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Aug 19, 2015

Full Moon in Pisces, August 29th 2015 | Barbara Goldsmith - clip

The Real Truth About Jeb Bush - clip (plus, Sun-Pluto)

The following clip contains more information than I ever cared to know about Jeb Bush:

Since the helm of the White House is allegedly manned by 'the most powerful leader of the free world', because we're plunked already into the Campaign 2016 season when a new 'commander-in-chief' will be selected, and since the combination of Sun and Pluto is a prominent marker in Astrology for strong power urges (and the ego to go with them), you may wish to see Sun-Pluto and Jeb Bush concerning the seemingly laid back Mr. Bush who signed onto Iraq War 2003 even before his sorry brother did.

That Time Karl Rove Deleted 22 MILLION White House Emails and The Media Said Nothing

Some of us have never forgotten...

That Time Karl Rove Deleted 22 MILLION White House E-Mails And The Media Said Nothing.

Republicans engaging in the same public scrutiny avoidance doesn't excuse Hillary Clinton's subversive (Scorpio!) actions concerning classified emails but it does point out how corrupt, evasive, and secretive the US government as a whole has become (more than ever.) And the ruling elite certainly doesn't mind invading our privacy while criminally protecting their own.

This is one of the mishandled issues that turns the high-minded concept of 'government oversight' into a big joke and further undermines whatever shred of moral standing America has in the world. And the dissolution and ultimate collapse of the US government (1776 = new order--now considered old by transnational globalists) continues apace...


Aug 18, 2015

Thom Hartmann Sees Shades of the 1964 Republican Convention - clip

As of 2015, the RNC of 1964 occurred 51 years ago which may suggest that a cyclic astrological influence from that era upon the upcoming Republican National Convention contains Chirotic vibes of mentorship, guru-ism, wounding and/or healing. Or perhaps Mr. Hartmann is sensitive to such an influence!

Although his birth hour is unverified, you may wish to view the natal horoscope and brief bio of Senator Barry Goldwater who was born under a very individualistic Sun-Mercury-Uranus conjunction.

And here are two of what are perhaps Goldwater's most famous and instructive quotes:

"A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away."

"Now those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth, and let me remind you they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyranny."

Related: The Colbert Report on Being Poor in America (clip).

NASA to Explore Mystery Caves on the Moon - clip (Libra Moon)

Just now this video clip appeared on YouTube with today's Moon sailing through Venus-ruled Libra, an Air (mental) sign. When the mundane Moon is in Libra, sign of justice and balance, the public mood tends toward an emphasis on unimportant details, co-dependence in relationships, a sense of fated unions, self-indulgence, and vivid expressions of feelings. I shall leave it to you to decide how unimportant NASA's plan to explore hidden caves on Earth's Moon may turn out to be while noting that exploratory Jupiter (who favors broadened horizons and new discoveries) is about to spend a year in the scientific sign of Mercury-ruled Virgo!

And here's a bit of Moon Art for you...Minerva's Glen, aka Owl of Minerva a pencil drawing by yours truly:

Source: Secret Moon Art.

Aug 17, 2015

The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell - Guest: Leo Lyon Zagami

From June 8, 2015 here is Canadian broadcaster Rob McConnell interviewing Leo Lyon Zagami concerning Freemasonry, the Illuminati, the Vatican, the papacy, and more: