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Dec 12, 2006

Jon Stewart: the 109th Congress

Farewell, Sweet 109th from Huffington Post's Eat The Press has a video of The Daily Show's Jon Stewart bidding farwell to the pathetic Congress now passing...a must see!


Dec 11, 2006

The Astrology of Blogging

Well, I just discovered that while under-the-weather the last few days, I've been tagged by at least two of my illustrious astrology colleagues, Lynn at AstroDynamics and Urania at Urania's 9th House.

What are my chart indications for why I blog about the ancient art of Astrology?

Ok, guys, since you asked, here goes...Uranus in Gemini in 10th house quincunx Mercury/Mars conjunction in Cap, 5th house...chart-ruler Mercury also ruling 10th h with Rigel at Mc. Also in 5th house is Urania.

Mercury is not in major aspect to Saturn in 12th, but in mutual reception.

3rd house cusp in Scorpio, Vesta in Scorpio therein opposite 9th house Taurean Pallas for some patterning ability...good for artwork as well. 3rd house of Communications also contains a Sagittarian Chiron, inventor of Astrology. By progression, Vesta and Chiron are now conjunct.

Sun/Jupiter conj in Cap, 4th house, both trining Saturn.

Purchased my first two Astrology books, age 12, as Uranus crossed over Mc by progression--and as the illustrious Noel Tyl informed me in 1997, a new interest of mine at age 12 relating to Career should be taken up again.

And so I have.

If they're not tagged already, I'd like to tag: Kathryn, Nina, and Elsa!

Technorati tag:

Kovtun in Hamburg

Litvinenko Poisoning Case UPDATE:

German Police Confirm Polonium Traces saying that Kovtun already had the polonium-210 when he flew from Moscow to Hamburg Oct 28.

And at Raw Story--and with her usual enlightening abilities Larisa Alexandrovna's article Exclusive: Murdered ex-KGB officer was working for British security company brings in the Erinys Security Offices in London, Chalabi, the guarding of Iraqi oil pipelines after the Bush invasion, Russia' FSB ties to US energy companies and money laundering, Chechen rebels, false flag terroist operations in Russia, and a few other murky factors you may wnat to know about...including some possible reasons for Litvinenko's assassinationa...among others.


Dec 10, 2006

Protesting in Beirut

Enormous Crowds Flood Beirut in Protest against a holed-up PM Faud Saniora.

Their ultimatum: he has a "few days" to accept their demand to form a national unity government with a big role for Hezbollah, or face an escalating campaign to oust him.

And today is the 10th day of protests. Seems the Israeli-Lebanon War just keeps on giving. Can America and Israel get anything right? Can they play fair? Can the governments of the world set themselves up without our meddling interference?

Bush used to be fond of spouting off about having a level playing field for trade relations, etc...wouldn't it be more fair if we didn't slink around setting up puppets to rule those who can certainly rule themselves? Is this Bush' idea of democracy?

Today in Beirut hundreds of thousands say, yes and yes.

Which begs the question: can we begin to mind our own business and leave Iraq which never should have been invaded in the first place? The oil blackmarket Bush and Cheney broke up by starting their war has been sufficiently demolished now and Bush Senior is avenged. Let's go home.

Too big to apologize, are we? That's pretty small, imho. But so is Bush who can't accept anyone's thinking unless it's in total agreement with his own.

As my wise mom used to say: never go where you're not invited, never stay where you're merely tolerated. Too bad Duh-bya never met her--she would've knocked some sense into his swollen and arrogant head. And she had another favorite saying used by many before and after her...a truism, y'might call it:

never trust a man who says trust me. A bunch of American voters should've listened to that one back in 2000...duh. You made the coup so easy.


Dec 9, 2006

109th Congress: lame-duck limping

Here's the picture, the chart for 4:40 am est, Dec 9 as the lame-duck Congress limped to the finish line, after 102 days in session--less than Truman's "Do Nothing Congress" of yore (they logged in at 110 days...I say the 109th should pay back the 8 days' worth of exorbitant pay to our treasury.)

