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Jan 17, 2009

Obama's Message to America 1.17.09 video

If you're an American, this message from Barack Obama is for you!

The president-elect and Joe Biden and their families are riding the rails as I type, choo-chooing up to Washington from Philadelphia, (after stopping in Delaware to pick up VP Biden) and making a few modern-day whistle-stops along the way.

They should arrive in the District in the early evening.

Only once in my days of living in DC did I take a train but my choice of destination was a great one - Harper's Ferry, West Virginia and back. It was a memorable and fun experience visiting a most beautiful area of the country - and thankfully I didn't have the tatters and dregs of a George Bush presidency waiting for me to repair at journey's end!

Pluto in Capricorn and toxic leadership

Did you know that Seven Generations: Pluto in Capricorn is a can't-miss article? I scouted it up for ya!

One Sabian Symbol of significance these days is for '2 Libra'...the Moon approached this degree as Bush performed his long-awaited and well-deserved Farewell Address on the evening of Jan 15, 2009:

"The Light of the Sixth Race Transmuted to the Seventh"...


positive: the imaginative sweep of man's vision and an eagerness to execute its promise;

negative/unconscious/shadow side: a loss of reality in an infinitely regressive otherworldliness or a total lack of all practicality. (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.) ~

And what will lead the day...the otherworldly alternate universe that is life in the White, I mean, House?

Looking Up

With Saturn approaching America's natal Neptune in 9th house, my prayer is that we the people may solidify our loftier ideals, not abandon them; stand up to accept responsibility for what's ours, and be not thieves.

Then we may live in peace with all men, and the war-mad on all sides will be tamped down and relieved of duty. (They've done too much already, don't you think?)

Stewardship of our planet will be uplifted once more as the solemn charge it is, and dreams of liberty and equality shall live in each heart until all captives are released.

This is my prayer,

Jude Cowell 1.17.09 2:16 am est

On toxic leadership...

Jan 16, 2009

Daily Show to GOP: hold the mayo! vid link

Samantha Bee, fearless reporter on The Daily Show has a few good ideas for solving the GOP's image problem.


And I didn't know either of them were in the deli business.

You know (or perhaps you don't), I mentioned the waning of the R-Party's light due to their Secondary Progressed Full Moon a while back. And we might relate the GOP's lounging about in the shade with the same phase America has now begun with our nation's own Sec Full Moon of Dec 24, 2008 just passed, Moon 4Vir10/Sun 4Pis10.

Cycles. Nature's full of 'em.

John Adams on the Jaws of Power

"The jaws of power are always open to devour, and her arm is always stretched out, if possible, to destroy the freedom of thinking, speaking, and writing." John Adams

Here John Adams critiques power and I've added a few natal chart details about President Adams as well.

Jan 15, 2009

On starry messages

These are times that try, challenge, and instruct us, and few people now escape some element of the transitions permeating our planet as families deal with difficult issues concerning career and home.

The words turning point and crossroads seem to be everywhere, written into every other news story or editorial we read, or visualized within works of art (see last image on this page!)

The Test, a beautifully written article, is a marvelous way to find out what's currently going on between planets and asteroids while reading a stirring message-from-above sent to us by way of a seasoned and compassionate astrologer of note, Julie Demboski.

Thanks, Julie!

Bush and Washington: Farewell Addresses

It's been 213 years since President Washington gave his buh-bye to the American people, and tonight we get another buh-bye from Washington...DC.
George Washington's Farewell Address of Sept 17, 1796 involves no tacos or other references to what his audience expects to have for lunch or dinner.

But Washington does mention that he's made mistakes.

The George of our time, however, gives his Farewell Address tonight, Jan 15, at 8:00 pm est, an hour which does not, as some have noted, interfere with tonight's episode of The Office.

Mention of Bush mistakes are optional. The entire list would be refreshing and healing.

And since such an address at the end of a US president's term is a "fare thee well" wish, I must wonder if Bush will bespeak to us more of a 'Good-Bye, Suckers Address'...much more appropriate when you consider the man and his administration's radical rearrangement of America.

With minimal blogging time this morning, I'm posting the chart set for Washington, DC, 8:00 pm est, assuming that things run reasonably on schedule. You see one of the Images for Integration for Sun Cap-Moon Libra is scribbled in the lower left corner.

Moon is conjunct America's natal Midheaven, so the public is watching (those who can stomach it.)

Bush's feisty natal Mars is his 'first planet to rise' in the chart, and added to other factors, he should be in a self-defensive mood...'putting one's foot down; making a point strongly; standing up for one's position'--> Mercury-Mars = Sun, the leader.

8:00 pm is a Jupiter Hour so we may expect more of the Airy 'freedom-democracy for the world - by force, if necessary' schtick from this neocon mouthpiece.

Chart-ruler Mercury is Rx so it's a review and revise exercise for Mr. Bush, whose backside will be larger in the rearview mirror than it now appears.

9:29 pm est: Quit Yammering!

Well, how interesting is this? Hope it doesn't mean Bush was shaking his sabre at the American people or at Barack Obama on his smarmy way out the door...

...Dubya hushed up at 8:14 pm est with Ic (the Foundation or Basis of the chart, aka The Drain; Ending) conjunct Inauguration 2009's Moon 29Sco45...Ic at 8:14 pm: 29Sco17.

"30Sco"..."A Halloween Jester."

And at the WHY? Point, Mc..."30Tau"..."A Peacock Parading on an Ancient Lawn."

And yet, underneath the make-up he looked like a wax doll to me. Or maybe my TV screen could use a bit of a polish - I know tonight's address made me want to spit.

Jan 14, 2009

Bright Venus and mythical Atlantis

Space Weather News for Jan 14, 2009

FANTASTIC ICE HALOS: Researchers in Finland have discovered a new way to create luminous ice halos in the night sky. Their tools are as simple as a bright lamp and icy, blowing air.

Some of the arcs they routinely photograph were previously seen only in remote parts of Antarctica. Sample photos and must-see movies are featured in today's edition of SpaceWeather News.

HOURS OF VENUS: Today and for the rest of the week, Venus is at maximum elongation (greatest apparent distance) from the sun. This means the silvery planet is "up" for more than three hours after sunset.

Go outside after dark, face south, and take a long look. Venus is so bright it outshines city lights and even pierces thin clouds. The view through a backyard telescope may surprise you.

Check SpaceWeather for images and more information.


Notes of a reluctant astrologer:

Venus is highly implicated in the Dec 21, 2012 Mayan Calendar vortex of argument and speculation concerning the end of time as we know it, or some sort of catastrophe including, but not limited to, melting of polar ice caps and earth's poles shifting.

Therefore, it's best to keep a close eye on the lady, esp since she signifies America's totem, the Statue of Liberty.

Now you know the purported deal about melting ice caps and mythical Atlantis, don't you? That the prescient Atlanteans hid secret scrolls or manuscripts within the shelter of the Pole/s.

The secrets 'they say' are hidden there are worth melting the ice from a satellite in space, people of earth (as Craig's monkey puppet so often warns) - it seems they contain the secret of if this corrupt planet is a grand place to park your permanent flag.

Still, if any of this stuff is true, I must wonder what the Plutonians will have left to subjugate after all is flooded, soggy, and infested with mold and mildew. Selfish psychopaths, she typed grumpily.

Inauguration 2009's void of course Moon

Inauguration 2009's void of course Moon has many implications in the Inauguration Day chart.

Jan 20, 2009's Moon 29Sco45 is at critical or crisis degree as well.

Click the link to check it out at my other Political Astrology blog, Jude's Threshold , which is actually what I call a 'tapestry blog' because it weaves together my interests: Astrology, Politics, Art, and the occasional (horrid) poem which is usually political in nature.

Plus, you're cordially invited to drop by Lim's Limericks for more political rhymery, if you dare! You see, we don't know why, but all the cats like Politics at Lim's Limericks. Go figure.

Now for more light on the Inaugural Moon 2009, I'm quoting from Dane Rudhyar's An Astrological Mandala for '30Scorpio'...

"Children in Halloween Costumes Indulge in Various Pranks"...

Keynote: The periodic outlets society furnishes within traditional limits to still-immature energies.

...individuals beginning to be involved in the collective life of a large city. This leads them to a great diversity of experience which stimulates their sense of belonging to a vaster whole; or it may stimulate their rebellious instincts.

Some of the latter in most cases cannot be completely overcome, but society has built in several ways of allowing them to operate under ritualistic procedures which are safe to the collectivity. Wherever this symbol is found, the need for such outlets is shown to exist. But the rules of the game must be obeyed.

It tells us that in any feeling experience of collective living and interhuman relationships one has to deal with unregenerated and centrifugal elements. They should be carefully managed. They can also be controlled by the power of the mind - the Sagittarian way.

The symbol points to an imaginative RELIEF FROM TENSION. #

And the Robber Barons ride again

Here is the natal horoscope for the Robber Barons, the *Generation of Materialism chart for the New Moon of April 28, 1881 from E. Alan Meece's Horoscope for the New Millennium. As you see, I posted this unmarked chart before chicken-scratch notations became my habit.

The planetary line-up in greedy Taurus shows the possessive, money-grubbing crowd in their resource-pilfering splendor. This New Moon followed a Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, the societal planets that relate on one level to money...Jupiter = expansion, Saturn = restriction, and their conjunctions time a new phase economically and politically (Jupiter = Rs, Saturn = Ds.)

These days we're under the sway of their May 28, 2000 hook-up at '23Taurus'..."A jewelry shop filled with the most magnificent jewels." Most US taxpayers would agree that Wall Street gentry and their Capitol Hill enablers have been helping themselves shamelessly to the jewelry shop's largess.

*Carlton Hayes coined the term Generation of Materialism.

Venus Rx conjunct nebulous Neptune represents materialism's corrosion and dissolution with the trend toward 'combination' economically, and we see now the re-turn toward monopolies and cartels ruling every roost and rigging each game. Yes, the robber barons are riding again.

Oily, collectivizing Neptune in Earthy, economy-minded Taurus is a signature for 'economic nationalism' which replaced the 'political nationalism' of Neptune in Aries.

Uranus in Virgo increased planning and bureaucracy and the trine between Uranus and Neptune (1880) marked their combination and cooperation with one another as business cartels reduced competition and regulation.

The Great Conjunction of Uranus and Neptune, the beginning of a new cycle for these transpersonal forces (1993) in the 18 to 20 Capricorn range, is associated with the New World Order and its agenda for world governance...'18Cap'...POLITICAL POWER. (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.) ~Click NWO link for more info.~

If you follow the links to the NWO natal chart you'll see the Ic - the Foundation of the chart (6Tau08) - is conjunct the above Robber Baron chart's New Moon degree.

So now, joy of joys, Robert Scheer says the Wall Street robber barons are riding again and I heartily agree.

In fact, they've never stopped.

From Timothy Geithner's questionable tax issues to Lawrence Summers' culpability in the current deregulation-fueled economic meltdown, I have to wonder why Obama dissed Wall Street out of Harvard yet embraces its denizens now. Lovey dovey!

Perhaps the answer lies in my previous complaint - that Barack Obama had to be cleared - and agree to play the game Wall Street's way - in order to get where he got campaign-wise and ultimately to be certified as president of the United States.

Note to Donna D: you asked what I'd like to see in the news for the Inauguration...that the millions of attendees come through safe, sound, and un-arrested, and that everyone serving in Obama's cabinet and on-staff reveal what organizations (secret and otherwise) they swear allegiance to or associate with, whether Jesuit, Freemason, Rotary Club, Knights Templar, Illuminati, Bilderberger, Trilateralist, Mossad, Zionist, fascist, or Other:________...take off your masks and let the American people know who you really serve and what your true goals for this nation are.

Handcuffing Obama

Obama's Pro-Israel Congressional Welcome

By Rami G. Khouri

If the Israeli attack on Gaza that started 18 days ago was designed partly to send a message to the incoming Barack Obama, the United States Congress in the past week seems to have joined the battle to handcuff the new president and lay down the law for him, even before he takes office.


The above view is one way to look at Israel's rush to crush Gaza while Bush is still in office. Personally, I see a seamless transition from one president to another, aka baton-passing.

Jan 13, 2009

1.20.09: pass the Sour Cherry Chutney please

When January 20, 2009 comes and Barack Obama sits down to lunch with Congress, the menu includes Sour Cherry Chutney and a brace of American birds.

Word is, the American eagle is safe from the grill.

Jan 11, 2009

Planet Report for Jan 12 - 19, 2009

Not from me, silly! With out-of-town company here this weekend I have little blogging time to spare and I'm suffering withdrawal symptoms this morning or I wouldn't be here at 8 am (!)

But a personal favorite of mine, astrologer Julie Demboski, is tracking the planets for Jan 12th - 19th for you in her lucid writing style including major asteroids now being stimulated.

Julie says that those in need should have relief soon and God knows, they're desperate for it.

My view through the lens of years' worth of Political Astrology blogging tells me that Gaza's donkey carts are too much in the news for the world to sleep a wink until the merciless bombing STOPS. Babies' bodies are being eaten by wild animals in the streets - and this is the best Israel and the wolfen, self-exalted Bush administration can do?

See image, Niobe's Plea in sidebar...that's Niobe, the grieving mother.

And you may wish to drop by Red Bubble for an Art break - which is where I run when Politics, crooked political thespians, and their self-serving propaganda and engineered wars become too much.

Does that sound elitist or distant? Please pardon me - being a mother myself, I am grateful for any amount of peace that breaks out anywhere on the globe...wherever, whenever.

For if mothers called the tune, ALL children would grow up well-nourished and happy, and war-profiting politicians and their backers would be facing the corner with dunce caps on their primarily-bald pates - until, that is, the world court called their numbers and sentenced them to what they really deserve.