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Jul 17, 2009

Financial Friday: Simon Johnson on saving oligarchs

Financial Friday debuts here on Stars Over Washington with Simon Johnson's excellent history-spanning article in The Atlantic about the IMF and how not all the oligarchs can be saved. In order for reforms to work, President Obama needs to throw someone under the train as Putin had to do.

And while it's doubtful I can find enlightening articles on finance to feature every Friday, when I do, it will be given a shout-out here!

Jul 16, 2009

Who doesn't want the Fed's veil lifted? the list

Here is a list of names of the shadowy figures who don't want the Fed's veil raised, if you're interested in playing Peep-Eye with them.

Schools are outed so leave your pet campus behind while you think of the magnitude of the booty and the future implications of such grand mega-power being placed in so few grasping hands.

Then, if either of you speak astrologese, consider grandiose Jupiter/Neptune whose year 2009 is and how their combined energies are alchemizing America's natal Moon in Aquarius.

The Fed? Audit! Because Neptune Is in the House

Follow the link above to sign a petition to stop the creep/s.

Oh good...Dave Letterman just showed the Statue of Liberty with Tina Fey's smiling face! Time to hush up my grousings for a few hours and wish you both a Good Night.

And now Dave announces what is news to me: that Amy Winehouse is getting a divorce. I did not know that. Sorry to hear of it.

USA's 'Franklin' natal chart: Uranus in Gemini rising

There is much to say on behalf of the 'Franklin' natal chart for America with 9 Gemini 17 rising along with Uranus, planet of disruption, rebellion, individualism, and independence. The archetype for Uranus is one of freedom issues and in Astrology having Uranus rising indicates an ability to cope and deal with whatever comes up.

Plato's 'ideal form' - searching for the ideal - is part of our view of ourselves and with this chart, there it is in black and white: Uranus rising in Gemini, sign of Youth, Communications, and messenger of The Good News.

The Uranian Ideal is part of America's best nation ever! myth - or truism, if you're a believer, and of de Tocqueville's 'individualism' archetype for our nation which he described for Europe's edification after his 1831/32 tour.

Yet for best expression, Uranus always needs a handy and willing Saturn (form; realism), and fortunate America was born at a time of a Saturn/Uranus trine...Uranian ideals put into the form of America's freedom documents and expressed through authority (Saturn.) We're an inventive country of patents, too!

Click to Enlarge

The Franklin chart indicates a nation born during an Hour of Venus; out-of-bounds are: Venus, Mars, and Pluto in 9th house of Overseas - Pluto in 9th house is perhaps a picture of America's overseas puppet-masters who continue their throttling and plundering of our nation, and hidden not as well lately by a wimpy Congress who gave up its governmental oversight function years ago.

(All versions of the US natal chart have the same OOBs planets. With this post I attempt to address primarily some of the planetary factors which differ in the 2:21 am chart.)

Legend has it that astrologer and almanac-printer Benjamin Franklin (who would have been unaware of Pluto's and Neptune's existences) insisted that the signing of the Declaration of Independence take place at this early hour of July 4, 1776 (Philadelphia, PA) yet Franklin could not have yet known of Uranus, discovered in 1781. If so, it would seem that the Universe knew more about such things than mortal man, and I have no qualms with that idea. Synchronicity!

And if Ben did check the celestial picture for this earthly event (he would certainly have been aware of Astrology's As Above, So Below precept) he was engaging in Electional Astrology, of which he and his fellow Freemasons were fully in favor of using for such an important undertaking. They would have known that the resultant horoscope would inscribe a 'stamp' or imprint of a certain character upon the nation forevermore.

So here I investigate the Gemini Rising (or as I think of it, the Franklin chart) of America with Moon at Midheaven - public status (Mc) as ruled by/of/for the people (Moon) which is at least what America purports to be in the world at this most visible point in any chart - the Midheaven, the Goal/Aspiration Point.

