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Showing posts with label Putin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Putin. Show all posts

Aug 13, 2008

Saturday's Lunar Eclipse over DC 8.16.08

Here's a freshly notated image of Saturday's Lunar Eclipse set for the White House, Washington DC, August 16, 2008, perfecting at 5:16:24 pm EDT.

This Moon Eclipse is a buddy of August 1's Solar Eclipse (the 'Olympics Eclipse') and both are related to the economy through linkage to the NYSE...the August 1 Eclipse is in the same Series that the NYSE was 'born' into...see both Eclipses discussed here as possible market paranoia bubbles on the front burner.

But here the Lunar Eclipse chart is set for the White House with attention toward Politics - Bush and Putin, and the current conflagration in Georgia and South Ossetia.

You see that the Jupiter/Pluto (plutocracy; men of power and wealth; striving for power) is rising so we have a midpoint picture...there are no patterns formed in this chart (T-squares, Grand Trines, etc):

Jup/Pluto = ASC: being known as an organizer and special achiever; prudence; far-sightedness; personal advancement; the desire for power. ('Prudence' is a Bush Sr word.)

Also angular at Mc (The Goal) we see...

Sun/Asc = Mc: seeking mental or intellectual contacts; attainment of esteem and respect; personal recognition esp through the profession.

That strong-arming is afoot in the Caucasus is obvious and you don't need Eclipse charts to tell you that. And since I've lost the ability to listen to the words of 'world leaders' at merely surface value, it seems to be more posturing and political theater, dahlink, with an emphasis on consolidating the old Russia (or Soviet State) as Putin continues nabbing ocontrol of natural resources - gas, oil and grain while undermining American power (what power the neocons led by Bush-Cheney haven't dispensed with already - plus, Neptune...oil, gas, at a 'Russian' degree, '23AQ"..."A Big Bear Sitting Down and Waving All Its Paws.")

That Bush is in disagreement with Putin's actions is no given in my book, but we shall see how things play out - the whole sad mess is being perpetrated while Bush is still in office which is no coincidence. McCain would be gung-ho for more war but would Obama?

Mercury 11Vir18 is quite active being the apex of two midpoints - and is conjunct Bush Sr's natal Asc...Mercury is his natal chart-ruler...Mr. New World Order himself.

Sun/Mars = Mercury: ready for action; the desire to bring plans to realization; the thinking fighter or the leader in a struggle or fight; alertness; fast talk, fast travel.

Venus/Saturn = Mercury: searcing for the ideal; thinking about ways to feel fulfilled, to improve relationships, to feel wanted; sober thinking; visualizations of stark reality; narrow-mindedness; separations in relationships.

The Jupiter/Uranus midpoint has been on the collective path (North Node) for several weeks now...

Jup/Uranus = NN: showing oneself cheerful in the presence of others; a fortunate new aquaintanceship; striving together with others for a common purpose. (The Beijing Olympic Games fits this bill! And did you see Bush and Putin chuckling together as the Russian aggression answered Georgia's aggression toward South Ossetia?)

You see critical/crisis degrees on the Mc/Ic axis, 29Ari/Libra which relates to the many crisis situations on the table at the White House and on the world stage.

Perhaps the Sabian Symbols might elucidate the evolutionary landscape. Since the axis degrees are 29:46, I'll give both 29Ari/Lib and 30Ari/Lib using Lynda Hill's more modern analysis where she includes 'Cautions' along with Keywords...

~Mc = The Goal; Ic = The Drain or Foundation of the matter~

Mc '29Libra': Mankind's Vast Enduring Effort to Reach for Knowledge Transferable from Generation to Generation...

keywords: handing down possessions or knowledge; knowledge being changed, modified, or updated; teaching by example; the wisdom of the ancestors; research into history; striving for answers; reference books, encyclopedias, and the spoken word; the gift of knowledge.

caution: believing that one knows all; information, knowledge, or riches inherited by only the select few; fundamentalism; reliance on tradition; doing what's always been done, regardless of the reason.

Mc '30Lib': Three Mounds of Knowledge on a Philosopher's Head...

keywords: looking at the signs; wisdom that transcends book knowledge; philosophy; having a knowledgeable demeanor; making wise decisions regardless of hard-line opinion; the head, skull, or cranium; predicting the future; wit and style; seeing others' potential; receding hairlines.

caution: over-analysis and reliance on intellect; being a know-it-all; having a bossy attitude; thinking that doesn't clarify issues but muddies them; taking things far too seriously; people with 'highbrow' attitudes; feeling weighed down by intellectual concerns.

Ic '29Aries': The Music of the Spheres...

keywords: voices bringing messages; attunement to the messages in Astrology; harmonies, chrods, keys, octaves, tones; the beauty of the planets; the measurement of time; circadian rhythms; days of the week, dancing to the wind, humming of bees; sending love; Numerology; sound healing; the Atomic Clock.

caution: inflating rational ideas; delusions or enlightenment?; rejecting the obvious intuition in favor of more intellectual answers; getting lost in abstractions; loving the sound of your own voice; not listening to obvious messages.


Ic '30Aries': A Duck Pond and Its Young Brood...

keywords: nurturing, contentment; realizing limitations; reliability; psychoanalysis; finding friends or family that enrich life; family patterns and analysis; feeling safe in one's environs; being the mother duck; foster and adoptive families; communes and communities; facing the music that you've composed.

caution: denying one's own needs for sake of the 'brood'; narrow-minded attitudes; feeling stuck; not wanting to leave the nest; not inviting others in; borders erected to keep others out; distrusting those who are 'alien'; smugness or exclusivity; being lost in the crowd or not wanting to stand out. ~

Occurring during an Hour of Mars, we may be certain that this Lunar Eclipse will be stirring things up as all Eclipses are want to do, and which testosterone-driven Mars does best. And warrior Mars is nearing a crisis 29th degree himself - let's consider '28Vir' first...

'28Vir': A Bald-headed Man in Uniform Has Seized Power...

keywords: male hormones running rampant; dominating others' mental space; Samson's hair; strutting one's stuff; taking positions of power; 'wearing the pants in the family'; directing and organizing many people; the government; the military; letting others express their opinions or have a say; decisions based on logic; taking action or command.

caution: pushing too hard or fast; putting on a show because one is in uniform; power-tripping; being cruel or domineering; opportunism, corruption, misuse of power; taking charge because one can; domestic violence; strict rules for living; not listening to others.

~notice under 28Vir's keywords, mention of the family - Cupido 15Leo23 is conjunct 8th cusp of High Finance; Cupido is used by this astrologer as a significator for The Family, the Zionist Christian organization behind many of the world's war woes - you'll recognize them by their annual congressional "National Prayer Breakfasts"...Cupido also stands for the world crime syndicate, fascism, and corporatism, and shares the duty with plutocratic Pluto/Chiron two bodies which conjoined to help usher in the New Millennium (Dec 30, 1999) upon the US (Sibly) Asc...'12Sag': "A Flag Turns into an Eagle That Crows." And it has.)~

Mars '29Vir': A Man Is Gaining Secret Knowledge From an Ancient Scroll He Is Reading...

keywords: learning from ancient mysteries; study and its rewards; reading between the lines; finding clues from the past and applying them to the present; being privileged to look into something special; The Bible, the Torah, and the Koran; alchemy; manuscripts; secret papers; classified documents; scribes.

Hmmm...Mars is busy these days, isn't he?

And with chart-ruler Saturn 9Vir39 sitting upon the natal Mars of George Bush, his focus and determination are being tested - Saturn is applying to a helpful trine with Jupiter rising, yet Rx, and Saturn rules Jupiter here and is opposite US natal Sun (not good for US monetary funds which Bush has tapped into several times too often.)

That Putin is remaining in control of Russia beyond the normal 8 years may be a pattern for Bush to follow in the US - in other words, I'll see Bush is out of American politics when I believe it.

Unaspected Uranus 21Pis42 and Rx is on-the-loose and working on its rebellious own - and also in 2nd house of Resources and Money, causing more financial upsets.

Neptune and Moon rise on August 16 with Fixed Star Mirfak in the constellation Perseus (young male energy; challenge-oriented) and, of course, we've just had the Perseid meteor shower peaking on August 12 & 13.

With asteroid Tisiphone (retaliation) being at 00Cap and between the Asc degree and powerful Pluto, the chances for retaliation of some sort are increased along with Mars still within orb of opposition with radical Uranus. Pluto/Asc = power over one's environment; willpower; ambition; dictatorship; the desire to being others under one's rule. (Ebertin.)

One could say a 'bumpy ride' is indicated by this Eclipse - financially, politically, and militarily - and one would be in aggreement with this, your reluctant astrologer.


~see the August 2008 Eclipses discussed in relation to George Bush's natal chart here if you wish.~

midpoint pictures from Tyl and Ebertin.

Dec 2, 2007

Bush irony strikes Putin--no scratch reported

With transit *Jupiter conjunct Putin's natal Mars and tr Neptune conj his natal NN (the public), Vladimir Putin's party has "won" the elections in Russia.

And George Bush has mildly called for investigation into election "irregularities" in Russia which is not as surprising as it is ironic. After all, where does Bush think he'd be without election irregularities (and a complicit Supreme Court)?

As I've mentioned here before--cheating isn't "winning"'s stealing.

When election irregularities really needed investigating in the US, Bush stayed mum for all the obvious he dares to comment on Putin's situation which is sure to bring him understandable--if mock--scorn from Putin concerning our own election "process" which has turned against the populace like a piqued dictator on a rampage.

The Holier-Than-Thou Theater is tres dramatic, is it not?

And the win-at-any-cost Machiavellians among us would be comedically entertaining if they weren't totally vile and psychotic.

*Jupiter to Mars: a fortunate period if overestimation of abilities is avoided; luxury consciousness prominent; on the winning team. Or in this case, on the cheating team which passes for winning in today's political world.

Neptune to North Node: inspired use of illusion or deception in dealing with the public (who sees what they want to see!)

Sep 12, 2007

Putin's Neptunian dissolve

Putin Dissolves Russian Government

As Neptune continues meeting with Vladimir Putin's natal North Node at IC (endings; partings), Putin has used the dissolving action of Neptune in order to name his own successor as was done for him in 1999.

One of the stronger transits to Putin's natal chart has been powerful, transformative Pluto (26Sag18 today) conjunct his natal Mars 26Sag31 in 2nd house of earning ability and values.

The transit of Pluto to Mars is obviously fraught with control issues, and relationships with males in the environment can be intensely competitive at this time, even dangerous. (Yet one supposes that Danger is Vladdie's middle name.)

Pluto/Mars contacts cause a seeking of greater control, not less, so this dissolution to pick a successor may not be all Putin has up his sleeve. There is an increase in stamina and determination, whatever the direction of one's efforts, and a single-minded approach which can be risky if revenge or anger are involved--and they usually are with the zealously fanatic Mars/Pluto combination on the scene.

Transit Mars (21Gem48 today, conj US n Mars) will soon oppose Putin's natal Mars, so there will be someone diametrically opposed to his actions and methods who will gum up the works within the next few days...opposition exact Sep 21/22.

Mars oppo Mars is the "butting head against the proverbial stone wall" transit when shows of aggression are met with equally determined force from others. Making headway is blocked or delayed--until perhaps enemies are taken out of the picture in some way.

But not to fret! for expansive Jupiter will soon be at his natal Mars (first week of Dec 07) so his Achilles Heel will be a feeling of over-confidence with an over-estimation of his abilities. Otherwise, his plans will be successful if wisdom and moderation are used. And December may bring him a luxurious vacation...such is Jupiter's traveling effect upon Mars.

Sept 11's Solar Eclipse occurred in Putin's natal 10th house of Career and Public Status so the "bringing to the surface issues to do with paperwork and communications" flavor of this Series (9 New South) may have made a shake-up of his government at this time a necessary distraction from the Russian president's past actions.

And you know that the globalist torch must be passed to the next brazen crime boss, after all, must it not?

Vladimir Putin: Oct 7, 1952 9:30 am BAT St. Petersburg, Russia; source: Sun 13Lib56, Moon 2Gem55.

Noon Hour Update: Putin Names Surprise Nominee Victor Zubkov for PM

Jun 30, 2007

Bush, Bush, and Putin: Lobster Partay!

Bush, Putin to Share Break from Tensions says HuffPost...or are they rehearsing their next big scene with Poppy-B holding the cue cards?

Lobsters of Kennebunkport watch out!!! For two of the most ruthless critters crawling the globe are in your neighborhood this weekend--and Putin is a frighteningly devilish cuss too!

UPDATE Monday: the result? Putin catches fish, pancakes on the griddle but disagreements as their sauce.

Jun 6, 2007

Putin's stare

Putin's days of "catering to America, the winner of the 'Cold War' are over," says Daniel Schorr this evening on NPR.

And The Scotsman has Putin: A living riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma with more on the dead-eyed varmint than anyone cares to know.

Taking over the presidency of Russia in 2000, Putin was actually made prime minister and heir-apparent of Boris Yeltsin on Dec 31, 1999...a few hours after the Great Pluto/Chiron Conjunction of Dec 30, 1999.

Now it's true that Nostradamus didn't know there was a Pluto or a Chiron, but the pair's conj has helped issue in the New Millenium along with his predicted King of Alarm Solar Eclipse of Aug 11, 1999, aka "The Mother of All Eclipses."

Pluto/Chiron = plutocracy, oppression, racism, class warfare, the disenfranchised--issues of deep wounding--and is associated with mass currents of consciousness according to Richard Nolle's book on Chiron.

Their conjunction, the beginning of the cycle, is found in the natal charts of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, John Lennon, Bob Dylan, and Joan Baez, to name a few. This indicates that their Quests for self-expression are the manifestations of mass need, and they may or may not be consciously aware of this.

The accuracy of Vladimir Putin's natal chart is in question but we know that slow-moving Pluto is at 22Leo43 (conj MC in the Rodden version) with Chiron 7Cap05 conj 3rd cusp (3rd house = siblings--his two brothers died young.)

