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Aug 1, 2007

Rumsfeld defends

Today there is a YOD in the sky--a pattern of two planets sextiling one another, in today's case it's Mercury and Mars, and pointing to Pluto, planet of power, manipulation, control, and coping ability.

Donald Rumsfeld is coping by admitting that "errors were made" concerning the fracticide of Pat Tillman and the subsequent cover-up and lies told to the Tillman family.

A YOD formation has an interesting nickname, The Finger of God, and may relate to the silver bookmark used to mark the place for the next reading. A warm Shout-out goes to excellent astrologer Erin Sullivan for this detail.

The sextiling planets form the base of YOD pattern and both are inconjunct (quincunx = 150 degr) the focal/apex planet. It signifies a special purpose or task which is critical (a crisis), and I suppose Rumsfeld comes under that category as the Bush-Cheney disaster of an illegal war must be defended yet again to save the administration's and the Pentagon's oink oink. What else could he do but defend?

The midpoint picture reveals some info with Mercury/Mars being energetic or energized plans, powerful opinionation, and quick repartee, among other things.

Mercury/Mars = Pluto: a sharp analyst (Rummy is known for that); exposure to heavy attacks from others; criticism with a passion; knowing just what's wrong with the world; involved in big arguments.

Today's YOD is affecting more than just Mr. Rumsfeld, of course, but he's the big fish testifying in a big argument, I'd say. He has a Sun/Pluto conjunction natally...he IS Pluto.

Apex Pluto in a YOD formation indicates one who is introspective and tends to become engrossed in complexities. Objectiviy is lacking and his extreme perspective can be out-of-focus with society. Apex Pluto here shows a karmic condition and a new path which must be undertaken--apex Pluto is either abandoned by destined changes, or he must regenerate himself and learn to accept the new conditions.

He is an agent for ushering in a new order and is part of revolutionizing world concepts.

Hmph. I'd been wondering how deeply Rummy was still involved with the global domination agenda.

YOD info: Bil Tierney's Dynamics of Aspect Analysis; Midpoints: Tyl; Ebertin.

Jul 31, 2007

can the Full Moon hurt you?

No, says a new study from Vienna, Full Moons won't hurt you a bit. Seems your chances for bashing your finger with a wayward hammer are not increased in the light of a Full Moon...but they're saying nothing about eclipses!

Gonzo's high noon 7.31.07

Looking at the chart for Washington today and the 'high noon' deadline Arlen Specter dramatically gave Alberto Gonzales to correct his testimony, it portends the usual defiance by Gonzo.

Like other Chiron/Uranus Types Alberto has trouble accepting the authority of others--except his own, of course.

At the noon point of the chart--the MC--is "20Can", a critical degree, which puts the opposite degree (20Cap, now gobbed up with the transiting Pluto/Chiron midpoint, the Plutocracy duo) at the IC, the Basis or Foundation of the chart. The IC is the HOW? Point so we see the powers-that-be-behind-the-throne as the way he may hold onto his power for he's desperately trying to save what's left.

The previously mentioned Fixed T-square pattern pointing to apex (focal) Mars has another opposition to contend with (at noon)...

Depressive but ambitious Moon/Saturn = Mars: sense of real problems; difficulty getting off the ground except by strategically planned exertions.

At noon the ascending degree 17Lib38 brings the US sec progressed Mars into view-- our military, the war, and surveillance folk being behind much of this apparent scuffle with Gonzo and his attempted hospital strong-arming of Ashcroft...

"18Lib" = "Two men placed under arrest"...oh come on...only two from this crowd? (If the petty weeders were cleared out of US prisons so they could go home to their children, we'd have plenty of room for the politicians who really belong there.)

Amusingly enough, Mars is near the nasty Fixed Star, Algol, and nearing turbulent Capulus (to lose one's head; blindness; ruthless, decisive action), with Algol's keywords: ruthless destruction; consuming passion.

The Sun (8Leo05 at noon) arose with Fixed Star, Sirius, closely connected to the US natal chart. Sirius = a person who loves power; the fire of immortality; danger of pushing things too far, too fast (like Bush-Cheney into Iraq?)

