Perhaps you've read the excellent column by astrologer Lynn Hayes concerning a certain political flame thrower so happy to be 'in the news' again for her advice to Donald Trump on shutting down the government (December 22, 2018 midnight est for 35 days) and her critiques of Trump that apparently led to his declaration of a national emergency which he announced from the White House Rose Garden today as away to extort billions of dollars of taxpayer money for a dubious "wall" to keep out the marauding hordes Trump fears. Now I ask you, how can circumventing Congress be anything but a power grab by the Executive Branch of government?
Disagree if you must but do check out Ann Coulter's Poisonous Rage where Lynn discusses Coulter's pile-up in Sagittarius of her Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars (Sun conjunct Mars: Miss Independent) and the shadow side of Sag which, according to Dr. Liz Greene, "The Sag is often frightened of making any commitment to the tangible world, because then he'd have to face not only the limitations of form but also the fact that his potential genius might not be quite so boundless and cosmic as he thinks it is." (My italics.) Commitment, tangible, limitations, form--all Saturn's words.
Of course, this fear relates to the ruler-ship of Sagittarius by Jupiter, the planet of boundlessness, expansion, and unlimited potential, plus, the sign's Fire element with Fire's 'dark side' of deep depression when things don't turn out to be as grand as was optimistically expected. Note that with his natal Moon and South Node of the Moon in Sagittarius, Donald Trump suffers from such 'vast optimism vs deep pessimism' issues himself. However, the pair are reported presently to be on the outs beginning with the ill-advised Trump Shutdown--or is their tiff only political theater? If genuine, Trump and Coulter may just be too much alike to get along for the long term especially considering the tendencies of Sag toward self-righteousness and the constant judgment of others, and neither have empathy for other human beings who are treated as if they're only screens upon which Coulter and Trump project their lives of fame and fortune--with the two of them playing 'starring' roles.
Yet astrologically there is one factor between them that's similar yet different: Trump was born with Pluto unaspected while Ms. Coulter was born with Saturn unaspected which emphasizes the distinct possibility of her sashaying through life completely conscience-free. Both conditions are problematic, of course, and few can handle them in a positive way yet we all must choose how we use the planetary energies we were born with. How do you think the two of them are doing so far?
For more on Saturn unaspected you may wish to see my previous post on Justice Neil Gorsuch who shares this problematic condition of 'the loner without a conscience'. Wonder if free-floating fear or anxiety is a feature of an unaspected Saturn, one of the planets known for its 'fear factor'--along with Underworld Pluto, planet of sabotage and creepiness.
Blog Note: yes, relocation is this weekend so Monday will be the start of my 'settling in' week and asap I'll be blogging at you from downtown Raleigh, North Carolina! Wish you were here (to help me unpack!!) jc
Astro-Note: Ann Hart Coulter born December 8, 1961 NYC, hour unknown; Donald Trump June 14, 1946 10:54 am est Queens, NY.