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Showing posts with label Uranus-Neptune Conjunction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uranus-Neptune Conjunction. Show all posts

Apr 23, 2018

Apr 23, 2018: Trump-Macron Dinner at Mount Vernon

July 2017; By The White House ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

This evening at Mount Vernon, Virginia, George Washington's famous residence where he once hosted Frenchmen at dinner, Donald Trump will curtsy to tradition by hosting the current President of France, Emmanuel Macron. Now I have no exact hour for when dinner will be served but a horoscope set for 9:00 pm edt seems about right--at least the hour will arrive during the soup course or later.

Being a bit rushed today I haven't time to type much concerning this dinner or Trump's first State Dinner tomorrow night at the White House (no Democrats allowed! Mr. Trump fears criticism) but there is one interesting Mercurial midpoint picture now in force which relates to meetings, talks, discussion, messages, and negotiations--tr Mercury @7Ari46 is apex planet of the transiting Uranus-Neptune midpoint. If you follow such topics as The Enlightenment or the Age of Reason, and the 'new world order' currently in process of being set up, you may recall a certain horoscope previously published here as a foundation chart for the modern 'new world order' set for the last of three exact conjunctions of Uranus and Neptune which perfected all through year 1993. You may also note that under Trump tr Pluto recently reached the conjunction's degree (18 Capricorn = POLITICAL POWER and strong-armed paternalism) and activated the potential of 'the big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise' (Tyl). This is the sort of imperative under which current politicians and their wealthy backers operate, the yoke they wear that keeps US politicians from 'doing the people's business' as We The People pay them to do. It's 'The Great Chess Game' of global take-over, devilishly inspired.

So here's a list of possible results from this midpoint picture which prefects just as Macron visits America to discuss such topics as surveillance, security, terrorism, wars, financial or currency matters, trade, the 5G lockdown (aka, the 'NWO' and its total awareness intrusions), political reforms, drug and other trafficking, and/or other enlightened subjects. A combination of Tyl, Munkasey, and Ebertin are used and as always, any, all, or none may apply:

1993 Uranus-Neptune = tr Mercury: artificial intelligence processes, ideas, and thoughts; sudden inspiration for development of plans; insight into new information or engineering techniques; plans without the possibility of realization; metaphysical or supernatural interests; peculiar notions; investigating the unconscious; long-distance travel (Macron); high curiosity; the mind plays tricks (Trump); needing a reorientation to common sense ('new world order' stooges).

Now Emmanuel Macron was born with a Sun Sag-Moon Taurus personality blend so let's note the blend's Images for Integration (Sun = conscious, Moon = unconscious) as given by the Harveys in their Sun Sign-Moon Sign book: "A pirate ship searches for gold...An armchair traveler roughs out a financial plan for his next adventure." Tres amusing non?

Plus, if you view the natal horoscope of Emmanuel Macron (December 21, 1977 10:40 am MET Amiens, France; RR: AA) you'll see that Macron's Venus @21Sag47 conjoins the natal South-Node-Moon conjunction of Donald Trump. This connection may indicate a pleasant contact between the two men but the presence of Trump's South Node, a Saturnian indicator, suggests separation at some point--or it possibly reveals a family link between them and/or points toward the 'intimate' dinner the Trumps and Macrons enjoyed at the Eiffel Tower last year!

Jun 2, 2016

Why Do Many Brits Want To Vote For #Brexit? - Thom Hartmann (EU Nov 1, 1993)

Thom Hartmann gives some background concerning the EU and 'Brexit' (the potential exit of Britain from the European Union) and I add a few foundation details, below, if you wish to set up horoscopes for the EU, the United Kingdom, and NAFTA:


UK: January 1, 1801 NS 00:00:28 LMT Westminster, England; Sun 10Cap11, Moon 19Can26; ASC 7Lib10 with Uranus rising @1Lib54; MC 9Can20;

EU: November 1, 1993 00:01 CET Bruxelles, Belgium; Sun 8Sco32; Moon 24Tau20; ASC 17Leo27; MC 2Tau02; 1993 saw three Great Conjunctions of Uranus and Neptune on or about 18Cap (POLITICAL POWER; New World Order)--this EU foundation made official after the third conjunction on October 24, 1993 @18Cap33;

NAFTA (North American Free Trade Association linking the US, Canada, and Mexico): passed the US Congress "shortly before 11:00 pm" on November 17, 1993; came into effect at 00:00 hours on January 1, 1994; Sun 10Cap32; Moon 21Leo09; ASC 6Lib57; MC 7Can54; restrictive planet of control and austerity, Saturn @27AQ01, conjoins US natal Moon; by this time Neptune is at critical degree 20Cap28, and Uranus @21Cap35; the Leo Moon inconjunct Uranus and Neptune denotes enslavement of workers to low wages and debt both here and abroad.

Source: The Book of World Horoscopes, Nicholas Campion (from historical records).

Dec 3, 2015

The 'X' Zone Radio Show w Rob McConnell - Guest: Leo Lyon Zagami - audio

Since the creation of Stars Over Washington ten years ago we have discussed such topics as the 'new world order', the push toward global government, Freemasonry, and the Illuminati. Here Rob McConnell interviews once again Leo Lyon Zagami on such topics:

Related are two broadcasts by Max Igan: Rebalancing the Matrix and Illuminati Mind Control, Spells, and Illusions.

And here is a modern natal horoscope of the New World Order based on the third of three Great Conjunctions in 1993 of Illuminati planets, Uranus and Neptune, @18Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business. Tragically, as transiting Pluto, planet of the Underworld, assassination, sabotage, and death, moves even closer to an exact conjunction with the 'NWO' degree of 18Cap, we will--and already are--seeing and experiencing an increased number of acts of violence, catastrophes, and disasters in and against the Collective--some events finagled by the power elite, some perpetrated by 'lone wolves' and 'domestic terrorists' with serious mental and emotional problems. And yet are some of the perpetrators fighting against the 'new world order' -- or for it?

Dec 10, 2012

"In Debt We Trust" (a Schechter documentary)

Our Serfdom of Debt and Oppression

by Jude Cowell

Well, Mr. Danny Schechter has done it again. He's created an elucidating documentary In Debt We Trust (1 1/2 hours long) which begins in church and reminds me of Bush43 immediately after the attacks of 9/11/01 superficially advising the American people that our best response was to, "Go shopping."

No, consumerism is not a religion but it is a form of Pluto-Chiron oppression--the oppression of -isms--and anyone who has reached the limit on a credit card or two knows just how oppressive it can be.

An Exploited Synchronicity?

Curiously, on July 4, 1776, the plutocratic and transiting Pluto-Chiron midpoint @8Pis50 conjoined US natal Ceres, an asteroid denoting basic things everyone needs to feel secure and nurtured such as food, mother's milk, and apparently in our day, an expensive haul of goodies from The Mall. Or at least, that is what the credit card and other industries have consistently preyed upon in the American psyche!

For more videos on a variety of topics, visit Forbidden Knowledge TV.

Hurrah! Now that consumerism expert Elizabeth Warren has been elected to the US Senate, dark forces are gathered against her, forces very upset with the minimal legal protections We the People now have, thanks to her leadership, which open up to the light of full disclosure some of the credit card industry's exploitive practices. And I sincerely hope that there are other benign forces who are protectively 'watching her back'!

Keep It Sheathed Until the Time Is Right

Actually, I'm glad to read that Mrs. Warren is taking a moderate course and not rushing in to that Masonic temple on Capitol Hill, sword in hand! Elizabeth Warren, establishment critic, showing restraint as she prepares for clubby Senate.

As the wise saying goes, Moderation in All Things.

Plus, here's a website with curious information relating to Washington DC, my former city of residence. Scroll down a ways for text concerning the Masonic layout of the Capital City and a photo from September 19, *1993 of Senator Strom Thurmond spreading cement to mark the 200th anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone of the US Capitol Building.

Then tell me you don't think there's more than meets the eye going on now with the current 'fiscal cliff'--national debt impasse between the White House and the US Congress! Just who really owns the notes on America's national debt anyway?


*As you know, 1993 was a watershed year in which the planets of The Enlightenment, Uranus and Neptune, met three times in Great Conjunction. Their third meeting is what I tend to use as a New World Order birth chart (October 24, 1993) with '18 Capricorn' the significant degree of their conjunction: '18Cap' = 'POLITICAL POWER...negative expression: smug or strong-armed paternalism'. (MEJ.) Of course, that's a stone's throw away from the tenets of Plutocracy's paternalistic pair, Pluto-Chiron. These days, it's hard to miss seeing--or experiencing--such strong-arming to grasp and hold on to political power on the rise across the globe, is it not?

Nov 30, 2011

Celente on US econo-trends 2012 (video) w some Astrology 11.30.11

November 29, 2011: economist Gerald Celente discusses ugly topics such as MF Global, John Corzine, 'missing' money, looted pension funds, and what's coming down the *pike for the US economy in 2012.

Part 1 of 2

"The Goldman-Sachs Gang, the Merrill-Lynch Mob, and the Morgan-Stanley Marauders" get no respect from Mr. Celente, an attitude with which I totally agree. "The whole system is collapsing--the money's not there," he asserts. Hence a government cover-up continues with martial law on its way wherever necessary--as if law abiding, dissenting Americans are the problem instead of the outlaws in Washington, on Wall Street, and in capitals the world over!

Part 2 of 2


The current looted/heisted financial condition of America is not a 'R v D' issue at all but is part of a long process mounted by usurpers of a mafia-esque, global domination persuasion and planned many years ago by people like Albert *Pike.

In Mundane Astrology, I often use asteroid Cupido to represent The Syndicate, The Family, Corporatism. Today Cupido clocks in @ 00Vir25, conjunct a Royal Star of Persia, Regulus (success if revenge is avoided), and parallel transiting Mars 9Vir11 (ugh--George Bush's natal Mars.)

The Jupiter-Neptune pair of speculators, fraudsters, spendthrifts, wastrels, and grand schemers has again met up with tr Uranus, the radical reformer and anarchist, and their midpoint picture is once again in force after a brief respite--as always, any, all, or none may apply to an economic condition and the criminal embezzlers near you:

Jupiter/Neptune = Uranus: imagination v reality; coming down to earth with a bump (or a crash--jc); suddenly recognition of a difficult situation; disruptive events that have no real explanation (see Celente video above! jc); decisions based on odd or unusual theories about the effects of the supernatural; unaccustomed confusion. (Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Today, as the Moon sails through Aquarius, sign of We The People's natal Moon (July 4, 1776), our day is suffused with the socially concerned, idealistic vibes of Sun Sag-Moon AQ, a combination of energies shared natally by several famous people including: Andrew Carnegie, Caroline Kennedy, John Kennedy Jr, Richard Leakey, Louisa May Alcott, Phillip K. Dick, Woody Allen, Rainer Maria Rilke, and Margaret Mead. Here are two quotes from two of them which may relate to our current topic on many levels:

"The machine threatens all achievement."

-R. M. Rilke

"As a people we have developed a lifestyle that is draining the earth of its priceless and irreplaceable resources without regard for the future of our children and people all around the world."

-Margaret Mead

How sad in 2011, as we face the watershed year of 2012, to know all too well by decades of experience just how correct they both were in their assertions.

As for New World Order instigator Albert *Pike--still revered by some:

(He) "designed a plan for world conquest and wrote of it in a letter to Mazzini dated August 15, 1871. He said three future world wars would prepare the world for the New World Order."

Read more here as we see their illuminized plans for a Third World War moving ahead bwo the Pentagon.

Furthermore, Mazzini's letter includes a description of where we are now:

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam and political Zionism mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion."

(My caps and italics.)

Just as Osama bin Laden hoped! 'Thanks' Bush-Cheney and Obama for furthering Islamic radicals' plan for America's collapse. Well, I have mentioned here many times the Sabian Symbol for 9/11's Moon (We the People): '28Gemini' = BANKRUPTCY.

Read more on Pike's letter to Mazzini here which includes analysis of both arch conspirators.

So who was playing the role of US president when the Illuminati planets, Uranus and Neptune met up in Great Conjunction three times through 1993 thus beginning the modern cycle of conspiracy? Bill Clinton, of course! Will I ever tire of typing the Sabian Symbol for their conjunction of collusion and control?

Apparently not. Because it describes perfectly current conditions such as riot police actions against the peaceful demonstrators of Occupy Wall Street and all other rights movements around the globe.

Uranus-Neptune '18 Capricorn' = "The Union Jack Flies from a British Warship" which Marc Edmund Jones gives as SUPERVISION, and Dane Ruhyar as POLITICAL POWER.

positive expression: the self's ever-widening spread of interest in its insatiable desire to leave some permanent imprint of itself on everything it touches (such as the Mark of the Beast? jc);

negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc): smug or strong-armed paternalism.

