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Showing posts with label 18 South. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 18 South. Show all posts

Dec 2, 2024

Mercury Rx and the Midlife Crisis of Kash Patel

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

When it comes to political nominations and the announcement of them, of note is the current Mercury Retrograde period ("Rx," which began November 25, 2024 @22Sag40 conjunct the natal Moon-South-Node conjunction of Mr. T, his cosmic signature of bad timing, emotional alienation, and lack of popularity - as are his grifter nominations in the views of a majority of the country). This is also a Mercury-opposite-natal-Sun transit for Mr. T which denotes a time of differing opinions, disagreements, and a potential for ego bruising.

Then Mercury, planet of ideas, plans, communications, commerce, tricks, decisions, nominations, and announcements, in retrograde motion suggests withdrawals such as that of Matt Gaetz, and difficulties and/or delays getting nominees through the confirmation process, if not outright rejections (ex: Rick Scott). You'll find a Mercury Rx-Direct-Shadow Tri-Wheel of 2024 into 2025 shown, below.

The point is that a Mercury Rx period is an unfavorable time for decisions, nominations, or announcements which may need to be retracted at some point. Mr. T's nominations for power positions for his favorite grifters and the unsavory seem rather ham-handed to me but of course, thievery, revenge, cruelty, and the collapse of US society and government are their aims, at the command of fascistic enemies of America, both foreign and domestic.

See Kash Patel for FBI Director Faces Senate Blowback.

Unfortunately, the "blowback" may be mainly for public consumption as will other confirmation hearings if they occur.

Now the current Mercurial process turns Direct on December 15, 2024 @6Sag23 but The Messenger planet won't reach, then leave, his/her own shadow until January 2, 2025 (22Sag40) - just in time for the 119th Congress to swear in, such as it is.

If possible, check out the Sabian Symbols or symbols of your choice for the degrees' word pictures of this Sagittarian Mercury Rx period for more information. You can always Google them, if need be.

FBI Director Patel? Weaponization and Revenge Not Law and Order

Here is a 'noon' natal Horoscope for Kash Patel born February 25, 1980 in Garden City, New York; a few astro-notes follow:

As you see, natal Mercury is stationing and about to turn Rx while opposing natal Saturn. Both planets square his Neptune in Sagittarius creating a dynamic T-Square, yet it's Jupiter Rx in Virgo - closely conjunct Mars Rx - that forms a Mutual Reception relationship with Mercury meaning that the two planets are on friendly terms. Together the planetary pair tends toward expansive ideas and plans, and have likely inspired his extensive merchandising and promotional schemes. Plus, some form of misjudgment may possibly occur if perspectives are overly grand - especially considering his Mercury-Neptune square of misperception, deception, fantasy, and lack of discrimination.

This is a cosmic echo of the very same natal aspect regularly used by indiscreet fantasist extraordinaire Mr. T, he of the Big Lie. Therefore, we can expect Mr. Patel to be challenged in the secrets-keeping department - and with the sense of national insecurity this brings.

Then if a dear reader such as yourself happens to be familiar with the natal planets of Mr. T, or even if you're not, you'll notice that there are several contacts between the two men, both positive and negative, even without having an accurate birth time for Kash Patel, as shown in their Synastry Grid, below, and excluding chart Angles and the Moon:

A Grand "Deep State" Conspiracy Theorist

At first, having shared interests and aims, things are on the sympatico side for them, but strong personalities will soon show through tension, friction, differing values (1946 vs 1980), quarrels, plus, both men will be determined to dominate in their relationship and on certain issues. Yet naturally, the power dynamic of boss-underling makes clear who will "win" the battle for domination whether Mr. Patel makes it as Director of the FBI or not.

But if Patel grabs the Director's seat, Mr. T will certainly be pleased, for as Thom Hartmann and others have observed, Mr. Patel will "go after the media" - and after anyone who has criticized authoritarian grudge-holder Mr. T because bright spotlights cast upon criminal roaches can force them to scatter, as we know, so that their criminal sprees, schemes, and plundering might be delayed or interrupted.

As we see, Patel's natal North Node of destiny conjoins royal star Regulus, the kingmaker, while simultaneously landing upon the natal Ascendant of Mr. T. A fated relationship is indicated, and reveals that the Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 landed upon Kash Patel's North Node and must have added to his sense of destiny within their association. And it's significant for Mr. T back in 1980 when he was 34 years old with transit North Node conjunct his Ascendant and his Mars rising - back when he was "creating" his public image.

Kash Patel's 18 South Eclipse @26AQ40

His is a Total 18 South Eclipse February 16, 1980 @26AQ50 (conjunct transit Siva, the creator-destroyer). For those who use a late afternoon July 4, 1776 Moon of We the People in late Aquarius, our mundane Luna was 'eclipsed' by the 1980 Solar Eclipse suggesting psychic awareness but with a potential that skeptics will refuse to learn from past mistakes (R. Lineman). As you know, America now has a bunch of such folks, including in relation to the first election of Mr. Reagan - a president whom some folks continue to idolize despite his destructive economic policies of the greedy 1980s which favored and continue to favor the wealthy class wherever neo-liberalism's "trickle down" policies hold sway.

18 South Themes: endings, partings, separations which may include grief or anguish; yet eventual outcomes can be positive (paraphrasing B. Brady). The last 18 South manifested @19Pisces on March 9, 2016, an eventful year for Kash; the next 18S will occur March 20, 2034 @30Pisces which amounts to a Spring Equinox 2034 Solar Eclipse as was the Spring Equinox 2015 Eclipse that timed Mr. T's prez bid ride down the golden escalator. And both eclipses conjunct the fixed star of extreme misfortune, Scheat.

Meanwhile, the planetary aspects operative during Mr. Patel's Prenatal Eclipse of 1980 reveal traits within the environment into which Baby Kashyap was born:

Uranus square Eclipse: indifference to the needs of humanity, lack of care or concern for society; radical or rebellious activities; Pluto trine Eclipse: spiritually, Kash Patel knows better and was raised with Hindu values; Saturn inconjunct Eclipse: an immature, ne'er-do-well freeloader with hard-to-break habits (R. Lineman says this in her Prenatal Eclipse booklet - I'm only the typist!).

Yet we know that as FBI Director, Mr. Patel should be required to do better in the responsibility department via his own Saturn Rx in fact-based Virgo which opposes his Pisces Mercury ("the world is against me"; refuses to listen to differing opinions - A. Oken), Saturn sextile Uranus (business opportunities via older associates), and Saturn square Neptune (dissatisfaction or confusion over attainments and goals; consolidation of efforts may be difficult; anxious, neurotic; a hard worker yet inefficient; can be self-defeating and involved in scandals). Well, surely he's matured and learned a few lessons by now (she typed optimistically).

Meanwhile, the Uranian Mr. T's habitual unreliability and erratic, impulsive nature that loves to shock and create chaos may become negatives for Mr. Patel and, as previously shown through our past experience, for anyone else attempting to work in the White House under his heftiness as of January 20, 2025 when their draconian Project 2025 purge, aka, American Carnage, begins implementation against the American people.

Transit Uranus Opposing Natal Uranus: Midlife Crisis

Naturally, all transits and progressions to an individual's planets should be considered for a fuller picture, however, a major transit, a first-ever affair, is ongoing for Mr. Patel and was exact in early November 2024. It's transit Uranus @24Taurus (conjunct Mr. T's natal Midheaven of Aspirations, Public Status, and Career) opposing Patel's natal Uranus in Scorpio (conjunct Mr. T's natal IC of Endings).

Everyone has a midlife transit, timed by behavioral planet Uranus, and marking a period of uncharacteristic behavior which can surprise others (ex: the family SUV guy splurges on a red convertible), plus there tends to be generational clashes, and restlessness. Then a new, unusual, or unorthodox phase of life may begin. Notably, Patel's Uranus in Scorpio tends to behave fearlessly and ruthlessly, and can get self and others into dangerous situations (R. Ebertin). We also can note that his Uranus conjunction with Mr. T's natal IC is possibly one of their friction points considering mundane Uranus' tendency to disrupt and/or reform, sometimes irrationally.

Now on the personality level, Mr. Patel's double Water Sun Pisces-Moon Cancer blend reveals him to be ultra-sensitive, moody, and highly imaginative. In closing, here's an appropriate quote by a famous jurist who shares Mr. Patel's natal blend, Justice Earl Warren:

"Many people consider the things which government does for them to be social progress, but they consider the things government does for others as socialism."

Don't they though!

For more personality info, see The Harveys' Sun Sign-Moon Sign #ad.

And if needed, his Wikipedia page contains extensive details concerning Kashyap Patel and his previous public defender and federal prosecutor roles, other legal positions, his loyalist role as handmaiden to Mr. T, as aide to Devin Nunes, his busy merchandising activities via his "K$P" logo, and more.

Related posts so far published concern: Elon Musk (not a US citizen), Pete Hegseth (his Mama says he's a low-charactered woman-abuser), and proposed "border czar" Tom Homan, the "father" of the draconian child separation horror which may contain a pedo component.

DC Horoscopes: Mercury Rx-Direct-Shadow Period 2024-2025

Plus, here's an overview of the FBI founded July 26, 1908 which initially began with 10 agents, then reached 34 agents by March 1909.

Mar 28, 2021

Horoscope: US Slave Trade's Prenatal Solar Eclipse

Racism in America: And So It All Began

by Jude Cowell

March 28, 2021: As you know, the first African slaves were traded in America at Hampton, Virginia on August 25, 1619. Meant to supply cheap labor for the plantations of Virginia including Jamestown Colony, the introduction of enslaved, initially unskilled workers triggered the beginning of the racist issues our society continues to grapple with today - or not grapple with as the case so often is.

Tobacco was the lucrative industry of the era and displacing indentured workers of the Caucasian persuasion with slaves created conditions in early America of starvation and deep resentment of whites against folks who were forcibly transported here through no fault of their own.

A 1619 Solar Eclipse Describes Historical Conditions and Events

Below is the horoscope of the 'First Slaves Traded's Prenatal Solar Eclipse' which perfected on July 11, 1619 (Total) in the 18 South Saros Series. 18 South's themes could not be more appropriate to events: 'Endings, partings, separations' (Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad), plus, the eclipse @18Can31 conjuncts 1619 Pollux and activates the star's influences of: murder, rape, cruelty (A. Louis). And with disruptive Uranus in Cancer nearby and rising, break-ups of family units and separation of parents and children occurred and cruelly continued through the years, as you know. Plus, planet Uranus also represents change and/or change of direction as eclipses do. For America in 1619, trading slaves certainly was that.

Now in addition, all solar eclipses in the Moon-ruled sign of tribal Cancer, sign of family, home, and protection, suggests emotional extremes and karmic family ties - ties that were negated by slave traders and most Virginians who participated in the proceedings as a handy way to increase profits (moneybags Jupiter in pioneering Aries at Midheaven leads a BOWL shape of planets with a Mars-Neptune Conjunction of exploitation at IC, the Foundation of the Matter.

See lower left for the only applying aspect of chart-ruler Moon and the fear and anxiety it contains, plus, there's the dynamic Cardinal Grand Cross of direct confrontations and strong ambitions to succeed. With Jupiter at MC ('The Goal') it seems obvious that making money was the point (as if we didn't already know!).

Other interesting chart factors concerning racist and other issues are penned on the eclipse chart should you wish to enlarge the image, check them out, and leave a comment if you dare. Note two Sabian Symbols in particular: that of Venus ("12Gemini"; upper in blue) and that of 18 South's initial degree (lower right, red and blue; August 20, 1096 OS) of "4 Virgo" = "A Colored Child Playing with White Children" (Jones):

Jan 28, 2021

Depopulation Foretold: the Georgia Guidestones

Is Pandemic Depopulation Following the Advice of the Georgia Guidestones?

by Jude Cowell

January 28, 2021: During Election Year 2016, a post and horoscope were published to my Two Hours blog entitled A Georgia Guidestones Horoscope and the Hopi Prophecy of a New Age. The ceremonial unveiling of the Guidestones was held in the morning of March 20, 1980. In lieu of an exact hour, the horoscope is set for 11:00 am est with Moon @21Gem48 rising opposite transit Neptune @22Sag40. This suggests that the proceedings were tinged with Moon-Neptune vibrations, a mystical, delusional influence which can deeply stir feelings and disturbances from within the Collective Unconscious. Additionlly, the Gemini Moon conjuncts US natal Mars in Gemini while Neptune @22Sag40 squares US natal Neptune (22Vir25), opposes US natal Mars, and receives a visit from 1980 Saturn Rx @22Vir58.

