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Feb 10, 2007

what Daniel Ellsburg said in 1970

"When the President starts lying he begins to need evidence to back up his lies because in this democracy he is questioned on his statements. It then percolates down through the bureaucracy that you are helping the Boss if you come up with evidence that is supportive of our public position and you are distinctly unhelpful if you commit to paper statements that might leak to the wrong people.

The effect of that is to poison the flow of information to the President himself and to create a situation where a President can be almost, to use a metaphor, psychotically divorced from the realities in which he is acting...." : Daniel Ellsburg to the US Senate on Foreign Relations, May 13, 1970

And he certainly knew what he was talkin' about...esp the psychotically divorced part.

Obama's hat in ring 2.10.07

At approximately 11 am this morning, at the Illinois State Capitol Building, Barak Obama gave a stirring address to announce his candidacy for President of the United States.

If your noggin's been under the sand today you may click on the title above for the AP story which was published at 11:33 am. NPR reported his announcement at about 11:02 am as being imminent, so I decided to look at a symbolic chart for 11:00 am, Springfield, Illinois, to see what was afoot.

His natal chart:

Without Obama's birth time, his Solar/Sunrise chart has Moon 26Tau19 in 10th house of Career/Public Standing, and as you know, Moon = publicity and fame.

The earliest position for his Moon at 12:00 am (Aug 4, 1961, Honolulu, Hawaii) would be 23Tau00...the latest, 11:59 pm would give him a Gemini Moon...5Gem46. See my previous post of Nov 1, 2006: Meet More Dems: Obama, Harmon, Conyers for his Sun-Moon personality blend/s--both of them, unless I can eventually find an accurate birth time for him.

Today's Announcement:

At 11:00 am CST, Springfiled, IL, the Sun 21AQ34 is opposing Saturn 21Leo39Rx, which you know has been describing our lonely, isolated leader, George Bush. In the final throes of presidency, such as it is, Bush is 'out there' in this chart as well. This opposition to Saturn is the only applying aspect the Sun makes (0A05) so it became exact as Obama spoke.

Rising we see 24Tau44, making Venus the chart-ruler (in Pisces and conj NN16Pis25), and as we know, Obama attracts money (Venus) from many sources. Is he any different than the rest?

And Venus conj NN indicates the love of the encounter with the crowd who braved severe weather to hear him speak. He gets that a lot.

A good orator for certain, Obama states that the ways of Washington must be changed.

But they all say that when campaigning, including George Bush who was initially styled as the outsider. Well, it turned out he considered himself outside--and above--the law. Reminds me of the Sabian Symbol for Bush's MC/Aspiration Point..."25Aries": "a double promise reveals its inner and outer meanings."

The negative/shadow side? compromising insincerity and a lean to chicanery in all human relationships. Chicanery has been Bush's aspiration all along.

Don't know about you, but I'm still waiting for the "integrity" Bush promised to bring back to the White House...he must've left it in Crawford...and it sure isn't tucked away under an attic in New Orleans, is it?

But what of Obama's announcement today? There is much self-aggrandizement in the chart and so I was not surprised to find him saying, "I recognize there is a certain presumptuousness, a certain audacity, to this announcement." He seems to be self-aware and not afraid to admit it.

With American history dripping all over his address along with the name of Abraham Lincoln (a Shout-Out to the black vote which lags behind?), Sen. Obama gave his recent best-seller some not-so-subtle publicity as he ended with Lincoln's life telling us that there is power in hope.

It takes much audacity to reach--or to steal the keys to--the White House. Sen. Obama has that and the charismatic sparkle, the orating ability, and the focus to glide in the door. He has massive donors in all the right places, too.

It's what others have in store for him that really concerns me. And if he ever makes a peep about changing the world banking system--as did Lincoln and JFK--American history may repeat itself bizarrely.

Being prez is a series of walking fine lines--and I cannot begin to imagine how fine the lines would be--for the first black president of the US.

Barak Obama may be up to it---but are we?

bright Saturn and Venus Pillars

Here's a to-do from Friday which I to-didn't until now:

Space Weather News for Feb. 9, 2007:

SATURN AT ITS BEST: This weekend Saturn will be at its closest to Earth for all of 2007. The planet rises in the east at sunset and soars nearly overhead at midnight. To the naked eye, Saturn resembles a bright yellow star. Through a backyard telescope, it materializes as a spectacular ring world. Even small telescopes yield pleasing views. Take a look!