Yet given Republican hubris and their tiresome Bush-rubberstamping, perhaps we should be grateful they had better things to do than to show up and legislate on Capitol Hill this session.

Rising at 4:40 am we see 14Sco49 which is the Descendant of our Presidential Inaugurations (Jan 20, noon), which places Bush the "president" at the setting position in today's chart.

Venus 27Sag42 is conjunct Congress' natal Ascendant, with Pluto just having risen.

First to rise at 4:40 am is Congress' natal Neptune, planet of loss, confusion, deceit, and delusion. It's also associated with the acting profession and it's no secret our "representatives" fancy themselves thespians...yet Neptune may also bring tears of the boo-hoo variety whether crocodile or no.

Sun/Moon midpoint = natal US Saturn: addressing problems; weakened system (I'll say--is there any money left, Rs? Not to mention the ethics issues you left in your sorry wake); separation from the community (buh bye); inhibitions; depression; renunciation.

At the top of the chart we see lonely Saturn--on one level signifying Bush, the isolated leader (in Leo, too) and on another level representing the Democratic Party being on display for a turn as top pup (Jupiter = the R Party.)

Congress' natal Saturn happens to be there as well, 23Leo44, and so we are in the throes of Congress' Saturn Return which is an ongoing process this time due to Saturn's Rx period.

The three dates of Congress' Saturn Return with Sun/Moon Images to give a little of each day's flavor:

1. Oct 28, 2006...Sun Sco/Moon Cap: A general leads his troops to victory...A film director plans each shot to maximize its emotional impact.

2. Jan 13, 2007 (Rx) Sun Cap/Moon Sco: A priest turns his home into a shelter for the sick and homeless...A prisoner in solitary confinement undergoes a conversion and becomes an indefatiguable worker for the transformation and betterment of the lives of his inmates.

3. July 13, 2007...Sun Can/Moon Can: A gosling peeks out of its shell as mother goose chases away the farm cat...a theatrical family performs a
Midsummer Night's Dream in their own garden.

So in October we had the general and the film director, Jan 13 brings the priest and the prisoner, and in July (with US natal Sun and Bush's natal Sun both setting in the Saturn Return chart #3) we get the gosling, mother goose , the farm cat, and the theatrical family performing .

Will we be "treated" to the same old Capitol Hill Productions, Act II?

The transiting midpoint of Pluto/Chiron (plutocracy; oppression; racism) has been conjuncting Congress' natal Pluto/Chiron midpoint off and on recently...natal Pluto/Chiron 15Cap27. And Congress recently had its Venus Return on Dec 4 with natal Venus 21Sag54. It's all cycling 'round, m'peops.

And so--the lame-duck-limpingtook place this morning with Sun Sag/Moon Leo:

At an emotionally moving ceremony, a shaman of the gypsies is given an honorary university degree in herbal lore and ancient geography.

Even I had an emotion this morning waking up to NPR talking about the all-nighter limpy Congress pulled--yee haw!! The Dem Party's progressed New Moon cycle has begun!

Would that it may be allowed to do some good for our nation and for the world.


Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey

Note: no SolarFire software was harmed in the typing of this fact I recommend it highly.

Buh Bye Cynthia McKinney


McKinney introduces bill to impeach Bush 08 Dec 2006 In what was likely her final legislative act in Congress, outgoing Georgia Rep. Cynthia McKinney announced a bill Friday to impeach President [sic] Bush. The legislation has no chance of passing and serves as a symbolic parting shot not only at Bush but also at DemocRATic leaders. #

Cynthia're an odd and brazen duck, but thank you for the gesture against Duh-bya and the Rats of Congress whatever their stripe. Somehow I'm proud it "came" from my home state of Georgia esp given the Republican stranglehold on our state government which many of us find inexplicable without cheating being ahoof.

And thanks for asking, E.B...SO'W has been under-the-weather the last few days, but perking up slowly...will return later today with some interesting charts concerning the good-riddance 109th Congress...


Dec 6, 2006

what's onnn the men yooo?

This morning at the White House George Bush had a very important breakfast meeting, so...what's on the menu, George?

George had: Baker-Hamilton Souffle, Scrambled Blair, Rummy Hotcakes smothered in Bump-on-a-Log-Cabin Syrup, and Maliki Miffed Muffins, all served with the White House's special blend coffee, Roasted Republican.

Katrina Antacids followed with a steamy FEMA chaser.

With so much going on in Washington this week, there are, as you might expect, many things to say about this sunrise chart which represents the day in the District.

Outside the chart, you see my usual poorly scribbled notations which are primarily the natal planets of Robert Gates. With his Sun/Neptune conjunction at the top o'the chart, Dr Gates seems to be correct in saying yesterday that the position he seeks in the Defense Department represents a large sacrifice for him careerwise (Neptune = sacrifice; loss.)

Sun/Neptune conjunct folk are on the sensitive side, as you know, and only express themselves with confidence sporadically. With Neptune rising just before his Sun, Gates has what some would call, Neptune oriental--a chameleon who can shape-shift as the job requires. Not so perfect in the truth department, we may think, yet his Sun is square Uranus--a driven truthseeker who is difficult to stop once he believes in what he's doing.

A complex character, this Gates fellow with his natal Eclipse Series, 18North...
high stress level; taxing of one's strength; events occur that require extra efforts with a possibility of physical concerns (Bernadette Brady, Predictive Astrology.)

The last Eclipse in this Series: Sept 1, 1997, the next in 2015.

So is Bob Gates the Jupiter sulpa'e of December 16 of which Bernadette Brady speaks in her Babylonian program and newsletter, Visual Astrology??

We'll consider more details on this prior to Dec 16, for the keyword for Jupiter sulpa'e is: blessing. And Jupiter, the military general, may just be Robert Gates although technically he is not a general--as, Rumsfeld...liked to remind us when it was convenient for him.

Jupiter is also the Professor, which can relate quite well to Robert Gates, so the date, Dec 16, will be significant concerning someone as Jupiter challenges the king who stands alone(Saturn)--yet it may not be evident until Jan-Feb, 2007.

And I've not completely given up on the idea that this Jupiterian king-challenger could be --gasp!--a politician who becomes a blessing to this nation by challenging the Bush administration's ever-weakening grasp on reality...well it could happen!

And maybe--double gasp!!--he could be a Republican since Jupiter traditionally signifies the Republican Party...will Goldwaterism and thus some common sense for the common good--be revived?

This Jupiter/Saturn stand-off coincides with John Townley's information on the early '07 Saturnian Scythe (Saturn as Handle), which I'm sure you've read about at his, haven't you?

(You see warring Mars at the "Grand Army of the Republic campfire" degree, right?)

YOD, the Finger of God formation:

One pattern in today's "menu chart" that stands out like a sore president is the YOD formation, the Finger of God pattern which is here today over the White House with Moon in security-minded Cancer as the apex planet.

From Bil Tierney's book, Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, we find that Moon as YOD apex is too defensive, unadaptable, and vulnerable to deal with security needs in the here-and-now. There is a need for sensitive adjustment (YOD = "adjustment") yet there can still be ensnarement in disorganized, distorted impressions of the past that need to be objectively observed and clarified before feelings are free to move on.

Now we know that the Moon signifies the populace/the public in a national chart, but with this apex Moon sounding just like George Bush's stubborn Cancerian tendencies, and since this Moon is heading toward conjunction with Bush's natal Sun (then n Saturn), it's a duh moment to say the above paragraph sounds just like our learless feader...Saturn--the king who stands alone.

I go on to quote Mr Tierney: Instinctual responses to impressions from the environment can be out-of-tune (tin ear?)with normal expectations...he's highly reactive and does not easily decode the emotional messages being received from others.

Which has been a huge part of his personal deficiencies all along. Someone pass George some of those Antacids, will ya?

The base of the YOD is Jupiter who-may-be-Gates at the "2 men playing chess" degree, sextiling Chiron at "Medina degree"--the position of Neptune (the mystical Middle Eastern planet) when Mohammed entered Medina--the beginning of Islam. This Chiron could signify, of course (since astrology describes untold levels of existence at once) PM Maliki also needing adjustment with apex Moon.

