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Aug 7, 2015

A Few Astro-Notes on Carly Fiorina

Astro-Notes: Carly Fiona (nee Cara Carleton Sneed) born September 6, 1954 Travis, Texas CST zone with no verified birth time RR: X has natal Moon in either Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius or Saturn-ruled Capricorn. As a conservative and former head of a large corporation (HP), natal Moon could very well be in business and government oriented Capricorn, sign of The Manager--or, in inspired, arrow-shooting Sagittarius, sign of The Seeker.

From Ms. Fiorina's September 6th birth date, natal Sun is obviously in Mercury-ruled Virgo (the Virgin), sign of discrimination, grasp of details, and intellectual capability which she has ably demonstrated during her 2016 presidential campaign. In fact, she's standing out from the crowd of candidates as something of 'a duchess'!

Watch this space for more details on the natal planets and personality of 2016 candidate and corporatist Carly Fiorina.

A brief bio and her noon natal chart may be viewed here.

Aug 6, 2015

August 6, 2015: Political Astrology on Global Radio!

A lot is happening Thursday August 6, 2015!

By now you know that tonight is the first Republican primary debate/s with the first ('happy hour') group onstage at 5:00 pm edt and the main line-up on air (FOX channel or MSNBC) to begin at 9:00 pm edt including Donald Trump. It will be a very long evening of Politics and campaign promises, folks.

Update August 7, 2015: last night's two Republican debates resulted in rather predictable fashion with the lion-esque Donald Trump giving back as good as he got, Governor John Kasich acquitting himself well even on the topic of Medicaid, and Carly Fiorina rising above the rest as astrological factors suggested in a previous post. The lowest notes in the symphony were struck by Ben Carson and Rand Paul; the role of youngster of the evening was played by Senator Mario Rubio.

Then at 10:00 pm edt, yours truly is scheduled to be interviewed by Rob McConnell on The 'X' Zone Radio Show concerning Political Astrology. This is a global broadcast originating in Ontario Canada and will be aired Live from 10--11:00 pm edt (7:00 pm pdt). Hope you'll tune in this evening or check it out via podcasts or on your TuneIn or iHeart radio apps and such.

Update August 7, 2015: my on-radio interview last evening with host Rob McConnell was fun! Rob has a great interviewing style and makes it seem like a conversation between two people that just happens to have an invisible audience listening in. Depending on Rob's busy schedule, perhaps we'll finish our conversation about Politics and Astrology at a later date!

Next at 11:00 pm edt is Jon Stewart hosting his last episode of The Daily Show after over 16 years of excellent comedy bits and Jon's timely satiric ridicule of Politics, fraudsters, FOX and other sorry media outlets, and gas bag politicians while spotlighting and criticizing the damage they do to our nation. Yes, I will miss Jon but am wishing him and his family all the best as he enters a new phase of life!

Update August 7, 2015: sad for us + glad for Jon = #JonVoyage

Check out a previous post which includes The Daily Show clip of Jon Stewart on 2013's Sequester Cuts and if you type 'Jon Stewart' into the sidebar Search field you'll find quite a list of posts, most with topical clips from the brilliant political satirist Mr. Stewart!


Aug 5, 2015

Aug 6, 2015: 1st Republican Primary Debate--the Lion vs the Bull

Since the first Republican primary debate is scheduled for this Thursday August 6, 2015 at 9:00 pm Eastern let's peek at the conscious and unconscious energies that combine for the 'debate'. The Junior Varsity team will be onstage earlier (5:00 pm) for the overflow candidates who didn't make FOX's 'cut' to be onstage at 9:00 pm. Yet a few pundits have floated the idea that the 5:00 pm performances may be more impressive than the main show - for one reason, at 5 pm, Donald Trump won't be hogging the limelight like the Regulus Rising Lion he is. So they say, that is.

Anyway, at either 5 pm or 9 pm, the Sun is in its own royal sign of Leo (the Lion) squaring off with the Moon in Venus-ruled Taurus (the Bull) which spotlights self-seeking showmen with illusions of grandeur, dictatorial yet pragmatic administrators, and egocentric, shrewd individuals. A splash will be made by someone, perhaps two someones, and a proud grandiosity will be prominent along with expressions of motivating visions, ideals, and fantasies as campaign promises are uplifted in various attempts to fool the masses (they hope--oh, and please forget the 8 years of Bush-Cheney when you vote next year).

Sun Leo-Moon Taurus is an intense, subjective, and biased blend and some might say, a perfect combo for an evening when Republicans strut their stuff while peddling the agenda of their billionaire backers. Morals may be mentioned, a tendency toward making scathing remarks may be indulged in, and the use of diplomacy may be criticized (aimed at guess-who?) Amusingly, this is the natal Sun-Moon blend of former President Bill Clinton!

Now let's close with two of the Images for Integration of the conscious (Sun) and unconscious (Moon) energies of August 6, 2015:

"Pygmalion, My Fair Lady, Eliza Doolittle is transformed into a duchess...A master potter turns dull clay into an exquisite vase." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Hmmm...will Carly Fiorina rise above the crowd? And who's the 'dull clay' that becomes more valuable? Well, Jeb is pretty dull but he's not the only one!


If the GOP candidates become tiresome after a while or you prefer to catch highlights later on, why not tune in to The 'X' Zone Radio Show to hear a Live global broadcast of Rob McConnell's interview with yours truly concerning Washington DC!? That's August 6, 2015 at 10:00 pm EDT.

Hope you'll join us! Jude

"Americans are hungry.." for Government that Works for Every Citizen

"Americans are hungry, indeed starving, for candidates who will take action to ensure that government works for every citizen, not just those who are able to write big checks to candidates, parties, and political action groups." — Miles Rapoport, Common Cause

The above excerpt is from Facing $5 Billion Campaign, Hunger for a '21st Century Democracy Agenda'.

Pathethic, isn't it? That the democracy, the republic, and the Enlightenment principles our ancestors fought and died for have been under attack from usurpers whose goals include a dismantling and collapse of all civilized institutions, a "drowning" of the US government, and the anti-constitutional establishment of a draconian global government where freedom, independence, liberty, human rights, and personal conscience dissolve as an anti-sovereign regime grasps power in its hot little claws.

Many people feel it these days especially with *Pluto in process of returning (in 2022) to its July 4, 1776 degree in late Capricorn: that powerful transnational entities have grown tired of the Novus Ordo Seclorum--the new order--of 1776 and presume to have the right to replace it with a crabbed plutonian model of their own design!

If you are an American by birth or by inclination, do you beg to differ?


*One of the roles of Pluto in Capricorn = the dictator (Ebertin.)

Corporatism + Statism = Fascism

Aug 4, 2015

C-SPAN is the Outsider Network - Thom Hartmann

Last evening's Republican Forum seems to have inspired the following remarks about C-SPAN and CNN from Thom Hartmann:

CSPAN #Thom Hartmann #broadcasting

Speaking of outsiders! Tune in to The 'X' Zone this Thursday August 6, 2015 at 10:00 pm edt as host Rob McConnell interviews yours truly! Warning: some Political Astrology may occur! Or, if you're agog over watching the Republican 'debates' on FOX in real time on August 6th, you can also catch Rob's interviews via podcasts or previous shows that are available on The 'X' Zone website and on many other broadcast networks.

Aug 3, 2015

Political Parties are Like the Mafia - Thom Hartmann

Delving into the Mysteries you are?

Here are links to three online resources for those who are delving or wish to delve into what may be called, the Mysteries, or the Occult, in relation to Politics and the establishment of a new order that is now in progress of creating global chaos so that the Novus Ordo Seclorum of 1776 can be replaced with a more stringent model as the 'New Millennium' proceeds.

As for Political Astrology and timing of such issues, you may remember that the last US presidential election of 2012 occurred under the auspices of a Saturn-Uranus opposition which describes the status quo old order (Saturn) in a stand-off with the new order represented by disruptive Uranus--and conflict ensues, as we see. Of course, their recent opposition issues from the last (and current) Great Conjunction/s of Saturn and Uranus which perfected three times in 1988 in the 27-30 degree range of Sagittarius with deceptive Neptune soon chiming in for a triple conjunction (1989) not seen since the 15th century:

Secret Societies and Subversive Movements by Nesta H. Webster, the ancient history of George Washington's family, and A Cosmic History of the Illuminati.

Another great resource for unusual topics is The 'X' Zone Radio-TV Show with host Rob McConnell broadcasting from Canada. Yours truly is scheduled to be interviewed by Rob this Thursday August 6, 2015 at 10:00 pm EDT so I hope you'll tune in Thursday or catch a podcast at your convenience!

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Washington DC Statehood (HBO)

In case you missed it: last night's commentary on Washington DC's lack of representation in Congress by John Oliver is a must-see!

#WashingtonDC #DistrictofColumbia #USCongress #democracy #JohnOliver