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Jul 21, 2008

Is Bush to stay on and on and on?

Bush at the helm: can a lifetime be enough? has been freshly published if you can stand a glop of George Bush's dictatorship possibilities, along with some FISA-related ranting on my part.

Perhaps it's cheeky monkey of me, but I relate the whole glop of political neocon high-handedness to a possible reason why John McCain has been "accepted" as the GOP's 2008 prez nominee - McCain the maverick who couldn't pass muster for them not so very long ago.

Anyway, it's all devil's food for thought!

Are Dems the problem? + Iraq war stats

Better late than never when it comes to Information Clearing House's NewsLetter:

Information Clearing House Newsletter: News You Won't Find On CNN

July 19, 2008


"One of the world's greatest problems is the impossibility of any person searching for the truth on any subject when they believe they already have it." Dave Wilbur


"It's not a matter of what is true that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true." Henry Kissinger

"Most of the greatest evils that man has inflicted upon man have come through people feeling quite certain about something which, in fact, was false." Bertrand Russell


"When shall it be said in any country of the world, my poor are happy, neither ignorance or distress is to be found among them; my jails are empty of prisoners, my streets of beggars; the aged are not in want, the taxes not oppressive; the rational world is my friend because I am friend of its happiness. When these things can be said, then may that country boast of its constitution and government." Thomas Paine


Read this newsletter online at



Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered Since The U.S. Invaded Iraq 1,236,604

Iraqi deaths


Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq: 4,125


The War And Occupation Of Iraq Costs $538,352,761,450

See the cost in your community at firstpriorities


Reality Check: The Democrats Are The Real Problem

By Mike Whitney

If the path to peace requires crushing the Democratic Party and its blood-thirsty candidates; so be it. The main thing is to stop the killing. If Obama won't do it, we'll find someone who will.

Read article at ICH


The Problem Of Patriotism

By James Rothenberg

Race, sex, and religion do not demand your loyalty but your country does. Your village or town doesn't. Your city doesn't. The state you live in doesn't. New York and California don't care if you are loyal to them.

What's the difference? Armed force. Uncle Sam needs you. To fight.



"War Sucks"

By Scott Ritter

"It Ain't what you see on TV."

Click to view at: ICH

Jul 19, 2008

White House email snafu favors Obama Iraq plan

Over at Jonathan Martin carries the tale of another email adventure from the White House.

Seems al Maliki favors Barack Obama's proposed 16-month withdrawal from Iraq and the 'endorsement' by the Iraqi politician, a neocon creation, was inadvertently sent out en masse rather than remaining for their eyes only.

And just when Bush has been making propagandistic noises about Iraq withdrawal in timely fashion for the November elections. Oops!

Now how inconvenient for John McCain is that?

Jul 18, 2008

Are Biden's marbles lost?

Senator Joseph Biden has introduced a bill to send more billions to Pakistan to fight terrorism - since the billion dollar bribes have worked perfectly so far...

But what can you do with a Hill-full of irrepressible drunken sailors with major pocket-lining tendencies?

Send a decent one to join the Washington throng? It only ends up spoiling 'em as they are cautioned to vote as the party tells them if they want to keep their jobs, the little newbies, so wide-eyed and desperate to stay in sparkly Washington and rule the world alongside the (pompous) big dogs.

That's how it's done - maintain the elitist status quo while posing for the cameras, holding hearings, and 'serving' on committees whose main outcomes consist in making more noise than improvement.

Didn't I say here on SO'W that the November 2006 elections would show us the pudding's proof or be a song-and-dance wash out...or words to that effect? What would Dem control amount to?, I asked. Not much, as we see - but the mega-propagandized "WOT" has certainly been a terrific bottomless pit for pilfering taxpayers' money, hasn't it?

Oldie But Moldie:

Early in the Bush regime I proffered a Tar'n'Feather Fund with donations accepted...and it's still bubbling on the hob, m'peops!

Jul 17, 2008

Jupiter, the Moon, and ISS flybys

Space Weather News for July 16 and 17, 2008

PRETTY SKY ALERT: The brightest lights in the night sky are having a get-together. On July 16th and 17th, Jupiter and the nearly-full Moon will be side-by-side in the constellation Sagittarius. The pair rise in the southeast just after nightfall and remain visible all night long.

That's not all: The International Space Station is making a series of evening passes over Europe and North America and it will join Jupiter and the Moon over many towns and cities.

Check the Simple Satellite Tracker to find out when to look: Flybys!

COLLIDING STORM UPDATE: Earlier this month, Jupiter's Little Red Spot got caught between two larger storms (the Great Red Spot and Oval BA), and the Little Red Spot was destroyed. Or was it?

New amateur photos of Jupiter show that the Little Red Spot may be re-forming. Not only that, it seems to be drifting back toward the Great Red Spot for a second collision.

Updates will be posted on as the storms converge anew.

Jul 16, 2008

IndyMac Bank run: day two

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government July 16, 2008

All items are here:

LegitGov Breaking News

Police to IndyMac customers: Remain calm or face arrest July 15, 2008:

Police ordered angry customers lined up outside an IndyMac Bank branch to remain calm or face arrest Tuesday as they tried to pull their money on the second day of the failed institution's federal takeover.

At least three police squad cars showed up early Tuesday as tensions rose outside the San Fernando Valley branch of Pasadena-based IndyMac. Federal regulators seized Pasadena-based IndyMac on Friday and reopened the bank Monday under the control of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Jul 15, 2008

IndyMac Bank run of July 14, 2008

A previous post The Fed's Jupiter Return Dec 2008 has been updated concerning Monday's run on the IndyMac Bank of California and I thought you might be interested esp since there's been a major triggering by Saturn to the chart of Black Tuesday, Oct 29, 1929.

Jul 14, 2008

George Galloway on attacking Iran

British MP George Galloway Telling It Like It Is

This Is Must Listen - Audio

Listen to George Galloway talking about the consequences of an attack on Iran. #

(And we think things are bad now.)

Week of July 14 in Financial Astrology

Financial Astrology: Week of July 14 has been published with links to Ray Merriman's excellent articles if you're interested in tracking or learning more about financial cycles and the upcoming mash up.

Mr. Merriman relates the now forming Saturn/Uranus opposition to financial cycles which are highly unstable now, to the Fed, and to the possible presidencies of a D or an R president so check out the work of an excellent financial astrologer who has his finger in the pulse of our falling dollar.

There's still a pulse? you say...barely!

Jul 13, 2008

Declaration of Independence: fates of its signers

Do you know what happened to the signers of the Declaration of Independence who put themselves - their lives, futures, fortunes, loved ones - on the line to create this nation?