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Sep 18, 2014

A Few Words from President Teddy Roosevelt dated October 1, 1913

With his social crusader mentality on display along with a stern and ingrained moralistic tone, here is an excerpt from the Forward of Theodore Roosevelt's autobiography:

"We of the great modern democracies must strive unceasingly to make our several countries lands in which a poor man who works hard can live comfortably and honestly, and in which a rich man cannot live dishonestly nor in slothful avoidance of duty; and yet we must judge rich man and poor man alike by a standard which rests on conduct and not on caste, and we must frown with the same stern severity on the mean and vicious envy which hates and would plunder a man because he is well off and on the brutal and selfish arrogance which looks down on and exploits the man with whom life has gone hard."

Theodore Roosevelt Sagamore Hill, October 1, 1913

Timed natal chart details are available for Jupiterian President Teddy Roosevelt October 27, 1858.

"American Democracy: Murder Spies And Voting Lies" video

With the November 4, 2014 Mid-Terms on our political agenda, here's a 26-minute video mash-up detailing the voter fraud and corruption of the Bush-Kerry election of 2004 to reflect upon:

My thanks to Forbidden Knowledge TV for the heads-up on this video.

And in case I have no chance to post an article concerning the horoscopes of the November 2014 elections please note that in a recent post appeared my prognostication that Democrats look to me to be favored astrologically but of course dirty politics can interfere with outcomes.

Sep 15, 2014

Teddy Roosevelt (Oct 27, 1858) and kin showcased on PBS

Though it's never been convenient to post on my blogs concerning the natal chart and life of President Theodore Roosevelt, it isn't for lack of interest by yours truly. So now that Ken Burns has turned his expert lens upon Teddy, Franklin, and Eleanor, I am glad to find a posting of Teddy's natal horoscope with details at the excellent Neptune Cafe (scroll down a ways to view the horoscope.)

Check out the article to read of Teddy's "bellicose" nature with his Sun-Pluto opposition and larger-than-life personality as shown by expansive, adventurous, exploring Jupiter Rx rising in Gemini along with plenty of mystical and secretive Piscean influences suitable for a master Freemason such as Theodore.

Why even his Cancer Moon has a certain psychic quality to it and with an occult-leaning Scorpio Sun, we find a courageous man with a Water-Water personality blend that denotes a natural leader--a hard working, passionate public crusader who can be brooding, darkly intense, dryly witty, ruthless, and self-righteous.

The 'Images for Integration' for his Sun (conscious)--Moon (unconscious) blend are: "A general leads his troops to victory...A film director plans each shot to maximize its emotional impact." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

Finally, illumination of Teddy's personality may also come from a quote by a writer who shares the Sun Sco-Moon Cancer blend in her natal chart, George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans):

"He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow."

Yes, I'd say that sums up rough-rider Teddy rather well.

Sep 14, 2014

Sept 18, 2014 Scottish Referendum - video

You may wish to view a video concerning the upcoming Scottish Referendum here: Scotland: 25 March, 1005 noon LMT Scone, Scotland when Malcolm the Second was crowned. Scotland's natal horoscope is found in Anne Whitaker's book, When Jupiter Meets Uranus.

Sep 24, 2014 New Moon @1Lib55: saluting Jupiter

If a horoscope for September 24, 2014's New Moon @1Lib07:55 is set up for Washington DC (2:13:45 am EDT), the New Moon, the seeding phase of a new cycle of activity, conjoins the Midheaven (The Goal or Aspiration Point) in the 'Sibly' horoscope of July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (12Sag rising.)

In Politics and Business the Sun-Moon midpoint (conscious + unconscious) signifies potentials for: how the people's will is applied when taking the nation in a new direction, making national policy after reading approval polls, the international reputation of a country (ours rightfully sucks), loss of face--or, sorrowfully, head--in international politics, smears on a nation's reputation (global-cops-r-us), a leadership's will forcefully imposed upon the people, and/or pessimism flowing through the populace or through lawmakers. (Munkasey.)

We don't need Astrology to tell us that it's congressional lawmakers, pro-corporate Supreme Court justices, and Republican anti-government operatives who have been three of the major causes of our pessimism. And with deceptive Neptune now floating through its own sign of murky Pisces it's to be expected that along with inspiration, contagion, illusion, mysteries, scandals, veils, and paranoia are prevalent in society and destined to become more so as the transit continues until Neptune's magic wand finally touches the Aries Point in late January 2026.

By that time Uranus will be in late Taurus and Pluto will be in early degrees of Aquarius after conjoining 00AQ+, the US President's degree on Inauguration Days...assuming we still have presidents in 2026.

So yes, the New Moon horoscope does look much like a 'war chart' with a misguided Mars-Neptune square echoing same in the US natal chart but only a few factors will be discussed with you today: Jupiter @14Leo43 rising in 1st house (ASC 3Leo33) which is the lead planet in a Locomotive pattern. The locomotive pattern or shape forms quite rarely though this particular one has been off and on of late. For the Sept 24th New Moon and with the Pentagon gearing up for more military action in the Middle East (and public approval for airstrikes said to be high--no 'boots on the grounds' please...gullible!), we find that an optimistic Jupiter the General is leading a full-steam-ahead Locomotive of success. And there's more info contained within this astrological choo-choo train...

When leading a locomotive pattern, Jupiter can be a ruthless self-seeker riding roughshod over others or a dynamic executive and efficient coordinator. And with Jupiter denoting increase and expansion, both roles may apply to various people or groups represented by Jupiter in mid-Leo here. After all, the roaring Lion Point @15Leo is about to be conjoined by Mr. Adventurism though with Jupiter and restrictive Saturn in Scorpio now squared, obstacles and blockages apply to investing Jupiter's plans for expansion. Thus, some hesitancy has been exhibited.

Plus, the transiting Jupiter-Saturn midpoint sits atop America's natal chart (MC) promising only fluctuating success with the potential for attendant losses while philosophers busy themselves pontificating on the merits of global copping. Meanwhile, our own house is in such disarray it's a wonder they can muster the bombast needed to keep telling other countries what to do!

In addition, the Jupiter-Pluto midpoint, a plutocrat-big banker-organizers indicator (exs: the Fed; fat warmongers) conjoins 4th house Mercury @27Lib14 denoting that a massive propaganda campaign is underway using the media/reporters/talking heads but this midpoint picture also applies to current political campaigns with their knickers-in-knots over the 2014 Midterms in November.

(My prognostication: Democrats are favored in November 2014 though of course the usual political dirty tricks can interfere with outcomes.)

So with full-steam-ahead Jupiter determined to provide weapons to the 'good rebels' and bomb ISIS militants to smithereens, the primary drive or motivation is found in the relationship between the occupied/unoccupied section of the horoscope and in the New Moon chart of Sept 24th, Jupiter in 1st house of Self (Washington DC) has no opposing planets in the 7th house of Partnerships and Open Enemies.

That is, no planets in 7th house except two: Inauguration 2009 Jupiter on Descendant (3AQ33) and We the People's natal Moon @27AQ+. For when transit Jupiter actually perfects its opposition to US natal Moon in late July 2015 (or months earlier if you use a different US natal chart with an earlier Moon), we'll all be referring back to the load of crap and trite slogans they used in 2014 in a transparent attempt to justify the propaganda they used to emotionally upset the American public and excite sentiment so that we would march back into Iraq while whistling their karmic tune of self-undoing.

Sep 11, 2014

Leuren Moret: "Roots of the New World Order and Its Permanent War Economy"

"It is not my intention to doubt that the doctrine of the Illuminati and the principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more satisfied with this fact than I am." -- First President and the 'Father of Our Country', George Washington, Freemason.

The above quote is cited in an article by Leuren Moret which covers several topics the results of which we see more clearly now. As last evening's presidential address detailed, more years of war in the Middle East will now be waged in a not-so-veiled fashion. That a consequence for the American people will involve the old 'guns'n'butter' issues seems to me a given.

Neocons Say, Bombs Away!

So I ask you, dear reader: do you support the military efforts partially discussed by President Obama last night? Approval polls are said to indicate that the US public is now swayed by the recent brutal beheadings of two American journalists by ISIS-ISIL-IS militants. Will you support providing more US funds for waging costly wars if it means that more American children go to bed hungry at night? Well, you know how austerely Republicans behave when it comes to marching off to fight the enemy out there vs feeding the hungry, extending unemployment benefits, and repairing our infrastructure at home. We the People pay and languish while they and their cronies fatten stock portfolios and simper around on cushy salaries and pensions.

So if you wish to read or re-read Leuren Moret's article Planet Earth as Weapon and Target I do recommend it considering that the certainty of Permanent War can no longer be denied nor can our 'war economy'. Professor Moret includes such topics as: Samuel Russell and the China Opium War (which fattened the fortunes of several top American families and funded wars and revolutions), the Illuminati (a Uranus-Neptune Age of Reason pair full of so-called Enlightenment, a code word for Luciferianism--jc), Weather Modification, and more concerning many of their tactics to attain World Domination (NWO.) Just look at what they're doing and are about to do again to the Middle East!

Plus, you'll find a handy dandy definition of the NWO's political philosophy: Zionism + Fascism = neo-conservatism That's our tiresomely psychopathic 'neo-cons' such as Dick Cheney and the gang of robbers. Shh-h! Don't look now but I think President Obama is in on the Great Plan, whether willingly or not for it may have involved 'an offer he couldn't refuse'...for 'the Big Picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed--very little option to do otherwise'.

Sep 9, 2014