Mars also is in an obsessive-compulsive quindecile aspect (165 degress, QD) with Jupiter (Jup = R Party) so we have Mars QD Jupiter: driven by a thirst for more (power!); rushing to judgement; acting impulsively on beliefs and opinions; aggressive; erratic in financial matters; unpredictable; extremely competitive; takes on too many things at once.

The last is supported by Gonzales' current transit of Saturn (Sat = D Party, but on another level represents authority and accountability in general) to natal Pluto (power; manipulation; coping ability.) Saturn to Pluto brings a loss of control in situations which are simply too large to handle.

See my post midpoints affecting Al Gonzales for more transit info.

Since his birth time is unknown (if you discover it, please let me know!) I only know that his natal Moon is in sunrise (Aug 4, 1955) Moon 19AQ19. If born before sunrise, it's possible that Neptune's dissolving action has already been affecting his Moon...or it's doing so now, for this transit brings a lack of commitment from others, and mystery and confusion about one's background and past.

And since Neptune always has an element of loss or self-sacrifice to it, this transit could very well be part of his experience now (give it up, Al!) If he has physical complaints they will be difficult to diagnose, and if he has a home--and even weasels must live somewhere--there is danger of gas leaks or flooding.

Now let's consider the Sabian Symbol for contentious Mars today:

"A Spaniard serenading his senorita"...CONSTANCY...

pos: a continual reassurance by which the will of man coaxes the depths of his soul into experience;

neg/shadow side/unconscious: futile attempts to control life by empty blandishment.

Futile because it's too large to handle!

With chart-ruler Venus now Rx and weak in critical Virgo, her semi-square to noon's rising degree indicates a null outcome as far as the "high noon" ultimatum goes.

Yet other applying aspects of Venus and Mars, the Spaniard, show obstacles to an easy resolution of this thirsty-for-power mess our politicians have our government mired in.

And the John Roberts story has been a fine if temporary diversion.

Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.
Midpoint info: Tyl; Ebertin.

Jul 30, 2007

speaking of Total Solar Eclipses

Look what I found while posting a tidbit at Jude's Threshold which is my WordPress blog:

Total Solar Eclipse Paths from Strange Maps.

I've been planning an article on the two "US" Eclipses you'll find mentioned there, so maybe this is as good a time as any:

Aug 21, 2017, and the Eclipse of Apr 8, 2024, both of which "slash" across America, as some say, esp the 2024 Eclipse which will be visible from Mexico to Maine and reminds me of the highway the globalists are envisioning for us (not quite the right route--but there's more.)

I confess that the possibility of earthquakes had occurred to me...fault lines, the continent separating, etc. Or how about another "Civil War"? All ughy of course, and too close for comfort.

Aug 21, 2017 (29Leo): in the 1North Series, the initial Eclipse of the Series occurred Jan 4, 1639 (14Cap.)

It tends to bring unexpected events which place stress on personal and group relationships. 1N is the Series which contains Nostradamus' King of Terror Eclipse which manifested on Aug 11, 1999. Relationship issues loom large, but making hasty decisions is unwise because info is distorted and possibly false.

Also there are issues of fatigue and/or health problems with this Series.

April 24, 2024 (19Ari): in the 8North Series, the initial Eclipse occurred May 17, 1501 (4Gem51.)

This Series tends toward inventiveness and flashes of genius, intuitive leaps, and vivid or prophetic dreams. The new-found inspiration makes having temporary freedom necessary which causes strain within personal relationships.

8N is the Pre-natal Eclipse Series of the formation/birth of al Qaeda (1988)...more on that later since al Qaeda will be having a birthday in August. My guess is that you remember how al Qaeda members--or hangers-on--were said to have had dreams of airplanes flying into buildings just prior to 9/11/01. Or so we're told.

There will be more to post concerning these Eclipses in awhile, and I'd be very interested in your opinion on the subject as well.

Eclipse info: Brady's Predictive Astrology

more 12th house info for you

Many thanks to Melody at Astrology and More for her excellent post on Moon or South Node in 12th house.

Imho, the 12th house of karma, the unconscious, and self-undoing, is one of (if not the) most interesting houses (departments of life) in any chart.

Tellingly enough, politicians often have 12th house planets--ex: Bush's behind-the-scenes 12th house with Sun and Saturn in Cancer.

And although I admit to being a Saturnian astrologer (heredity-based) rather than a Uranian past-lifer, karma is a natural law we must all face for we can't escape reaping what we've sown, can we?

What goes around, comes around, as "they" say. What we send out, we get back, etc. (Therefore Bush'n'Cheney should be very very worried and afraid.)

This is a great article from Melody and with a lovely image included so I hope you'll
check it out!

John Roberts falls, Saturn at Midheaven

Saturn (25Leo44) ruler of bones, now in Leo, sign of the spine and the heart, was at Midheaven at 1:57 pm edt, Port Clyde, Maine. Roberts is said to have "fallen" at his vacation home in Maine "around 2 pm." His spokesperson says he "took a tumble."

But does tr Saturn (loss) in Leo (leaders) have more winnowing to do? You betcha.

1:57 pm edt:

Rising is 14Scor17--Scorpio rising may indicate surgery, as you know. Chart-ruler Mars (25Tau03) is in 7th house of Partnerships/Public Enemies, and is applying to a square (obstacles; blockages) with Saturn. Health problems or broken bones?

Roberts has been reported as having no known health conditions (other than hanging out with the syndicate of Bush-Cheney and their ilk.)

The stubborn Taurean Mars is still within orb of the rigid Fixed T-square with Saturn/Neptune, mentioned in a recent post.

The "fall" chart also brings in another picture:

Neptune/MC = Mars: acting without clear understanding (as in, tipsy? or just acting on principle which doesn't sit well with your Federalist pals' agenda?); the desire to bring wrong ideas into realization; metaphysical study; charisma for professional gain; playing a role.

I'd give a 'hmm.m.m.m...' on that last one! Was this 'incident' really a fall?

After all, Roberts' natal Sun is now opposed by tr Sun, a transit during which we are not favored if we attempt to resist the authority of others! It's our "unbirthday" when arrogance or aggressive attitudes do not cause your opponent to back down = you lose, he wins.

This puts Roberts' n Sun on Bush's n DESC...fine for when you're getting along, not so good when you aren't.

US Inaugural ASC (Jan 20, DC, 12:00 pm) is conj the 1:57 pm Desc, the 7th or Partnership house. Inaugural ASC = the president; and the Sun today is conj Bush's natal ASC, highlighting his nibs as he chats up Britain's Gordon Brown.

There's more in the chart, of course, but since Roberts' "fall" has interrupted the post I've been working on all day, I'll quit wondering what really happened in Maine (did Roberts draw the line?) and will publish on my reconsideration of May 28, 2000's Great Conjunction of Jupiter (Rs) and Saturn (Ds) when so many of our present troubles were agreed upon, and Bush became the shoo-in.

The post on the Societal pair will appear previous to this one, so I hope you'll check it out esp since the Jup/Saturn cycle is of 20 years' duration. Don't know about you, but I'm wumped out already.

Jupiter conjunct Saturn, May 2000

"Our only political party has two right wings, one called Republican, the other Democratic. But Henry Adams figured all that out back in the 1890s. 'We have a single system,' he wrote, and 'in that system the only question is the price at which the proletariat is to be bought and sold, the bread and circuses.'"

Gore Vidal, The Decline and Fall of the American Empire

You gotta love it when you find someone agreeing with you!

The above quote from Gore Vidal has inspired me to look yet again at the chart for the Jupiter (R-Party)--Saturn (D-Party) conjunction of May 28, 2000 through which the world is now slogging (Jup/Sat = 20 year cycle)--and what a pretty picture it is when the Rs and Ds coordinated yet again to bolster joint plans and make arrangements to sock it to The People.

Jupiter conj Saturn:

Using May 28, 2000, 12:02 pm edt, White House, the Great Conjunction of Jupiter (expansion principle) and Saturn (restriction principle) took place at Midheaven, the WHY? or Goal/Aspirations Point of the chart.

With MC 22Tau22, this gives three midpoint pictures to consider:

Jup/Sat = MC: thinking with grandeur; the philosopher; fluctuating success; changes; losses.

