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Oct 7, 2009

A&E's 'Astrology: Secret in the Stars' video

This classic A&E program hosted and narrated by Leonard Nimoy has esteemed world class astrologer Rob Hand included, and is a 10 min 3 sec video of Part 1 of 5.

Part 1 touches on the 5,000 year cycle of the Mayans which ends Dec 21, 2012 - the Winter Solstice that only a few people await with confidence.

Sometimes I wonder if our modern 'new world order' types, who prefer rewards of an earthly kind, are using that already fear-infused date to bump up propaganda for their own agenda thereby causing whatever they have in store economically and governmentally to be more readily accepted than it otherwise would - by 2012.

Are massive world wide 'false flag ops' possibilities, too, in case the Mayans are wrong?

What do you think? You don't have to accept the legitimacy of Astrology to have an opinion, but it does help.


Here's a previous post with an image of the Winter Solstice 2012 chart showing its Saturn/Pluto = Jupiter in 'Finger of God' YOD formation.

Oct 6, 2009

Edgar Allan Poe finally gets decent funeral service!

Kudos to Baltimore!

Between my long time love of the writings of Edgar Allan Poe and 2009 being the 200th anniversary of his birth, I happily report that Edgar Poe is finally receiving the decent funeral service he deserved in 1849 rather than the travesty and gossip he got.

And with tomorrow, Oct 7, being the 160th anniversary of Poe's death, I've been a busy little Poe bee this week writing on the Astrology of his natal and death charts with links provided therein for Those Who Wish to Know More.

I've even gone so far as to publish an Ode to Readers of Poe, such as it be.

Maybe now that annoying bird scratching at my window pane will fly away to Baltimore in time for a brilliant author's belated and respectful funeral...and only 160 years late. Yet 'twas not Poe who was late to his own funeral...only the rest of the world!

It's official: ditching of the US dolllar - buy gold

Update 7:53 pm edt: did I type the post below too soon? Public Radio's MarketPlace is poo-pooing the dollar's demise - or providing counterbalancing propaganda to keep us from freaking out!

Original post begins here:

China, France, the Arab States and others are ditching the US dollar as reserve currency and one would think that the US and UK must be very worried.

Cries of denial from the White House which once rang hollow will now sound nutty to me so I went searching for a news article on the situation as it stands so far. The only one I've found is from BBC News in the UK, which will be forced to join in with the euro after all if the dollar fails.

BBC News reports that today's top price of gold in London and New York - over $1,039 per oz at 7:22 pm edt - is due to concerns over the falling dollar.

Wonder if Afghanistan is all that President Obama has held secret meetings about of late? If it is, what in the world is he thinking?

Astrologically, the recent 'grim reality' transit of clearheaded, restrictive Saturn to US natal Neptune (idealistic planet of dreams) in hard-working Virgo (in 9th house of Foreign Lands) keeps on giving - health care reform morphs into health insurance reform - and it's not been feelin' so well.

Now more cold water is tossed in the faces of working people's dreams for America, their families and futures.

But not to fret - our plutocratic oligarchs are feelin' fine.

Please see my previous post for Ron Paul's views on such subjects as gold and the provided.

Ron Paul speaks on returning to a Gold Standard

Here are some of Ron Paul's ideas about returning the US to a gold standard and repealing legal tender laws which force us to use worthless paper money.

In his conversation with Fox News, Dr. Paul mentions a bit of siver-gold history, a debate still raging after all these years, for as you may remember, presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan framed the gold-silver issues well and famously in his Cross of Gold speech at the 1896 DNC convention. (Some Astrology involved, but post also contains a link to Bryan's Cross of Gold text which you can read with your own eyes. Plus, he made a recording of his speech later on because it was so popular with the American people.)

So for a little history on the gold standard vs worthless money debate (and Congress' delegating the creation and issuance of our money to privateers like the Federal Reserve Bank against the US Constitution, as Paul notes), Bryan's speech is a great place to start.


And I just thought of two more players who should be noted. Here's what President Woodrow Wilson said after he created the Fed with a flourish of his pen; plus, the post contains a link to Andrew Jackson info, the president who fought against central banks and their throttle hold on the US government.

Bill 'NAFTA' Clinton speaks on Jobs! video 10.5.09

Is this a joke? No, it's only Bill Clinton, the president who ushered in NAFTA and US jobs out the door, speaking Oct 5 on...wait for!

To be fair, Bill Clinton isn't solely to blame for outsourcing US jobs, closing manufacturing plants, and so forth. Corporate America's 'go cheap and sell out America' agenda had been underway for some time prior to Clinton's first term in the White House. But not only did President Clinton not stop the hemorrhaging, he sped up the flow with NAFTA - and, following Washington politics' usual 'call things the opposite of that they are and fool the fools' ploy - they called it and continue to call it - 'free' trade!

And I still say the US government has our armed forces waiting in the wings for chronically out-of- work Americans to sign up for perpetual war service. Now wouldn't that be a version of a 'jobless recovery' to die for?

WellPoint sues Maine, Evan and Susan Bayh richer

Susan Bayh, who is on the board of Wellpoint and is also the wife of public option naysayer, Senator Evan Bayh (D), can explain what's going on at the company that has made her a very rich woman.

WellPoint sued an ENTIRE STATE to increase profits.

Netting $2.5 billion in profits last year wasn't enough for WellPoint, the nation's largest insurance company.

Now, WellPoint's affiliate, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, is suing the state of Maine for refusing to guarantee it a profit margin in the midst of a painful recession.

As if Mainers didn't have enough to worry about just struggling to put food on the table, WellPoint is intent on forcing them to cough up 18.5% higher premiums on their insurance policies.

While WellPoint lobbies against granting Americans the right to affordable coverage, it's claiming that it has the right to a guaranteed profit margin, paid for by struggling working families. Mainers are outraged, and they're fighting back.


Robert Greenwald
and the Brave New Films team

Read more:

If Insurance Companies Win - You Lose

This heads-up from Alex at Modern Astrology.


Make ya mad yet?


Oct 5, 2009

Astrology of Edgar Allan Poe's life and death Oct 7, 1849

Having just published an article on the Astrology of the life and death of Edgar Allan Poe, I'm giving you here a heads-up in time for Halloween 2009.

My 'Poe post' was begun in August and saved as a draft which keeps it in line of my August posts, thus this alert for you.

Pictured you will see Poe's death chart for October 7, 1849 making Oct 7, 2009 the 160th anniversary of his sad death in a Baltimore hospital after being found delirious on the streets - perhaps from falling off the wagon in a big way, and/or perhaps from political 'couping' - read and see what you think.

Through the years much controversy has attended the poet's demise (and life), and perhaps you've heard of the mysterious Poe Toaster who faithfully visits Poe's gravesite each year.

Well, all this Poe posting may get you in the mood for Halloween, may it not? And the article contains quite a few links to info about Edgar Allan Poe's life and death, so check it out when you have a few moments to...chill.

NWO, Spirit, and Jupiter's Direct Station 10.13.09

A blog that is new to me and has distinct possibilities as a resource on Spirit and the NWO is authored by Jim - no surname, just Jim.

Check out his 2 or 3 articles, particularly the one on Ken Wilbur and the NWO where it is stated that Bill Clinton and All Gore are frontmen for the New World Order. Now that's the sort of thing stated on this blog for years so it's nice to see it written elsewhere in an essay that adds to the debate. In fact, I prefer to point at all US presidents of the last several decades as NWO frontmen, or shills...each operates as a "propaganda catapulter" as George Bush called himself, in a moment of glaring presidential truth before cameras and microphones.

Plus, we have Jupiter's Direct Station coming on Oct 13, 2009 @ 17AQ10 = '18AQ': "A Man Unmasked." You will note that the 10N 'Unmasking Eclipse' manifested on that degree Feb 7, 2008; paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology the flavor of the 10 North Series is: 'frustrating events come along having to do with paperwork (missing White House emails, leaked memos?), news, or young people; emphasis on communications; one feels tired and drained.' The actual degree of the Solar Eclipse of 2.7.08 was 17AQ45.

Perhaps Bush-Cheney-Rove administration issues may resurface for further consideration (if indeed they ever leave us at all) but will it be 'Jupiter the Judge' or Jupiter's protection for the culprits? Plus, financial pursuits can be forwarded once Jupiter moves ahead in the zodiac - yet on the other hand, 17AQ is said to be the 'end of progress' degree, isn't it?

Jupiter's Direct Station occurs at 12:34:18 am edt in Washington, DC, with Jupiter just into 7th house (from the 8th house of Debt, Insurance, Credit, Shared Resources, Legacies, Transformation, etc - 8th cusp 19AQ20); Mars 28Can15 is rising, ASC 28Can45 with South Node, a separative point and Saturnian Tail of the Dragon (SN 26Can26.)

Mars conj SN indicates a loner who makes his own decisions without listening to others (which would surprise me if this Mars/SN signifies a US president who isn't as powerful as they pretend to be due to other forces pulling strings - but he is a loner outstanding in his field, and Mr. Obama may not listen to his generals - moneybags Jupiter is also 'the general' or 'the guru.')

Mars/SN may also indicate one who questions the militaristic values and actions of his society (isn't there a March on Washington scheduled for Oct 12?), and can describe one whose actions and desires are out of harmony with societal standards. He (Mars) may act at the wrong time and place (SN) in an angry, frustrated manner. (Sakoian and Acker's The Astrologer's Handbook.)

SN conjunc ASC = strong individualism, lack of popularity, inhibited actions. Well, this does sound like the president concerning sending more troops to Afghanistan - as if America can afford it! Mars/SN has a 'violence and war' component, too.

The ASC 28Can45 brings up the July 21, 2009 Solar Eclipse (11S) @ 29Can27 as well, and the 11S Ecl is being triggered by transiting Mars. Look for some systems to fail, with new ideas and methods needed to deal with events (Brady, as cited above.) Mars may operate on a physical level as instigator of the Eclipse's influence (so do be cautious, m'peops.)

In the chart, Mars rules 10th house of Career and Public Status (Mc 14Ari34) and 5th h of Risk-Taking and Creative Projects (5th cusp 20Sco54.)

So from the looks of the Jupiter Direct Station chart set for Washington, the 11S Eclipse's influence will be of immediate (ASC) consideration on the president's desk (and already is, but now with Jupiter direct. Will war monies be appropriated?)

Sun 19Lib59 (4th house) and Moon 13Leo54 (1st h and conjunct President Obama's natal Sun) make for a theatrical, high-minded, diplomatic Sun Lib/Moon Leo blend whose Images for Integration are:

'A performance of The Importance of Being Earnest...The managing director throws a birthday party...A political idealist is crowned leader by his adoring followers.' (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

The only birthday I can think of just now is of the White House itself (Oct 13, 1792; natal Moon 24/25Vir, a degree area where the transiting Venus, Saturn, Mercury trio has been visiting of late; Virgo, sign of Health, Work, and Service.)

You can tell from the first image that the Sun Lib/Moon Leo combo of energies is shared natally by the play's author, Oscar Wilde, who instructively said, "It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious."

Yet in Washington, DC, dividing people - Ds vs Rs, liberals vs conservatives, lower vs upper classes - is the only way politicians can conquer and stay at the top of the pyramid of power, for if we-the-people fully realized the power in numbers that we hold, the NWO train could be stopped in its tracks and Congress could return to serving the needs of the American people.


Update 10.5.09 - this just in - as if we didn't know: the Treasury and the Fed lied (under Bush) to the American people last Fall about the health of banks! Call Myrtle in from the barn, she'll want to hear about this...

For more reading see this on the 13-step pyramid of power, Lehman Brothers, the IMF, and related subjects.

And if you haven't, please answer the 'Obama/NWO shill' poll at the bottom of this page. Thanks! Jude