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Oct 20, 2017

The foundation data of Niger

Independence was granted to Niger, former French colony, on August 3, 1960 at 00:00 CET in the capital city of Niamy. Rising is 4Tau03 with 26Cap37 at Midheaven and Neptune @6Sco26 setting on the Descendant.

A 1st house Mars @00Gem31 leads the planets which include Sun, Uranus, and Venus in Leo (10, 20, 22), in 4th house. Natal Moon @12Sag33 and Jupiter Rx @24Sag16 are posited in the corporate 8th house; Mercury @21Can56 is in the 3rd house, Saturn @13Cap16 Rx is in the 9th house, and Pluto @5Vir01 lurks in the 5th house.

With transit Saturn soon to enter its own sign of Capricorn on December 19, 2017, the karmic old age planet of accountability, authenticity, law, delay, limitations, boundaries, and restriction will return to natal degree (13:16) in early 2019.

Niger foundation data from The Book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion; chart #233.

Oct 19, 2017

Those Star Gazers in the Reagan White House

If you're a glutton for political punishment you may want to watch a video of Ronald Reagan's Second Inauguration on January 21, 1985 (the 20th was on a Sunday) on YouTube or perhaps go so far as to read about it on Wikipedia. Word is that the White House astrologer Joan Quigley selected 11:57 am est for his 2nd Inauguration ceremony for auspicious reasons.

The primary difference I see in the 11:57 am horoscope vs the usual chart set for noon (the official end of a previous president's administration, beginning of the new) is that generous, expansive, auspicious Jupiter (the corporatist, financier, priest, and military general) 'jumps' across the MC angle (Career; Public Status; World Stage) from the 10th house side (11:57 am) to 9th house side at noon so to keep jolly Jupiter in the 10th house and precisely conjoining the MC degree of 26Cap (The Goal; US natal Pluto Rx @27Cap), the earlier moment was deemed better for success.

Of course, the 'previous president' was Reagan himself so the timing difference of 3 minutes was of no real importance, at noon or not, so his 1985 Oath of Office represented merely a continuation of the Reagan administration for a second term. Besides, the Reagan Inauguration 1985 ceremony was publicly held on Monday January 21st since January 20th of that year fell on a Sunday so a private Oath had been taken the day before as happened with Barack Obama's second Oath in 2013.

Star Gazers Nancy and Ronald Reagan

Now, as a type at you from North of Atlanta, GA, I'm looking at my yellowed paperback copy (1991) of Kitty Kelley's best selling book Nancy Reagan: The Unauthorized Biography which is simply full of unauthorized tidbits of information concerning the Reagans--or, Mr. Reagan and his mommie-wife Nancy. (Reminds me of VP Pence's mommie-wife, you know? Eeuw!)

Here's an enlightening quote from the very first page of the biography:

"It took a Kitty Kelley to bring page 1 (front page New York Times, 4/6/91) matters that should have been reported day-by-day when Ronald Reagan was in the White House." - Harrison E. Salisbury, New York Newsday.

Ah yes, the media's role reporting on White House activities remains a thorny issue today.

Kitty Kelley's book is further described by the NYT as "a scalding portrait" of Nancy (nee Robbins) Reagan and if you can snag yourself a copy I recommend it. Actually, Amazon has it--even on Kindle for $5.99. Actually, Amazon is showing me an ad for the book as I type! Can you see it in the sidebar?

Now one curious tidbit from the book reveals that Nancy searched for a new astrologer who would tell her what she wanted to hear on the topic of her husband becoming US president in 1976. Jeanne Dixon wouldn't predict it at that time but 'saw' him at his California governor's desk and though Nancy and Ronnie were pals with Hollywood astrologer Carroll Righter, it was actually talk show host Merv Griffin who introduced Nancy to Joan Quigley, the lady who became the Reagans' main White House astrologer and helped them plan the presidential schedule, speeches, air travel, and all.