Jup/MC = Saturn: discontent; a happy change; non-utilization of opportunities; a missing of the right moment; cautious pursuit of opportunities; respect for the rules; long-lasting endeavors pay off with long-lasting rewards.

Sat/MC = Jupiter: changing fortunes; clinging to hopes or trying to look at the good side of things; simplicity; modesty (!); contentment; doing things right or how they are expected to be done; keeping things as they are or changing things to how they should be done for maximum security.

Pallas, an asteroid whose keywords include strategy, is at the Aug 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse degree of 18Leo+ (that's Nostradamus' King of Alarm Eclipse), which is also vengeful Venus' degree on the morning of 9/11/01.

Opposite Pallas is asteroid, Cupido, from which we get the word, cupidity, meaning, desire for wealth. Asteroid, Cupido also relates to the community or family groups (which would include the Syndicate and the mafia.)

The chart's 8th cusp (money of others, debt, insurance, legacies, credit, transformations; death; the occult/"hidden") has secretive, obfuscating, dissolving Pisces upon it (using Placidus House system which I tend to stick with unless looking at charts from centuries ago--then Regiomantanus--that's just how I roll.)

Within 8th house we see the Moon (The People; the public; publicity; changes and fluctuations) at 3Aries14. Whenever I see an Aries Moon, I always think of terror-promoter Robespierre and his love of saying, I AM the people.

But back to the 2000 conjunction--and here's where it gets really icky...

Also at MC (Goals; Aspirations; WHY?) with Jupiter and Saturn are two asteroids of archetypal importance esp when you consider what's go on since 2000.

Sigma: keyphrases: good judgement, moral sanity leading to moderation, temperance, and self-control; restraint. 'Sigma' stands for Greek goddess, Sophrosyne, and is of philosophical significance (as are the Jupiter-Saturn combo.)

Wonder what happened there? Moral sanity and moderation were their Goals? Puh! More like their goals to destroy.

Perhaps the addition of this particular and difficult 2nd asteroid understandably complicates the picture for that it's more like:

Nemesis: keyphrases: to give what is due; one who brings justice or revenge; a source of harm or ruin; a fatal divinity; retributive justice in its outcome or execution; an inescapable punishment for human presumption; an unbeatable opponent (Bush's 'election'? al Qaeda's rise? Jupiter conjuncted Saturn for al Qaeda, too.)

So this is what the 'New Millennium' has brought us so far, in good part thanks to our illusory, deceptive "two-party system" which royally s*cks. And they have the audacity and presumption to call themselves the elite !

Stewardship - or major pocket-lining?

Either way, fear-mongering and terror-touting are the order of the day while the Rs and Ds still rule the roost ad nauseum...and final dispositor Mercury in the 2000 Conjunction chart is at "28Gemini", the "Bankruptcy" degree...and all sides are proving masterfully that they know exactly how to bankrupt America.

Jul 29, 2007

Gonzo impeachment makes sense

In what may yet turn out to be an alternate universe, it seems that the NYT endorses Gonzales impeachment as mentioned today in The Carpetbagger Report.

If, as Einstein said, you can't fix problems using the same thinking that created them, it seems just crazy to keep Gonzo around a Justice Department whose credibility is shredded and whose staff is now ragged and sparse.

Unless, of course, you're part of an agenda to gut justice in the first place.

So the undermining of America continues while a toothless Congress wastes time and our money debating ad nauseum. Debate in a democracy is a great thing if you can just get people to shut up and actually DO something of worth and merit.

And you don't have to be an Einstein to figure that out.

Jul 28, 2007

Hillary vs Barack

When was the last chance I had to butterfly about the net pollinating here and there so that I can pass on political astrology articles to you?

Michael O'Reilly's Neptune Cafe has a great analysis on Hillary Clinton vs Barack Obama, so why are you still here?

Aquarian Full Moon, July 29

One of my favorite astrology blogs, Oculus Divinorum, has an informative post on July 29's Full Moon in Aquarius.

The LEO/AQ polarity is on what's called the Will Axis and concerns issues of groups and associations, hopes'n'wishes, children, romance, risk-taking, creative pursuits, and more...check out this excellent post for yourself!