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Jun 9, 2009

Upton Sinclair's Utopian dream

On September 20, 1878, in Baltimore, Maryland, with Sun in Virgo conjunct Mars, and Moon in Cancer, was born future author, journalist, and social activist Upton Sinclair, who still asks:

"Is it altogether a Utopian dream, that once in history a ruling class might be willing to make the great surrender, and permit social change to come about without hatred, turmoil, and waste of human life?"

Yes. It is. Altogether.

How difficult is it for any earthbound man to give up what he sold his eternal soul for? Shhh! He's counting out his gold coins now...


Sun Vir-Moon Cancer (Earth-Water): mind vs emotions; logic + imagination; self-repressed but observant; kind-hearted; supportive, with a deep concern for others; shy but sociable; conscientious; fastidious about nutrition; devoted and sentimental; principled yet flexible.

Images for Integration: A nutritionist serves his family organically grown chicken soup...The working mother...Two old Chinese women gossip about family problems as they work rhythmically in the rice paddies. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

Jun 8, 2009

Next Venus Occultation: June 5, 2012

Did you know that SpaceWeather News has a 15-pp gallery of photos of 2004's Venus Occultation (aka Transit)?

Astrologically we say that a Venus Occultation indicates a time when people or entities that you'd never suspect join forces or create a new and unusal association. And perhaps we could say, a secret one.

This may have been an outcome of the G-8 Summit during the last Venus Transit of June, 2004 when world leaders (or those who play them on TV) met on the beaches of Sea Island, GA, with Sun/Venus at '18Gemini'..."Two Chinese Men Speaking Chinese in a Western Crowd."

Kind of a 'rare event above, rare below' occurrence, but high-level secret meeting attendees seldom tell tales under threat of who-knows-what fate, Venus Occultation notwithstanding.

And as you know, Venus is implicated in the dust-up which many of us worrywarts are half expecting for the end of the Mayan Calendar year in December 2012. Perhaps it's a coincidence that a Venus Occultation occurs in the year 2012, or more properly, perhaps it's a synchronicity. At the least, it may indicate an active Venus of some kind which no one can describe the effects of until it happens.

So if you want to set up a horoscope for the Venus Occultation of 2012, the Sun/Venus conjunction will be precise in Washington DC on June 5, 2012 at 9:08:53 pm edt, according to my Solar Fire software. You'll find a Rx Venus conj Sun at 15Gem45...'16Gem': "A Woman Agitator Makes an Impassioned Plea to a Crowd." (SolarFire.)

Ascendant 25Sag06; Mc 16Lib19; Moon 7Cap46 approaching Pluto 8Cap50 Rx in 1st house.

Now it may become seemly to post additional details on 2012's Venus Occultation chart as 2009 trundles along, but for now, there are other events, charts, and details to blog about: it looks like next up is America's two-hundred-thirty-third birthday in early July, then the difficult 11 South Solar Eclipse which occurs on the evening of July 21, 2009 in Washington, DC (10:34:32 pm edt.)

With America's Solar Return, I'll be deciding which to use: the Sibly/5:10 pm chart, or Ben Franklin's 2:21 pm horoscope on which to base the US Solar Return, and plenty of time will be needed to study both.

McChrystal to 'shield Afghans from violence'

Whaa-a-a? Have these guys been re-reading 1984, or what?

Petraeus' doublespeakin' man in Afghanistan is about to shield Afghans from violence which is how the US will tell when we've 'won' the war.

"It's not a matter of what is true that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true." Henry Kissinger

All this reminds me of the natal chart of Henry Kissinger, born May 27, 1923, 5:30 am (-1:00), Furth, Germany (rated AA), whose Airy Sun Gem-Moon Libra - communicator of 'peace' - aided him with this little nugget of overarching wisdom mined from his war experiences...

"Henceforth the adequacy of any military establishment will be judged by its ability to keep the peace."

No matter how many bombs it takes.

Jun 7, 2009

Summer Solstice 2009 + Solstice New Moon 1Can30

Summer Solstice June 21, 2009, 1:45:19 am edt, Washington, DC, is the upper chart; June 22's New Moon 1Can30 opposite Pluto 2Cap00 Rx is the lower chart, with America's natal Nodal axis at Mc/Ic.

