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May 23, 2010

Rand Paul refuses to Meet The Press after all

After agreeing to be interviewed on the May 23, 2010 broadcast of Meet the Press, a rather coy Rand Paul has cancelled his appearance because the 'splainin' he had to do about his awkwardly expressed views on the Civil Rights Act has already been 'splained.

Quelle disappointment! My Sunday morning political show viewing won't be the same without Rand Paul running full throttle into the Verbal Tarpits of Politics, with only himself to blame for the blowback, and even David Gregory asking the uncomfortable questions.

Well, if 'open mouth insert foot' is young Dr. Paul's way of committing Politics, then I say let's have more trainwrecks of politically incorrect utterances from him. They're entertaining if wince-worthy.

Yet who knows where such brou-ha-has may ultimately lead?

They could even lead to a bumper sticker! And I can see it now stuck strategically on your Volt's rear window, taunting the neighborhood during your every errand:

'Sarah Palin For President 2012' with Rand Paul playing her VP sidekick...they lead that straight-talkin' gang of varmints who misspeak at every turn, but By Gum, they mean well.

And they 'know what's wrong with America'.


So now, just because I can (and because you've sort of earned it if you've managed to read thus far), here's a politically inspired image republished just for you...

His American Majesty, paper collage by Jude Cowell 2010

Solar Transit Photo and Sun Gemini-Moon Libra May 23, 2010

First, some Astronomy:

Space Weather News for May 23, 2010

SOLAR TRANSIT: Yesterday in Switzerland, Thierry Legault photographed the International Space Station and space shuttle Atlantis passing directly in front of the sun, not far from new sunspot 1072. The veteran astrophotographer calls the image his "best ever of a solar transit," and indeed the silhouette of the docked spaceships backlit by "solar fire" is a must see.

It is featured on today's edition of SpaceWeather News.

DOUBLE FLYBY ALERT: Atlantis is scheduled to undock from the ISS on Sunday, May 23, at 11:22 am EDT, setting the stage for double flybys over many towns and cities around the world.

Need a flyby prediction? There's an app for that called simpleflybys. #


Now for a smidgen of Astrology:

Checking Sunday May 23, 2010 at 11:22 am edt I see that the Sun is in very early Gemini (air flight) while the Moon is in the first decan of Libra, a sociable and light placement for La Luna.

Here are the 'Images for Integration' for Sun Gem-Moon Lib with its 'wandering spirit' vibe:

A shuttle diplomat brings together warring factions...An elegant hostess puts on a party and exhibition to help a worthy cause...Elgar's Enigma Variations - 'to my friends depicted within'. ('Sun Sign-Moon Sign', Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Additionally, the double Air blend of Sun Gem-Moon Lib is shared natally by at least three people for whom I shall type a quote from each of them but I'll mix up their names with a red herring tossed in so you have to hazard brilliant guesses as to who said what:

1. "I wasn't really naked. I simply didn't have any clothes on."

2. "Henceforth, the adequacy of any military establishment will be judged by its ability to keep the peace."

3. "Read. My. Lips. No. New. Taxes."

All are gibberish on some level as Airiness abounds! Want clues? Then read on...

Possible spouters are: Henry Kissinger, Josephine Baker, George H. W. Bush, and Daffy Duck. (I'm just kidding about one of them.)

For of course I jest! Because there's really no comparison between Poppy Bush and Daffy Duck. One walks with a waddle, kind of wobbly, quacks out of the side of his mouth, and has been around for what seems like forever...and the other one is Daffy Duck.

(All credit goes to Mr. Craig Ferguson of CBS's The Late Late Show for the basic form of this jibe but not its precise content.)

May 22, 2010

Horoscopes of Mexico and the BP-Gulf Oil Spill w/ Hidalgo rising

The Deepwater (Neptune) Horizon (Jupiter) oil-spill-blowout-explosion-sabotage - whatever you wish to call the environmental and deadly disaster at this juncture, may result in criminal liability charges for the corporations involved: British Petroleum, Transocean, and Halliburton.

Halliburton's paw prints were left in concrete just minutes before the 'blowout' occurred around 10:00 pm on the evening of April 20, 2010, with asteroid Hidalgo rising Rx @ 1Sag23.

And in case you missed it, please don't:

Living On Earth did an informative interview this morning with law professor Jonathan Turley on the prospects of holding company executives accountable in criminal court if any of them knew that the blowout preventer device had been previously damaged and gave orders to keep working, or lied about key points. Read the interview text or listen to the broadcast by clicking LOE's link. You're welcome. ;p

As you know, the low cap for damage payments were set as part of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 - absurdly low for 2010 when going low - miles under the sea - is what the oil industry says it must do to find the resources we need. That they then hire lobbyists to fight against legislation which would lessen our extreme dependency on fossil fuels (cafe standards, alternative energy sources, etc) is what causes their arguments to be undermined and disbelieved by the the majority of the public. They lie.

Yet those of us who are shareholders play along with industry scripts in order to increase earnings and swell bottom lines. The rest of us naturally have more objectivity about what these sorts of for-profit fiends and Midasses tell us - things that secretly undermine our positions and rob our pocketbooks.

Astrologically, it seems telling to me that '1Sag' is the "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" degree in the Sabian Symbols but it's too soon to go there (sabotage) so I won't except to say that the Ascendant of any chart is the WHAT? of the matter. (Desc = WHERE or WHERETO? Mc = WHY? Ic = HOW?)

Well, if the BP-Gulf oil blowout masks an act of revolution between Mexico and the US, it was a spectacular one and it will be difficult to trace its source/s. The names of the true culprits, if any, may never be told so I guess for the purposes of this post, 'Hidalgo' will have to suffice as our scapegoat. (However, back up the time of the blowout's chart to 9:44 pm CDT and you get a crisis degree: 29Sco58 - '30Sco' = "A Halloween Jester", which is the degree of Inaugural 2009 Moon = we-the-people. Was this a trick against the people and government of the US?

And since the disaster's crescendo of explosions and fire ("around 10 pm," one survivor stated in a 60 Minutes interview last Sunday) didn't occur in a vacuum but as part of a process of events and actions or their lack, "A Halloween Jester" is relevant to the situation, 9:44 pm, give or take a minute, which led to "1Sag" which led to "2Sag," etc. Life is process and Astrology describes it.

Now Hidalgo has interesting connections: named after the priest who rang the church bell that started Mexico's revolution for independence from Spain - at *11:00 pm on Sept 15, 1810, Priest Miguel Hidalgo gave the signal, and each year on September 15 at 11:00 pm, church bells ring across Mexico to commemorate independence.

It may be a stretch, but I'll ask you anyway: did a modern day Hidalgo give a signal or otherwise instigate the blowout of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig that night?

Horoscope Shown below: Mexico's national chart of Independence; the country's 12th house Jupiter 1Gem23 is precisely opposite Gulf oil spill's Hidalgo 1Sag23!

Click image to enlarge and read my notes added to the chart with the usual profusion (generosity! Jupiterian me had to train myself years ago not to draw to the edge of every piece of paper. It still tempts.)

Displayed just below is the Horoscope of the BP-Gulf Oil Spill, April 20, 2010, set for the moment that Hidalgo 1Sag23 Rx rises @ 9:50:37 pm CDT; Hour of Mars, no out-of-bounds planets (was incendiary Mars part of the platform's crew?); Mars in Leo (a Fire sign) in 9th house of Foreign Enemies; Mars is parallel (similar to a strong conjunction) Fixed Star Zosma (Delta Leo), keywords: the victim or the savior.

The only aspect Mars makes in the chart is a waxing (applying) square to Mercury 12Tau13 Rx in 6th house (3A29) - '13Tau' = "A Man Handling Baggage."

And of course, if you prefer '30Sco' rising, Mars would be chart-ruler with oil-drilling Pluto 5Cap22 Rx (2nd house) as co-ruler. Yet as you see here, Hidalgo rising gives Jupiter as chart-ruler: the applying aspects of Jupiter are: conjunct Uranus (6A45) and opposite Saturn (7A22.)

'Manager' Saturn is at a crisis degree 29Vir06 Rx and exalted in his 10th house of Public Status and Career, an indicator that someone in charge will suffer a fall from grace from this incident especially if they don't play fair and accept responsibility for their actions or the lack thereof (Saturn in 10th h.) This may be delayed (Rx) but it will come as long as the US justice system and Congress are not again bought out by culpable corporations. We'll see.

And Saturn's '30Vir'? "Having an Urgent Task to Complete, a Man Doesn't Look to Any Distractions." (Of course, you know that both Sun and Saturn in Mundane charts signify on one level our national leaders and lawmakers. Peep-eye, Congress and White House!)

Now here is the chart of the BP-Gulf oil spill with Hidalgo rising (@ 9:50:17 pm CDT) as a timer; New Orleans is used for the chart's location and the blowout's Neptune 28AQ16 conjoins New Orleans' natal Sun which puts the city further in the shade!

There are many chart factors of note, of course, and I eagerly await your comments and insights. Click to read my notations on the chart and you'll see listed two YOD patterns which indicate crises, turning points, or special tasks which must be fulfilled (often from one generation to the next.)

Yet testy Mars, whom I attempted above to implicate in this mystery play (because Mars is usually the one who takes action including blowing up things) is not tied in with either YOD, at apex or at the configuration's sextile base....but controlling Saturn and the 5th house Sun 00Tau55 are tied in (00/1Tau are degrees of violence, aka, 'Hitler's trigger degree', Adolf's natal Sun position.)

Nebulous Neptune, ruler of oceans, oil, gas, deception, confusion, and fraud, is in the YOD mix, too, as is Hidalgo bwo its conjunction with the Ascendant.

Here are the midpoint pictures formed by the YODs, aka, Finger/s of God with any, all, or none applying to the catastrophe; YODs may also have health or death connotations:

Sun/Neptune = Saturn: the discipline to shape reality through dreams and visions; persistence in working toward ideals and dreams; impeded blood flow, bad or unhealthy blood; afflictions through physical debility; emotional struggles or pain; bereavement about separation.

Saturn/ASC = Sun: taking responsibility squarely into one's life plan; strategizing personal freedom; making something happen through hard work; overtaxing the body-health system; effective business practices (actually, not so much - jc); increased need for approval; appearing friendly but reserved; hiding the real you; a need to dominate others. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)

So let's get back to Don Hidalgo, si?

The asteroid (#944) was discovered October 31, 1920 (ah...Halloween as in Scorpio's 'Jester'!) in Bergedorf, Germany, near Hamburg, by astronomer Walter Baade.

In the Random House College Dictionary, Hidalgo is defined as: 1. a man of the lower nobility in Spain; 2. a man of landed property or special prestige in Spanish America; a state in central Mexico; Hidalgo y Castilla, 1753 - 1811, a Mexican priest, patriot, and revolutionist.

Yes, the asteroid was named for the priest who championed liberty for the Mexican people. Wonder what President Obama and Mexico's President Calderon really discussed at the White House last week? The highway corridor? The long-planned NAU (North American Union) meant to blend the US with Mexico and Canada? The oil spill?

The state of Hidalgo in central Mexico has been known for its mining industry: gold, silver, copper, lead, iron, mercury, and sulphur have been produced there though I don't know its current production rates, if any. Hidalgo was orginally occupied by the Toltecs, then the Chichimec, and finally the Aztec Indians.

The region was conquered by Spain in 1530 and became a separate state in 1869. Priest Miguel Hidalgo was a Creole using only his father's last name; as a priest in the town of Dolores, he introduced several things to aid the people's livelihoods such as olive groves, vineyards, a porcelain factory, and a silk industry.

But when Napoleon invaded Spain in 1808, Miguel Hidalgo became involved with a group supporting the independence of Mexico from Spain. He was quite successful initially but was captured on March 21, 1811, and excuted on July 30, 1811.

There is one more reference for Hidalgo which could possibly describe someone on the platform, under the sea, or in the corporate chain of command but perhaps I should term it merely a 'clue'...

Since Hidalgo is the lowest rank of nobility entitled to be addressed as 'Don', the asteroid's presence in charts can signify a person named 'Don'! So if you hear of anyone by that name involved in the investigations of this incident, give them a closer look and please let me know about them, if possible.

Of course, the word 'don' brings teachers, professors, and college heads into the mix as well, and I don't forget Dick Halliburton Cheney's pal, Don Rumsfeld, who has oil dealings in his past. Both men are world class speculators.

Hidalgo's keywords: self-assertion; a rebel; someone wanting higher status due to feelings of disenfranchisement, illegitimacy, being in a minority, or in some other way feeling distinct from others.

Well, it's understandable that a definite Spanish-American flavor is rising in the BP-Gulf oil spill horoscope and one culprit's name just could be Don. As I said above, this is a horoscope of a mystery play of planetary actors, and with saboteur Pluto's ongoing opposition to America's natal Venus and Jupiter (3 - 6 Cancer) we know there are dark forces lined up against our prosperity and success, transformative forces which threaten unpromising outcomes for joint ventures and titanic power struggles which are being fought for Pluto's obsessive need for total and permanent control.


*Mexico's natal data from Celeste Teal's book Eclipses where she cites Maggie Hyde's "Tomorrow News" in the June 2002 issue of American Astrology; I assume the data is from both historical records and the memories of the Mexican people.

You may wish to consult the natal chart of New Orleans, LA: Feb 17, 1805 (NS) 12:00 pm LMT, New Orleans; natal Neptune 28Sco06 and Jupiter 4Sag38 are rising in the above oil spill chart...the Jupiter/Neptune combo relates to lots of oil and gas, and to grand schemes and speculation.

Jup/Nep = ASC: speculating; sharing great hopes with others; living in an illusory bubble world; interpersonal roles which add to a sense of the unreal; living in a world lighted by an emotionally rationalized agenda.

The Jupiter/Neptune combo was involved during a few similar historical events: the sinking of the Titanic, the USS Maine Explosion (a false flag op meant to to start a war - it worked); the East Coast Power Blackout; the big Alaskan Earthquake, and curiously, since New Orleans and the Gulf coast are so direly affected by this disaster, the application of the first-ever Medicare patient. (Munkasey, Midpoints.)

Marjorie Orr's book The Astrological History of the World gives the founding data for Spain, if you're interested: Jan 19, 1479 noon, Madrid, Spain.

Checking Spain's natal horoscope for the degree area of 29 Sco - 3 Sag we find: Neptune 00Sag55 and Uranus 1Sag55 (the Illuminati planets which were active during the Attack on Pearl Harbor - another war-starting event for the US, and FDR was one of our several Freemason presidents who may have had Illuminati leanings.)

Progressing Spain's chart to April 20, 2010, we find Sec Neptune Rx 00Sag52, Sec Mars 1Sag30, and Uranus 3Sag09 Rx. Further study is indicated.

May 21, 2010

Rodent in Rose Garden, President at Podium, Financial Reform passage touted

Update May 21: one of the fallouts from the new Financial Reform legislation is that the Fed ends up wielding more power, not less. That's a mistake.

Original post begins here:

Here is the text of President Obama's remarks in the Rose Garden Thursday, May 20, 2010, as he understandably preened over the Senate's passing of Financial Reform - and a rodent of some kind ran across the ground in front of his podium just after he began speaking.

The rodent, which has a tail too short to be a 'rat' as some are calling it, has been sighted in the White House Rose Garden before and reports of which staffer or cabinet member it represents in that higher-realm sort of way has not been confirmed as of this writing.

Yet we know that where there's one rodent there must be a gaggle of them so the best thing I can say is that at least the furry fellow ran in front of the president rather than behind his back.

Astrologically I'm sorry to say that not only were there two distressed asteroid archetypes at Midheaven, the Goal Point of the chart (and of his remarks) @ 18Can06, but the Solar Eclipse of July 11, 2010 @ 19Can24 is emphasized by this Mc, along with a difficult Fixed Star, Castor. You and I have discussed the July 11 Eclipse conjunct Castor previously so I won't bore you again by harping on it needlessly, especially since you're already bored.

The two asteroids at Mc are sad Niobe and Atlantis. Hope that doesn't refer to the Atlantis oil platform now at risk in the Gulf. But why should it? We can have feelings of doom (Atlantis) even without another creatively labeled "blow-out" on our calendars.

So if the reform legislation is signed by July 4, 2010 as President Obama intends, it will tie in Financial Reform with the July 11, 2010 Eclipse in the 12 South Series, same as America's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series...keywords: successful outcomes to long-term worries. Well, that would be a great way for the 12S Eclipse to manifest!

But here's a big however - Jupiter 27Pis29 in 6th house is lining up opposite Saturn 27Vir55 Rx in 12th house and this is the culmination stage of their 20-year cycle of Expansion vs Restriction, and the NYSE told the tale of the societal planets' stalemate by plummeting 397.36 points on Thursday. Perhaps the DOW's drop is what had the president touting financial things at a 29th degree.

At 4:33 pm edt, Moon @ 28Leo59 opposed US natal Moon, and had just moved beyond Mars. The Sun (the leader) was @ a critical or crisis 29th degree, 29Tau43, in 8th house of Big Money, Debt, Credit, and such, with its Sabian Symbol for '30Tau' being fairly apt for the occasion:

"A Peacock Parading on an Ancient Lawn," and although the Rose Garden lawn isn't ancient, it will have to serve for our Peacock-in-Chief and his friend, the pesky rodent making a run for it while he can. Maybe he was in a hurry to file for unemployment.