Moon conjunct MC favors entertainers, politicians and other thespians. Yes, you may see 'Hollywood' there if you look closely! Hollywood has long been involved in the US government's propaganda activities which promote the 'rule of the people' myth.

The midpoint of Moon/Pluto (propaganda; public relations campaigns triggering our deepest emotions and reigning needs) conjuncts US natal South Node (SN), an unconscious point in any chart which relates to the past, and to neuroses...and which has now been stimulated into action by the Solar Eclipse of Jan 26, 2009, the 'New President' Eclipse or Ring of Fire Eclipse, if you prefer.

And thus presidential candidate Barack Obama represented himself as a vehicle of 'change', 'hope', and improvement with the Jan 26 Eclipse (11 North Series) having a lofty flavor of 'changing groups with which you mix through ideas or travel' (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Well, so far the president has certainly improved his own position in life, hasn't he? Ours? In process, they say.

So in the 2:21 am chart, some of America's natal planets change degrees (besides the Moon) and are one degree earlier in the zodiac (2:21 am vs 5:10 pm of the Sibly version): Sun 12Can44, Venus 2Can21, and Mars 20Gem57 in 1st house of Self, and thus rising. Mars in 1st house is a perfect descriptor for our constant 'find or make an enemy if there isn't one' mindset. And of course, Mars squares Neptune in 5th house, indicating confused motivations, deluded - or inspired - men, and/or activism in the ideological sphere.

Naturally using '2:21 am' puts planets in different houses (departments of life) than the Sibly or other versions show, along with new ASC/DESC amd MC/IC axes.

And the Franklin chart gives a Finger of God (aka a YOD) pattern which the other charts don't show - Moon/Chiron = Neptune, in 5th house of Creative Pursuits, Romance, Risk-Taking, Gambling, and Children.

Moon/Chiron contacts are the 'perceptual shield is open' pairing, and a sextile between them indicates an understanding of how emotions (Moon) help or hinder spiritual progress. There is innate healing ability once maturity is reached, but one must understand that healing is possible before it can occur.

Moon sextile Chiron creates deep compassion for the needs of others, and for years we've been told that Americans perform more charitable giving than any other nation. The current financial collapse of Bush-Cheney's 2008, designed and manufactured as I personally believe it to be, has interfered with this charitable giving function, but there's hope that more and more Americans will return to our natural way of being. And it's now needed more than ever - for ourselves and our brethren.

If politically they call this, protectionism, it's from their own selfish motives, certainly not on behalf of our common good. The law of karma - the Bible's 'reap what you sow' principle - might say to us, 'share, don't hoard when others are in need'!

Plus, Moon at Midheaven instantly lifts up the image of Moon-based things such as homeland, security at home, and apple pie...mama! No other version of America's natal chart does this, unless I am much mistaken. (Let me know if you know of one.)

Now the apex planet in the YOD configuration is Neptune 22Vir25 in 5th house, showing us the place we should 'pick up the thread' of what must be done to serve Universal Principles, and idealistic Neptune loves such concepts.

Yet Neptune in Virgo is in its detriment which indicates a generation whose imaginative faculties are thwarted by adverse material circumstances. Are you feelin' it now?

This placement heralded the Great Depression of the 1930s yet simultaneously harkens forward to our current circumstances which, to my way of thinking, originally ramped up years ago through out-sourcing of US jobs to foreign markets - and CEOs and world bankers decided this course of action. Did they think it would never lead to the current dwindled opportunities for the ordinary guy and gal in the US? I think they understood very well the undermining course for America upon which they embarked.

And remember that the proof will be in the results of their actions - forget the Astrology of it, if you like. (Astrology is only a language and a tool for understanding ourselves and the events in the real world - and elite manipulators *use Astrology, too, especially for timing their actions.)

So...US natal Neptune is in the sign of Work = unstable working conditions - which have made possible our much-touted job-switching abilities and 'upwardly mobile' status now impaired by a the globalists' bottom line and larger agenda for world control (Pluto in Cap's rule from afar: US n Pluto in 9th house.)

Inspired and/or charitable work is also indicated by Neptune in Virgo, and practical Virgo is one of the archetypes of nurturing along with Ceres, an asteroid that is placed in 10th house (see: Pluto/Chiron 8Pis51 in 10th house) so along with 'nurturing' comes one of plutocracy's favorite duo, Pluto and Chiron by midpoint, where their powers synergize into something more forceful than they can affect separately.

On another level: plutocrats own grains and other commodities - they control our food sources, and monkey with our security (Ceres) from their lairs far away.

Investigating the YOD further

In his masterful book, Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney gives info on apex Neptune in a YOD pattern as those who remain in their emotional ivory towers when it comes to compassion (just send along a check?) and view the harshness of the real world form a comforting distance. Sounds like America's former 'we're insulated by wide oceans' delusion which the attacks of 9/11 destroyed. Neptune's tendency toward irrational fears have thus been exploited - by our own government.

Apex Neptune in a YOD must undergo constant adjustments emotionally and psychologically in order to adapt to the environment - in this case, Virgo = the work environment, and hard-to-diagnose health conditions (they've certainly confused us there with chemical additives and metals that interrupt endocrine systems; greater structure and definition is need in the realm of the sextiled planets - Moon in AQ, Chiron in Aries, sign of pioneering and body-part ruler of the head.

The above comments on the Moon/Chiron apply as well.

Apex Neptune's inner adjustments may start out hidden and subtle, not becoming apparent for years, and when they do, the YOD-like fork in the road intuition becomes very strong in the public character and these issues must be dealt with (see this blog's sidebar message!)

Yet as always with a YOD ('special task; crisis; major adjustment') the best course is often to allow things to play out naturally without stressing about the issues. But I think the current social tinkerers and chaos-creators make this particularly difficult because interfering with the natural course of history is their delight and their modus operandi.

Naomi Klein defines it as 'Shock Doctrine capitalism' of wars, famines, genocides, natural disasters ill-prepared for, plus, market bubbles (Neptune) that suddenly burst and make a mint for certain players (I'm thinking of You, Goldman-Sachs) - those who have set up win-win situations for themselves at the people's expense, and devil take the hindmost (where the people huddle together as the Neptunian masses.

What should be the good part of this apex Neptune is that once the fork is reached, a correct application of the energy is to then flow with the new direction that is indicated by the 'fork in the road'...universal unity of life, devotion to an emotional ideal, to unearthly beauty, and to ultimate love are guiding forces. Yet 'the blind leading the blind' may seem more the acting archetype at this juncture, as one-world-government plans play upon and manipulate us through the concept of univeral unity!

That there is much spiritual flavor this YOD pattern I have no doubt, for America is known for her deep emotional responses to religion (quite embarrassing at times to those of other cultures.) Yes, we-the-people need healing on the deepest of levels and that is the spiritual level, but not with flowery emotions and fake gurus.

Well, with transiting Pluto again at 1Cap+, which you see by clicking the image to enlarge the chart with its many chicken-scratch notations (transits are written outside the chart and highlighted in pink for 12:04 pm edt today) - so the dragon of wealth, prestige, and power is re-entering the 8th house of the Franklin chart.

This perhaps times 2009's financial sleights-of-hand more perfectly than other US charts, but perhaps you disagree. (There are things to be said for each version, as you know!) 'Financial sleights-of-hand' are part of 2009 as the year of the Great Conjunction of the speculation pair, Jupiter and Neptune.

So I'll close for now with another difference in this particular chart which affects the Mc/Ic axis - click to enlarge and you'll see the midpoint of Jupiter/Neptune at Ic, the Foundation of any chart and also The Drain...which 'boomerangs' its energy toward the 10th cusp (Mc) and tells us something about the Founding and the Founders of America, and we-the-people, and which I believe resounds to our current circumstances through the universe's 'the end is in the beginning' principle so well-described by Astrology...

Jupiter/Neptune = Mc: visionaries; speculators; fortune-hunters; philanthropists; spendthrifts and squanderers; a potential for all kinds of indulgence.

The shadowy 'they' made their profits off our labors for years, now they're draining America dry.

Can you feel it?


*As J.P. Morgan, Sr once informed us, "Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaries do."

"There is much to say" about the Franklin chart, as I said, and I can't get to it all in one post. My plan is to refer to this chart again in future, if you'd like to keep it handy or calculate one of your own. That would be excellent. jc

Jul 15, 2009

Ranking Cheney's Secret CIA Program

Cheney's Secret CIA Program Worse Than Foreign Assassinations?

By Digby

There's something very fishy about the explanation being fed to the media.


'Being fed to the media'? And I thought it erred on the side of the media feeding it to the public.

Jul 14, 2009

Bastille Day 2009's riots in France + Dec 20, 2009

2009's Bastille Day has once again brought an annual round of chaos and violence to France with burning cars and street riots.

A horoscope of the storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789 set for 5:30 pm lmt, the time the gates were thrown open by Governor de Launay and the mobs rushed in to liberate the fortress-prison, that symbol of royal tyranny, shows magician Hermes Rx rising with 17Sag39 on the horizon.

Chart-ruler Jupiter applies to a difficult sesqui-square with Saturn 23Pis10 Rx in 3rd house; then Jupiter applies to conjunction with Venus (1A58; Venus 4Leo44 in 8th house.) Lady Venus is vengeful when treated badly or scorned; she is an archetype of the Statue of Liberty and of other images and statuaries of liberty everywhere.

Revolutionary Times and Climes

France had some big economic woes: she had over-stretched her coffers by sending aid to America for our War of Independence, her nobility had refused to pay their taxes to King Louis XVI, and the National Assembly had made obsolete the monarchy in this four-in-one revolution of the poor against the rich. France in the late 1700s had the largest population in Europe and was struggling to feed herself (commodity price manipulations were at work behind the scenes even then.)

Why a four-in-one revolution? Going by Nicholas Hagger writing in his comprehensive book,The Secret History of the West, the first part was the Orleanist Revolution of 1789. Each of the four, Hagger states, had different goals and different leaders.

The Orleanist Revolution involved Adam Weishaupt and his Illuminati Society of Bavaria, a branch if not an acorn of a larger sect (if Weishaupt's group can be said to be connected to older versions in other regions of the world - debatable, but possible - if not physically, then perhaps inspirationally.)

That there was a conspiracy behind the French Revolution is mentioned in many sources so I will not cover them all here. But a shadowy man by the name of Choderlos de Laclos supposedly ran the conspiracy, and Weishaupt's front man was the Duc d'Orleans so you see where this phase of the chaos got its moniker.

Since the harvest of 1788 was a bust, things had gone from bad to worse for the people of France. The revolution started with the exploitation of a grain scarcity during the summer along with rumors of threats to the food supply (kind of like what we hear out of Washington these days - now it's honey worries in the US! And this after frightening us about honeybee hive collapse. There's that word again, collapse.)

Hagger continues, "The 'Orleanist Conspiracy' was an uprising of the bourgeoisie against the nobles, using popular mobs to do the bourgeoisie's dirty work."

Well, I won't go into more details now about how things went on in France in those dark days when terror stalked the earth, for we know it stalks still. Plus, you've already heard of the Jacobin Club in the events of those oppressive times, but did you know the Jacobins were organized by the Illuminist Templars and the Duc de Orleans, who came to be known as "Philippe-Egalite"? Magician and alchemist Hermes was undoubtedly on the scene - oh yeah - he's rising in the 'storming the Bastille' chart as mentioned above.

