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Sep 21, 2009

Jupiter/Neptune, Bernanke, and the Alt-A resets: 2009 - 2013

Update 9.21.09 6:10 pm edt: found an article which relates to my earlier entry below:

The Economy Is A Lie, Too

By Paul Craig Roberts

Americans cannot get any truth out of their government about anything, the economy included. Americans are being driven into the ground economically,with one million school children now homeless, while Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke announces the recession is over.

My original post begins here:

Economic Duplicity: Recession and Record Profits notes an interview on CBS' 60 Minutes broadcast on December 14, 2008, with investment fund manager, Whitney Tilson, which I viewed myself, and you may have seen it, too.

In the interview, Mr. Tilson predicted that the 2007/08 subprime collapse was the halfway mark of the real estate bubble. This is the sort of collapse you get when Jupiter's expansion and money connections combine with watery Neptune's merging and deceptive tendencies for a Great Conjunction of bubble-esque proportions. For when financial experts use the term 'liquidity in markets' they are primarily describing the Jupiter/Neptune pair. When the Fed prints excessive amounts of dollars to 'flood the market,' think Jupiter/Neptune.

(Got abundant (Jup) rainfall (Nep) as we have now in Georgia? Jupiter/Neptune, with wounding Chiron adding problems to the deluge.)

So, as Mr. Tilson said, the second half is yet to come with loan resets in the Alt-A mortgage category, "around 2010 and will continue until about the year 2013." The above-linked article marvels at Ben Bernanke's recent optimism (Jup) of Sept 15, 2009: the recession is "very likely over"!!!

Does he know something we don't know? A new, contrived war to stimulate our military-based economy? After all, the current out-of-this-world corporate profits in a 'jobless recovery' defies his optimism, imho. But one supposes he felt a need (or received a directive memo) to say it on TV for the benefit (profits) of Wall Street.

Well, as I've groused repeatedly here and elsewhere, the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction has marked the year 2009 with its inflationary, grand-scheme flights of fancy and a bubble of speculation and liquidity issues extraordinaire.

And the 3rd/final of their 3 conjunctions will occur on Dec 21, 2009 @ 24AQ18...just prior to 2010.

All three Jup/Nep conjs manifest upon the US natal Moon in the Sibly chart (5:10 pm LMT - US Moon 27AQ10) with the Moon representing the American people. We are being zoomed, folks, by speculators on all sides. Spendthrifts and squanderers are under every rock and propagandizing from corporate board rooms and political offices nationwide - from across the globe, actually.

Mr. Tilson's Alt-A reset prediction into 2010+ parallels the Dec 21, 2009 conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune since their combined influence will do the same...affect the economy into 2010 and beyond, because any conj marks only the beginning of a cycle, with major 'crises in action' coming near the first square (90 degrees), the stand-off or awareness phase at their opposition, with the closing square as the 'crisis in consciousness' stage. A cycle, whose effects don't stop with the conjunction. So what else is bubbling on the financial hob?

2010 is the year of another Great Conjunction - Jupiter/Uranus, the 'breakthroughs, lucky chances, new inventions, adventures' combo which you may read much more about in astrologer Anne Whitaker's excellent book, Jupiter Meets Uranus.

For this cycle, Jupiter and Uranus first meet on June 8, 2010 @ World Point, 00Ari18, with global implications; their next conj is on Sept 19, 2012 @ 28Pis43; 3rd and final hook-up Jan 4, 2011 @ 27Pis02. Anne's book gives a broad view of their possibilities and I highly recommend it to you for its broad historical overview.

So when we look back at the last few years of market bubbles, monopoly take-overs of oil and other industries, and deceptive speculations of all kinds (including Ponzi schemes), we note that Jupiter and Neptune's last Great Conjunction occurred only one time, on January 9, 1997. Think of the market bubbles of the years 1997 to 2000, the Y2K scam, and Bill Clinton taking his second oath of office on January 20, 1997, and we have a picture of greed, fraud, and bubbly thinking that won't quit.

"Free" trade, my patootie!

And it hasn't quit, it's just manifesting at a new degree. The 'old degree' in Jan 1997 was 27Cap09, conjunct US natal Pluto, planet of the secret hand and power plays. And thus we may consider a midpoint picture with natal Pluto for 1997 and remember that 2009's conj on US Moon, and 1997's conj on US Pluto, have propaganda factors built right in: Moon/Pluto - control of, and propagandizing of, The People or the public. (Pluto is sometimes referred to as The Publisher.)

Jupiter/Neptune = US n Pluto: plans unreasonable beyond measure; self-projection out of hand; major adjustment of life circumstances; far-reaching speculations; a major loss.

As you know, US natal Pluto always turns up at Midheaven (the goal point in any chart) on January 20 of each US presidential inauguration (including the one of 2009 for Barack Obama, I hasten to add.)

Jup/Nep = US Inaugural Mc: a speculator; fortune-hunter; a spendthrift or squanderer; harm or damage through thoughtlessness; a visionary; potential for all kinds of self-indulgence. (Tyl; Ebertin.) (As with all mdpt pics, any, all, or none may apply.)

Harm through 'thoughtlessness' is seldom if ever the case with politicians, however: "Things do not happen. Things are made to happen." - John F. Kennedy.

So with Jupiter's expansion tendencies affecting the two outer planets which are closely associated with the New World Order (Uranus and Neptune - sometimes referred to by its promoters as the 'new world economic order') - in 2009, 2010, and 2011+, I am starting to see why these years have been written of as being critical to secret string-puller Pluto's plans for global domination.

Why, 'he' even had 'himself' removed from our solar system's official pantheon of planets, in part so that astrologers would quit harping on, and paying attention to, his secret plans in their mundane charts!

Bwa ha ha, it didn't work. Those pesky astrologers!


More reading: Saturn/Uranus opposition exact again Sept 15, 2009.

Sep 19, 2009

Mercury, Halloween, and the Mysterious 12th House

Soon it will be All Hallows Eve, or as we call it around these parts, Halloween.

And thus the Unruly Tricksters of the Twelfth House may be on every one's menu as the dark festivities draw near, so I hope you'll check out a mercurial article I was privileged to write for Scotland's master astrologer Anne Whitaker's excellent blog, Writing from the twelfth house.

True confession: yes, Mercury is my natal chart-ruler and ruler of my Midheaven, too. Do you know which signs that relationship pertains to? Actually, I can tell you from experience that it's rather nice to be born with the WHAT? (ASC) of your chart being influenced by the same planetary ruler as the WHY? (MC)! The polarity for both axes - ASC/DESC and MC/IC - is the Mercury/Jupiter combo, as long as you, like me, don't use outer planets as sign rulers.

But if you favor using Neptune as sign ruler, then go right ahead. Personally I tend to think of the 3 transpersonal planets as higher vibrations or octaves aiding and informing their inner cousins:

The desire nature of Scorpio's Mars is deepened by distant yet obsessive Pluto, Aquarius' staid Saturn leans forward with progressive Uranus, while Pisces' Jupiter is awash with Neptune's inspirational, irresistible urge to merge with the Divine Source.

So if your natal chart (or any chart) has Mercury posited in, or associated with, the Unconscious house of Karma and Self-Undoing, you may tend to have experiences with the tricks, mistakes, or 'mispeakings' that can issue from underneath your normal consciousness, as scampish Mercury gleefully erupts in the most awkward ways at precisely the most inopportune times. You may even see goblins that are only tricks of light and sound, especially if you're interested in and unconsciously inviting such phenomena.

So get thee ready for Halloween, costume or not, and check out how Anne has illustrated my article with a brilliant (if sexy) pose from god Mercury itself - just keep your roving eyes upon the wing'ed helmet and pass me my jester's cap please, for there are treats to be collected at the crossroads and I must begin my journey without further delay...


Note: the blog linked above, All Hallows Eve, has an interesting post concerning the 159th anniversary of the death of poet and critic, Edgar Allan Poe. But that was in 2008 - Oct 7, 2009 is the 160th anniversary of Poe's mysterious death, and if time permits, I am determined to complete and publish before Halloween my rather lengthy astrological analysis of Poe's natal and death charts which is saved in Draft form.