Britain controls US politics bwo the Bank of England, a Rothschild endeavor so in my opinion, the British government has much to answer for on Judgment Day for it may be described as America's shadow government (Saturn/Neptune = 'leaders deceive about the exercise of control; a leader capitulates'--Munkasey.)

Not to let the Federal Reserve Bank of New York off the hook but you notice that the UK government is not a member of the European Union--perhaps because it's more special than many people realize.

Well, the timing must not be quite right for total global financial collapse with
stocks rallying today as six central banks move to ease the EU financial crisis so we know that someone is making money, don't we?

Of course, there may be another explanation for why central banks acted now--did a large European bank come close to failing last night?

A la the Bible, maybe it's finally time for Steve Keen's idea of declaring a
debt jubilee
to offset the trillions of dollars the central banks stole from the people--and jubilee into oblivion the House of Rothschild's ill-gained profits!


Interesting sites with topics worth pondering:

Democracy Now!
Thom Hartmann
Conversations with Great Minds
What Really Happened?
Progressive Blog Digest
Julie Demboski's Astrology

Nov 9, 2010

G-20 Summit South Korea opens 11.11.10 = Pluto/NN

The two-day G-20 Summit being held in Seoul, South Korea, to which President Obama will wing soon as part of his Asian trip, will open on Thursday, Nov 11, and is obviously a signature of today's transiting Pluto/North Node conjunction @ 3Cap38.

Since Sunday, there have been clashes between protesters and police in Seoul and more protests are planned each day until Thursday. Signs have appeared with slogans such as: "We oppose the G-20" due to its world leaders' lack of focus on jobs creation and their failure to protect social programs.

In fact, various governments' current 'austerity cuts' tell the sorry, cold-hearted tale, don't they?

Now I've mentioned this in a previous post but doubt its importance was made obvious: the current Pluto/NN (powerful connections; destiny of a large mass of people) conjunction falls upon the Great Conjunction degree of the illuminated, 'new social order' pair, Uranus and Neptune (3Cap01), on March 21, 1821. You'll note from the date that the Sun was @ Aries Point (00Ari00; a World Point of Manifestation) but also on that day, the midpoint of the oppressive, disenfranchising, primally violent, plutocratic pair of Pluto/Chiron = AP = Sun.

Yes, the power elites' long-term New World Order agenda at its base includes a 'new economic order' which the G-20 forum, founded in 1999, says is what it seeks: 'to reform the world economy', a goal which they pretend issues from the current global financial meltdown and which obviously does not include jobs creation or protecting social programs for the people of any nation.

As part of the process, Financial Collapse 2008 was engineered to facilitate the job so the world would cry, please save us from chaos by establishing a new global economic order - oh, please! Global revolution which 'justifies' total control of the masses is what the brigands and usurpers seek.

Yes, the NWO is letting its mask slip more and more each day since the New Millennium began, and any so-called 'world leader' is suspect, for whether you voted for him/her or not, he/she has you and your family in the creepy cross hairs of a much-touted, long-propagandized totalitarian social order - as do his opponents, so there's no aid for the people coming from any politician America, we waste our time expecting improvement from them. Even the few who might wish to stop the madness can't - look at the crooks and spooks they have to work with!

Well, that describes Pluto/Chiron's method of working: class warfare. And don't imagine yourself to be one of Them. You are not.

To paraphrase the Scriptures about Earth's fate, "No one will be able to buy or sell unless he has the mark of the beast on his hand or forehead." You don't know how sorry I am to remind you of this, but that's how things are shaping up to be - and right under our too-busy-to-care noses.

So here again is a mishmash of midpoint pictures combining 1821 with 2010 (any, all, or none may apply and can be triggered by progressions and transits - as now, with Pluto and NN):

Uranus/Neptune = Pluto: the big picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise; inspiring ideas which can change the world; rebellion.

Uran/Nep = NN: meeting with people who care about the future; close ties with leaders who introduce change through turmoil or revolt; contact with important religious leaders. ('Religious' leaders, the traitors!)