Sun, Moon, and Pluto are highlighted in pink; click image to enlarge. Still under-girding things is the speculator pair, Jupiter/Neptune, conjoined at 26AQ+ with Chiron still in tow at 25AQ57; all three are Rx and in effect through 2009.

I'll say it once again: Jup/Nep = US natal Moon: becoming involved in speculation; instability; wastefulness; going with the wind.

The pile-up of powerful midpoints at 29Cap+ - Pluto/Chiron, Neptune/Pluto, and Jupiter/Pluto - will soon meet exactly with the tr NN 00AQ29, indicating meetings and associations with plutocrats and corporatists, resource-plundering Robber Baron/Gilded Age types (actually their current spawn and successors), and world bankers...with the president (00AQ+) - in Solstice chart, see 10th house.

Sun reaches 00Can00 at a Venus Hour with Venus 14Tau56 (conjunct US Inaugural Ascendant = the office of the president; oath of office), closing in on conjunction with Mars 15Tau02 in 1st house - both planets are on the US Inaugural Asc.

Also conj Inaugural Asc is the Solstice's Sun/Uranus midpoint...

Sun/Uranus = Asc: sudden experiences or events; new associations; excitability; appearing at one's best.

Venus/Mars = Asc: unconditional love shown easily; a lively expression of feelings; affection.

As marked, you see the Sun/NN midpoint rising with the Solstice Ascendant 14Ari43...

Sun/NN = Asc: seeking or making contacts.

Now you will find many interpretations online of the Summer Solstice 2009 chart, so I shall focus on a few factors (with emphasis on political implications) such as the dissociate T-Square between the Sun/Pluto opposition pointing toward apex Uranus 26Pisc35 (conj two asteroids, Icarus: risk-taking; flight; assassination, and Juno: the wife; legal restrictions or definitions; the abused or the abuser ); this T-Square forms a midpoint picture...

Sun/Pluto = Uranus: carrying out fanatic reforms without regard for oneself; sudden adjustment to new circumstances (arrest); new individual perspectives; sudden change; reform; rebellion.

In the New Moon chart, Moon joins Sun so the T-Square's midpoint picture expands on June 22 to include more sudden upsets (in a mundane chart, Sun = the leader, Moon = the people/populace/the public)...

Moon/Pluto = Uranus: intensity that can get out of hand; possible nervous crisis through excesses; tremendous self-projection possible; sudden upsets; fanaticism; the desire to fight; identification with the world.

And of course 'Moon/Pluto' implies public relations matters, too, with Uranus linked with electricity, technology, and the worldwide web.

Apex (focal) Uranus is dissociate in the T-Square pattern because it is not in a Cardinal sign as are Sun and Pluto (but it will be when Uranus reaches Aries Point in 2010, a Cardinal Point where world events occur.)

The dissociate quality indicates that reformist-minded Uranus has an easier time of it on an inner, psychological level, yet the pattern's dynamic energies function as usual on the situational level. As with all dissociate patterns, the expression isn't weakened in the T-Square, but indicates that attitude adjustments may be needed for best results to manifest.

Apex Uranus is a social catalyst or activist, a crusader for a group cause or a mass movement. But quirky Uranus' usual tendency toward abruptness tends to alienate or intimidate others as aggressive reforms are imposed; 'he' is excitable and straightforward yet can make sudden moves that seem inconsistent or contrary to plans already set in motion. (This sort of reminds me of: "Try something - if it doesn't work, try something else," says BHO. Like FDR did.)

If mismanaged or wrongly directed, this apex Uranus indicates lawlessness, social defiance, and the unsettling of group endeavors, so I'm reading this on one level as a reckless individual or group intent on causing disruptions from behind the scenes (12th house.) Life is complex and multi-leveled - so must be the Astrology describing it.

As you know, the Cardinal mode thrives on change and movement in the outer world and radical Uranus is driven towards reform. So this apex Uranus may represent the social innovator, freedom fighter (supposedly America herself), and/or a busy experimentalist evoking social changes within existing structures.