But before they moved to DC, Righter, whose pet name for Nancy was "Moon Child" held weekly Astrology classes which California's First Lady Nancy attended. She became "an expert at doing astrological transits and conjunctions." (Bet so!) Plus, daughter Maureen Reagan even considered becoming an Astrology teacher, according to Kelley's book.

Yes, it was a determined Nancy who shoved a reluctant Ronnie into the White House, as you know, for being a governor's wife was not good enough for the obsessive 'Moon Child', aka, mommie.

So if you wish, check out the natal horoscope of Ronald Reagan (RR: DD for conflicting/unverified although my Solar Fire v9 software rates his birth data as 'A'--supplied in a magazine article by daughter Patti). And to see why Carroll Righter called Nancy "Moon Child", a quick glance at her natal horoscope (RR: B) reveals that her Pluto, Mars, Sun, Mercury Rx, and MC were in Moon-ruled Cancer and, along with her natal Moon @00Leo28, all fell within her husband's natal 7th house of Partnerships in his 4:16 am chart linked, above. In addition, Ronald Reagan was born with romantic, idealistic, adoring Neptune @19Can28 Rx in his 7th house so perhaps it's no wonder he thought of her as mommie!

And if you're curious, why not go for a sashay down memory lane and see The Irish Times' 2016 reprint of The Woman Ronald Reagan Calls Mommie, first published in 1986. Their lovey dovey photo is oh so sweet!

Or, from 2014 you may want to check out Joan Quigley, and 5 stories of astrology in the White House.

By Official White House photographer [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Related Natal Horoscopes: Carroll Righter, aka, "The Gregarious Aquarius" and "Astrologer to the Stars," Joan Quigley, and psychic Jeanne Dixon who was not actually an astrologer yet she knew enough to write a syndicated solar horoscope column and, no doubt to Nancy's delight, had predicted that Ronald Reagan would become president so it's probably no surprise that in her glory days, Ms. Dixon was called The Seeress of Washington.

Wonder who advises the white House now?

Oct 18, 2017

DC Horoscopes: Spring EQ and Summer Solstice 2019

Pictured are the DC Horoscopes for Spring Equinox 2019 and Summer Solstice 2019. Added is a significant date: April 5, 2019 when my Solar Fire Gold v9 software says is the exact conjunction by transit of Pluto and the South Node of the Moon, a Saturnian point of separation (with a potential for neurosis). The Pluto-SN cycle can time issues of war and violence within the Collective so a difficult period may be expected.

In addition, zealous anarchist and disruptive chaos agent Uranus @00Tau41 in the Spring Equinox 2019 chart conjoins Hitler's Trigger Degree of violence (his natal Sun degree which, when activated by planetary transit during his lifetime, inspired violent behavior, and as you know, Taurus is a sign of intolerance: Uranus in Taurus = premature action leads to failure; risking all in one go; speculation--Ebertin).

Both charts show a Locomotive shape of success and power with the changeable Virgo Moon leading the engine in Spring 2019 and expansive Jupiter in its own sign of Sagittarius leading the train into Summer.

Also, both seasons are influenced by the same Solar Eclipse Saros Series, the 2 South, which manifests on January 6, 2019 @15Cap25. More about that in a later post. Then as you see, transit Saturn and Pluto near one another but their Great Conjunction won't perfect until January 12, 2020 @22Cap46. Until then the world is mired within their current cycle which began with the Reagan-era conjunction of November 8, 1982 @27Lib36, 1 degree from the position of the tomorrow's New Moon October 19, 2017 @26Lib35 which times a controversial public speaking engagement by a White Supremacist Richard Spencer whose organization rented a venue for the occasion on the University of Florida campus. As you know, Saturn-Pluto blending their energies = brutality, cruelty, tragedy, violence.

A related topic: The Two Solar Eclipses of 2020.

