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Aug 9, 2007

That Feeling of Fate

Surfing so that you don't have to, I've come upon another well-written article by astrologer Lynn Hayes who opens up the astrology of the natal chart when interpreted with the progressed chart for you--their uses and differences, with her Musings on Fate and the Progressed Chart.

As Lynn explains so well, we're fated to express our natal charts.

Yet much may be gleaned from knowing our progressed charts--how we've evolved and what our natal tendencies have led to. Yes, the information found in a progressed chart is invaluable to the seeker.

Bravo, Lynn!

Aug 8, 2007

Solar Eclipses of 1989 repeating for 2007

Having just finished updating Jude's Threshold, I thought you might be interested in its Eclipse details since the same 9 New North and 9 New South Series ('es'?) manifested in 1989 as we're having this year with the next Solar Eclipse due on Sept 11.

The post touches on the health of George Bush--inspired by today's news that he was treated for Lyme Disease last year so check out Eclipses of 1989 and 2007 if you wish.

Endeavor, Challenger, and Pluto/Chiron

After last evening's loss--my little rural neighborhood vs big dog developers--with Pluto/Chiron midpoint rising as the county Board of Commissioners meeting began, and moneybags Jupiter at MC as the charade-of-a-vote was taken (Jupiter at the "Golden-haired goddess of opportunity" degree, no less, and conjunct Antares: obsessed with success), I'm a little verklempt this morning for my quiet home is about to be horned in upon by 196 half-million dollar houses!

So much for peace and quiet with lichen and bracken growing on tree limbs signifying as it does for now, pure air.

Anyone who has fought massive development with its environmental threats and its squirrelly math making glowy promises will know the feeling of powerlessness this engenders. And of course you would know that water is a major issue here as it is all over the globe. Seems there's either too much of the stuff or not enough.

Even the excess liquidity that's been pumped into the economy is problematic. But I digress and for good reason--after looking at the charts, I don't really want to post on the Endeavor launch this evening, reported launch time: 6:36 pm edt, Cape Canaveral,FL.

And I didn't want to revisit the Challenger disaster (Jan 28, 1986, launch time: 11:38 am est; break-up: T+73.162 sec) but the media and NASA won't hush up about it because of Endeavor's obvious connections to the Challenger crew.

Here's Challenger's WIKI link if you'd care for it.

But doesn't the Endeavor launch chart for 6:36 pm est look "throttle up"?

ASC 21Cap16, Pluto/Chiron just risen; MC 7Sc049 conj Challenger 1986 Pluto 7Sco19.

The 1986 Pluto was conj SN 3Sco52, a typical indicator of violence; *Moon 11Vir02 conj Fixed Star Zosma, the victim, Mercury 6AQ08 (Medina degree) conj asteroid, Minerva (desire to be accomplished.)

There are more violent indicators but I'm fading fast so I'll mention a few more things that concern me about tonight's chart.

Aug 8, 2007:

At MC (along with 1986's Pluto) is asteroid, Nemesis: the unbeatable opponent; one who inflicts retribution or vengeance.

Venus Rx and Saturn are snugged about the 8th house cusp, with Venus conj Regulus, one of the Royal Stars of Persia, one of The Watchers, keywords: success if revenge is avoided.

SN of the out-of-bounds Moon is conj Fixed Star, Facies: ruthlessness or the victim.

There are other ways to read these chart factors so perhaps being verklempt isn't the best time for me to peek at it...and as I've mentioned before, sometimes you just want to be wrong. Or perhaps bad weather conditions will postpone the launch...that'd be good because:

with 1986's Uranus 20Sag58 and Neptune 4Cap35 having at their midpoint Endeavor's Pluto this evening we see:

Uran/Neptune = Pluto: remaining at the mercy of external conditions without trying to make a firm stand; the necessity to give in; losses; calamities; the big picture commands a certain course of action which must be followed--very little option to do otherwise.

Well, I hope this midpoint picture doesn't tell the tale and show Pluto/Chiron's plutocratic, oppressive ways taking over the destiny of this nation one more time in order to serve their globalist agenda (Uranus/Neptune = NWO.)

I wish the Endeavor crew well and hope their mission is completed safely, and though there's more to say about the launch chart, perhaps I'll go lie down for awhile...

*Moon's position is reflecting the natal Ascendant of then-VP G.H.W. Bush. And Reagan was to give the SOTU address that very evening--and would have--but aides convinced him it would be unseemly, so he went on TV anyway and quoted poetry to us.
Come to think of it, watching him, I was feeling verklempt that night, too.

Note to John: revised/corrected natal chart for Republican Party now on file...thanks a bunch! (I appreciate all corrections, Y'all.)

Aug 7, 2007

35W Collapse a Bafflement

Did you see this from

Bridge collapse notes: Engineers are baffled! An inspection OK'd the I-35W Bridge until 2020... 'From what I heard, engineers were working on the surface of that bridge - nothing to do with the infrastructure.' Homeland Security, rescue teams were at the scene within *minutes.* Quoting an MSNBC eyewitness: "It certainly looks like a bomb has gone off." Incidentally, there is a major thoroughfare in and out of Minneapolis and St. Paul -- cities now prone to a Bush bin Laden attack. These tragedies typically arrive on the heels of a big day of Bush regime embarrassments. Wednesday's Bush woes: 50 people killed in a fuel tanker explosion in western Baghdad (142 lives lost nationwide) followed by the largest Sunni Arab bloc quitting the government; six more US soldiers killed in Iraq; the CBO analysis that the Iraq war could cost over $1 trillion; hearings on the Tillman execution and cover-up; Rumsfeld rearing his ugly, lying head; Gonzales forced to explain the rearing of his, ugly lying head; a bill calling for a Gonzales impeachment inquiry; Bush seeking authorization to conduct warrantless spying authority from Congress; doctors condemning the forced-feedings at Guantanamo Bay in the Journal of the American Medical Association; controversy over Bush's $63B arms deal. And, all media coverage of these 'embarrassments' - each an impeachable offense unto itself - is now 'water under the bridge!' --Lori Price 02 Aug 2007#

See 35W Bridge Collapse and a YOD in the Sky. Given Utah's mine collapse and the mention of a seismic event triggering the collapse--"or was the collapse itself the seismic event?"--the blurring-of-the-lines-of-truth tactic continues. Frankly I had wondered about such a seismic event in Minneapolis when I saw that Pluto (related to deep, dark places underground including volcanoes) was rising at the moment of the bridge's collapse. But if bombs were placed, they must've been way underneath--if not on the train (not deep enough for Pluto, I grant you) then underwater at the bridge's base.

One thing about it--infrastructures are being affected either intentionally or as part of natural decaying processes--by the Great Uranus/Neptune Conjunction/s of 1992-93. Their NWO plans are proceeding with Uranus and Neptune in mutual reception--in cahoots.

Isn't it tremendously sad the 'movers and shakers' of the world won't put such massive energy, resources, and clout into plans that would actually benefit all of humanity?

Aug 6, 2007

John Townley and the Planetary Order

John Townley has prepared a list of each planet's influence when it rises just before the Sun on your day (or night) of birth, and you'll find the list at

The only info I had on this subject before I found John's article on Planetary Order was from the great Noel Tyl. Thanks for the additional info,'re great, too, y'know!

Now I wonder which planet rises before your natal Sun? Jupiter perhaps? Okay, so I know a little something about that!

Stars in the Summer Sky 2007

Just found a well-written article by my Gather friend, TK Rosevear which you might wish to check out. It has good info on Summer Stargazing for you including the Total Lunar Eclipse of August 28 which is a must-see if you can...those on the West Coast of the US will have the best view.

Full Moon will be at 4Pis47 (so Sun at 4Vir47) with the Lunar Lady snugged between two Fixed Stars: one a Royal Star of Persia, mystical Fomalhaut, keywords: success through noble ideals; humanitarian and poetic (Brady's Fixed Stars.)

Then there's Deneb Adige, keywords: a willingness to become aware. This Star is in the constellation Cygnus, the Swan and is of a Mercury/Venus nature.

This is a subtle Star yet it connects to the strength and hostility of the swan. There is an arts and sciences flavor so perhaps there will be an announcement of a break-through since Full Moons are good for publicity. Yet when a Lunar Eclipse is involved, there's something hidden there, too.

Deneb Adige has a mystical, shamanistic quality attached which relates specifically to the myth of the World Egg. Mother Teresa had natal Sun and Moon linked to this Star.

The journey of self-awareness, the archetypal Hero's Journey is a large part of Deneb Adige's legend so keep an ear out for mentions of such things at the end of August and into September. Perhaps Mother Teresa or her selfless work in India will be in the news again!

Fake Steve? or real Steve Jobs?

Mystery blogger Fake Steve is outed so why not 'out' the real Steve? (Click chart to enlarge my scribbly notes.)

If you allow MC as a focal point of a YOD pattern we have:

Venus/Saturn = MC: seeking solitude; irritability; reserve.

His mysterious, charismatic Mars/Neptune opposition forms two T-squares--one with Chiron, one with technology-loving Uranus. (Chiron is also associated with technology.)