Providing shocks or jolts to established conventions is Uranus' cup of tea as 'he' spearheads an ideal vision of progress. This does sound like America and our president, doesn't it?

Here are the rest of the midpoint pictures beginning with the Summer Solstice 2009 chart - with Sun ruling 5th house of speculation, gambling, and risk-taking and the Jupiter/Neptune = US natal Moon opposite in 11th house, the ongoing financial shenanigans continue. If you have a question about something not included here, please leave a comment...

Saturn/ASC = Sun: taking responsibility squarely into one's life plan; strategizing personal freedom; making things happen through hard work; overtaxing the body-health system (how about health care reform? Hygeia is at Ic in the Solstice chart with Panacea at Mc in the New Moon chart! -jc); keen awareness of lack of freedom of movement; difficult circumstances of living; suffering from environmental conditions; becoming ill; an act of separation; wanting to go one's own way.

Sun/Venus = Moon: feeling good about life; an attractive personality.

Sun/Mars = Moon: awareness of relationship dynamics in balance with individual needs; the husband.

Asc/Mc = Jupiter: the optimist; joy and success; pleased with things; justification.

Asc/Mc = Neptune: idealization; spirituality; quiet; feeling ill at ese within one's circle; simulating, pretending, or hiding one's true nature; being surrounded by deceitful or bad people; disappointments.

In both charts...Jupiter/Pluto = NN: political activities; working together with others for success; joint aspirations; relationship to the masses; far-reaching associations; joint or shared success ('Jup/Plu' = plutocrats; organizers handling large projects; world bankers.)

And since the current position of the transiting North Node (NN = destined encounters; meetings; associations) conjuncts US Inaugural Sun and Mercury Rx (2009) we see...

Jupiter/Pluto = Sun: the creation of magical effects; successful use of extraordinary physical or mental powers; strong personality powers; doing well with all resources; keeping things within one's own grip.

Jup/Plu = Mercury: a propaganda campaign; promotion of a cause; persuasion; influence; the gift of oration; the desire to influence the masses.

Additional pictures in the New Moon chart of June 22, 2009...

Jupiter/Mc = Venus: success; reward; marriage; birth; a richness of feeling.

Jup/Mc = Mars: creating one's own good fortune; clarity of objective or purpose; successful cooperation; abundant creative powers.

Neptune/Mc = Venus: pretending particular feelings; an apparent show of attachment; acting; idealized love out in the open.

Nep/Mc = Mars: acting without clear understanding or purpose; the desire to bring the wrong ideas into realization; the desire to harm other people; metaphysical studies; charisma for professional gain; playing a role; sensual image.

As always with midpoint pictures, they may act in an any, all, or none manner.

So what else is there to say?

Oh, yes: the Summer Solstice Sun applies only to opposition with string-puller Pluto, the dragon that guards his riches against all challengers - thus financial power struggles continue as Pluto moves again into opposition to US natal Venus, Jupiter, and eventually to n Sun 13Can+.

Solstice chart-ruler Mars applies only to a sesqui-square with powerful Pluto. When waxing, this aspect of 135 degrees (a weak square, difficult and afflicting) indicates an awareness of dynamic interactivity - with an urge toward self-expression and the promotion of one's ideas.

And I have the distinct feeling we'll be hearing of those ideas and causes all the hot summer long through the auspices of propagandistic Washington yelling across Jupiter/Neptune's and Uranus' new-and-improved Digital TV Divide.


Sources: midpoint pics - Noel Tyl; Reinhold Ebertin; dissociate T-Square info: Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney; sesqui-square details: The Astrology of Relationship, Michael R. Meyer.

Healthcare reform? GOP frets over 'artificially low costs'

The Following Is Not a News Flash:

Well, I assume GOPers are saying they prefer artifically high costs for your health insurance expenses and medical treatments, Pilgrims.

And this, after extorting American consumers for decades into paying extra for other countries' reduced prescription rates - while they keep American taxpayers footing the majority of the bills for pharmaceutical research which creates the patent formulas we pay the world's highest prices for. Crazy weasels!

Yes, on Capitol Hill they're fighting The People all the way to keep credit card companies in clover at our (obscene) expense, and to retain the sneaky, high-handed fees the banking industry levels on us at the drop of a Majority Leader's gavel - in order to boost already out-of-proportion bottom lines and line politicians' deep pockets.

Beyond scandalous! Duplicitous. Craven. Over-the-line greedy. Wicked. Psychotic. ______ <--your adjective goes here. Can you name that weasel in one adjective? reform in the US? Wake me when it gets here - but after you give it a while to show its true results for, and its effects on, The People.

Jun 6, 2009

Albert Einstein: Sun Pisc-Moon Sag

Albert Einstein said, "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."

And one of my personal favorites of his quotes: "The important thing is not to stop questioning."

Born in Ulm, Germany on March 14, 1879 (NS = Gregorian calendar), Albert Einstein's birth registration indicates the time he entered the time/space continuum on Earth to be 11:30 am (-0:40) which SolarFire gives as 11Can38 rising, Mc 12Pis50, with 10th house Sun 23Pisc55, 6th house Moon 14Sag32, at an Hour of Mars 26Cap55 in 7th house (quarrels with partners; marriage disagreements for which he is well-known. Not a good husband, our Albert.)

The steamy Water-Fire blend of Sun Pisc-Moon Sag is indicative of one who is romantic, moody, volatile, and artistic. Steam sterilizes and purifies but can also scald! Water-Fire's shadow (unconscious side) describes one who cannot be objective in his views and uses an intensely urgent and passionate approach.

In fact, Einstein's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series, the one he was born into, is the 7 North, which Brady's Predictive Astrology gives as 'a very sensual family of eclipses; hidden passions may catch people off-guard and confront them with very deep passions which may have been hidden for many years.'

Yes, Albert was quite a ladies' man, wasn't he? Except to his wife who early on in his career shared his intellectual pursuits. But Sun Pis-Moon Sag doesn't like to be 'tied down' so I believe he resented marriage and the responsibility of children.

With his natal Saturn (the father) in its fall in Aries, his own papa may not have been much of a bargain either - little Albert had to depend on himself. Sad that he basically did the same to his own children.

FYI: a Solar Eclipse in the 7N Series last manifested at 19Ari06 on April 8, 2005; next occurrence will be on April 20, 2023 at '30Aries.'

Sun Pisc-Moon Sag is also noted for breadth of intellect, a far-ranging creative imagination, and deep self-confidence. Enthusiastic and ironically humorous, this blend can make everyone laugh and feel that a *bff has been found.

Here is an adventurer and restless seeker of truth (Sag) with a religious bent but not for organized religions (Pisces.) A strong social awareness is present, along with a streak of mysticism that can bring a reverential fervor to all endeavors.

Einstein's natal chart shows a Mercury/Saturn conjunction in early Aries, sign of the pioneer, which gives much structure and logic to the thought patterns as well as scientific and mathematical talents, fore-sightedness, and strong powers of visualization.

The **Images for Integration for this blend are:

A black woman priest in the confessional hears a tale of woe from a white converted scientist and they fall in love...Einstein's Theory of Relativity.

(The last word picture is for obvious reasons!)

Sun Pisc-Moon Sag is shared natally by some interesting folk: Rupert Murdoch, Copernicus, Jackie Gleason, Nijinsky, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Ishmael Reed, Victor Hugo, and...Billy Crystal!

And btw, in photos of #Einstein you've noticed his limpid Pisces eyes (Pisces Sun with watery Cancer ascending) which some might call bedroom eyes!

*bff = 'best friend forever'....but you knew that!
**Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.

View Einstein's bio and natal horoscope here if you wish.

D-Day June 6, 1944 and the US Uranus Return

Anyone even slightly acquainted with Astrology and the US natal chart knows that Uranus, planet of revolution and rebellion, is closely linked to the US natal chart and psyche. With its appr 84-year cycle, Uranus returns to natal degree on a somewhat regular basis - 'somewhat' because we are talking about that quirky lover of the unexpected, Uranus, The Awakener.

On May 30, 1944, Uranus returned to America's natal degree 8Gem+. Basing the Return on the 'Sibly' natal chart (5:10 pm LMT) the time of the Return (relocated to the White House): 5:04:58 am EWT (+4:00); using the Scorpio Rising chart (2:21 pm LMT), its time: 2:44:01 am EWT. Obviously the two charts differ in house cusps, Midheaven, ASC, etc, but here I speak more generally because today is the 65th anniversary of D-Day which marks the amphibious phase of the Allied Forces' invasion of 50 miles of France's coast, with fighting beginning June 6 on the beaches of Normandy.

As you know, President Obama is there today taking part in ceremonies to mark the occasion and, I'm glad to say, a few participants are in attendance, too, though in their 80s and 90s now.

This was the largest single-day amphibious invasion of all time, and was aka 'Operation Neptune' and 'Operation Overlord'..the first obviously related to Neptune astrologically (amphibious, the sea, overseas), the second to Pluto which was out-of-bounds and conjunct Mars, god of war, on June 6, 1944.

Mars and Pluto, who together indicate great zeal, force, brutality, superhuman power, ruthlessness, ambition, confidence, and people disabled in war (Ebertin) were conjunct US natal North Node (NN '6Leo')...

Mars/Pluto = NN: working with others to change the world; the joint performance of record achievements; spurring others on to better results or setting an example through one's own achievements. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

Allied forces liberated France from Hitler's German forces as the weeks bore on (and freed the rest of the world, as it turned out) as the United States repaid our own liberator - France - two cycles of Uranus later! But this time, the action included Britain's and Canada's important alliances.

Counterattacks were mounted yet from east and west our forces crushed Hitler's army until they surrendered on May 7, 1945.

Here are the Solar Eclipses of the time period, from D-Day to Hitler's surrender, with details from Brady's Predictive Astrology:

Jan 25, 1944; '5AQ' conjunct US natal South Node; 18 South Series: endings, separations, partings which can be from loved ones traveling overseas or the ending of relationships; anguish and grief but new situations bring positive outcomes.

July 20, 1944; '27Can' opposite US natal Pluto; 19N: realism; coming down to earth and becoming aware of an old situation and seeing it for what it really is; a constructive time for tackling the truth.

Jan 14, 1945; '24Cap' near US natal Pluto and opposing US n Mercury; 19S: a joyful event; a pleasant surprise; a lucky win or break that positively changes lives.

So D-Day was a sort of Declaration of Independence all its own - and freedom-loving Uranus was the alchemist's assistant with secret hand Pluto sending troops across Neptune's seas!

And even though I believe wars are instigated by rich old men dreaming them up for young men to fight and die for, I do send my hearty appreciation and thoughts to France today for ceremonies marking the courage and accomplishments of America, Britain, Canada, and France. Well-fought and thankfully won!

Read more on D-Day and bravely check out a fresh limerick written in honor of today's occasion: A Kitten in Normandy Fought.

Jun 4, 2009

Full Moon June 7, 2009's Fist of God patterns

Astrologer Julie Demboski's When God Insists ably covers the details of the Fist of God patterns in June 7, 2009's Full Moon in Sagittarius horoscope so check out Julie's informative column with the Full Moon's chart image included (PDT) because big things are brewing!

Jun 3, 2009

bond market ruckus

Bond Market Blowout

By Mike Whitney

Last week's ructions in the bond market, leave little doubt that the financial crisis has entered a new and more lethal phase.

Twain, Russell, and McGovern on War

Here's a Quote Round-Up concerning man's war on man, woman, and I wish young men of all persuasions would just say, No!

"Man is the only animal that deals in that atrocity of atrocities, War. He is the only one that gathers his brethren about him and goes forth in cold blood and calm pulse to exterminate his kind. He is the only animal that for sordid wages will march out...and help to slaughter strangers of his own species who have done him no harm and with whom he has no quarrel.... And in the intervals between campaigns he washes the blood off his hands and works for "the universal brotherhood of man" - with his mouth." Mark Twain

"Patriots always talk of dying for their country and never of killing for their country." Bertrand Russell (attributed)

"I'm fed up to the ears with old men dreaming up wars for young men to die in." George McGovern

Compliments of Information Clearing House.