And here are two Sun/Moon personality combos from Charles and Suzi Harvey's Sun Sign-Moon Sign--first for the day, second for Robert Gates...

12.6.06: Sun Sag/Moon Cancer:

Images for Integration> A homing pigeon...An international nanny...An evangelist offers a vision of personal salvation (for Bush?)...Jimi Hendrix's Woodstock rendition of The Star-Bangled Banner...William Blake's watercolour, Teach These Souls to Fly (Tate Gallery, London.)

This combo is shared natally by Blake who wrote:

And did those feet in ancient days
Walk upon England's pastures green?

Sounds like Blair's flying into to Washington is tres important as an attempt to save Bush's bacon, doesn't it? Their official meetings are tomorrow, Thursday...and they share the same slab of that bacon.

And here's the Sun Libra/Moon Leo for Bob Gates (Moon in Leo for the 24-hour period of his birthdate):

A performance of The Importance of Being Earnest (yeah, we saw that yesterday)...A political idealist is crowned leader by adoring fans (not another one--but I'm in an anybody-but-Bush mood, so I'll take a chance on this joker)...The managing director throws a birthday party.

Well, there you have it--all I can manage of these perps this morning...the day is flying with or without William Blake or Oscar Wilde, and I'm outta here, m'peops, with typos to be repaired later...


Dec 5, 2006

truth serum not passe but passed!

They still make it, don't they?


Interrogations of Terror Suspect Included Hooding, "Truth Serums" 04 Dec 2006 ...Together with other documents filed late Friday, the images represent the latest and most aggressive sally by defense lawyers who declared this fall that charges against Jose Padilla should be dismissed for "outrageous government conduct," saying that he was mistreated and tortured during his years as an enemy combatant. Now lawyers for Mr. Padilla, 36, suggest that he is unfit to stand trial. They argue that he has been so damaged by his interrogations and prolonged isolation that he suffers post-traumatic stress disorder and is unable to assist in his own defense. His interrogations, they say, included hooding, stress positions, assaults, threats of imminent execution and the administration of "truth serums."

Hey, can we get some of that there truth serum for use at the White House, the Pentagon, and on Capitol Hill where they never met a truth they couldn't hide?

A great use might be for this week's "good conversation" with Robert Gates, a serial tell-power-what-power-wants-to-hear kinda guy. Gates is just what Bush and pals don't need: more echo.

He's told the Armed Services Committee that the US is not winning in Iraq (duh)--and that he welcomes ideas (impeach Bush and Cheney?--Dec 10 cometh)...

...Levin congratulated him on his candor. Seems the vial of truth serum is being passed around now...we'll see if anything worthwhile and reality-based comes from this performance at the Capitol Hill Theater.


Dec 4, 2006

there's a Full Moon tonight

At 7:24:47 pm est over the White House a Full Moon shines down upon Bush's furrowed brow.

This Moon 12Gem43 is conjunct the US natal Desc (Sibly version 5:10 pm Phildelphia) with the Sun opposite upon US natal Asc, the WHAT Point of the chart...12Sag43...the Sun is spotlighting the USA.

This Sun/Moon duo mimics the Saturn/Pluto opposition which affected the US Asc/Desc axis Sept 11, 2001 and with a Full Moon phase indicating Culmination, it may be that all of America is fed up and down with Bush's simian and furrowed brow.

And as you know, a lunation upon an Asc/Desc axis highlights relationship issues, as we're seeing with the Bush/Maliki tie (will it end soon so soon?)

Rising in the Full Moon chart is US natal Mercury 24Can12, also an indicator of thinking/communicating (Mercury) about home or security issues. Natal 8th house is rising since that is where natal Mercury is positioned in the US chart, so this may very well relate to money, resources, legacies, insurance, debts, and other such concerns (also death and transformation, I may as well admit.)

The Republican Congress' failure to pass necessary funding bills may be part of this picture--makes you wonder if they failed to pass bills to spend more trillions because there was a mere pittance left in Fort Knox, doesn't it?