VENUS PILLARS: While Saturn rises in the east, Venus sets in the west. If you watch Venus sink toward the horizon on a cold night, you might see it sprout vertical columns of light known as Venus pillars. Today's edition of features rare photos of these pillars and explains what they are.

Visit for sky maps and more information.

Feb 9, 2007

Anna Nicole Smith Nov 28, 1967

There have been a number of requests for Anna Nicole's natal chart so I publish here the version (her birth time is unknown) from where you may want to visit in the next few days as I'm quite sure there will be some discussion thereupon.

The world's ongoing Dance of Opposition between the grief, weakness, torment duo--Saturn-Neptune has been and is now stomping upon this 12:00 pm Asc-Desc axis. Perhaps the noon hour shown here is close to her actual birth time. The location of Mexia, Texas is more accurate than Houston as I had used with the previously-mentioned Sunrise/Solar Chart in my last post.

Obviously if this is her Asc-Desc axis (18AQ/18Leo), then the tr Sat-Nep opposition is personalized with the loss of her son, Daniel, and now of the lady herself...Neptune dissolving her physical body (Asc)...OR...poisoning in some fashion such as an overdose or bad drug combo on her part, or mayhem on the part of someone else, accidental or otherwise.

Will comment more tomorrow since it's the middle of the night at the moment...and yes, the Moon changed signs so that her Sun-Moon blend may be either Sun Sag/Moon Libra or Sag-Scorpio. She was a very intense woman when it came to need fulfilment.

UPDATE Friday: This AP article appeared--and has disappeared--from my news links:">Gabor husband may be Smith's baby's dad

It has updated info on the autopsy, DNA stalling, hearing set for Feb 20, etc.

Who's not your Daddy? There's Howard K. Stern (with his name on the baby's birth certificate), Anna Nicole's former 'boyfriend' Larry Birkhead, and now Prince Frederick von Anhalt--wonder if the Prince was only daydreaming with his old copy of Playboy in hand? And who thought I'd ever be adding Zsa Zsa as a label on SO'W?

Feb 8, 2007

faith in Feith? you jest

Title links to AP article on the Pentagon's letting itself off the hook for its cherry-pickin' tempest-in-a-teapot intell interpretation prior to invading where they wanted to strong-arm into anyway.

The findings from this Defense Department (which has taken over what used to be the State Department's purview) investigation will be "presented" tomorrow, Friday, to the US Congress so you'd better have your ticket in hand--ya can't get back in after a stall-visit without your ticket, pilgrim.

Friday, 9:30 am est: tr Moon "12Sco": "An embassy ball" (perfect for DC. yes?)...DISPLAY...

pos: an absolute stability of self as a contribution to group integrity (don't get too excited--this is Washington, so consider the negative/unconscious/shadow side as well and see if it sounds more familiar);

neg: a smug demand for special privilege.

Now Friday's curtain rises at 9:30 am est but naturally there're the secret deals made behind-the-scenes and the working breakfasts to be peeked at bwo planets who don't lie--politicians do.

Halliburton's check not in mail? and Anna Nicole

Army Says It Will Withhold $19.6 Million From Halliburton, Citing Potential Contract Breach 08 Feb 2007 The Army announced during a House oversight committee hearing on Wednesday that it would withhold $19.6 million from the Halliburton Company after recently discovering that the contractor had hired the company Blackwater USA to provide armed security guards in Iraq, a potential breach of its government contract. The Army has said that its contracts with Halliburton, which has a five-year, $16 billion deal to support American military operations in Iraq, generally barred the company and its subcontractors from using private armed guards.


Is this another reminder of our US sec Mars (military) now Rx?

The recall of troops who have already served may be described by Mars Rx, and delaying a check could be, too.


There's been another explosion inside the Kentucky chem plant today...evacuations continuing.


Sad to hear of Anna Nicole Smith's untimely passing today.

As you know, her son Daniel died Sep 10, 2006 of an unfortunate drug mixture and after looking at Anna Nicole's natal chart (sunrise/solar because birth time unknown--Nov 28, 1967 Houston)--and the charts for her check-in at the Hollywood, FL motel Monday, 2/5/07, 8:00 pm (the only definite time I have)--and at the planets for Sept 10, 2006--it would seem obvious--and astrologically obvious---that grief played a large part in her death along with negative escapism...drugs.

Her natal Chiron 25Pis20 Rx--the Wound--was being transited at Daniel's death by the North Node (NN) 25Pis21 which is connected to mother (NN of the Moon.) Mercury (young person) was opposite and conj tr South Node (SN)--a point of separation.

When Anna Nicole checked into the motel Monday, 8 pm, the Moon 29Vir23 was in first house and rising, and was conj her sec Uranus, planet of separation , disruption, and fact there are indications of some emotional upheaval for her which possibly involved her deceased husband's family and some news or info.

As you know, 29 is a critical/crisis degree, and the current charts show deep upset. There may have been some romance on the menu as well...a no-brainer where the former Playboy gal was concerned, I'm sure, but my suspicion is that she was trying to forget the loss of her son--or had given up trying...she had become Niobe, the grieving mother.

Anna Nicole's daughter is a wee 5 months old, and I hope her paternity suit--or situation--can work out well for a little baby girl born just a few days before Daniel's unfortunate death. It's common for deaths to visit families near the time of births but one usually thinks of older family members which is easier to understand, isn't it?

All babies deserve better family circumstances than this little mite has so far received, don't they? My deep condolences to the family.

Feb 7, 2007

Kansas City Chemical Plant Explodes

And speculator Bush sent pallets of cash to a war zone...and when the other shoe drops, it'll be the same size as Cheney's hoof. Send more, dumbleheaded Congress and Senate...are you getting kickbacks?

Between mystery explosions in Kansas City with its toxic, sticky substance spewing out upon school and dale and residents warned not to touch (duh)--and the untold amounts of extortion in Bush/Cheney's war--I'm mighty grumpy tonight. Just overlook me...

Click title for AP article on the explosion.

Al Gore March 31, 1948

Al Gore's natal chart which is given the highest rating for accuracy at has what some have called a very interesting Sun degree: "11 Aries": "President of the country."

Not amusing, is it?

I will be posting on Al Gore and his upcoming testimony to Congress on Mar 21--the day Gore's Solar Arc Directed Mercury (communications) conjuncts natal NN (encounters; meetings.) The "15Tau" degree of this hook-up is same as the Ascendant degree each time the US inaugurates a president at noon on January 20s every four years rotten eggs or no.

That's the oath-taking to protect, uphold, defend the Constitution of the United know...the one Bush was holding crossed fingers behind his back to take.

Must mosey for now but I want to add Gore's ambitious Sun Aries/Moon Capricorn personality blend which makes him:

a maverick traditionalist, persistent, good organizer, pragmatic intellect, the winner.

Images: A young soldier is rewarded by the King for exceptional bravery in the cause of freedom and individual human rights...Columbus discovers America, and a new world order is born.

The italics are mine, the info is from Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Gore shares this natal blend with: Sarah Vaughn, Eric Idle, David Lean, John Major, Stephen Sonheim, Rod Steiger, politician Kenneth lark, and Otto von Bismarck.

Will update on Al Gore asap....

Feb 3, 2007

plutocratic Bush puts the ic back

Now that I've read more of Bush's comments to the Democrats today during their Williamsburg retreat--to the Democrat-ic Party, as he now says with charm and mojo turned up High-- it's difficult to pass up the thought that Bush has been ic-ky all along and is one of the sleeziest pard'ners of the sidewindin' variety that any decent person has ever had misfortune to meet.

He and Cheney have left me feelin' like Pearl Pureheart tied to the tracks with train oncoming--and with false flag ops as my--and your-- fate...a common fate involving masses of people.

They are truly Greedy Desperados cornering the market in water, metals, energy resources, and more--these skullduggers follow a Machiavellian agenda, plan, and philosophy which was embraced by the direct ancestors of the current hombres in the time of the Great Neptune-Pluto conjunction of the early 1890s by the monied classes who had an understandable urge to hang on to what they'd got. King Midas, his Daughter, and his Son rule the world.

We've got the noblesse oblige--who rarely if ever follow that model anymore--such as the Rothschilds and their ilk, and the Rockefellers in America, the Adamses, the Astors, etc...but some made it by the skin of their will + brain powers.

You will find a link (in the above title) to a previous SO'W post on The Generation of Materialism--it was the rise of the robber barons, the energy/industry mavens--brazen in their actions, self-interested to the nth degree--dynasty-builders. And it required the pillaging of nature in order to make a buck or two and employed the usual exploitation of the masses--in a word, plutocracy.

It had been done before.

An Astrological Planetary Question: are plutocrats funding science's recent Pluto-spurning?

Well, this reluctant astrologer didn't fall for it...Pluto is welcome here at SO'W--but, no, I never use outer planets (Uran, Nep, Plu) as rulers. Epochrophal, yes; generational, of course. Giving special purpose or imperative when attached to one's personal planets? Okay. They think they've made Pluto's Cloak of Invisibility pretend-operative!