Please note that this brief post is being published quite early on and is not meant to be all-encompassing regarding year 2019. Of course, my posts never are for I do insist on typing posts here, not books! Therefore, more 2019 astro-notes must wait but until then perhaps you won't mind enlarging the dual image to read the notes penned on the chart/s and/or calculating your own versions of the 2019 Spring and Summer seasons shown here, and we'll discuss the topics separately at a later date as pertains to America, Politics, and Washington DC, my former city of residence. jc

Tillerson and Trump: Two Mercury-Neptune Dudes

By DonkeyHotey (Rex Tillerson - Caricature) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Donald Trump's Secretary of State Rex Wayne Tillerson, former CEO of ExxonMobil (2006--2016), was born in Wichita Falls, Texas on March 23, 1952. On that date, the Sun ranged from 2Ari33 to 3Ari32 and the Moon traveled from 27AQ47 to 12Pis16 which creates two possible Sun-Moon blends--either his is a Fire-Air personality of rationality, efficiency, and innovation, or a steamy, volatile Fire-Water personality that can scald as well as cleanse. Mr. Tillerson's Prenatal Eclipse themes are noted, below.

Setting up synastry grid between the natal charts of Mr. Trump and Mr. Tillerson shows a quite a few squares between their planets along with other contacts, of course. Apparently theirs is a dynamic relationship between two willful overachievers with big egos yet theirs may be a sympatico relationship enough to last awhile--or not. Plus, there are insinuating energies since both men were born with challenging Mercury-Neptune aspects in their natal charts, aspects which suggest stretched truths, distorted facts, indiscretion, and off-kilter perceptions, unintentional and unconscious though inaccuracies may be. Both the square (Trump) and opposition (Tillerson) between Mercury and Neptune denote strong tendencies to fantasize.

Mr. Tillerson's Prenatal Eclipse Feb 25, 1952 @6Pisces: 8 North Saros Series

The last manifestation of an 8 North Solar Eclipse occurred on April 29, 2006 @8Aries; the next will be a Total Solar Eclipse on April 4, 2024 @19Aries (the exaltation of the Sun degree and Tillerson's natal Mercury degree). 8 North's initial eclipse occurred on May 17, 1501 @4Gem51 so his PE in Pisces should be viewed through a Mercury-ruled Gemini lens for more in-depth information. Also note that a PE in mystical Pisces typically indicates a person with esoteric or metaphysical interests.

8 North themes: flashes of genius, dreams, visions, hunches, intuitive leaps, insights, good ideas; "new-found inspiration pulls the person away" from social relationships and "causes strain in the private life" because the person "needs to be free if only for a few weeks" (Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady).

You'll find a more complete analysis of Mr. Tillerson's natal chart (with a view of his horoscope set for noon) posted on the website of expert astrologer Majorie Orr along with that of Goldman-Sachs President Gary Cohn, Trump's choice for director of the National Economic Council (no confirmation needed). Their composite (relationship) charts with Mr. Trump are also displayed and discussed.

And published December 14, 2016, here's a brief interview in which Rex Tillerson explains his relationship with Vladimir Putin.

Oct 16, 2017

Oct 19 2017: White Supremacist to Speak at University of Florida

October 16, 2017

White Supremacist and promoter of "alt-right thought" Richard B. Spencer is scheduled to speak on October 19, 2017 at the University of Florida. Today Governor Rick Scott declared a State of Emergency by executive order, ostensibly so that local and state police and other security forces such as the National Guard are well prepared and may be quickly called upon in case of any riots or violence which may ensue. You'll remember that Spencer played a major part in the August 12, 2017 Charlottesville, Virginia protests which turned into riots, fighting, and, the next day, lead to the death-by-car of a young lady named Heather Heyer. Others attendees were injured as well.

As for the October 19th event, no one at the University of Florida invited Spenser to speak and no one there is sponsoring or hosting him. His organization is renting the location though the University will pick up a hefty tab for extra security. Lots more details are available at the UF Oct 19th Free Speech Q & A page if you're curious.

Now I confess to having little or no patience for, nor interest in, the Astrology of such a person as Mr. Spencer but it is a curiosity the way his Florida University speech is being handled along with the free speech issues it stirs up. Campus and Community security will be tight yet one is tempted to hope that Governor Scott's executive order isn't in effect giving Spencer publicity rather than supplying extra security for the UF students and others during speech and its aftermath. Even so, let's take a brief astro-peek at the situation.

Richard Spencer was born in Boston, Massachusetts on May 11, 1978 at an hour unknown to me yet we may gain a general idea of the cosmic influences at work the day of his speech, the exact hour of which I also do not know. So I'm using noon for his natal planets and the cosmically timed moment of the October 19, 2017 New Moon @26Lib35 for his speech just for the sake of comparison. Did an astrologer set the speech's date because there's a New Moon? Well, we're entering the dark of the Moon phase as I publish this post tonight, a perfect 3-day window of time for shady doings that go bump in the night. Plus, a New Moon phase is for planting seeds or ideas to germinate so I suppose Mr. Spencer hopes to plant ideas in the heads of...well, whoever attends his speech, I guess, or hears it in media.

Brief Astro-Notes on Richard B. Spencer

A chart set for May 11, 1978 Boston, MA shows the Moon ranging on that date from 4Can07 to 16Can30 and the Sun from 20Tau06 to 21Tau04 (Sun conjunct asteroid Pandora--will her box be opened October 19th and societal ills let out to roam?) Well, as you know, side-winding Cancer (The Crab) is a tribal sign, very self-protective and canny, while Taurus (The Bull) can be extremely stubborn and intolerant of others. (Positive traits apply to Cancer and Taurus as well but we're looking at a Nazi promoter of the alt-right Breitbart persuasion.)

Still, the Sun Taurus-Moon Cancer personality blend does possess an amount of diplomacy, reliability, and a love of family though prejudice and a sensitivity to real or imagined slights may be in evidence. There can be a "narrow preoccupation to (his) own approach to life" and a "lack of sympathy for ideas and theories which are outside (his) experience." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey).

As for the October 19, 2017 New Moon as a transit chart to Spencer's natal planets, a prominent one is transit North Node (public contacts/encounters/publicity) pointing toward his natal Saturn @23Leo which suggests serious meetings, and/or meetings with more mature or experienced people. Another factor in the Saturn-NN picture is that his natal Saturn is apex of a midpoint of power, influence, and wealth: Jupiter-Pluto. This denotes difficulties in developing or progressing although political activities are indicated. Is that perhaps a Saturnian Mr. Bannon behind the curtain?

And it may be that disruptive Uranus Rx @26Ari31 will show his radical reactionary tendencies and anarchism in opposition to the New Moon @26Lib35 and bring rebellion and conflict into the picture. Plus, his natal Mercury @24Aries has recently been energized, even electrified, by transit Uranus but natal Mercury is opposed by the New Moon. This denotes difficulties or disagreements involving communications, probably in the form of incompatible opinions or even heckling. Perhaps few people will listen to him or his progress may be blocked at every turn.

Spencer's Two Natal Solar Aspects

Basically, Mr. Spencer was born with a Sun-Saturn square (applying) and a Sun-Uranus opposition (separating, and thus unconscious) so we may expect him to exhibit a "struggle for success" (Oken) and a compulsive tendency toward anti-social behavior.

And though there is much more to the man and his natal planets, without an accurate birth hour (and considering his attitude toward certain people) I am reluctant to spend any more time (which is precious) on such an anti-social character. My sincere hope is that all goes safely on Thursday at the University of Florida, on Campus and in the Community alike, and that Mr. Spencer's minions and other attendees manage to control their animal natures instead of using them as wildly as possible in order to get themselves in the news.

Oct 16 2017: Stars Over Washington is 12 years old!

October 16, 2017: Stars Over Washington turns 12 today as its page view count nears two million. As you know, 12 is the age of accountability on the religious plane though this truism may not apply to a Political Astrology blog suffused with its Flower Power author's common good and peacenik sensibilities.

Of course for astrologers, 12 years brings to mind planet Jupiter so naturally I set up SO'W's Jupiter Return horoscope and found that it perfected on September 30, 2017. However, SO'W has never been about money and yours truly, a D.A.R. candidate, has never been on anyone's payroll, political or otherwise, for I'm an equal-opportunity critic of government! Writing this blog of dissent for the sake of America is the very least I can do for my ancestors who sacrificed, fought, and died for this country.

As always, readers are welcome to disagree with my political views but I'm typing them anyway--usually by using the excellent lens of Astrology to peek at the dark creatures who meddle with our lives as if they have the right!

So never mind Jupiter--today let's consider a few factors in the Solar Return 2017 chart of SO'W instead.

Natal and Solar Return (SR) chart-rulers are the same with Leo rising: the Sun in Libra. Both charts show Sun applying to conjoin jolly Jupiter, one of the societal planets (along with Saturn) that can also represent politicians as well as financiers, donors, corporatists, and gurus of various stripes. As chart-ruler of the SR 2017 chart, the Sun applies to three aspects which denote how things will proceed for the upcoming year (until Oct 16, 2018):

1. Sun sextile Saturn (0A13): a time when those in authority--even government!!--can or do offer advice or aid toward success or at least the opportunity (sextile) to achieve it. Yes, SO'W has been contacted by certain politicians over the years but it's confidential and involves no obvious aid that I can tell!

2. Sun opposite Uranus (3A37): unusual or unexpected actions may be taken and/or SO'W may go off in a new direction. There's really no way to tell with quirky Uranus, planet associated with radical politics and Utopians, and with Astrology and Technology.

3. Sun conjunct Jupiter (8A11): courage and optimism increase along with an expansion of knowledge--which is odd since I can hardly keep up with my book, article, and newsletter reading as it is! Plus, if this were transit Jupiter to natal Sun, indications would suggest that a project begun 12 years ago will end or will be raised to a higher level. Well, I did seriously consider ending SO'W last week but instead renewed its domain for another year--if only because 12 is an even number and 11 isn't!

The last chart factor I want to mention today is the Sun-Chiron pair which denotes one's Quest in life. In the natal horoscope of SO'W, Sun squares Chiron denoting that my Quest in setting up and writing SO'W concerned issues of socio-cultural authority (how true--the Bush-Cheney regime was on my last nerve by October 2005).

Now in the SR 2017 chart, Sun inconjuncts Chiron suggesting that for the next year, SO'W's Quest concerns health, education, and welfare (Nolle), three of the areas now under attack by the GOP, corporate Democrats, and their totem moron, Donald Trump, the insulter-in-chief.

Now if these crippling attacks that harm 99% of the American people don't stretch my nerves to a breaking point and inspire my continued dissent, I'm not certain what ever could.

My warmest thanks to all SO'W readers through the years for their kind Comments and encouraging Shares! America Forever, Jude

Oct 15, 2017

DC Horoscopes November 2017 Lunations: Mars in Libra

Here are the lunations, Full and New Moons, of November 2017. The charts are set for the White House and both show warrior Mars in Venus-ruled Libra as lead planet of a Locomotive shape which denotes success and power through an executive eccentricity--a self-driving individual (Jones).

Given that Mr. Trump's natal Mars rises in his chart, he is an obvious guess as to the identity of this Mars @7Libra which by transit has just conjoined his natal Neptune (5Libra) (unwise decisions, misunderstandings, actions misguided or undermined) and at the New Moon approaches Trump's natal Jupiter (17Lib27 Stationary Direct), a time when plans and appetites are expanded or widened, whether practical, wise, or not.

And once transit Mars nestles between Mr. Trump's inflated natal Neptune and Jupiter, a midpoint picture forms suggesting potentials for: unreliability, irresponsibility, being let down by others, speculation, and/or an urge to realize plans without prospect (Ebertin). Not so different than his usual behavior, is it?