Mars/Neptune = Uranus: energetically following one's personal dream; reaching for pie-in-the-sky.

Folks with n Mars/Neptune in opposition must avoid professions with any hint of illegality, and he's certainly been accused of this and that, for Mars/Neptune people can easily be made patsies or scapegoats if they're not completely on the up'n'up.

Their preferred methods involve secrecy which tends to result in suspicion from others, and there may be misplaced loyalties which interfere with actions taken.

Jobs has no out-of-bounds planets in his chart so all his energies work together admirably, and his South Node in 10th house (the most public house in a chart) underscores the above-mentioned Venus/Saturn/MC YOD's need for seclusion and privacy.

Meanwhile, he has certainly baked up a golden sky pie, hasn't he? In fact, his Sun Pisces/Moon Aries blend's Image for Integraton is:

In tattered rags, the small, obscure young servant named Arthur pulls the sword from the stone and becomes king of Camelot. (Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Charles and Suzy Harvey.)

Yes, Jupiter/Uranus (technology again!) when conjunct provides for much expansion in the life and tends to bring fortunate breaks, and long-distance travel. It gives an insatiable desire for knowledge, and great insight with talent development. There is also an interest in politics--and political activity is shown in some of his progressed charts (charts not shown here.)

And an unaspected Mercury (thinking; communications) placed in Aquarius (sign of technology!) has definitely aided him with his inventive abilities and great success thereby.

Sun Pisc/Moon Aries is shared natally by Emile Coue, who famously intoned:

"Every day in every way, I am getting better and better." Is that an Apple creed or something? Not sure, but it is the Jupiter Mantra which Bush and his ilk repeat to their globally-directed elite selves every day.

The saucily-written Fake Steve blog purports to invade Jobs' privacy, but how much it actually does, I do not know because I've never visited. Perhaps I'll mosey over right now and see if it's more invasive than this post...

Hylan, Bernanke, and The Fed

"The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses... This little our government for their own selfish ends. It operates under cover of a self-created its long and powerful tentacles it seizes...our executive officers...legislative bodies...schools...courts...newspapers and every agency created for the public protection.”

N.Y. Mayor, John Hylan

Side Note: I italicized 'tentacles' because murdered writer, Danny Casolaro, had named the organisation he was researching The Octopus, and spoke of its 'tentacles.' He gave his life for that one--and his notes magically disappeared after his suspicious death. That weekend there was a New Moon 17Leo aka the heart of the Scorpion degree. A very interesting case relating to the software program, Promis, which can track you wherever you roam.

And all this went on during the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune circa 1992-93.

Here's Mayor John Hylan railing against international bankers, John D. Rockerfeller-Standard Oil and our not-just-a-conspiracy-theory secret/shadow government from Feb 17, 1933. This link takes you to a newspaper article which hopefully is legible in your browser (I use--and this blog appears best in--IE, btw.)

Any politicians who want to be seriously in-the-running for the US presidency must agree with the small coterie who use them as "cats' paws," Hylan said, to be "amenable to the dictates of corrupt big business."

Candidates are screened (the one I read about earlier this year...wish I had saved the link to the article...was Barak Obama meeting with the coterie in NY, and the big question to him was along the lines of: can you make decisions without facts?

In other words, will you follow our dictates without question, you little Cats' Paw, you? Obama said, yes! and hence his candidacy continues. So anyone who is a 'candidate' has given them the correct answer. And anyone who "wins" is their shill with plenty of Meow Mix as a deal-sweetener...ocean fishy flavor probably.)

Now as you know, the US natal chart (Sibly, 7.4.1776, 5:10 pm LMT, although it's really more of a Dane Rudhyar chart than Sibly's antique version) has Venus (values; money; relationships) at "4Cancer": "A cat arguing with a mouse."

Nearby is n Jupiter (rich men; gurus; professors; Zeus-like figures) at "6Can": "Gamebirds feathering their nests." Well yes, that they continue to do.

In US' 8th house of other peoples' money, credit, banking, insurance, debt, legacies, and such, is Rx Mercury at "25Can": "A leader of men wrapped in an invisible mantle of power." Seems the privately-owned Fed along with international bankers and energy barons control our government so I guess that makes mild-mannered Ben Bernanke the cat's meow. But you knew all that.

So how does any of this fit in with the strong-armed Trilateral Commission which will be having its 35th birthday soon? Read Patrick Wood's excellent The August Review to find out more.

And have you checked out Mr.A.Cat's Karl Rove rhyminess? Lim's Limericks has it for you, but BYOMM...bring your own Meow Mix!