Read the carved inscription on the Stones here.

Now as you know, Saturn-to-Neptune is the grim face of reality transit that can also bring disillusionment, a sense of unreality, and/or financial troubles with it. Such conditions can be recognized in the "trickle down" "supply side" Reaganomics policies which began implementation during his presidency (Inauguration January 20, 1981 - by trickery).

Why, there's even a 1 North Reaganomics Eclipse to mark the GOP's delusional, corrupt policies under which we continue to struggle! And you'll remember that a nation-splitting solar eclipse in the 1 North Saros Series repeated on August 21, 2017 (Tr*mp's first year) as The Great American Eclipse, with the word "great" a part of the main Tr*mp campaign slogan. So basically, America's natal Mars-Neptune square, famous for its tendency toward misdirected motivations/activities and 'fog of war' potentials, was activated by the transits we see in the Georgia Guidestones Horoscope. There are other important contacts between the 1776 and 1980 charts, of course, and if inspired, I hope you'll find them and leave your on-topic observations with this post:

Now it's only my personal opinion but you'll see penned at the bottom of the chart a notation that the 11:00 am Midheaven @5Pis35 on March 22, 1980 in Elbert County, Georgia points toward the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse of 1933 (@5Pis28) in the 7 North Saros Series. And readers of SO'W may as well know that this post will likely reappear as a feature in a series of posts I'm planning that concern America's current struggle with authoritarian influences and entities now attempting to break down our democracy and toss America into the dust bin of History.

But please take heart, my friends, because A Fascist Plot in America Has Failed Before!

Now here is recent commentary by progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann on How To Stop Fascism.

May 7, 2018

Rudy Guiliani: Sun Gemini-Moon Leo plus Eclipses

A Brief Astro-Sketch of Rudy Guiiliani

by Jude Cowell

The natal data and horoscope of former NY mayor Rudy Guliani is rated A (from memory) if you'd care to take a look. Ascending is 29Vir47 with 29Gem06 at Midheaven, the Career and Public Status Point--which makes Mercury ruler of his chart and public status. His Mercury @12Tau50 (8th house) is unaspected (see details, below) and has an interesting Sabian Symbol:

'13Taurus' = "A Man Handling Baggage." That he does! Dane Rudhyar gives this degree a Keynote of: "Self-mobilization for social advantage"...COMPULSION FOR GAIN." This identifies Guiliani as "a man of ambition" (not that we need Astrology to determine that).

Yet with the task master planet of authority and authenticity, Saturn, at Midheaven, one must wonder if the placement's usual 'fall from grace' caution applies to Guiliani or will at some point apply. For as you know, Mr. Guiliani is Donald Trump's current 'face' on national TV and his recent appearances have stirred more turbulent storms rather than quelled them (perhaps purposefully!). For more Rudy info, I highly recommend last night's not-to-be-missed 15-minute segment by HBO's John Oliver on Rudy Guiliani.

And from Stephen A. Crockett a few minutes ago: Rudy Guiliani is Either a Spy for the Left, an Idiot, or Both Because He's Destroying the President With Every Interview.

Additional Rudy Astro-Notes

Born May 28, 1944 at 2:30 pm EWT in Brooklyn, New York (King's County), Mr. Guiliani's Air-Fire 'live wire' personality blend of Sun Gemini-Moon Leo resonates strongly with Trump's Gemini and Leo planets. Rudy's high-frequency, erratic Sun @7Gem16 and Uranus @8Gem49 conjoin at the degree of Trump's Prenatal Solar Eclipse degree in the 2 Old North Saros Series which repeats on July 13, 2018 @21Cancer (among the twin stars Castor and Pollux!) 2 Old North themes are: unfortunate news and separations though fast action can bring good results (Brady). Both Guiliani and Trump have quirky Sun-Uranus conjunctions though Trump's conjunction has North Node in between. So how long will Uranian Trump keep Uranian Guiliani as adviser when they both love to hog center stage? One must wonder. We should also note that this degree range of Gemini is that of America's natal Uranus of 1776--our nation's totem planet of independence, freedom, revolt, disruption, and separation.