However, we should note that at the November 4, 2017 Full Moon, Mars leads but is unaspected by the rest of the planets (actors) which may describe Trump not listening to the advice of others for here is a man of power who has withdrawn from various associations and left himself (and the US) isolated. This resonates with the Inauguration 2017 horoscope which shows only the Sun (POTUS) in 10th house (World Stage), all alone by his telephone.

Note that in the Full Moon chart, weaponry and destruction continue to be topics of discussion (Mars-Pluto = Mercury) and some people feel anger and frustration at those who avoid or deny reality (Mars-Neptune = Saturn).

Yet by the time of the November 18th New Moon, fighting Mars is more involved with other actors and, penned on the chart by the New Moon image, are Mars's aspects--the first is important since Mars is chart-ruler (ASC 22Sco55; co-ruled by Pluto @17Cap28) and applies to a square with powerful Pluto. This indicates a period of power struggles, revenge, and jealousy, plus, past actions come up and may cause blockages or obstacles that must be cleared away before current actions can succeed.

Of course, Libra is the sign of diplomacy and Mars in the sign can indicate that too much frankness (or off-hand remarks, insults, and tweets) tend to cause anger and a lack of cooperation (which we've already seen from Mr. Trump as he argues with his own political party and insults anyone who disagrees with or criticizes him). Additionally, too much dependence on moods and feelings, whether from the gut or not, proves to be unwise, another tendency we've seen from the Moon-SN-directed Mr. Trump.

Before closing, perhaps we should add another astro-note concerning the Full Moon @11Tau58 for it has a Thales Planet--Neptune @11Pis33 Rx for Neptune sextiles the Moon, trines the Sun, and perhaps in this role may relieve some of the tension or pressure inherent in the solar-lunar opposition--even if it takes Neptunian lies and fantasies to do it.

Oct 13, 2017

Horoscopes: Reagan's Jupiter Return/s (2017-2018)

Here is a tri-wheel of the current Jupiter Return/s of former president Ronald Reagan whose natal Jupiter @13Sco44 rises in the first Return chart (ASC 13Sco23) of December 14, 2017 along with the Moon (9Sco50) and chart-ruler Mars @3Sco08. All three charts are set for Washington DC although you may want to reset them for California and study each of them separately.

The middle chart shows Jupiter in retrograde phase while the outer chart, the third of three conjunctions to natal degree, shows an interesting Sabian Symbol for the Return ASC--"28Sag": "An Old Bridge Over a Beautiful Stream" which to me relates to the stream of money that the Reagan era provided the wealthy class via 'trickle down economics', a theory that has been repeatedly shown to benefit only the wealthier classes while decimating the fortunes and budgets of the 99%. The 'stream' didn't 'trickle down' as they promised it would--and never will.

Even though he too benefited from 1980s GOP economic policies, Bush Sr called the theory, "Voo Doo Economics" when it politically suited him. And perhaps you remember that during the 1980 presidential campaign, Mr. Reagan revived the Hooverites' theory of the 1920s that corporate tax cuts create jobs which is part of the GOP's discredited scheme to steal from the less affluent classes and gift greedy billionaires.

Nowadays Mr. Trump and the GOP are attempting to sell the public the same snake oil again so my thought is that if the gullible among the American people during the Trump era once again fall for such fraudulent economic drivel, we will all pay the price because 'the third time' will not be the charm.

Ronald Reagan's Current Jupiter Return/s dates with prior Solar Eclipses (PEs):

1. December 14, 2017: PE @29Leo The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 in the 1 North series--as was The Reaganomics Eclipse of 1981

2. June 24, 2018: PE @27AQ the We The People Solar Eclipse in the 1 South series

3. July 26, 2018: PE @20Can, a critical degree conjunct Castor in the 2 Old North series.

For more Eclipse info see Lunar and Solar Eclipses of 2018 with Themes.

Another facet of this topic is economist Paul Krugman's 2009 op-ed on Reagan Signing the Garn-St. Germain Act of 1982 which deregulated the mortgage industry.

Plus, you may also wish to see Millennial Astrologer Analyzes Economic Systems by guest blogger Kevin Estes.