Are the drunken sailors trying to sober up? Puh and Fie upon their sorry noggins.

Rising degree = 20Can08, a critical or crisis degree--so is the politicians' cash cow--the American taxpayers' piggy bank--running on empty?

Hidden Ways and Means:

Since there are so many meetings of interest in Washington this week (and an watered down report on the war on Wednesday), I'm giving the Symbols for the three planets which are placed in the Behind-the-Scenes 12th house of the Full Moon chart...since that is where politicians do most of their work and wheel their devil's deals.

The Full Moon's degree you may find in several places online, I'm quite sure, with a minimum of Googling or Ixquicking..."13Gemini." Perhpas you'll find a mention of John Bolton's parting from the UN mentioned along witht he Culminating phase of the Moon. (How something begins is how it will end--Bolton was spirited through by a squirrelly Bush end-run recess appointment, so it's no surprise he won't be sticking to the UN post...questioonable start, questionable end.)

Now the 12th house planets/actors:

Using the Rudhyar version, Mercury 25Sco19..."23Sco": "American Indians making camp after moving into new territory"...(hmmm...they've been in the news of late, too)...

Keynote: The ability to adjust swiftly to a new situation by tuning in to its requirements. Keywords: EFFICIENT FUNCTIONING (could this refer on some level to the Swift banking surveillance program in Brussels which has been squawking at us?)

Mars 29Sco10 (critical/crisis degree and is also the natal degree of prankster Tom Delay's Moon, btw)..."30Sco": "Children in Halloween costumes indulge in various pranks"...

Keynote: The periodic outlets society furnishes within traditional limits to still-immature energies.

Keywords: RELIEF FROM TENSION (Jupiter was at 29Sco36 as Litvinenko was pronounced dead, Nov 23...Venus was at this degree Nov 17 when he was transferred to University College Hospital in London, fyi...busy degree lately, isn't it?)

Is someone thinking that the Litvinenko investigation has been sufficiently swept under a giant rug? Or will it prove too large even for operator Mars and moneybags Jupiter to handle?

Now you know that a Full Moon is the end of a cycle, yet her bright light may be shown upon the actions of the recent past.

With Putin's current Minor (thinking; mental plane) North Node conjunct this crisis 29th degree of Scorpio, perhaps his out-of-bounds tactics, along with the US government's known out-of-bounds mettling-where-it-doesn't-belong tendencies will get a fair airing to some small 29th degree.

If you think the Iraq quagmire is not a crisis now, what planet are you living on?

It's psychotic how they think they assassinate for all the "right" reasons as if common murderercould never be correctly ascribed to them. It can. I do.

And although Bush tells an Iraqi cleric today that he can't get no satisfaction in Iraq, he should take a long look at himself--because that's exactly how a bunch of us have felt about his nibs since 1999.


Dec 3, 2006

Litvinenko update

Sunday 9:36 pm est AP article update:

Friend Names Suspect in Spy Poisoning and the friend is Yuri Schvets who spoke with Litvinenko on Nov 23, the day of his death.


Iraq bottomless moneypit continues

This from

Five Tons of C4 Explosives Stolen in Iraq 02 Dec 2006 A mysterious theft of explosives occurred in neighboring Iraq. A pro-PKK [Kurdistan Workers Party] website on Thursday claimed that five tons of C-4 explosives were stolen from the warehouses of Iraqi Defense Ministry. It was not certain by whom or when the plastic explosives in the warehouse were stolen.

'A culture of waste, incompetence and fraud.' Corruption costs Iraq $4bn a year --

One third of rebuilding contracts under criminal investigation. 02 Dec 2006 A US government report has concluded that [Cheney Halliburton's] oil smuggling abetted by corrupt Iraqi officials is netting insurgents $100m a year, helping to make them financially self-sustaining... Iraq also represented a grey zone beyond the reach of the US civil courts. KBR was found to have overcharged the US military about $60m for fuel deliveries, but that did not stop it winning more government contracts.