E. A. Poe remains a fascinating man who is credited with being the Father of the Modern Detective Novel, so check back in the next couple of weeks to see if I met my own expectations. And one may assume that Baltimore's infamous 'Poe Toaster' will be visiting the poet's graveside in the middle of the gloomy night once again. jc

What's an EGF? And when is the US Saturn Return?

The EU's international police force, EGF can squash public disobedience, so don't get any ideas and don't be milling about or you'll interfere with authoritarian Saturn's status quo.

And in America, I must wonder how Saturn to US Midheaven @ 00Lib53 will be in the government's approach to the expected civil unrest, not to mention our nation's Saturn Return on the astrological menu. In the last several years, it seems to me that the US government has done everything annoying, stupid, and foul that it can to stir up we-the-people.

Their plans to suspend the US Constitution are in place. Are we ready to pay dearly for the majority of the US public's apathy?

Actually, US Saturn in Libra returns to its natal degree 3 times because of Saturn's retrogradation. Charts are set for US natal location of Philadelphia, PA; their Solar Eclipse Series are included:

1. Dec 3, 2010, Mercury Hour w/ Mercury 2Cap41 in 9th house conj NN 2Cap49; Saturn 14Libra48 in 6th house conjunct Desc 18Lib03 (Desc conjs US Secondary Progressed Mars Rx); 7th house Moon 16Sco35 trine 12th house Jupiter 23Pis53 w/Uranus 26Pis40 Rx; ASC 18Ari03; MC 9Cap49 conj Pluto 4Cap20 in 9th house; no planetary patterns; 9th house Mars OOBs @ 26Sag50; PE = 12 South @ '19 Cancer' in Return's 4th house = US natal PE 00Pis33 = successful outcomes to long term worries;

2. March 22, 2011, Moon Hour w/ Moon 16Sco54 in 2nd house/ Sun 1Ari58 in 7th house conj Uranus 00Ari37; 1st house Saturn opposed by Jupiter (1A53) @ 12Ari55 in 7th house; Saturn sesquisquare Neptune @ critical degree 29AQ36 in 5th house; ASC 27Vir02 w/ Nemesis rising 27:30 Rx; MC 26Gem35 conj South Node 27:19; Grand Cross of Sun, Mars, Uranus, NN, MC, and ASC; PE = 13 North = large ambitious group projects and breaking of previous bonds; PE = 13 North = '14 Cap' opposing US natal Sun;

3. Aug 28, 2011, Jupiter Hour; 3rd house Saturn SQ Mars 16Can24 in 11th house (1S35); Moon 24Leo30 rising - Sun 4Vir44; Grand Earth Trine between Mercury 18Leo50/ASC 20Leo02, Jupiter 10Tau21 conj MC 12Tau06, and Pluto 4Cap59 Rx in 5th house; TWO interlaced Fists of God patterns - first Fist with Uranus SQ Pluto (1S19) at its base sesquisquare Mercury/ASC, 2nd Fist has Mars SQ Saturn (1S35) as its base pointing to Neptune 29AQ22 Rx (Chiron nearby @ 2Pis56 Rx); PE = 13 New South '9Can' = constitutional crisis.

My hope is to post more details on these difficult Saturn Return charts in the coming months including their chart images and worrisome midpoint pictures because if I must know about them, you may as well, too. But if you have Astrology software, set them up to view and marvel. Locating them for Washington DC may change house placements, of course, but the planets' degrees remain the same.

And now it's back to my Art projects!

Sep 18, 2009

North Korea's natal chart data: Sept 8, 1948

As I pick up master astrologer Celeste Teal's book, Eclipses: Predicting World Events & Personal Transformation, it occurs to me to publish here the natal data for North Korea with current contacts from Solar and Lunar Eclipses:

Sep 9, 1948
12:00 pm '9 hours east'
39N01 125E45
P'yongyang, NK

ASC 24Sco58/DESC 24Tau58
MC 7Vir06/IC 7Pis06

Sun 16Vir20 10th h
Moon 2Sag17 1st h
Mercury 8Lib10 10th h> conj 11th cusp 8:36
Venus 00Leo33 8th h> conj 9th cusp 00:54
Mars 3Sco40 11th h> conj 12th cusp 3:58
Jupiter 19Sag59 1st h
Saturn 28Leo47 9th h
Uranus 00Can15 8th h (Cancer interc'd)
Neptune 11Lib45 11th h
Pluto 15Leo32 9th h
Chiron 20Sco41 12th h

NN 7Tau28 Rx 6th h

As you see, the current Solar Eclipse of July 21, 2009 @ 29Can27 is affecting North Korea's natal Venus 00Leo33 posited in 8th house but sitting atop n 9th cusp of Foreign Lands (a very karmic point in any horoscope.)