Sadly this may hint at the hiding of nuclear weapons and plans, m'peops, among other things.

Remember the olden days at SO'W when I ranted about Ds and Rs being in bed together and that the deal was sealed (the last time) on or around May 28, 2000?

Squabbles broke out last year when Jupiter and Saturn squared (obstacles; blockages) one another. A square aspect has a blindsided quality to it--someone didn't see something coming and there was trouble on Capitol Hill.

It fits into today's badly-played charade of making-nice and it turns my tum-tum. I don't mean that they pretended to make-nice...I mean that there was no un-nice to remake. In bed. Together. The Capitol Hill Theater's Winter Tour to Williamsburg. Personalities clash, of course, but they all want the same thing--to keep their cushy jobs.

Cast Your Mind Back to May-June, 2000

May 28, 2000 was the time of the last Great Jupiter (Jup = Rs) and Saturn (Sat = Ds) Conjunction (22Tau+) a cycle which repeats about every 20 years, and is the background transit in the so-called US can find reams of writings on that topic if you ixquick or google so I'll not go into it at this time...except to remind myself that Reagan "beat" it when the bulle's timing was off enough that Reagan could be saved in surgery...barely.

And you know whom he and Nancy relied on for timing questions, don't you?!

(This post's title links to my previous 'Generation of Materialism' Chart's comments (only) so my next post upcoming will contain the Chart which uses the New Moon to mark the occasion bwo astrologer and author, Ed Meece.)

Bush Offers Dems Conciliatory Words

Looking at the chart for Bush's words with the Democrats who are huddled in Williamsburg VA today, are Bush's words all they seem?

Mercury = communications; what condition is Mercury today? In fuzzy, dissembling Pisces...Mercury 1Pis50 is applying to opposition with the Moon 00Vir44 at 11:00 am, the approximate time he addressed his Dem critics.

It's an hour of Venus (positioned at 8Pis07) and Mercury will conjunct chart-ruler Venus.

This may describe the warm fuzzy agreement Speaker Pelosi expressed after their snuggle. I hope she was being just as fake as he was!

Rising is Taurus, sign of money, possesssions, stubbornness, and sometimes of intolerance.

Mercury opposite Moon is similar to their square--rationalizations of actions and sentiments.
Their opposition is given by astrologer Alan Oken as Communications vs Feelings and brings challenges to be true to oneself regarding personal relationships.

It indicates one who tends to alter facts to suit the mood and talks too much while saying too little...Bush said that he welcomes debate in a time of war--really? Tell Joe Wilson that.

In private Bush told the Dems that the war is "sapping our soul"...but we know Bush's soul was sapped long ago, so he must be talking about the rest of us.

His worry is, as you know, the financial windfall for the war which the Dems may now control and limit--and which is the American people's only hope that sanity may be regained in bankrupted Washington.

(post's title is link to AP article for ya.)

Feb 1, 2007

none dare call it treason

Nothing doth more hurt in a state than that cunning men pass for wise.
-Sir Francis Bacon

Treason doth never prosper, what's the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.
-Sir John Harrington, 1561-1612

When the same man, or set of men, holds the sword and the purse, there is an end of liberty.
-George Mason #

Well, you must admit: those 3 dudes lived a long time ago but they knew more than the average bear of today who hunts like a wolf and lies in wait for the innocent.

note: Lim is having me put up a new limerick at called, A sleek cat by name of

Jan 31, 2007

yes, but are rich people greedy?

MINIMUM WAGE -- SENATE MULTIMILLIONAIRES VOTE TO BLOCK WAGE HIKE: After repeated delays by conservatives, the Senate voted 87-10 yesterday to end debate on legislation that will raise the minimum wage for the first time in a decade, from $5.15 to $7.25. The bill is expected to move to a full vote in the next several days. Ten conservative senators stuck together and voted to further delay raising the minimum wage. As ThinkProgress detailed in a report last year, at least two of those 10 senators -- Judd Gregg (R-NH) and Johnny Isakson (R-GA) -- are multimillionaires with a combined fortune of up to $35.5 million. In financial statements, Gregg shows holdings of between $3,402,000 and $10,055,000, including between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000 in Fleet Bank stock, while Isakson shows holdings of between $7,631,000 and $25,515,000, including millions in Georgia real estate. Despite their enormous personal wealth, they refuse to grant even a small raise to the nearly 8 million Americans who live on $5.15 an hour.#

There's one of my GA politicians showing his true greedy colors...and the combined income for Judd and Isaakson is only what they admit to....