1789 - 2009: Has Mankind Learned Better?

My belief is that the Nostradamus-predicted Mother of All Eclipses, aka the King of Terror or King of Alarm Eclipse of August 11, 1999 with its Fixed Grand Cross of planets heralded a wave of ills across the planet that only the most directed group of selfless energies blended into one strand of harmony can hope to assuage them.

We need our Guardian Angels prayed close to us each one, m'peops, if that's a comfort to you. And if not, why on earth not? Forces are at work against the gentle, yet it is gentleness that persuades. Peace not war!

And when astrologically we think of revolution, we don't only think of rebellious awakener Uranus, we think of warrior Mars, Jupiter the General, Pluto the saboteur and death-dealer, perhaps Venus the avaricious, and of cloudy Neptune of the masses and of delusions, confusions, and fraud.

Timekeeper and boundary-guard Saturn usually will put a stop to out-of-control things, but not always in the ways we would want. The Old Man can be a little curt and sparse at times which you know if you've met him.

December 20, 2009

So as the Marseillaise planets, Mars, Jupiter, and Neptune, perform a stalemate tableaux on December 20, 2009 with Mars stationary at '20Leo' opposing the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Aquarius (#3 of 3), we may expect some pent-up actions to break out in various global hot spots, or at the least - financial upheavals in banking, trade, and global stock markets (Jupiter and Neptune are conjunct in the NYSE's natal chart but in Libra, an Air sign as is AQ.)

Government and the judiciary (Jupiter) will continue to be in the news if not in our hearts.

Other major planetary configurations add to a volatile mix for society in general by the end of 2009 and into 2010, and ecological balances are much in peril with a variety of these issues coming to a must-be-dealt-with climax. Neptune is linked with the oceans, as you know, and corals are dying fast, while drinkable water is disappearing - or is being cornered as a 'market.'

Yes, on Dec 20, 2009 there is a midpoint picture formed and you already know that the Jupiter/Neptune conjunctions of 2009 are all occurring upon the US natal Moon (the people; the public) which results in a 'becoming involved in speculation; going with the wind; instability; losing oneself in plans' vibe.

Well, in December, stationary Mars in Leo comes along to plump up the pillows and add a jolt of testosterone to the mystic brew...

Jup/Nep = Mars: strong idealism; the need for practical focus; unreliability; prone to irresponsible actions; relying on others and consequently being let down; a desire to realize plans without prospect; the act of speculating.

Plus, Mars is stationing in the sign of royalty and nobility - Leo, the natural leader who tends to roar.

So this means that transiting Mars in Leo opposes US natal Moon in AQ - or will, depending on which US birth chart you use. So even without the inflationary, fraudulent, and/or mystical Jupiter/Neptune cycle beginning all over again, the addition of Mars indicates a testy time period when raising antagonism in others is ill-advised. Anger, passion, and violence can appear in various forms during this transit, and of course 'home' and 'security needs' are involved since the effects are upon the US Moon.

Equipment breakdowns may be on the menu, and driving is somehow affected for many people (get that car maintenance done asap just in case!); traffic jams may be on our radars for a while (a stationary planet is a strong planet pausing to make a cosmic point - so its influence lingers a while.)

Pay close attention to whatever you do, including chores in the kitchen where hot things and sharp knives (Mars) are kept. Oh! and stock some tummy meds about the place for you may be needing a dose with all the emotional drama going on.

And above all: be aware that this irritability too shall pass!


Mars, Jupiter, and Neptune are the 'Marsellaise planets' because the three were conjunct in late degrees of Libra on the day the French people captured the Tuileries palace and dethroned King Louis XVI.

Various combinations of their energies are kept a close if squinty eye upon by this particular reluctant astrologer especially since the US natal chart has Geminian Mars square Virgoan Neptune, and Mars is 14 degrees from Jupiter in Cancer.