And as you know, 7Cap36 is the position of Fixed Star Facies, keywords: ruthlessness or the victim. Facies is associated with blindness (the archer's stare--they say Putin has a really nasty stare, you'll want to stay away from it) and as one of the most difficult Stars in the sky, relates to evil, war, violent death, and/or penetration of action that has no regard for others.

The positive side of Facies (what little there may be) is having an extremely focused ambition.

A few people with Facies linked to planets in their natal charts:

Margaret Thatcher, Adolf Hitler, and John Lennon who was "cut down by the archer's stare" (Brady's Book of Fixed Stars) so it's virtually nostalgic to remember the heady days of the lovey-dovey Bush-Putin mutual eye-gazing, isn't it? Why, I get weepy just thinkin' about it and now G-8 time has rolled around once again, and...oh there I go...where's my box of Puffs?


Jun 4, 2007

lookin' for luv: Bush leaves for Europe

He can't get enough luv in America these days but who's minding the regime while Bush is in Europe for the pontificating, hydra-headed G-8-We're-Great Summit?

The AP has what the Bushies want you to know about it as Bush Heads to Europe for G-8 Summit while modestly admitting that he's pining for some adulation, a semblance of which may be found in the impoverished democracy of Georgia...on a thoroughfare they now call George W. Bush Avenue of all things.

Highway to H*ll would be more descriptive. Wonder what it's called by the good people of Georgia? World Leaders Su*k Street?

But of course the Summit supposedly centers around the Bush and the Putin being in a (staged) "spat" about the US's nebulous missile defense system which Putin says will turn Europe in to a "powder keg" and it's simply forcing Russia to muscle up militarily for "a new arms race"! Bush is "forcing" him to power up--seemingly against his (iron) will, poor thing!!

They craftily keep reminding each other that the "Cold War" is over--but they act more like, long live the "Cold War." Oh, the complexities of leadership, we're to think philosophically (insert yawn.)

And let us not forget the Vatican's wishes--and that the pope's ring does need a reach-around shining by George while he's in the neighborhood (as previously posted):

Pope calls for New World Order.

Seems more likely to little me that Bush, Putin, and friends are in cahoots in the militarization of space for world domination...but it's their acting techniques that really need beefing up. Such drama queens!

May 22, 2007

Litvinenko in news again

London seems to have setteled on Andrei Lugovoi as being Litvinenko's heinous poisoner but Russia says Lugovoi is not available for extradition as Ex-KGB Agent Accused in Litvinenko's Death.

Kovtun and Scaramella are not mentioned in the current accusation--nor is the mystery man who also attended the Nov 1 2006 meeting at the Millenium Hotel where the poison was delivered.

You know, the star Alphard in the constellation Hydra is associated with poisons and according to astrologer Bernadette Brady, Alphard is active in the charts of three European leaders who have left or are about to leave office by stepping down or by death: Blair, Chiraq, and Yeltsin.

Alphard is also connected to Bill Clinton's natal chart, btw. Perhaps I will post more on Alphard later.

Here are my previous posts on Litvinenko's poisoning and the subsequent, seemingly impotent investigation beginning with Nov 24, 2006:

Putin and the poisoned spy;

excerpt from Litvinenko's statement;

Neptune's rare and exotic mist;

testing Scaramella;

from Russia with love?;

radioactive red herrings?;

Alexander Litvinenko details with link to natal chart;

update 12.3.06;


Kovtun in Hamburg

update 12.15.06;

Scaramella arrested in Italy;

supposed poisoner caught on video (the so-called mystery man.)

The UK and Russia are supposedly on a different page concerning Andrei Lugovoi's extradition for this crime. Supposedly.

Feb 14, 2007

Bush hearts Press Conference 2.14.07

Yes, I was watching Bush's press Conference this morning and didn't have time to post.

It ended at noon and there was a certain planet conjunct Mc, the Aspiration Point--the WHY Point of the chart--and the planet was....illusive, deceptive, self-deluded Neptune, the thespian, prevaricator, and confuser.

The degree of Neptune/Mc is same as the USA's sec progressed New Moon of Oct 14, 1994 (Sibley chart 7.4.1776). A New Moon is the beginning of a 28-year cycle. The degree is:

"20AQ": "A big white dove, a message-bearer"...*CONVICTION:

pos: a facility for ordering all personal desires in a cosmic framework and a gift for knowing when to act and what to do;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: sanctimonious self-deception.

We can also use the progr'd New Moon (Sun conjunct Moon) with Neptune for this midpoint picture:

Sun/Moon = Neptune: inner discontent; easily upset; illusions or deceptions; the undermining of associations; misunderstandings; shared suffering.

So which was Bush exhibiting today? Or perhaps a better question would be: which has the US been exhibiting for last 12+ years? All of them?

You be the decider this time. Just don't gaze into Putin's eyes while deciding.

*Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones