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Apr 14, 2009

Spanish indictment for the 'Bush 6'

Chill the Champagne - The Bush Six to Be Indicted

By Scott Horton

Spanish prosecutors will seek criminal charges against Alberto Gonzales and five high-ranking Bush administration officials for sanctioning torture at Guantanamo.


He said 'The Bush Six'! Sounds a little like a six-pack of malt beverage but a lot more sour - and champagne may be premature.

Actually I grumped about this indictment on April 7, a week ago, and look forward to results from abroad even as I suspect that an indictment way off in Spain may be merely a way to placate those who believe the Bush regime was a criminal enterprise authorizing torture (along the lines of Saddam's much-reviled 'torture chambers'), and that ultimately no justice will be served from Spain's efforts, noble though they may be.

Hope I'm wrong about that. The weasels.

NASA's STEREO looking for ancient planet remains near Earth

NASA's twin STEREO solar observatories are entering a mysterious region of space to search for an ancient planet that once orbited our Sun and which may have collided with Earth and formed our lovely Moon.

Now I admit to a deep preference for the Biblical account - that our Moon was created to give us a lantern during what would have been very dark nights without our Luna, but the article and probe's mission are very interesting all the same.

Even 'Lagrange points' (an astrological term as well) are part of STEREO's search.

In fact, the 'ancient planet collision forms Moon' scenario echoes what some astrologers have said for years concerning possibilities such as a 'missing moon' or a point such as a 'Dark Moon' and other mystery planet potentials. Plus, 'Dark Moon Lilith' and 'Dark Moon w'mat2' come to mind as well.

Scientists think that STEREO's search may turn up remains from what they're calling 'Theia,' a proto-planet whose remains are referred to as 'Theiasteroids.'

And you can help find Theiasteroids by scrutinizing photos from STEREO as they come in!

So check out the STEREO article for tantalizing possibilities.


No, I'd never heard of hypothetical planet 'Theia' when I rendered Thea identifying with her mask in 2007 for if I had, her name might have been spelled differently! (Please click past the adult content warning if you're age 17+.)

Apr 13, 2009

Listen to Jupiter's radio storms!

Space Weather News for April 13, 2009

RADIO STORMS ON JUPITER: On April 11, an amateur radio astronomer in New Mexico heard loud pops and crackles coming from the loudspeaker of his shortwave receiver. The sounds resembled terrestrial lightning, but the source was not on Earth. It was a radio storm on Jupiter.

You can listen to the sounds on today's edition of SpaceWeather News.

Astronomers have long known that Jupiter produces strong shortwave radio bursts detectable from Earth; the fact of Jupiter's "radio activity" is not news. However, now may be the best time in decades to listen to the giant planet. The sun is in the pits of a century-level solar minimum. Low solar activity increases the transparency of Earth's atmosphere to shortwave radio waves, allowing signals from Jupiter to more easily and clearly reach the ground.

At the same time, terrestrial radio interference subsides (another side-effect of solar minimum), so Jupiter bursts are easier to identify.

2009 is going to be a good year for Jupiter. The planet is moving away from the sun and may now be seen shining brightly in the eastern sky before dawn. Students, teachers and amateur scientists who wish to try listening as well as watching should consider building their own radio telescope.

Kits are available from NASA's Radio JOVE Program.


Astrologically we could also say that "2009 is going to be a good year for Jupiter" the planet of money, expansion, ethics, and ideologies thanks to the 13-year-cycle of Jupiter's Great Conjunction with Neptune from late May 2009 to December 2009 - as the Fed's grand plan of creating excess liquidity to flood markets everywhere continues to float fancy yachts and sink modest boats within the storms of Washington's and Wall Street's speculation and fraud.

Now Jupiter prefers to do better than that but nebulous Neptune isn't usually as picky! Or perhaps it's more correct to say that Neptune would be pleased to act above board if human beings were more ethical.

Tax Day 'Tea Party' Astrology: Mars conjunct Uranus 4.15.09

Update Tuesday 4.14.09: after writing the following post yesterday concerning Wednesday's Tea Party hullaballoo while attempting to not credit or blame the GOP with the concept, it turns out that one of the Tax Day Tea Party organizers has distinct GOP ties - which makes me wonder: innocent - or trying to hide something?

Original post begins here:

Across America this April 15 'Tax Day Tea Party' rallies are being staged at town halls and state capital buildings (most are at noon) to protest spendthrift deficit government spending - some sources say 'stimulus package' also which in my book has to include the Bush administration - and massive bailouts (which definitely include the Bush administration.)

Over taxation is an allied issue as well but this may be where people like Newt Gingrich show their hands because the rich fear financing the poor and needy.

Now I'm Jill-come-lately to looking at Astrology charts of these events but you don't have to look for long to be aware that April 15, 2009 is the day of the cyclic conjunction of Mars and Uranus, together the revolutionary pair.

Not surprisingly, "a new American revolution" is a phrase being bandied about concerning 2009's 'Tax Day Tea Party' and, of course, Mars and Uranus form a wide conjunction in Gemini in the US natal chart of 1776 (8 and 22 Gemini.)

You may even give merit to the natal version of what I think may be Benjamin Franklin's preference for America's birth chart by his reputed insistence that the Declaration of Independence be signed at 2:21 or 2:22 AM lmt (July 4, 1776, Philadelphia, PA) - Mr. Franklin the Astrologer is pictured on the $100 bill with the Independence Hall clock pointing to 2:21/2:22. A chart set for this time and place gives Uranus precisely rising which is why I'm investigating this chart more and more. Yet the Sibly version (5:10 pm lmt) certainly times perfectly the attacks of 9/11 with the tr Pluto-Saturn opposition across the ASC/DESC axis. Perhaps both charts are relevant even though Uranus was discovered in 1781.

On Wednesday, April 15, 2009, the Mars-Uranus conj is exact in Washington, DC from 5:57 am to 6:27 am edt; ascending degrees range from 9Ari52 to 22Ari07, with asteroid Nemesis (keywords: the unbeatable foe; divine retribution) 22Ari35 and rising at 6:27 am. Midheaven degrees: 5Cap25 to 12Cap21 placing US natal Jupiter, then natal Sun at the HOW? Point of the chart - the IC, or Foundation of the matter. Money and mission matter, indeed.

5:57 to 6:27 am edt:
Sun 25/26Aries, Moon 2Cap14 to 2:28, a Fire-Earth blend which gives these 'Images for Integration':

'A young soldier is rewarded by the King for exceptional bravery in the cause of freedom and individual human rights...Columbus discovers America, and a new world order is born.' (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

'Freedom' and 'individual rights' are words associated with Uranus; 'new world order' is a phrase associated with much of the blogging I've done here since 2005 and on jude's threshold...and with the deceitful bailout betrayal, fraud, and greed that have boosted the coffers of the global power elite's one-world-economic-order agenda while beggaring the American people and other ordinary folk trying to exist on the Earth at this time in history.

Mars and Uranus meet at 24Pis27 in the 12th house of Karma, Self-Undoing, and Large Institutions in the chart set for Washington, DC...a political behind-the-scenes meeting perhaps? As you know, Mars conj Uranus indicates risk-takers and those who despise the authority and control of others. I, too, despise what 'my' government has used our tax monies for - their own ends, such as war, the undermining of duly-elected governments abroad, assassins' paychecks, and who knows what else under heaven.

My neck of the woods, Atlanta, GA:

With Sean Hannity's 'Tea Party' broadcasting at the State Capital Building in Atlanta, GA (7 to 9 pm edt), I'm not certain that Capital Hill politicians are particularly worried about this 'new American revolution' as much as they are planning for it. See previous post Congress' closed door meeting of March 13, 2008. But we can bet that police squads will be in place and radicalized against dis-order of the populace, if needed.

Tea Party speakers in Atlanta are said to include former House Majority Leader Dick Armey, country star John Rich, and even "Joe the Plumber" may "stop by"...hopefully the rally's porta-potties are in no danger of failing if they must depend on this fake plumber's services. So who knows how it will go in Atlanta? Hannity's inclusion has made the event's funding requirements considerably higher than they were initially and last I checked, they're seeking more donations.

Another astrological factor to consider for April 15 is the ongoing transit of dissolving, often deceitful, if spiritual Neptune to US natal Moon (we-the-people), a time when we feel a rootlessness as domestic relationships become eroded or more spiritual; sticking to a routine is difficult, but promotional talents can flourish. Prisons may be on Neptune's menu as well.

And very telling is that possessions are subject to loss through carelessness - or by theft.

And that theft is being billed as the impetus for Tax Day Tea Party rallies 2009 - theft of taxpayer monies. The devil is that some of our rich power elites are participating, too, as if they are suffering anything like the financial hardships that we-the-people are undergoing.

Plus, you probably know of the political party formed as the 'Boston Tea Party' as an ideological improvement on the Libertarian Party, and whose platform is based on Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty. The whole Tax Day Tea Party shebang is based on their lead, it seems.

My fret is that their platform to abolish practices which do need abolishing (such as warrantless searches and surveillance, and establishing a total withdrawal of US troops from all nations, and a well-deserved audit of the Federal Reserve) - while they sound good - may be part of a disguised attempt to abolish our nation's sovereignty and thus promote the same old NWO agenda. Tiresome not to know whom to trust, isn't it?

Note: concerning the original
Boston Tea Party of Dec 26, 1773
- it was apparently staged by Masonic Lodge members dressed as Indians! Not that they were the only participants, mind you, and the anti-British government tea-dumping is now considered part of the lead-up to the American Revolution. "No taxation without representation" is still an issue for certain with the fatcats of Washington and their global masters pulling strings against us.

So with the early-Cap Moon of April 15 conjuncting manipulating, plutocratic Pluto (planet of powerful publishers at 3Cap+ Rx) during the day, it will be interesting to see if the media (mainstream or otherwise) portrays 2009's Tax Day Tea Party rallies as 'anti-Obama only.'

My advice: don't leave out the de-regulating, thieving Bushies, Clintonites, and the Reaganheads - for they are heisters all!

Apr 12, 2009

Tell me again: why is Pres Obama looking racist?

Here's an article from Stars Over Washington's Looks As If It's True Department:

Obama sides with banks accused of racism which is difficult to believe and even harder to stand for.

He's begun to sound too much like Bush3 for me.

The subprime mortgage case involves several of those Pluto-Chiron isms and I don't think a cute little black'n'white puppy should take precedence over this legal case in the media no matter *who gifted the Portugese water dog to the young Obama daughters (sweet as they are.)

Actually I think it's not about racism for Mr. Obama per se, it's about protecting the financially powerful elite who helped put him in office for such a purpose as this. Perhaps Pres. Obama is more of a monarchist than a racist, hmm?

Well? Have you any thoughts on the matter?


*The new puppy now leaving bundles of joy in the White House is a gift from Senator Ted Kennedy.

Apr 11, 2009

Econo-Crisis article round-up - with pithiness in between

For a weekend plethora of articles you may not find better than the following list if you're up for econo-crisis/financial collapse/government-and-banking fraud issues and what to do about them.

Apologies, but I couldn't refrain from tucking pithy comments in between each one...but I don't believe I've ever heisted any money from you, so perhaps you might forgive me my pithiness eventually, yes?

"Liquidate the Banks; Fire the Executives!"

By Mike Whitney

While Congress approved a mere $700 billion in emergency funding for the TARP, Geithner and Bernanke deftly sidestepped the public opposition to more bailouts and shoveled another $3.3 trillion through the back door via loans and leverage for crappy mortgage paper that will never regain its value. #

(It was crappy to begin with. -jc)

A Plea To President Obama: Don't Bankrupt America

By Sarah van Gelder

President Obama's massive giveaway to Wall Street threatens to bankrupt the federal government and undermine the agenda that got him elected. Here are some first steps needed to change course. #

(Too late - the NWO deed is accomplished, for the most part. -jc)

The Looting of America

By Barry Grey

The New York Times on Thursday published a front-page article that provides further insight into the economic and class interests that are being served by the Obama administration's economic "recovery" policies. #

(Pluto-Chiron = plutocracy; oppression; class warfare; corporatism and any other ism you'd care to name including fascism, racism, militarism, and imperialism; disenfranchisement; primal violence, etc. America's natal Pluto-Chiron midpoint at '9 Pisces' is conjunct her natal Ceres, asteroid of nurturing and security, which worked well to some degree with plutocrats running the middle class show - and vastly enriching themselves - until the jig was up at the New Millennium...

and now everyone - even the myopic among us who can't be bothered with ugly old Politics - can see its tendrils curling around the foreclosed-upon porch steps...

Pluto and Chiron had their Great Conjunction on Dec 30, 1999 - upon US natal Ascendant (Sibly chart = ASC '12 Sag') - and were in parallel mid-August 2004.

'12Sag' is also transiting Pluto's position on the morning of 9.11 (opposite Saturn on US Descendant.) And Dick Cheney's Secondary Progressed Pluto-Chiron midpoint was sitting upon his Progr'd MC (The Goal) on the morning of 9.11.01 - but you really must view his Progr'd chart for 9.11.01 to appreciate its aptness. -jc) Thanks for the heads-up, Anonymous - Cheney link should be de-typo'd now.

Revive Lincoln's Monetary Policy

By Ellen Brown

The bankers had Lincoln's government over a barrel, just as Wall Street has Congress in its vice-like grip today. #

(So Lincoln monkeyed with the central banking system's gravy train and we know where it led our 16th president one dark night: Ford's Theater and a death bed. -jc)

Howard Zinn on Class in America: Video Interview

"In the United States we are really brought up to think there's only really one class. That is, the idea of class conflict, class struggle, that is foreign to American culture." says Zinn. "We're brought up to think that we're part of one big happy family," according to Zinn this is simply a perpetuated lie that contradicts the reality that a large percentage of the population doesn't fit in to this happy family model. #

(Isn't that what governments are for - perpetuating lies? Which doesn't make it right. It makes it perhaps more wrong because their lies and frauds adversely affect - and rob - millions of people. But they think they're above all that lower class 'following laws' nonsense! -jc)

Okay, I'll hush for now about all this ugliness. It IS ugly, I agree.

Yet tomorrow morning is a new day and I shall leap up jubilantly because, as I hope you already know...He is risen!

Apr 10, 2009

Limbaugh termed by R caller 'a brainwashed Nazi'

Admittedly I sometimes listen to Rush Limbaugh's radio program to hear the neoconnish crap and to marvel at his apparent ongoing dissolution into total madness and quivering jelliness - and to listen to a sour grape Republican whose 'Operation Chaos' campaign helped elect Barack Obama as president of the United States.

Yet regrettably I missed the Republican caller of April 8 who labeled Limbaugh "a brainwashed Nazi."

Thanks to his show's strict caller-screening, radio's neocon gasbag is not often confronted on-air with such an apt description of himself by a member of his own party who stated that "we're not supposed to torture" and that he voted for McCain (even though Limbaugh ignores this fact to the very end)!

For a hoot, read the transcript and you can avoid the torture of actually listening to Limbaugh's show.

"Talent on loan from God" can be rescinded for justification, it seems.

Astrology of the Weekend: April 10 - 12, 2009

Astute astrologer Julie Demboski is reading stars, planets, and asteroids for a big helping of rebellion for breakfast as part of the celebratory weekend of April 10 through 12, 2009.

If you're into eating a balanced diet, you'd better not have fries with that.

But an American ship's captain safely released from Somali pirates would be mighty appetizing and definitely something to celebrate!

Chernobyl fallout still affecting animals in region

Well, it's been 23 years and animals are even now deformed thanks to fallout from the disaster at Chernobyl Russia, on April 26, 1986 which doesn't include the enormous human misery that nuclear stupidity and its toxic clouds have wrought.

And the ultra-trustworthy power elite and their corporate minions want to build more nuclear reactors in your neighborhood (but not in theirs, of course.)

One word: psychopaths.

Apr 9, 2009

Obama urges: refinance your home!

With interest rates shrunk to 4.78% on a 30-year mortgage, Pres. Obama said today that it's time to get busy and refinance your mortgage, US homeowners.

It's in the article, but here's a direct link to Making Home Affordable where you can check out the deal and save a little dough each month if you qualify for remortgaging your digs, so a good plan might be to fill out the papers in time for Venus to turn Direct on April 17 and perhaps she will favor you as she moves forward again into pioneering Aries!

Venus Rising, a colored pencil drawing rendered for you by 'reluctant astrologer' Jude Cowell 2009+.