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May 8, 2016

The Thales Eclipse and a Peacock of Venus

By E. Weiß - E. Weiß: "Bilderatlas der Sternenwelt", Public Domain,

Both Solar and Lunar Eclipses have storied histories as omens and heralds of change similar to that of comets which enter Earth's neighborhood and thus humanity's consciousness. Eclipses are often described in Astrology as 'wild cards of the Universe' for the unpredictable disruptions they seem to bring which result in chaotic conditions. In this they have resonance with astrological Uranus, also a 'wild card' and planet of electricity, lightening, eccentricity, disruption, innovation, revolt, and that 'bolt from the blue' that no one was expecting. Also described as cosmic blinks, eclipses tend to uncover secrets especially when applied to mundane horoscopes and conditions of the Collective; plus, Uranus is often seen as a mark of genius and originality...and/or contrariness.

As you know, there are famous eclipses down through history such as those that were used to prove Einstein's Theory of Relativity: 1919's 11 South when proof efforts were disrupted by World War I, and 1922's more successful 15 North. But perhaps the granddad of eclipses--if we can count on The Histories of Herodotus--is the first-ever reliably predicted eclipse by Thales of Miletus, of Thales Planet fame. Now I know there is debate on whether Thales was predicting a solar or a lunar eclipse but I'm going with a solar eclipse until there's more evidence for a lunar one. However, since it manifested so long ago, more evidence may never come to light so let's consider the date of May 28, 585 BC.

To view the eclipse path and for more details, see Wikipedia.

How Thales was able to predict the eclipse back when human kind was allegedly stupid may be debated but reasonable theories do exist. Also see Historical Astrology for debunking of the theory that Thales somehow used the Saros Series for prediction.

So here's a bit on the Thales Eclipse as given by my Solar Fire v9 software and including its Sabian Symbol:

Solar Eclipse May 28, 0585 BC; Sun-Moon 29Taurus43:46 Saros #57; 29Taurus43 rounded up gives '30Taurus' = "A Peacock Parading on the Terrace of an Old Castle...Keynote: The personal display of inherited gifts...As a great occultist once wrote: Adepts are the flowering of their races and cultures".

*Rudhyar continues: "The peacock is the bird consecrated to Venus; in occult tradition the Promethean Spirits who gave to animal mankind the divine gift of self-conscious intelligence had come from 'Venus'--which may or may not refer to the physical planets we can observe in the sky. {} This peacock symbol indeed confirms the social status of the ancestral state. It indicates a CONSUMMATION of individual efforts; and it suggests that such a consummation is hardly possible except when a line of 'ancestors'--biological or spiritual--forms its base."

Interesting that "self-conscious intelligence" is mentioned since cosmic blink eclipses tend to bring hidden information into the Collective's conscious awareness, and for politicians this usually indicates the ill-timed uncovering of inconvenient truths.

But let's ignore Politics and close with a tribute to Venus and her favorite bird: Princess of India (2007) from my drawing collection Secret Moon Art--can you spot the peacock?

To view a horoscope containing a Thales Planet you may wish to see the June 1, 2015 Progressed Full Moon of George Washington with authoritative Saturn playing Thales Planet @11Aries, the "President of the Country" Sabian Symbol. As such, SP Saturn sextiles his SP Moon and trines his SP Sun!

And did you know that there's a Thales Academy with an online publication, The Thales Times--tap or click for an article about the potential discovery of A New Ninth Planet.

Note: type 'Eclipses' into the SO'W Search field in the sidebar and you'll find a plethora of posts, some displaying horoscopes that are most often set for Washington DC. But in case you miss it, here's a post concerning the upcoming Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 in the 1 North Saros Series which is the first repetition of the August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse (DC horoscope shown), aka, Nostradamus' 'King of Terror' or 'Alarm' Eclipse or, The Mother of All Eclipses. And yes, this is the eclipse described in Scriptures for its Fixed Grand Cross involving the Oxen, Lion, Eagle, and Angel Points at the mid-degrees of the Fixed signs. History doesn't repeat, it rhymes, so some repetition of 1999 events may express in similar fashion in 2017 and relate specifically to the United States of America and to the US presidency. (Edit 2023: obviously, the chaotic, disruptive first year of Donald Trump in the White House is what happened in 2017 - and the 1 North Eclipse @29Leo directly landed upon his natal Ascendant with Mars rising - he was America's eclipse, a cosmic blink from Above.)

*'30Taurus' and '11Aries' Sabian Symbols from An Astrological Mandala by Dane Rudhyar.

May 7, 2016

Mr. Trump's Conspiracy Theory of a Saturn-Neptune kind

The ongoing Saturn-Neptune square (*Sagittarius to Pisces) with its realism-fantasy vibes has me thinking about certain conspiracy theories both old and new, and wondering if you've ever checked out Conspiracy Archives, a site where you'll find pages such as 9/11 and JFK, plus, the following quote from Chris Sanders, author of Oil, Smoke, and Mirrors:

"The use of 'conspiracy theory' as a derogatory -- as an epithet almost -- is something the propagandists have perfected over the decades, and it's a useful tool for eliminating articulate dissent and other points of view, and information that might be inconvenient for a policy agenda."

Why, even Republican candidate and nominee-in-waiting Donald Trump uses conspiracy theories when they suit his purposes. Like the other day when he tossed out an innuendo about Ted Cruz's father Raphael having his photo taken with Lee Harvey Oswald in Cuba--but was that really a young Raphael in the grainy photo? Donald wasn't certain, of course, but perhaps it could be him...sigh...oh, isn't life simply full of Neptunian uncertainties?

Is it conspiratorial to wonder if there's a link between Trump's Cruz-Oswald photo 'revelation' and the Saturnian fact that candidate Ted Cruz ended his 2016 campaign after his major loss in Indiana and soon after Trump had latched on to the published photo (orchestrated between Trump and the publisher so he could cite it) thus creating a conspiracy theory within a conspiracy theory? Timekeeper planet Saturn often ends things, plus we're under the influence of the 18 South Solar Eclipse with its themes of endings, partings, and separations. Could it be (and this sounds like a Trump innuendo tactic!) that Raphael Cruz actually does have a secret in his past that must be kept hidden which makes any spotlight thrown upon his Havana days inconvenient?

Well, Mr. Trump may have pulled a little Neptunian wool over the eyes of enough of his supporters in time to influence them away from Ted Cruz, but the Saturnian truth (according to the Warren Commission) is that the photo shows Oswald passing out pamphlets on the street with help from a couple of men he hired out of an unemployment line.

So in this case, truthful Saturn blocked (via the square) Neptune but only after conspiratorial Neptune had done its political hack job for Donald Trump with his reality-distorting Mercury-Neptune square.

Now let's close with an excerpt from a March 23, 2015 post concerning the astrological condition of chart-ruler Mercury in the horoscope of Ted Cruz's announcement of his run for president circa 2016:

I set up the horoscope for today, Lynchburg, VA at the moment the TV time-stamped his actual announcement that he's running for president of the United States (10:46 am edt). Rising 12Gem53 (the Descendant in America's natal horoscope for those who use the 'Sibly' chart for July 4, 1776 5:09 or 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA--possibly showing Cruz's Canadian birth as The Other/7th house?) and of course Gemini is appropriate for speeches, messages, and announcements of any kind. Therefore, Mercury, ruler of Gemini (sign of 'good news') rules the chart, the announcement, and the orator so we look to Mercury's major applying aspects to other planets to see how things may proceed from Mr. Green Eggs and Ham's announcement and presidential campaign, or how (his candidacy) will be accepted.

In the chart, Mercury is in the 10th house of Public Status and Career but is rather woolly in the sign of Pisces (16:40). Pisces is imaginative, yes, but is often murky, perhaps a bit confused, or even deceptive--and this Mercury makes not one major or minor applying aspect to another planet in the horoscope denoting that his bid may go nowhere as well. There is a separating sextile of opportunity between Mercury and Pluto @15Cap23 but he would have fared better if he'd not missed its waxing condition.

(A Mercury sextile Pluto indicates a penetrating mind, a need to remain flexible, trying to control the scope or direction of things, and hypersensitivity to criticism to the point that others may not share negative information which makes honest discussion and rational debate impossible.)

So it's fare well for now, ye crusader dueling with shadows...we hardly knew ya but it was too much all the same.

*Sagittarius, sign of the foreigner, is ruled by Jupiter which in mundane charts can play roles such as politician, ideologue, financier, actor, and propagandist, and Pisces is ruled traditionally by Jupiter with inspirational yet murky Neptune as a Higher Octave influence for cosmic Pisces. And of course, Neptune can wear many masks including that of a fraudster, a liar, and/or a crook.

May 6, 2016

Trump and Gingrich: Peter Pan and the Pied Piper

Trump and Gingrich: Which One's Which?

by Jude Cowell

Apparently Mr. Trump will be the Republican nominee for the 2016 race for the White House and, politician being needed to bolster his lack of knowledge, many pundits are speculating that his choice of VP running mate could turn out to be former Capitol Hill-er, Newt Gingrich, the old shut-down artist and Bohemian Grove attendee himself. As you may remember, Gingrich led a shut down of the US government in 1995/1996 and was pivotal in taking out a Saturnian Contract On America (which is what I've always called it.) What will the Pied Piper lead Donald to?

Trump and Gingrich working together as POTUS and VP would be two big-headed megalomaniacs bashing their noggins together! Mr. Trump is a street smart wheeler dealer while Mr. Gingrich actually is intelligent in a scholarly way so could the skim-the-surface circus barker put aside his ego long enough to take advice from The Professor who knows Politics? Well, Mr. Gingrich has been promoting Mr. Trump for quite a while now and it seems that both men are determined to 'make America great'...again. Of course, in this noble sounding endeavor they must manage to ignore the part Republicans such as Gingrich played in undermining America in the first place. (And no, they weren't the only ones.)

So is this why they seem so similar to one another? Well, they do have a lot in common, don't they?

Astrology Says: Newt and Donald Share Sun Gemini-Moon Sagittarius Personalities!

Of course, there are plenty of differences to be found in their charts and psyches as well. Mr. Trump was born in Queens, NY on June 14, 1946 after the older Mr. Gingrich had entered the earthly flux on June 17, 1943 in Harrisburg, PA. Obviously their solar degrees are close in Gemini but to have such close Moons 3 years apart (two Full Mooners)--well, I won't say it's a 'match made in Heaven' because I refuse to believe that our beneficent Creator would do that to us. However, Trump's chart is basically a Lunar Return for Mr. Gingrich and almost a Solar Return for him, too.

Now previously in a post about Mr. Trump I wrote that Sun Gem-Moon Sag adds certain tendencies...such as flamboyance, outspokenness, independence, and spontaneity. An inquisitive 'eternal student' and "positive thinking" promoter is described by the zealous Air-Fire Sun Gem-Moon Sag. Add lots of mental ingenuity, intuition, and an ability to talk people into most anything and we have the pair of them. Education makes the diff in how each one turns out though the image of a used car salesman seems quite appropriate for both, imho.

And 'perpetrator of multiple marriages' applies to both men, too, which may be attributed in part to their shared Sun-Moon personalities which can wriggle out of tight corners but with clouds of indiscretions and misdemeanors following behind. This relates to an emotionally immature 'Peter Pan nature' where greener pastures are sought if and when the going gets tough--and it always does, doesn't it? Taking responsibility for actions is not a strong suit either which is not to say they don't have good ideas at times. How such personalities could fit within the White House and lead the country into anything other than a ditch is anyone's guess but please don't say that either one of these big talkers is what the American people deserve because they seem to me more like the President and VP that no one was waiting for!

Never a fan of "Pied Piper" Gingrich (nee, Newton Leroy McPherson), I have stated here and there that No, Newt is not from Georgia. I am from Georgia, he is from Pennsylvania. It's a small point but pundits used to remind the public quite regularly of whence came Newton--and it was not from my home state.

So have a look at the natal horoscope of Newt Gingrich if you wish while I confess that years ago it was a relief to think that I would never again have to mention him on Stars Over Washington or anywhere else but with Newt's name back in the news a la 2016, the charm has apparently worn off so here he appears.

Astrologically noting that transiting Saturn in Sagittarius, planet of restriction, authenticity, authority, and responsibility, will reach the natal Moons of both of men from December 2016 into 2017 bodes a fair amount of ill for their deepest desires (Moon) for expansion, plus, Saturn will simultaneously oppose their natal Suns possibly denoting health issues. But we'll see how effective conservative Saturn turns out to be at denying or limiting them in what their strong egos (Suns) demand. Or, this applies to Mr. Trump if Newt is out of the official picture and for the purposes of this post. Naturally the women (Moons) in their lives could be affected as well especially with their natal Gem-Sag Full Moons indicating partnerships. Anyway, old man Saturn and 'Peter Pan personalities' seldom team up very well being opposites and all.

Related is the natal chart of Donald Trump in case you find that a gander is necessary.

Also related: Newt Denies Bohemian Grove Attendance! (includes video of him being asked about it), plus, a bit of Jupiter-Uranus.


For more info, see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

May 5, 2016

Growing List of Republicans Voting for Hillary Over Trump - video

May 5, 2016: With many Americans seeing little if any difference between the Republican and Democratic Parties (both follow the corporate global government script but with different ideas of how to implement the 'big picture' agenda) and since Campaign 2016 has proven to be such a cluster f*** of lies, sophomoric insults, slanderous accusations, evading-the-issue debates, and disappointing choices, it makes sense that some conservative voters might wander into war hawk Hillary's aisle on Election Day 2016 in order to avoid Mr. Trump.

Here's David Pakman reporting:

May 4, 2016

How's that Dump Trump Thing Working Out? - video

After totally winning yesterday in Indiana, it looks as if we may not be calling Mr. Trump Mars Rising with Royal Regulus for nuthin'. Thom Hartmann on the Dump Trump movement:


Related posts: the Natal Horoscope of Donald Trump (part 1), Donald Trump Part 2 (his Sun-Moon personality blend and Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse), plus, a few notes on the Wedding Day Astrology of Donald and Melania Trump.

May 2, 2016

Bernie Sanders Takes On Democratic Party - Mike Malloy video

Here is a brief excerpt from a Mike Malloy broadcast concerning 2016 candidate Bernie Sanders and the Democratic Party:

In my files are two possible natal horoscopes for the Democratic Party. The chart you see here is set for February 17, 1801 (NS) 1:00 pm LMT Washington DC during Thomas Jefferson's presidency and I'm told that its pedigree is established via the Papers of Thomas Jefferson:

Another earlier version is the chart I have most often worked with which is set for May 13, 1792 (NS) 12:00 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The 1792 Moon (We the People) conjoins our 1776 Moon in late Aquarius, an interesting synchronicity. You may find the 1792 chart and more details by visiting Neptune Cafe.

May 1, 2016

Barack Obama Gives Speech at White House Correspondents' Dinner 2016

April 30, 2016: At President Obama's final White House Correspondents Dinner tonight hilarity ensued: