Did you notice recently that a bi-partisan Senate passed a bill for much higher defense pending worth billions of dollars? The New York Times wrote about it. That's where our health care money went along with funds for other needs of the American populace: lining the pockets of the Pentagon's 'conquest-at-all-costs', 'global cop' perpetrators.
Instead of cutting the over-bloated military budget so that Congress can take care of our needs, they came together to provide Trump a 'win' of several more billions of dollars than he'd asked for! This outrage spurred a peek at the Pentagon's natal horoscope and a check-in on the current secondary progressed (SP) phase of America's military 'death star' and wouldn't you know? Recently the Pentagon had an SP New Moon which perfected on March 22, 2017 at the critical degree of 20Cancer27.
Now using fixed stars in progressions is traditionally a no-no so I apologize for considering that the Pentagon's 2017 SP New Moon at 20 Cancer is significant. But it is the degree of fixed star Castor, one of the dark-light twin stars along with Pollux. Castor key words include sudden fame or loss, crippling of limbs, murder, and mental illness (which perhaps can be stretched to include sufferers of PTSD). These keywords are found in Anthony Louis' book, Horary Plain and Simple.
And in his Encyclopedia of Astrology, Nicholas DeVore adds for Castor: "The mortal one of the heavenly twins; associated with Apollo" (the "sun god", an asteroid/archetype that rises @29Leo45 in the natal chart of Donald Trump who thinks he is one). DeVore also gives a few key words for Castor: violence, sudden fame, honors, followed by disgrace or imprisonment. Rising: weakness, sometimes blindness; injuries to face." Also, you note that 29Leo was the position of The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017.
Money, Guns, and a Little Butter
Now astrologers use an SP New Moon to time a new cycle of activity that lasts approximately 28 years or so which apparently shows that the Pentagon and US military generals have no intention of tossing out their world domination plan and Global Cop initiatives--no matter what it costs the American people and no matter how many dire needs of We The People remain -un or -under funded. It's money for Guns over Butter for Pentagon generals and their current POTUS puppet Donald Trump!
Therefore, I shall assert that if America really is as "broke" or is "bankrupt" as some politicians love to assert, We The People can look to the Pentagon, private contractors (mercenaries), and to hidden CIA black ops budgets when we decide to 'follow the money' out Washington's back door.
After all, who can forget Mr. Trump's 2016 Campaign during which he was asked about America's "crushing debt" and how he would 'handle' it while playing POTUS and he responded with, Yeah, So I'll Declare America Bankrupt!? As you know, this financial tactic worked for him personally in the past and he's shown since January 2017 that America is little more than a corporate cash cow for him anyway so...