A Mars/Neptune square makes for confused motivations with an occasional lapse into inspirational activities.

Midpoint pictures: Tyl; Ebertin.

UPDATE 7.15.09: here's someone writing on Weishaupt and the Iluminati's role in the French Revolution, on Freemasonry in early America, and on how 'papacy vs Protestants' affected events - and why it still matters in the 21st century.

Lies-R-Us: the CIA

Stop The Presses! The CIA Lied

By Emile Schepers

The CIA was invented to spread lies, and to do a lot of other, worse things. It came into being after the end of the Second World War, when US foreign policy was revamped to fight the Cold War, it started out lying and has never stopped.

Cheney, the CIA, and Congress: Now What?

By Mcjoan

Senators are shocked, shocked I say, to discover that Dick Cheney directed the CIA to lie to them about a post-9/11 intelligence program. Certainly no one could have foreseen that. #

You know, the US Congress will do and say anything to deflect blame from its sorry self.

But it's difficult to admire Capitol Hill's prudence - and to believe in their patriotism - with the evidence of this video of the US Congress 'crowning' Sun Myung Moon in the Dirksen Building - it must be seen to fully appreciate the freakiness of the 'mystical' US Congress.

Cheney? You already know what he is.

And in honor of the secret agents among us, here's a 6 minute video of John Stockwell speaking out about the CIA's war on human beings; I added 'beings' because 'humans' is not a noun on its own. No. It isn't.

Jul 13, 2009

Secret Government: Saturn meets Neptune 1952 - 1953

On Nov 21, 1952, Saturn met Neptune, the planets whose combination indicate 'secret' (Neptune) 'government' (Saturn), at 22Lib47 which falls in the 10th house of Public Status and Career of America's natal chart (July 4, 1776; 5:10 pm lmt, Philadelphia, PA), during President Eisenhower's days.

This conj is two Saturn/Neptune cycles ago (their last conj in 1989 in the Reagan days @ '11 - 12 Cap'), and both conjs are part of their larger pattern; their opposition phase in 2007, the 'Full Moon' stage of the process which culminated in 2008's financial collapse (Neptune) of the banking system (Saturn) which surfaced (Saturn) from the collective unconscious (Neptune) has been a major part of the propaganda script each and every day while public funds were being heisted into bank accounts unknown.

The planets were inconjunct (or quincunx - 150 degr) in 2003/04 and we know what America was doing then under George Bush. This difficult aspect between them of 'adjustment' has a 'social obligation and responsibility' flavor but it's easy to take on too much under its rays as the US has done in Iraq. Saturn inconj Neptune has a 'martyr' flavor, too.

So the recession in the US actually began in 2007 during Saturn/Neptune's on-and-off opposition and 2008's financial crisis was, imo, the culmination of plans for tighter control of the US government begun on a new level during Eisenhower's presidency. That the words 'like' and 'Ike' rhyme does not mitigate or lessen his culpability since I think all US presidents are in on the joke. And the joke is on we-the-people.

Due to retrogradation, the second of their Great Conjunction/s was on May 1, 1953 at 22Lib39; their third hook-up was on July 22, 1953 at 21Lib12. These positions in Libra place Saturn/Neptune conj Fixed Star, Arcturus, keywords: a different approach.

You'll note that July 22 is next Wednesday with its Solar Eclipse at 29Cancer27 when 'systems fail and new methods are needed to deal with events brought by the Eclipse' (paraphrased from Brady's Predictive Astrology.) Therefore, July 22, 2009 is on or near a Solar Return for Saturn/Neptune #3's Sun (perhaps a significant chart, but who has the time? The 29th crisis degree of Cancer is emphasized at the least, this we know.)

Now you'll be aware that 1952 is the year Dwight D. Eisenhower was elected president in a Republican landslide, and the US bombed North Korea.