Yes, Sun Gemini-Moon Leo personalities prefer center stage, thanks, and can become haughty when feeling unappreciated. It's a colorful combination of conscious and unconscious energies with its eye to the main chance and although Rudy was disappointed not to be chosen for White House service in 2016, he's there now, as improviser and shill for the braggart--in-chief. Fantasies of royal blood sustain his efforts toward performing to impress and thereby to improve his own social position yet a Saturn-Neptune square--angular in his chart--suggests tendencies toward fear, paranoia, confusion, and involvement in scandals and intrigue. Well, scandals and intrigue are givens under Donald Trump (who also has royal ambitions with kingly Regulus rising) so Rudy must feel quite at home now--assuming he still works for 'kingpin' Trump by the time I complete this typing!

We should also consider that Guiliani's natal Moon @23Leo49 conjoins ego-expanding Jupiter in Leo (20:02) and his Moon is close enough to Trump's natal Mars rising to add vigor and perhaps emotional upsets to their association. As for taking center stage, a Leo Moon's reigning need for constant approval, applause, and public performance is well known. So Rudy's emotional need for attention is bottomless but so is Donald Trump's so they have that not going for them.

Plus, Trump's problematic Mercury-Neptune square of fantasy and dishonesty is supported by Neptune Rising Rudy who was born under a highly imaginative Mars-Neptune sextile (2S02) and preference for fantasy over reality. Rudy's powerful out-of-bounds Pluto in Leo conjunct his natal Mars suggests involvement with weaponry, the military, violence, and/or underworld crime and of course his Mars-Pluto duo was busy while he was a mayor instituting draconian policing policies against certain New Yorkers. Born less than two years prior to Donald Trump, these men share Mars and Pluto in romantic Leo placements though not conjunct by degree--both have had three wives, and both are associated with violence.

Changeable Mercury in Stubborn Taurus in Charge!

Leader of a BOWL shape tipping across his Career axis, Rudy's 8th house Mercury in Taurus rules his chart (physical body; Virgo ASC) and Gemini Midheaven (Career; Public Status--both angles at 29th critical degrees) yet these degrees conjoin Cardinal World Points of Fame and Fortune (00Libra-00Cancer). Yet little Mercury, planet of communications and negotiations, is unaspected in his chart which emphasizes his corporate/big-business and occult 8th house and inclines him toward inflexibility and a lack of adaptation to change. Unaspected Mercury (which I've called the 'tofu planet' for soaking up the planetary energies it touches) benefits from contacts with other planets but here, alas, Mercury cannot. This indicates that Rudy is not inclined to weigh all sides of an issue and has difficulty recognizing alternative theories, ideas, and opinions. His communications occur in a spurt-like manner, he appears to be hyperactive, and his interests are limited. Plus, some threat of eventual mental deterioration may be present which is something that Geminis tend to worry about anyway via their "am I going crazy?" anxiety (a dual mind: Castor vs Pollux, light vs dark, etc.) One look at Rudy's wild eyes and we may wonder about his mental capacity, too, along with his 'colorful' rhetoric, questionable logic, and obsessive topics.

Rudy Guiliani's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE')

Prior to his birth, Rudy's PE in the 18 South Saros Series perfected on January 25, 1944 @4AQ32 in his 5th house and at birth was opposed by his natal Mars (3Leo34--and by extension, his n Pluto 6:44). 18 South themes echo those of Donald Trump's 2 Old North PE: endings, partings, separations, anguish, grief--but new situations can bring positive results' (Brady). Cynically, this can be said to describe Guiliani's profiteering on the WTC attacks of 9/11/01. Plus, a PE in Aquarius denotes one who doesn't see past events as a burden but as karmic opportunities and a guide for future development. And when I mention 'karmic' I always mean reaping what's been sown, a natural law of the Universe (which effects even Donald Trump whose karmic overload must be huge--but we each have our own). In Aquarius, Rudy's PE indicates that "whimsical changes and contradictory efforts interrupt karmic progress and add to the accumulation of karmic debts." (Rose Lineman; my italics).

Well! Perhaps I should leave SO'W now and see if Rudy is still 'the face' of Team Trump!