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Nov 4, 2022

Nov 8, 2022: Biden-Trump Progressions

Midterms 2022? Meet Two Progressed Horoscopes

by Jude Cowell

Today my Friday post shows a dual image of President Biden's Secondary Progressed Horoscope (upper right; 'SP') and Trump's ('SP') Horoscope (lower left) with both charts set for natal locations (Scranton PA and Queens NY) on November 8, 2022. Emphasized are the planetary factors that stand out to yours truly but you will undoubtedly discover other significant factors for yourself.

Then, if you read my study notes penned upon the image, differences between the two men will surface for your consideration such as karmic Saturn, planet of authority, responsibility, maturity, soberness, and accountability in a starring role with reformist Uranus, and with Pluto, planet of power, wealth, and stealth. All three planets play major roles when it comes to leadership style and the exercising of power or its abuse. And of course, transformation is part of the Plutonian picture as well - especially in 2022 with America's first-ever Pluto Return/s ongoing.

Planet Saturn in a Leader's Horoscope and Psyche

President Biden's Saturn remains in Mercury-ruled Gemini when progressed suggesting a measure of adaptable stability, while Trump's Saturn, natally in Moon-ruled Cancer, has progressed into Sun-ruled Leo suggesting rigidity and pomposity. In quicksilver Gemini, Saturn suggests conscientiousness, logical thinking, studiousness, and a tendency to become preoccupied with difficult problems (like presidents must do). However, wall-builder Saturn tends toward neurosis when in emotional, self-protective Cancer, but when progressed into proud Leo, we find Trump's egotism, dislike of formalities, and deep need for power, control, recognition, applause, and importance.

Additionally, we know that restrictive Saturn can add fear and/or paranoia to most any equation, as well as a sense of loss when Saturn's demands for upright behavior and maturity are not met. Obviously, an individual's Saturn Return Horoscope provides information concerning such issues.

Two factors stand out in particular in each SP chart

For Mr. Biden, it's his SP Uranus Stationed Direct and unaspected so there's a strong emphasis on the planet, plus the suggestion that he's independent and thus not overly influenced by external forces, energies, or actors. (His aviator shades and fast cars might suggest a cool independent streak.)

For Mr. Trump, it's his SP Ascendant @1Sco27 which has received the current 6 South Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 conjunct it with themes of 'forcfully taking control' (B. Brady), which is what he's determined and very desperate to do, no matter the cost.

So beneath the symbolic progressed horoscopes (which provide hints as to how one has evolved during their lives), brief notes concerning both men's Sun-Moon blends (which are temporary until SP Moon enters the next Zodiacal sign) are added via The Harveys; then in closing, potentials contained within their SP midpoint pictures are listed for the sake of comparison via Reinhold Ebertin and Noel Tyl:

President Joe Biden: SP Sun Aquarius-Moon Aries (Air-Fire) = self and society; the brotherhood of man is a reality; sound intellect; frankness; disdain for hypocrisy; talkative; an observer of humanity; pokes fun at absurdities; loves challenges; a social reformer or eccentric ambassador; prefers practical answers that cut through bureaucracies and red tape; can be arrogant, cool, and detached. "Image for Integration: Robin Hood and his merry band of men outwit the evil King John once again."

Donald Trump: SP Sun Virgo-Moon Libra (Earth-Air) = pragmatism; lives in a private world; a gift for words; an eye for detail; organized; consults others but pushes through with own ideas; delights in paradox; lives according to a personal code; yearns for the day when others see things "his way"; fussy insistence on getting things a particular way; can be tactful and approachable; ability to cooperate for a common cause. "Image for Integration: "A monastic husband." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad).

SP Midpt Pix (11/08/22): any, all, or none may apply

President Biden: stress in the profession (Sun-Neptune = MC); pressure to regroup forces and plan anew; constraint; grave inhibitions (Moon-Pluto = Saturn); desire for pleasant contacts with many people (Jupiter-North Node = Pluto); placing false hopes on associations; dealing with others naively or simplistically (Jup-Nept = North Node).

Donald Trump: desire to rise from difficult circumstances; major separation (Saturn-Pluto = MC); grappling with unusual problems; brooding over one's destiny (Mercury-Saturn = Pluto); having a bad influence upon others; breakdown between people living together (Nept-NN = Pluto); giving stimulating ideas to others (Venus-Uranus = Mercury); chaotic emotional life; easily led by others; a dreamy nature (Venus-Neptune = Moon); arranging associations or unions (Jup-NN = Merc: or an army? jc); contemplating loss; fearing wipe-out; abandonment (Merc-Saturn = Pluto).

Nov 2, 2022

Nov 2, 2022: President Biden delivers speech on threats to democracy - clip


#VoteBlueForDemocracy #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica

A Republican Revolution and Violence 2022

When the 104th Congress opened on January 3, 1995, Republican Newt Gingrich took the gavel as Speaker of the House in what can be called the Republican Revolution of 1994. With a major sense of frustration, 40 years of Democratic supremacy had to be vanquished by Republicans chaffing at the bit to be the Big Boss of Washington, just as they chafe now.

An excellent overview of events that led up to the Republican take-over and their "Contract On America" (as President Clinton had called it - so do I), plus, more Neptunian intrigue, are now available via Steve Kornacki's 6-episode podcast, The Revolution (MSNBC). How did the bitterness in Washington begin? With power-craving Republican operative Newt Gingrich using his Pied Piper ability which is shared by Donald Tr*mp via their Sun Gemini-Moon Sagittarius personality blends.

So for readers who speak any amount of astrologese, it may be revealing to compare the party's 1854 horoscope (Sun = Aries Point; the revolutionary duo, Uranus-Pluto conjunct in Taurus) with a chart of Election Night 1994 (November 8; "8:00 pm" with Moon @1AQ15 conjunct bold Altair, the eagle), what I'm labeling the 'Republican Revolution 1994' horoscope for the purposes of this comparison.

Horoscopes: Republican Party 1854 with Republican Revolution 1994 ("8:00 pm" est puts 1854 Neptune at Midheaven, the Goal Point along with star of crisis, Achernar)

Yes, an abundance of study notes are squooshed upon the charts; please enlarge or print the image for better viewing, if needed. Alternately, why not set up the charts for yourself and have it your way?


For a Thom Hartmann video segment on this topic from 2016, see Who Started the Destruction of Public Trust? (a sprinkling of Astrology included).

It seems antiquainted now, but Gingrich's With America" spouted three core principles: Accountability, Responsibility, and Opportunity! So in view of the Republican Party's attempts to dodge the first two "principles," this would be laughable if it weren't so tragic for our democratic Republic under siege worse than ever before by a fas*ist-naz*-sympathizing GOP working in league with a global authoritarian movement - a worldwide criminal network - ours led by dictator wanna-be Donald Tr*mp, the orange menace, or as some have called him, the Mango Mussolini.

Oct 31, 2022

BREAKING: John Eastman FILES WEIRDEST MOTION yet in Court of Appeals - Meidas Touch

You'll find a mini-mention of election denier John Eastman in a previous post, Overthrowing US more successful for Rutherford Hayes which points out that the controversial Hayes Inauguration (the election "thrown" to Congress as Tr*mp had hoped for via his coup attempt of January 6, 2021) fell into a 4 South Saros Series which is the same series that brought us the Electoral Vote Count Eclipse (23Sag03) of December 14, 2020 with themes of 'strong emotions over money and relationships' and 'suddenly ending relationships or alliances' (paraphrasing B. Brady).

