? We know their sedition campaign to collapse The Establishment, what they call the deep (Neptune) state (Saturn) is ongoing with more to come, so what do you think?

Now I'm pretty certain that if you're reading Stars Over Washington at this moment you know that the Saturn-Neptune duo can represent multiple concepts such as Socialism, Communism, Capitalism, Marxism, and other -isms in political realms along with social safety net programs, ill and poor people, suffering, renunciation, and ascetism. I would add, a strugggle between idealism and materialism, secret government, and the pair's midpoint as the illness axis. (Notably, Trump was born with Saturn-Neptune = Ascendant: oppressive family circumstances.)

To Saturn-Neptune's Probable Manifestations, Reinhold Ebertin adds,

"+ Methodical execution of plans, slow attainment of success through intense activity and great painstaking effort.

- Painful or tormenting emotional inhibitions, undermining circumstances leading to a state of illness, neuroses or diseases with causes difficult to ascertain." (The Combination of Stellar Influences, Ebertin #ad)

And so for your consideration, here's a bi-wheel of America July 4, 1776 5:09 m LMT Philadelphia (inner) surrounded by the next Great Conjunction of Saturn and Neptune on February 20, 2026 conjunct the Aries Point/IC with potentials for illness, wrong thinking, hysteria, and perhaps social safety net program issues which relate, of course, to the old grump about America as a socialist nation taking care of her needy citizens:

Now it's true that not all astrologers use a late afternoon July 4, 1776 Horoscope for America (which at the least symbolizes the date of the Declaration of Independence though not its first vote), but I've found the chart useful through the years with its Cardinal World Points of Global Events conjunct the MC-IC Angles of Why? and How?. So the chart I use in the bi-wheel, above, is set for Philadelphia at 5:09 pm LMT which places the highly significant Aries Point on the Foundation Point (IC).

Penned on the chart is the IC's Sabian Symbol: "A Woman Has Arisen From the Ocean, a Seal Is Embracing Her." Naturally, e pluribus unum and America's Great Seal are suggested - at the Founding of our nation.

Plus, the inner horoscope also shows America's 1776 Saturn and Neptune straddling the Goal, Aspiration, Public Status Point ('MC'; @00Lib47) in the 9th and 10th houses, so the 2026 Conjunction symbolically opposes 1776 Saturn and Neptune, something of a Full Moon phase of culmination, full awareness, and/or fulfillment, if we wish to consider it as such.

And yes, astrologically it's all on the messy side, inexact to be exact, but as "they" always say, the proof will be in the pudding - once or before the next Great Conjunction of Saturn-Neptune rolls around.

For more financial and political details, here's an informative video, Marxism vs Communism, a Thom Hartmann interview with economist Richard Wolff from May 2019.

Aug 5, 2022

Are Co-Ops Really an Alternative To Capitalism? - Richard Wolff (plus, Astrology)

August 5, 2022

Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces: Impressionability; Pathological Inclinations; Financial Schemes and Fraud

With Midterms 2022 quickly approaching, it's typical that the US economy and household budgets are on most Americans' minds, thanks in large part to inflationary price-gouging by corporations (many of which funded death-cult leader and seditionist) Trump's January 6th coup attempt, ongoing.

Such financial schemes are partially described as a Jupiter-Neptune affair of grand schemes and speculation, with their new and current cycle beginning on April 12, 2022 @23Pis59.

Then notably, when wealth-hoarding power-player Pluto Stations on October 8, 2022 @26Cap06 (in process of completing America's first-ever Pluto Return), transit Neptune will still be spreading its wide-girthed gaseousness all over the dreamy 23Pisces+ position in its April 12, 2022 conjunction horoscope. Illusion, delusion, and fanaticism are indicated along with a search for truth. And from these cosmic influences, society may experience a continuation of unreasonable plans, or perhaps a transformation - or collapse - of them.

Meanwhile, here's a related discussion concerning financial issues from yesterday's Live broadcast of the Thom Hartmann Show:

And so, my friends, if you share my common good leanings at all, you're mighty fed up with Predatory Capitalism exploiting the American people into penury, ruining our children's futures, and undermining our country in every way it can devise. One way that such concerns may be studied is via the Pluto-Chiron cycle of Plutocracy, exploitation, racism, Capitalism, Socialism, Fascism (other -isms), and the primal violence and cruelty now on the rise in society. Their current cycle began anew on December 30, 1999 @11Sag22, conjunct what some astrologers continue to use as America's founding Ascendant (late afternoon of July 4, 1776). See Pluto and Chiron Conjunct: a New Cycle.

Yet whether we place the Pluto-Chiron Conjunction of December 1999 upon our US 1776 Ascendant or not - their 60-year cycle relating to Collective consciousness and a mass need - the troubling conditions are expressing loudly in this, the not-so New Millennium, a new cycle announced by the Pluto-Chiron Conjunction and in other ways, so that we now find unfettered Plutocracy of the economic royalist class and its enablers shoving America and the US government into a downward spiral of tyranny and misery.

Now as you know, multiple foreign actors are 'in on' the big picture with the expected objective of removing the US from global leadership on behalf of Russia and China (countries that are unable to reach such elevated positions by their merits so they have to cheat to gain advantages - like Trump). And yes, this is a topic fussed about multiple times here on SO'W so I won't repeat such fusses in this, my Friday post of the week, except to mention that atomic and nuclear concerns are also within the realms of Pluto-Chiron.

Suffice to say in closing, it is imperative that every American Vote in the Midterms Elections of November 2022, and again in the November 2024 elections, despite any and all obstacles.

Because as Thom Hartmann and multiple others are saying, democracy is on the ballot in November 2022 and in 2024.

Therefore, when it comes to rational pro-constitutional citizens, the crushing of our democratic Republic under the boot of brutal authoritarian fascist dictators with neo-Nazism on their evil minds is simply not an option.

Dec 4, 2020

Either Radical Change Or Democracy Ends! (w/Richard Wolff); plus US Pluto

From December 3, 2020: Thom Hartmann interviews economics professor Dr. Richard Wolff:


Astrologically, two signifiers come quickly to mind: Pluto-Chiron, Plutocracy's plutocratic, exploitative combo representing Capitalism fanatics and predatory vulture capitalists, and Uranus-NN (North Node) denoting radical politics, or, as Reinhold Ebertin phrases it in his The Combination of Stellar Influences, "a political association advocating reforms." (#ad)

And of course wealthy, stealthy Pluto itself plays along as America's first-ever Pluto Return/s approach with its de-structuring effects already being experienced.

Please note that, as always, the views expressed within this content are not necessarily shared by yours truly although in this case, they mainly are. On SO'W, content is, and has always been, shared in a spirit of allowing you, dear reader, to consider and decide for yourself! Jude

For the curious, here's something I wrote in a 2011 post concerning America's 2022 Pluto Return/s, and includes the 2022 Solar Eclipses with themes (by Brady) that will run in the background of society; the following details on our Pluto Return/s to 27Cap33:57 are based on a 5:09 pm LMT 'Sibley' American Horoscope (a chart I'm not as enthused about these days thanks to the excellent work of astrologer Gary Lorentzen who champions America's Powell Chart):

"Pluto's current traverse of Capricorn, sign of law, government, business, and investment is taking its toll on us with restrictive, karmic Saturn's background influence as ruler of Capricorn.

1. February 20, 2022: Pluto in 8th house of the Return chart along with a Venus/Mars conjunction @20Cap (a critical degree); plutocracy's Pluto/Chiron midpoint = communism/socialism/capitalism, etc, in early Pisces and 2 degrees from invisible government's Saturn/Neptune midpoint; the return falls within the 5 New South Solar Eclipse Series: benefits and peak experiences; eclipse @12Sag22 conjoins US natal ASC of the US Sibly chart...something's brewing and will be in view; in the US Sibly natal chart, Pluto is Rx @27Cap33 and in 2nd house of Earnings and Self-Worth.

In modern times, 5 New South occurred in the years 1913, 1931, 1949, 1967, 1985, and 2003.

2. July 11, 2022: Pluto Rx in return's 1st H and re-creating its former sextile with transiting Neptune in late Pisces; Sun @20Cap (a crisis degree); activist Mars @5Taurus is in 5th H and unaspected, or working on his own; this return falls within the 6 North Solar Eclipse Series which involves issues of 'relationships to father/authority figures, the need to take responsibility and control, and acceptance of commitments due to the unreliability of others'; eclipse @10Tau29.

6N manifested in the years 1914, 1932, 1950, 1968, 1986, and 2004.

3. December 28, 2022: Pluto in return's 1st H with a Mercury/Venus conjunction in Capricorn; Jupiter returns to Aries Point, a World Point of Manifestation, for the first time since 2010; this return falls within the 6 South Solar Eclipse Series which conjoins the return chart's MC (The Goal; Aspirations) with issues of a manic nature such as being 'forceful and taking power, great strength in relationships, sudden events, and huge efforts exerted in group endeavors'; eclipse @2Scor01.

6S occurred in the years 1914, 1932, 1950, 1968, 1986, and 2004 (same years as 6N).

(Years correspond to WWI, WWII and the rise of Fascism, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Challenger explosion, US bombs Tripoli, Iran-Contra details come out, and the Bush-Cheney wars in the Middle East escalated by Barack Obama.)

Since our nation has never experienced a Pluto Return before, no one can predict precisely what it will mean yet the historical events of those years listed give hints of similar issues which will again be on the world's menu as the 5 New South, 6 North, and 6 South eclipses repeat during the watershed year 2022 of America's Pluto Return.

For as 'they' like to say, history rhymes though it may not repeat."

And speaking of eclipses affecting America, Can a Past Eclipse Spotlight Current Conditions?.

Jul 17, 2020

Capitalism's Biggest Bubble Is About To POP! (w/ Richard Wolff)

July 17, 2020: Here's progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann spotlighting another insightful interview with economics Professor Richard Wollf:

However you can, support independent media!


You know, Trump's natal 2nd hou$e Jupiter-Neptune conjunction (bubbles, speculation; waste, grand schemes, financial fraud and corruption - with his wounded/wounding Chiron snugged between!) is the perfect vehicle through which a financial collapse of America is being implemented, as we now see. And of course, these conditions are aided mightily by Pluto's creep through structural Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business. Yet there is a small amount of comfort in knowing that transit Pluto has been opposing Trump's natal Saturn in watery Cancer and bringing him challenges and a few failures in his abuse-of-authority-and-power department!

Apr 6, 2017

Millennial Astrologer Analyzes Economic Systems

Stars Over Washington's ongoing series of articles authored by millennial astrologer Kevin Estes continues as Kevin shares his astro-analysis of the four main economic systems in society and how to recognize the indicators in a horoscope:

Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, and Fascism Defined: Which Is The "Right" System?

by Kevin Estes

The US is commonly labeled as a capitalist country, but when looking at the definition of capitalism, the US is clearly not a capitalist country, at least not anymore. The four main economic systems, Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, and Fascism, will be defined in this post, and the system that fits the current US economic system will be quite surprising for you if you don't know what all of them truly are.


"An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state."

In a capitalist society, there would be no public schools, no public colleges and universities, no state funded highways, and no safety net programs. This sounds good to many with strong right wing economic indicators (Venus and its ruler in aspect to the North Node, 2nd house, and the sign of Taurus, with cultural indicators and Pallas aspects varying), which indicate a preference of capitalism, but many people need those safety net programs, especially those with low incomes, disabilities, and people who get laid off. Of course, it's easy to say "that's what your family is supposed to be there for!", but quite a few people don't have family members in close proximity to be there for them, as they can be living in another state, not on speaking terms, or even worse, not be alive at all. And some will also say that it should be the church's job, but many aren't religious at all.


"A political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."

In a socialist society, the needs of everyone are met. Safety net programs for people who are laid off or just can't work at all (retirees, mentally ill, disabled), free public schools for children, health care for everyone, business regulations to improve the quality of the work environment, etc. The US is much closer to socialism than capitalism, though not purely socialist. Socialism in the natal chart is generally indicated by left wing economic indicators (Venus and its ruler in aspect to the 12th house, the sign of Pisces, Neptune, and the South Node), with defensive Pallas (Pallas and its ruler in aspect to the Sun, Mercury, and North Node), and often with left wing cultural indicators (Moon and its ruler in aspect to the 12th house, Neptune, and the South Node), as making sure the needs of everyone are met also involves social issues like abortion rights, gay rights, minority rights, environmentalism, etc.


"A political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs."

Communism is basically an authoritarian version of socialism, in that private property is not allowed and society is completely devoid of economic classes. Basically, everyone's needs are met, outside of freedom. Communism is indicated by left wing economic indicators and aggressive Pallas (Pallas and its ruler in aspect to Pluto and the South Node and in hard aspect to Jupiter), generally with left wing cultural indicators. The US has never been communist, as economic classes are still prevalent to this day, though they're dwindling rapidly, which brings us to:


"An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization."

Fascism is a right wing economic system, where the corporations control the government, opposition is stifled, and is occupied by nationalism. Sound familiar? That's because it is. Ever since 9/11, many have been arrested as "terrorists," just because they were true patriots and whistle blowers. In the current Pluto in Capricorn era, corporations have gained more and more control over the government, and as a result, the wealth gap has been expanding rapidly every year.

Fascism is indicated by left wing economic indicators (because the wealth of the people is being dissolved and going to the 1%, which is why there's such a large gap between the rich and the poor, while the middle class is disappearing rapidly), along with aggressive Pallas and right wing cultural indicators (Moon and its ruler in aspect to the 4th house, the North Node, and the sign of Cancer). The left wing economic indicators and right wing cultural indicators are present in numerous GOP politicians, including George W Bush (he has defensive Pallas but his VP Cheney had a strong aggressive Pallas), Ronald Reagan, Paul Ryan, Rick Santorum, Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, and Condoleezza Rice, which is basically a "who's who?" of the GOP establishment. Out of the four systems, fascism is what the US is closest to right now, and what the economic system will likely be if the NWO actually comes to fruition.

Many Republicans who are anti-socialism and anti-communism, yet claim to be capitalist, may actually be supporting fascism instead, especially if they're in favor of deficit spending on the military rather than the safety net programs, tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans regardless of how much job growth they're creating, and not batting an eye when GOP politicians like Trump attempt to suppress freedom of speech. Not everyone with left wing economic indicators and right wing cultural indicators is fascist though (ex: the Catholic doctrine is known for promoting a socially conservative doctrine, while promoting a very leftist economic view).

The Right Economic System

With all these economic systems defined, which one is the right one? Technically, none of them. Out of the four, socialism is the closest, as it makes sure everyone's needs are met, while being significantly less authoritarian than communism, though the government plays a huge role in socialism, which brings the risk of its growing into communism over time. However, as I've mentioned before, the economic system itself is a modern version of slavery, in that in order to make a good living, you need to work an average of 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, for over 40 years until you reach the age where you're no longer productive enough for the elites anymore, which means you'll be eligible for retirement. I am not saying that people should sit at home all day, but that it's immoral to force people to be "wage slaves," or else have extreme difficulty surviving. If you cannot survive without being a "wage slave" to the elites, then it is not true freedom.

Personally, the "right" economic system is one where everyone's needs are met unconditionally with free health care for everyone by way of Medicare expansion, with the freedom for people to pursue whatever career they want, yet not rely on that career just to survive, as work life and family/social life would be more balanced and everyone would have enough to survive comfortably unconditionally, which would happen by way of something like a Social Security expansion for everyone (jobs would give people the extras, such as traveling and seeing the world). That system doesn't exist right now, as it would have to be created when the current system, which encourages people to want more and more in order to get ahead financially, collapses. With Pluto in Capricorn and the Pluto return coming in 2022, and Pluto entering Aquarius right after the Pluto return in 2023, this could actually become a reality.

Be sure to check out more articles by Kevin Estes at Left Wing Astrology.

Aug 5, 2016

Is Capitalism Terrorism Against All Humanity? - video interview

August 5, 2016: Thom Hartmann interviews Marianne Williamson, author of Tears to Triumph on such topics as Capitalism, terrorism, separation of church and state, religion in politics traditionally, and religion in the current 2016 Campaign.

References to Thomas Jefferson, President John F. Kennedy, and Pope Francis I are included. For astrologers, the oppressive, exploitative pair of Plutocracy and power, Pluto/Chiron with its habitual use of primal violence and racism, lurks behind the political and social curtain:


"Power takes as ingratitude the writhings of its victims." - Rabindranath Tagore

Jul 8, 2016

Today's Violence Started With Nixon's War on Drugs! - video (w/ Astrology)

July 8, 2016: since yours truly is in complete agreement on the issue, I'm posting Thom Hartmann's explanation of what began the current violence and police militarization and led to a police state condition in the US:


Planetary Cycles and Eclipses of 1968

Obviously the year 1968 is imprinted by ripples from the mid-1960s Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Pluto with tyrannical, explosive, and violent unrest flavors of a titanic generational clash, and the last few years the world has been under the influence of the Cardinal Uranus-Pluto square from that cycle in which issues and ills of the 1960s have been grievously stirred up (so they can be dealt with--but...politics).

Even Jupiter and Uranus entered the collective scene of 1968 via their one conjunction on December 12, 1968 @3Libra which conjoined America's natal Saturn-Neptune midpoint of oppressed classes and social ills and added narrow-mindedness, egoism, excitability, and upset to the secret (Neptune) government (Saturn) picture.

Plus, one of the planetary pairs of Plutocracy met on October 13, 1968 @23Virgo--corporate Jupiter and Pluto. This conjunction occurred on US natal Neptune (mass media; propaganda) which helped to veil the true intentions of Jupiter-Pluto plutocrats, adding potentials for deception, seduction, cheating the people, omitting key facts, lies by omission, and suffering harm or loss through others without being aware of it. (Ebertin; Tyl). Are we aware of it now?

Naturally the pair of plutocracy, oppression, primal violence, racism, tyranny, exploitation, misogyny, Capitalism, and other -isms was active in 1968: Pluto-Chiron, a natal midpoint that conjoins our natal Ceres (events and conditions that affect large masses of people; safety and security issues) in America's natal horoscope of 1776.

For deep background influences during 1968, two Solar Eclipses also apply:

March 28, 1968 @8Aries an eclipse occurred in the 6 North Saros Series with themes of relationship to authority (father) figures; accepting commitments that present; the need to take responsibility and control.

Then on September 22, 1968, an even more descriptive eclipse occurred at a critical-crisis 29th degree of 29Virgo in the 6 South Saros Series with themes of being forceful and taking power; manic energy with great force or strength manifesting in relationships; sudden events; huge effort in a group activity (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Yes, as Thom relates, above, Nixon gained control of the Oval Office by inventing a law-and-order issue to run on, and tragically for our citizens his 'huge effort in a group activity' continues to reverberate to this day.

Both 6N and 6S manifested most recently in 2004 and will do again in the prominent year of 2022 when America will experience her first-ever Pluto Return/s to natal degree of 27Cap33. And 2022 predictions are off the table at Stars Over Washington though a few may eventually peek out from under the table!