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May 27, 2009

Andrew Jackson 1829/1833: banks take over US

Guess my ancestry makes me more of an agrarian American in the Jefferson mold rather than a banking maven, hence my interest in the subject of Pres. Andrew Jackson who was not a fan of the US' Second Bank which had 'helped start the Panic of 1819.'

First elected in 1828 during a Saturn/Uranus opposition (as was Barack Obama Nov 2008 and the opposition is ongoing), Andrew Jackson won the presidency as a rough war hero who was a man of the people...a democrat, we may say. The native peoples got a raw deal from him as he sought to expand America into the West and this may be the biggest stain upon his presidency.

My Indian heritage has never been happy about this facet of his leadership, for being an American is a paradoxical thing. In his book,The Secret History of the West, author Nicholas Hagger notes the tall, red-haired Andrew Jackson as "the consolidator of the American Revolution." The book includes much history of Jackson's exploits.

And the US Constitution ignored the American Indians entirely even though the document and our Bill of Rights as 'freedom documents' both owe huge debts of gratitude to the Iroquois Confederacy for what we think of as our Founding Fathers' mental brilliance. Greek precepts are apparent, Weishaupt's Illuminati, and Freemason input are in evidence, yes, but the Iroquoi Nation was on the continent bringing peace and democratic governance before we arrived, hello!

In fact, US natal Sun's Sabian Symbol for '14 Cancer' is: "A Very Old Man Facing a Vast Dark Space to the Northeast"...Iroquoi territory was in the northeast, 'very old man' is a wisdom figure.

Back to Bossy Bankers in Government:

Jackson entered the Oval Office with the intent of reforming the Second Bank which he thought had too much control of our national government in an unconstitutional manner (and he was right - look at the high-handed Federal Banking System now.)

Here's the text of Jackson's first Inaugural Address of March 4, 1829, worth a review considering today's manufactured 'financial crisis.'

Check out it out: banks were taking great amounts of public monies then too.

And if you follow one link here today, let it be Pres. Jackson's Veto Message to the Senate of July 10, 1832 when he nixed the bill "to modify and continue" the act entitled 'An act to incorporate the subscribers to the Bank of the United States' which was presented to him on July 4, 1832.

He was not pleased. Congress had ignored his concerns and the presentiments he voiced in his first term, so he vetoed the bill in 1832 while again noting his objections.

One of the more well-known of his objections was the specter of bank stocks passing into foreign hands and what would then be America's 'condition' if we were to become involved in a war with that country. Yeah, well, the congressional horses left that barn a long time ago. Guess the speculators weren't concerned since their affections lay elsewhere than on American soil. And we're suffering from the results now.

Well, it's been one-hundred-seventy-six years since 1833 and here's the text of Jackson's second address of March 4, 1833, if you'd like to see how he got on and what he had to say about it.

And 2009's Score so far? American people: -0-, Banks: the whole enchilada.


Saturn/Uranus opposition Sept 2009 and the NWO

Recently I glommed onto Melody Scott Zindell's writings on New World Order subjects at Astrology of Conspiracy and thought you might want to check out her 2009 and the New World Order post which contains a list of 2009/10 transits such as the 3rd and last exact opposition between Saturn and Uranus on Sept 10 - 17, 2009, on the 24Vir/Pisc axis.

If you allow a 2 degree orb, Saturn's position is near US natal Neptune 22Vir54, the 'grim reality' transit, yet also when dreams and ideals (Nep) may be made real (Saturn.) But higher forces such as the power elite know the Astrology of it as well so let's not crow about it just yet. Read on....

In her previous post, Melody discusses Henry Kissinger's recent statement on CNBC's Squawk on the Street about Barack Obama's suitability for continuing the promotion of the NWO agenda (as I have groused about here and elsewhere)'s an excerpt:

"His (Obama's) task will be to develop an overall strategy for America in this period when, really, a new world order can be created. It's a great opportunity, it isn't just a crisis." - Henry Kissinger

Yes, crises manufactured in order to create opportunity by and for elite geezers like you!

And yes, I know the I Ching has given that advice for centuries: 'see crisis as opportunity.'

Still I wonder if 'his task' was imparted to then-candidate Obama when he slipped away from his campaign plane (with reporters already on board - Robert Gibbs attempted to cover for Obama's whereabouts and singular behavior) to attend June 2008's Bilderberg Group meeting in Chantilly, Virginia?

He got their okay-for-prez nod then, if not before. And a few NWO/*NAU 'marching orders' too, this populist imagines.

Well, here's something of an astrological description of the sort of crisis as opportunity time period that Kissinger is so happily crowing about these days. He simply can't wait to throttle the globe.


*NAU = North American Union being planned by Bilderbergers as was the EU. They got their way then, they're getting it now if you look at the weakening of the US dollar which must be crashed to smithereens to make the NAU seem more palatable to the masses.

Space Station Flares intense but not a mystery

Often the SpaceWeather News arrives a day late but is always timely for astronomical events...

Space Weather News for May 26, 2009

SPACE STATION FLARES: Lately, a growing number of observers are reporting intense "flares" coming from the International Space Station (ISS). During some night time flybys, the luminosity of the space station surges 10-fold or more. Some people have witnessed flares of magnitude -8 or twenty-five times brighter than Venus.

A movie featured on today's edition of shows what is happening: sunlight glints from the station's recently expanded solar arrays in a shadow-casting flash.

Currently, the flares are unpredictable. You watch a flyby not knowing if one will happen or how bright it might be. That's what makes the hunt for "ISS flares" so much fun. Sky watchers in North America should be alert for flares this week. The ISS is making a series of evening passes over many US and Canadian towns and cities.

Flyby times are available from Simple Satellite Tracker.

Would you like a phone call when the ISS is about to fly over your hometown? Sign up for Space Weather Phone!

Got blogging troubles of my own...

By a synchronistic 'accident' I ran across a Blogger Known Issue about some bloggers such as moi having trouble with IE giving 'operation aborted' messages, an annoyance that began here about a week ago.

Blogger's suggestion is that the Followers widget (what I term 'Favored Visitors' because they are) be moved lower in the sidebar. When my first try wasn't enough of a relocation, I moved it lower.

Then it occurred to me that the Moon of the Day widget/photo had caused problems before so why not remove it for now? So far things are working more smoothly.

Woo, I hope it lasts! And when Blogger gets their Followers conflict resolved we'll all be rollin' in green clover and it will sassily move up to where it was before!

Reaching deals with the WTO

If SO'W had a New World Order Watch feature, this article would probably be part of it.

As it is you're stuck with me.

May 26, 2009

Sonia Sotomayor (6.25.54) nom'd for SCOTUS 5.26.09

Update Wednesday 5.27.09: here's Robert Reich weighing in on the Republicans v Sotomayor question.

Original post starts here if you don't stop reading immediately:

NPR has live-blogged this morning's announcement by the president of his nomination of Sonia Sotomayor for Supreme Court Justice. If confirmed, Sotomayor will be only the 3rd woman ever to serve and the 1st Hispanic on the SCOTUS bench.

When Pres. Obama began his announcement this morning (10:15 am edt), 4Leo50 was rising with his natal Sun '13Leo' in tow, and his natal Mercury just risen.

Moon 4Can31 (conj 12th cusp of the announcement) conjuncts Sotomayor's natal Sun, a small indicator of new beginnings, yet the Moon makes no applying aspects, however, in the announcement chart, and is out-of-bounds of the earthly plane (which may only signify that she currently is not in the circuit or on the SC bench as of yet.)

A quick Wiki tells us that she was born in the Bronx, NY, on June 25, 1954. The Moon was in Aries for most of the 24-hour period but moved into Taurus, sign of the values preserver. This tallies with her statement this morning about the US Constitution and the Founding Fathers, but we'll see. I'll supply the 'Images for Integration' for Sun Can-Moon Aries/Taurus and you may compare them if you like.

But going by today's nom announcement chart with messenger Mercury Rx 23Tau35 and Pluto 2Cap40 Rx opposing her natal Sun, I'm not certain the secret hand of manipulating Pluto will allow her confirmation, although personally I'm reasonably happy with the possibility of her serving on the SC bench.

As was noted afterwards by NPR's Nina Totenberg (see NPR coverage above), the Republicans will have difficulty opposing an Hispanic, and her judicial record is "not particularly controversial." Oh the tangled webs...

Plus: she's been called 'The Woman Who Saved Baseball' because she quickly ended the 1994/95 strike!

Yet I'm sure the GOP have their 'she's liberal and an activist' brushes out and are busy painting posters and funding ads galore to undermine, not just Sotomayor, but to gum up a successful, trouble-free SC nom from a Democratic president, his first but probably not his last. Politics put ahead of the nation's sake, hmm?

Sun Can-Moon Aries (Water-Fire): A suffragette takes to the barricades in aid of her cause...A quiet home-body becomes a sports champion.

Sun Can-Moon Tau (Water-Earth): A family photo album...A flourishing family business...A painter captures the taste and smell of a landscape. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

Aries is the sign of the pioneer, of numero uno, which certainly fits her opportunity for SCOTUS.

But considering Pres. Obama's remarks about her this morning, about how she's "rooted in the real world" and has not forgotten where she came from, I'll vote for Sun Can-Moon Taurus, for now. And she gave her mother, who was in the audience, a big shout-out for making her who she is.

Yet if Sonia Sotomayor as SC Justice doesn't please those in charge of the whole ballgame, this post and my surmises on her Moon sign will turn out to be moot in the end.


Read more on tactics against Sotomayor's nomination: 'Enemy of the White Male'!