The Great American Eclipses of 1878, 2017, and 2024. Significantly, the 1878 Eclipse fell into the 6 South Saros Series, the current one that repeated October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio. Themes of 6 South eclipses always cycle up issues of 'forcefully taking power and control' and 'huge group effort' so that now society has another opportunity to deal more directly and effectively with its difficult energies such as choosing democracy over fas*ism and naz*sm for Midterms 2022.

Now here's a bi-wheel image of NATO (inner) with the current horoscope of the October 6 South Eclipse surrounding it due to the fact that the eclipse @2Scorpio hits NATO's Ascendant. Power and control, dear reader. Power and control.

Oct 29, 2022

Jon Meacham on the Complexities and Conscience of Abraham Lincoln | Amanpour & Co clip

SO'W readers may wish to check out the Horoscope of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address with the speech's far-reaching results and 4th house Uranus Rx @24Gem05, the position of Tr*mp's 'Prez Bid' New Moon conjunct aggressive Mars on the morning of June 16, 2015 - and now being activated by transit Mars, perigee in Gemini.

Oct 24, 2022

DC Horoscope: 118th Congress Opens Jan 3, 2023

If all goes as usual, the 118th Congress of the United States, after being sworn in, will meet in first session upon Capitol Hill from January 3, 2023 to January 3, 2025. Depending upon results of the 2022 Midterms in November, varying levels of loyalty to their congressional oaths are to be expected.

So below is a bi-wheel of two DC Horoscopes, both set for the first official day of the 118th Congress, January 3, 2023 - one chart for 9:00 am est (as if!), the other for the more civilized noon hour which is the official hour of opening; the 9:00 am chart shows a behind-the-scenes line-up of planets in the 12th house of Large Institutions, a place were backroom deals are made:

Please enlarge or print the image for clearer reading. A few notes are penned on the chart and naturally there are similarities between 9:00 am and 12:00 pm on the same day such as:

By noon, the Gemini Moon (the public) is out-of-bounds ('OOBs') as is activist planet Mars which conjuncts US 1776 Uranus, so dangerous issues remain in play along with deceit about true motives (Neptune-NN = noon ASC: some lawmakers are uncomfortable being in the presence of other lawmakers). You'll notice that neither chart-ruler makes an applying aspect (so their signs and houses are emphasized), and notably, lawmaker Saturn in Aquarius is unaspected in both horoscopes. This suggests congress members with senior status - and/or, who are unconcerned, inconsistent, and/or conscience-free. A lack of organization may be noticed, yet an inordinate amount of focus and concentration will be applied by some although their focus may be one-pointed and/or too narrow.

(Of course, a different opening hour changes chart-rulers.)

As you see, problematic zealot Uranus, planet of chaos, continues to hang around with the North Node of destiny indicating radical reactionary political operatives while financial largesse (Taurus) pours in from unconventional donors and backers with coup d'etat objectives and a leaning toward intolerance. (btw: if you've yet to check out the Rachel Maddow Presents Ultra podcast, delay no longer!).

Meanwhile, communicating Mercury is retrograde so issues cycle up from the 117th Congress and before, while the Capricorn Sun leads a BOWL shape of the planets which indicates a leader or leaders advocating for a cause.

My cause is democracy over the totalitarianism - whether it's cloaked in theocracy, fascism, or nazism. How about you?

#VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy! Because if we don't, our children and grandchildren will be very sorry when it's gone. And we will deserve to be blamed.

Previously on SO'W: Horoscope: US Congress 1st Session March 4, 1789.

Oct 21, 2022

How The GOP Lost Its Mind | The Mehdi Hasan Show - MSNBC

Finding a 'Share to Blogger' option with the following, I'm taking a chance curating a Mehdi Hasan segment which will probably be mysteriously disappeared in short order from SO'W. So here's a link to the segment should you need it.

Because I suspect you've noticed that if Herr Trump does manage to run again in 2024, a possible running mate whose name is now being floated is opportunist Marjorie Taylor Greene. And wouldn't that be a bizarre political ticket of banana republic porportions?