Pluto/NN = Uranus: unusual meetings on morbid subjects; meetings with powerful people in the sciences or engineering, including Astrology; crush the opposition; publicity; an intense need for recognition.

Pluto/NN = Nep: increased potential to be deceived or to deceive; seeing that people are not always what they appear to be; added doubts about the effectiveness of others; the power of the half-truth (they use that one all the time); deception as a tool; win at any cost (with the cost always placed on the backs of the people they are in process of beggaring even more.)

The above midpoint pictures brought to you by Noel Tyl and Michael Munkasey.

The financial breakdown and austerity cuts brought to you by 'world leaders' stealthily meeting in Seoul, South Korea this Thursday and Friday as tasked by their global power elite backers and bosses.

Jul 8, 2008

Obama's plane landing and Nemesis

Today is the first day of my new isp so this week's plan is to play catch up here and at Jude's Threshold so please stay tuned for some posts, charts, and blurbings about Politics and its political thespians bwo Astrological comments!

You know I was chomping to write up Barack Obama's emergency plane landing in St. Louis yesterday but was prevented by tech troubles.

And with Uranus (air travel) 22Pis37 Rx opposing Obama's natal Mars, there is danger in the environment, as previously stated, sudden unexpected danger.

Well, we know that's a given considering, and 'Uranus opposite Mars' is the astrological picture or description--Mars is the energy or action principle. Was yesterday's airplane mechanical problem a message to Obama?

Now Jupiter 17Cap43 Rx is conjunct the New World Order degree (18Cap = "The Union Jack Flies from a British Warship"...which Rudhyar gives the keynote as: "The protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order. POLITICAL POWER.)

18Cap is where the Great Conjunction of Uranus and Neptune took place. (Conjunction #3: Oct 24, 1993.)

But I digress...or do I?

So with Nemesis, the unbeatable foe, still conjoined transiting North Node, a path of conflict is opened now which we will witness as the 2008 campaign continues, and I'll be blogging about several such issues now that my pc is quicker and more spritely.

Aug 7, 2007

35W Collapse a Bafflement

Did you see this from

Bridge collapse notes: Engineers are baffled! An inspection OK'd the I-35W Bridge until 2020... 'From what I heard, engineers were working on the surface of that bridge - nothing to do with the infrastructure.' Homeland Security, rescue teams were at the scene within *minutes.* Quoting an MSNBC eyewitness: "It certainly looks like a bomb has gone off." Incidentally, there is a major thoroughfare in and out of Minneapolis and St. Paul -- cities now prone to a Bush bin Laden attack. These tragedies typically arrive on the heels of a big day of Bush regime embarrassments. Wednesday's Bush woes: 50 people killed in a fuel tanker explosion in western Baghdad (142 lives lost nationwide) followed by the largest Sunni Arab bloc quitting the government; six more US soldiers killed in Iraq; the CBO analysis that the Iraq war could cost over $1 trillion; hearings on the Tillman execution and cover-up; Rumsfeld rearing his ugly, lying head; Gonzales forced to explain the rearing of his, ugly lying head; a bill calling for a Gonzales impeachment inquiry; Bush seeking authorization to conduct warrantless spying authority from Congress; doctors condemning the forced-feedings at Guantanamo Bay in the Journal of the American Medical Association; controversy over Bush's $63B arms deal. And, all media coverage of these 'embarrassments' - each an impeachable offense unto itself - is now 'water under the bridge!' --Lori Price 02 Aug 2007#

See 35W Bridge Collapse and a YOD in the Sky. Given Utah's mine collapse and the mention of a seismic event triggering the collapse--"or was the collapse itself the seismic event?"--the blurring-of-the-lines-of-truth tactic continues. Frankly I had wondered about such a seismic event in Minneapolis when I saw that Pluto (related to deep, dark places underground including volcanoes) was rising at the moment of the bridge's collapse. But if bombs were placed, they must've been way underneath--if not on the train (not deep enough for Pluto, I grant you) then underwater at the bridge's base.

One thing about it--infrastructures are being affected either intentionally or as part of natural decaying processes--by the Great Uranus/Neptune Conjunction/s of 1992-93. Their NWO plans are proceeding with Uranus and Neptune in mutual reception--in cahoots.

Isn't it tremendously sad the 'movers and shakers' of the world won't put such massive energy, resources, and clout into plans that would actually benefit all of humanity?