The current Lunar Eclipse of August 5/6, 2009 @ 14AQ opposes natal Pluto 15Leo32 across the 3/9 axis...might this relate to plutonium activities behind the scenes?

Fretsome may be the contact of the Lunar Eclipse @ 29 Gemini on Dec 21, 2010 which will emphasize the country's natal Uranus at World Point 00Can15 (uranium?)

On November 25, 2011, a Solar Eclipse occurs @ '2 Sag' which 'eclipses' a natal 1st house Moon (the people.)

This eclipse is in the 14 North Series whose influence is one of peculiarity. It heralds a time of many confusions within personal relationships, unexpected financial happenings, unrequited affections, despair, energies being drained, and strange turns of events. No important decisions should be made under the rays of this eclipse for delusions may abound making clear judgments difficult, if not impossible. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Last manifestation of 14 North was on Nov 13, 1993 @ '22 Sco' between NK's natal Chiron (12th house) and natal Ascendant. Some of the issues from the 1993 eclipse season may resurface in Nov 2011 and on into 2012.

Yes, any person's or entity's natal chart (lives) may suffer from these 'peculiar turns' but more personally if planets are aspected by the '2 Sag' degree, so we'll be keeping a squinty eye upon the lunation situation as 14N eclipse time draws near.

Chart data source: US Department of State under the Korean War subheading.

New Moon chart 25Vir59 on 9.18.09

Horoscope of the New Moon @ 25Vir59, Sept 18, 2009, 2:44 pm edt, White House; New Moon conjunct Saturn 25Vir07, in 9th house; Hour of Venus @ 27Leo50 in 8th house; chart-ruler is karmic Saturn, direct and in control of Sun and Moon with nearby Mercury's aid in its own sign of Virgo - and a new cycle begins.

ASC 1Cap16>> Pluto 00Cap40 rising (@ the god of the Underworld's Direct Station degree/minute 00:40 on Sept 11, 2009), opposing asteroid, Atlantis 1Can06, a significator for America, and reminder of those reputed and mysterious ancient teachings that every one's so crazy about. Are the melting polar ice caps uncovering an Atlantean trove of precious manuscripts? Are they too soggy to read?

Midpoint pictures (from Noel Tyl) include:

Sun/Moon = Saturn: weakened system; addressing problems; Sun/Saturn = Moon: feeling inferior, hurt; personal needs under wraps; separation; Moon/Saturn = Sun: sobering times; feelings of enforced controls; separation in relationship.

Neptune/Pluto = NN: sharing other worldliness and curiosity; group study projects; Neptune/ASC = NN: hurt through others; deception; rumor.

As always, the pictures may operate in an any~all~none fashion.

Sabian Symbol for the New Moon '26Virgo' = "A Boy with a Censer Serves Near the Priest," the negative/unconscious/shadow side of which Marc Edmund Jones gives as:

'A resort to empty motions in order to avoid any appreciable self-expenditure.'

Mercury has retrograded back into Virgo, as you see here @ a crisis-riddled 29th degree, Mars is conjunct Fixed Star SIRIUS in 7th house (also associated with ancient Egyptian rites and beliefs), and there's a rather nasty quindecile aspect between heavyweights Mars and Pluto indicating ruthlessness, being driven toward power, domination, and possessiveness. This 165 degr aspect of obsession and compulsion dominates the New Moon and its chart, and I'm not very happy about it.

Yet time is short recently and going into next week for my blogging duties due to several Art activities; that's why I wanted to upload an image of the New Moon chart of Sept 18, 2009 - please click to enlarge if you wish to read a few more of my notes concerning this cuss'ed propaganda-infused horoscope with the midpoint of the international banking pair, Jupiter/Pluto, in 1st house and opposing America's natal Mercury...

Jupiter/Pluto = Mercury: promotion of a cause; persuasion (Tyl); the desire to influence many people; the gift of oration; a propaganda campaign (Ebertin.)

Be alert to the underlying meanings of what you hear in the next two weeks - I think it may be the start of a new cycle of subject or theme introduced, and/or different perspectives to enthrall the masses over the cliff.

Not that being alert to double meanings isn't always a great idea considering Washington's high-handed, fraudulent, self-serving oligarchs of propaganda.

And lay low Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, as much as you can, for it's the dark of the Moon when sneaky things happen by slimy culprits who appreciate the veiling cover of darkness.

Myself, I'll be necessarily laying low from my blogs a while for I must return to Art projects now...

Sep 16, 2009

Alex Jones TV: more power for the Fed + flu vaccine ingredients

Since there are three new videos of Alex Jones speaking on President Obama's being set to give the Fed more power and control over the financial system (us), I'm providing a link to all three rather than embedding them here.

The third video concerns the ingredients in the new flu vaccines you're poised to receive - apparently it's quite some brew they have bubbling on the hob.

Seems everyone is poised on the verge today...

Sep 15, 2009

Saturn-Uranus opposition perfects Sept 15, 2009

As you know, the Saturn-Uranus opposition perfected this very day, Sept 15, 2009 in Virgo-Pisces.

Or I should say, the opposition perfected 'once again'...follow the link for a few notes from yours truly, but mainly the post contains a link to an excellent article on the Sabian Symbols involved in the opposition by Lynda Hill, as published by expert astrologer and author, Donna Cunningham.

You'll find info on their next tangos, too, into 2010.

So you consider yourself a dancer? We're not talkin' foxtrots here!

Glenn Beck Feb 10, 1964: Sun AQ-Moon Cap

Glenn Beck, moderator of The Glenn Beck Show on talk radio, and Fox News TV's guru of political discourse, was born on February 10, 1964 in Mount Vernon, Washington.

As his Wiki bio linked above tells, Beck is a 'self-described recovering alcoholic and drug addict' who credits Alcoholics Anonymous for his sobriety. And as a Roman Catholic who converted to the Latter Day Saints faith, Mr. Beck is under notice not to drink by way of the LDS' health message.

He calls himself a libertarian, too, but since I never listen to him or watch him perform his schtick on radio or TV, I can't say precisely what he means by it.

Feb 10, 1964

Since the Moon remained in ambitious Capricorn for the entire 24-hour period of his day of birth, we may consider Sun Aquarius-Moon Capricorn for his Sun-Moon blend, an Air-Earth combo of energies which has an 'up in the air, down to earth' flavor simultaneously.

The Earth-Air combo is good at making plans and taking action without delay, and it's a master of the practical mundane world. Yet it may easily become stuck in a cost-efficient approach, and may seem rather dry and scientific for it discounts indulging in the world of feelings as if it's a sign of weakness.

Sun AQ-Moon Cap: shrewd honesty; understands human nature; emotionally detached to avoid dependence on others; intimacy not a strong point; enjoys a challenge and a calculated risk; is a practical reformer who possesses firmness of purpose. Independent and full of common sense, this blend is a dedicated searcher for truth with inventive abilities and organizational talent.

'Images for Integration: A revolutionary is elected president...An alien civilization comes to Earth to rescue man from imminent destruction.' (Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

The Sun AQ-Moon Cap blend is shared natally by a cast of interesting characters:

Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, Mia Farrow, Betty Friedan, Rosa Parks, Mary Quant, Franco Zefferelli, Jeb Bush, and John Barrymore, who intoned:

"In Genesis it says that it is not good for a man to be alone, but sometimes it's a great relief."

And with Mr. Beck's propensity and flair for controversy and the political shenanigans which have caused him to lose a large share of his advertising sponsorships, perhaps it's more helpful to remember this quote from President Lincoln:

"With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God give us to see the right."

With malice toward none?