Pentagon to Seek $100B+ War Chest 01 Dec 2006 The Bush administration is hammering out its largest-ever appeal for more Iraq war [Halliburton] funds - a record $100 billion, at least, and that figure reflects cuts from wish lists originally circulating around the Pentagon.#

Recalls to mind the Iraq War chart with nebulous, confused, and sometimes deceptive Pisces rising...

tags: Bush

Dec 2, 2006

Alexander Litvinenko Dec 4 1962

Sunday 6:45 pm: Okay, I give up:

Alexander Litvinenko's natal sunrise chart is posted at Lim's Limericks because Mr A.Cat and Lim have generously allowed it to be posted on their blog which makes sense what with Mr. A.Cat's former status as an agent in service to our nation, so click Alexander Litvinenko's natal chart.

It's under post title, Lim helps out Stars Over Washington, in case you get lost. Wouldn't surprise me if you did (I'm lookin' at you, BLOGGER.)

But if the BLOGGER photo non-posting situation clears up here I'll improve this situation asap, otherwise, this is the only end-run I can come up with for now to solve the disembodied chart/text least you can have a gander at the chart with just one click!


Sunday 12.3.06: Well, this is annoying. After being under the weather the last few days, I'm almost recoup'd and wanting to post Alexander Litvinenko's natal sunrise chart along with Nov 1 transits added, but BLOGGER is having none of it.

Although I tried several times and BLOGGER seems to upload the image, there's no image there. So I'm publishing this anyway and will return later in the afternoon to (hopefully) add the image of the poor man's chart with his day-of-poisoning transits written in.

XXXX UPDATE March 24 2008: the links to this article and the next are no longer available oddly enough...even though U.K. supposedly widened their 'probe' of the ex-spy's heinous poisoning which brought U.K. investigators to the US, to interview former KGB officer Yuri Shvets in Virginia. Um-hmm.


Original post begins here:

Italian who dined with the former KGB spy may yet share his fate from The Scotsman. Click on the article's link, Alexander Litvinenko and you'll find several articles on this sad matter.

~~~>(March 24, 2008: perhaps you can search for these articles on the Litvinenko poisoning investigation - good luck because you may need it!)

Per request, I'm publishing Alexander Litvinenko's natal sunrise chart, birth time unknown, and have written in my usual chicken scratch around the outside the transits for Nov 1, 2006, day of his poisoning, Sun at Mc at "9Sco": "Dental work."

As mentioned in a recent post, we see transit Venus in Scorpio, sign of spies and betrayal, on the verge of forming her Return to Litvinenko and to Putin's natal Venus--for they share Venus in the 11-13 Scorpio range--part of the Via Combusta, the burning way (15 Libra--15Scorpio.)

This area of the zodiac was considered in ancient times to be esp unfortunate due to the large number of malignant stars in the first half of Scorpio, but because of precession, Via Combusta is seldom used in modern times. The usual exception would be with horary astrology--the answering of specific questions.

Concerning the natal chart of Litvinenko (AL) we see an out-of-bounds Mercury in Sagittarius, and an Oriental Neptune--the planet rising just before the Sun. This indicates a person who is able to be or seem whatever his surroundings need him to be...a cameleon, a handy trait to have when engaged in espionage.

AL's prenatal eclipse series is 19North, a series which began July 5, 1331.

From the brilliant Bernadette Brady in her invaluable book, Predictive Astrology, the Eagle and the Lark,, the 19N Series tends to bring realism; coming down to earth with a thud; becoming aware of an old situation and seeing it for what it really is; a good time for tackling the truth.

A Solar Eclipse last occurred in the Series Aug 22, 1998, so for the 6 months afterward, AL may have dealt with these experiences...and I believe he did which may be part of why they silenced him.

In fact, his disagreements and outspokenness against the Kremlin and the FSB began publicly in 1998. #

The recent Mercury Transit:

TRANSIT OF MERCURY PHOTO CONTEST: Photos. Paintings. 3D Anaglyphs: Hundreds of entries to the Transit of Mercury Photo Contest have been judged. And the winners are ... click here: SpaceWeather News.