May 25, 2009

It's him not me, right? So it's off to war we go

Here are two quotes that concern enemies, outer and inner, one from Eric Fromm, one from Mohandas Gandhi. You may think they are diametrically opposed to my previous post's content below about Memorial Day and how we celebrate it...and you'd be right:

"Another nation is made out to be utterly depraved and fiendish, while one's own nation stands for everything that is good and noble. Every action of the enemy is judged by one standard - every action of oneself by another. Even good deeds by the enemy are considered a sign of particular devilishness, meant to deceive us and the world, while our bad deeds are necessary and justified by our noble goals, which they serve." Eric Fromm

(Fromm describes a basic tenet of propagandizing the people of a nation into accepting war through use of an emotionally rationalized agenda of double standards and the human trait of projecting onto others what we're desperate to deny within ourselves. ID the monsters!)

"What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or in the holy name of liberty and democracy?" Mohandas Gandhi.

(Indeed. It makes no difference whatsoever. jc)

May 24, 2009

forgotten: the cost of a free and undivided republic?

"Let no vandalism of avarice or neglect, no ravages of time testify to the present or to the coming generations that we have forgotten as a people the cost of a free and undivided republic."

- General Logan, May 5, 1868

May 5, 1868: Sun conjunct Pluto 15 Taurus, the Oxen Point. At noon in DC (and operative for the day) the strongest midpoint picture I see is: Pluto/NN = Uranus: an intense need for recognition; crush the opposition. (Tyl.) Oh dear - sounds like Gen. Logan was taking a...dare I say it...political stand.

Yet on another level 'recognition' may refer to the day of recognition of the fallen. Midpoint pictures may work in an any, all, or none manner for manifestation often depends on being triggered by transits or progressions...or as transits themselves, they may stimulate an individual's, an entity's, or an event chart's placements.)

Yes, General Logan's sentiments are noble words for noble standards, portraying the lofty ideals which America, we've always been told, was founded upon.

My problem is that usurpers who coup our government, with their comperes - the possessors of concentrated wealth who have *always been in control and have manipulated our natural sense of patriotism against us, against those who serve - hide behind our patriotism as a cynical means of establishing their own personal armed forces.

A standing army is a bad idea for the health of the nation, said the Founders, but Capitol Hill tossed that idea out the White House window several decades ago in the interests of grasping and holding political power.

Like Lucifer's suave entry into the matrix of this world by way of a lie, to motivate us into war required a lying way of insinuation and jingoist hype to pull the wool over the sheeple's eyes. Propaganda? Yes, Memorial Day is progandistic to the extent that each citizen allows it to be used as such.

And there's no telling what subliminal messages they're preparing for us after we're triumphantly shoved across the 'Digital Divide' in June. For one thing, more political polarization, I assume, as in: 'Digitally Divide and Conquer.' The best slaves are unaware of their enslavement!

Yet families with fallen loved ones have feelings informed by experience, and if one goes back to all US wars, here and abroad, a larger percentage of our populace have fallen family members to remember on Memorial Day.

My great-great grandfather, Turner Simmons, is buried at **Goldsboro, NC, perhaps in the mass grave there, perhaps not. Either way his sacrifice remains valuable to my family and to the nation and was certainly a huge blow to my mother's side of the family and to the wife and children he sadly left behind.

My dad's side of the family lost at least two brothers that I know of, also in the 'Civil' War, and one of them was the eldest of the crew born in Oglethorpe County, GA, circa 1821+. I believe these ancestral losses and the grief associated with them are in my DNA...I have great interest in studying the Civil War but can only take so much at once before a sense of deep despair overcomes my empathetic heart, and I must end my delving for a time.

Since Hawaii's Senator Inouye first introduced a bill to restore Memorial Day to May 30 (March 17, 1989), Memorial Day as a tribute of gratitude to America's fallen has degenerated into vacation activities for most of us. I have no problem with the restoration of the May 30 date (of my childhood - I am a child of the Revolution as are many) but must wonder what Congress thought it was up to when it changed the date.

(My first intuition is that they were up to No Good, of course!)

So if you'd like a better presentation of these ideas than I can give you, I recommend David Merchant's website set up to argue persuasively for the restoration to May 30 as Memorial Day and as a higher mark of respect for America's fallen than a 3-day weekend of cook-outs and weiner roasts can ever be.


*(US Pluto in Capricorn out-of-bounds of the earthly plane - not party to the other actors except for a loosey goosey relationship with Mars in Gemini and Venus in Cancer, also OOBs in the July 4, 1776 chart.)

**Georgia's 3rd under Gen. Ambrose Wright, Gen. Burnside's NC Expedition engaged the 21st Massachusetts and 51st Pennsylvania forces, commander: Brig. Gen. Jesse Lee Reno; April 19 - 22, 1862, known as 'Camden County' or the Battle of South Mills. The Confederates were building ironclads at Norfolk and so the march to carnage was on.