You'll also know that Eisenhower is the one who warned us about the 'military industrial complex' taking over the US government, as they have. Sometimes I think Ike was actually preparing the masses for the idea with his direly delivered warning rather than honestly trying to caution us to avoid such a secret government, but that's probably my suspicious astrologer's nature shining through, right?

But after all, what exactly did Ike expect us to do about it in order to avoid the coup? Perhaps he didn't. Maybe he was using the power of suggestion which seems to have worked quite well. "

Saturn/Neptune conjunctions also tend toward communism as Saturn's boundaries are disregarded and dissolved (Neptune) by the state (Saturn), and secretiveness has its special place within any communist system, no? And insinuating Neptune is notorious for deception like sneaky spies depend upon.

And of course there's one of my favorite -ism creators, the Pluto/Chiron pair, whose midpoint in 1952/53 hung about at 1Scorpio+...conjunct what came to be known as the NWO's natal Sun degree of Oct 24, 1993...timed by the Great Conjunction (#3 and final) of Uranus/Neptune, a pair that adds mysticism to the scene.

Then there's an interview from 2007 with journalist John Pilger as he discusses the invisible government, US militarism, and similar subjects as they relate to the New World Order and an Illuminati agenda for America's future a secret government. Check it out. Whether you use 'secret' or 'invisible' government - the choice is the same, and I have no idea whether Mr. Pilger is at all familiar with the astrological principles of Saturn/Neptune.

So naturally you've noticed the wide-orbed midpoint picture in the US Sibly chart for America's birth with Neptune '23Vir' in n 9th house, Saturn '15Lib' in n 10th house and Midheaven in between...

Saturn/Neptune = Mc (the 'Goal Point' of any chart): a peculiar character; a peculiar loss of ambition; wavering between materialism and idealism; enormous emotional suffering; moodiness; giving up or capitulating to the demands of the environment totally.

As always with midpoint pictures, they operate in an any, all, or none fashion, especially when stimulated into action by transit or progression. Transiting Saturn will be entering the territory in a few weeks as he tamps down US natal Neptune - or makes dreams (Nep) real (Saturn); then it's on to our Saturn-to-Mc transit (end of Oct 2009 into 2010), and a Saturn Return that begins by the end of December 2010.

Yet the simplest, most disturbing explanation of the picture from the 1776 chart may be that Saturn/Neptune's style of secret government, with all its surveillance on citizens and imperialist military expansion, really is a large part of The Goal of the United States of America.

Now that really pi*ses me off.

Nuke expert Dr. David Kelly was Not a suicide

Nuclear weapons expert Dr. David Kelly did not kill himself just after his role was revealed concerning the UK's 'sexed up' intell designed to scam the British people into war with Iraq in spite of experts like Dr. Kelly saying there were no WMDs.

(There weren't. Even a few neocons will admit it now that it's too late.)

Thirteen UK doctors are now speaking out on behalf of an inquest...fine, if it's not simply a whitewash committee set up to lay suspicions, if not the victim, to rest.

Although I spent quite a few hours studying charts for Dr. Kelly and his July 17, 2003 'suicide' at the time, the only place on SO'W I mentioned Dr. Kelly's assassination was in October 2007 along with other mysterious deaths of a political persuasion.

Kelly had told someone that he would probably end up dead in the woods. (He did. He bled out from a slashed wrist, they say.)

Perhaps our former VP and his reputed 'death squad' can shed some light on the case of Dr. David Kelly who dealt with politicians and their backers, people who would do anything to promote their main cause and protect their elite positions.

And just like writer Danny Casolaro, assassinated during the last manifestation of the 11 South Solar Eclipse Series in 1991 - which repeats on July 21, 2009 at '29Cancer' - Dr. Kelly was writing a book, which would have to have been a very telling book, one suspects.

Wonder if Dr. Kelly's notes mysteriously disappeared just after his death as did Danny Casolaro's notes on what he called The Octopus, the world crime syndicate whose tentacles now throttle the entire globe?