And since the Sun was anxious about finances at its 29th degree, Mr. Obama apparently really needed this boost from the Senate. However, a caution is that the Sun was conjoined with Fixed Star, Alcyone, keywords: something to cry about and sorrow, which relates to the ancient myth of the Seven Sisters.

Or, it's quite possible that our financial system is in a much more critical condition than we've been told by this administration in its supposed attempt to 'instill confidence' in markets by lying about stuff. Or, maybe the gentry of Wall Street will actually come back to planet Earth and join the rest of us as we window shop along Main Street.

And this lack of confidence (which passing Financial Reform is supposed to fix) may partially explain the Sabian Symbol for the Ascendant degree which represents the president's remarks which began at 4:33 pm edt during a Mars Hour...

'16 Libra" = "A Boat Landing Washed Away."

Wonder if that could be for Wall Street, Main Street, or both?

Additionally, the Sun was at the Moon/Neptune midpoint at 4:33 pm so we have a midpoint picture which may or may not apply...

Moon/Neptune = Sun: illusions and deceptions; illuminated aesthetics; impressive insights into people or events.

To be cont'd...


Midpoint info: Ebertin, Tyl, and Munkasey.

May 20, 2010

Senate passes Financial Reform 5.20.10

Can America's Main Street finally be catching a break ahead of Wall Street?

Will stock markets crash or plummet as a consequence?

Are Oil Can Harry's days numbered now that our erstwhile Capitol Hillers have ridden into town to sheriff the joint and untie all the Pearl Purehearts from the financial tracks?

Just when we thought congressional oversight was the most apt and laughable oxymoron in our lexicon, the United States Senate actually passed something besides the buck.

Now, it may take the GOP an hour or two to get their sea legs back but they'll come out wildly swinging on behalf of corporate greed and malfeasance, and somehow...somehow there will be regular folk who will swallow the politically motivated poison and ask for a second and third helping of anti-Dem swill. (They're all of a piece, y'know - we'll never take back America by playing into their Ds v Rs game of diversion like the chuckleheads they think we are.)

And so, as Summer 2010 nears, the Cardinal T-Square of planets acts early while June 8's Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus awaits dramatically in the wings of the Universe approaching their cue at the Aries Point of World Manifestation.

Are you ready?

Uranus to Aries Point: artificial cell announced today!

No astrologer in the world is surprised at today's announcement of the creation of an artificial cell.

What are some possible applications for this lab-born Frankensteinian DNA which owes allegiance to no papa or mama? New vaccines, a weening from oil as an energy source, and a 'new industrial revolution' as well are some of the bright potentials mentioned today. (Hint: the world doesn't trust Science's cobbled together, GM vaccines as it is!)

Serious questions about the unintended consequences of creating new life forms remain, of course, unanswered at this exciting juncture.

Yes, Uranus to Aries Point (of World Prominence) now = scientific breakthroughs, and in 2010, the scene is greatly expanded by the presence of Jupiter at AP, too...therefore, much wealth is to be expected from such inventions!

Kissinger touts for the NWO - video

In line with my last SO'W post earlier this morning, here is a video of Patrick Wood, editor of the excellent August Review. Patrick is a decades-long watchdog on our behalves concerning the Trilateral Commission, CFR, Bilderberg Group, and other NWO movers and shakers.

To meld within your noggin the long-term New World Order plans and planners with the current administration in the White House, please view the video, even if you never watch another on that heinous topic, a totalitarian one-world-government, aka the NWO.

And while we're considering such topics we must remain clear-eyed about the identities of the players President Obama has surrounded himself with even though I suspect that they were on board for White House duty already and BHO was selected to grace the middle of the NWO cabal that acts as his "cabinet" or "team."

Among other things, it reveals the Jan 5, 2009 interview done on the floor of the NYSE between C-NBC and Henry Kissinger concerning what Kissinger thought Mr. Obama's 'first actions as president-elect' should be, and it tells in his own words the 'Quotes to Note' inclusion in the sidebar of this blog - it's not as if I could make this up, but here's the man himself speaking on record.

Mr. Wood also mentions Kissinger's chum, Richard Nixon, who sent Henry on a secret mission to Communist China in July 1971 to 'open up trade' which subsequently has resulted in the loss of millions of US jobs and wealth through the years. His trip to China was a NWO planning session, as are all summits and conclaves, imho.

Personally I began years ago to consider Tricky Dick Nixon to have been an out-and-out Chinese agent. How about you? However, my personal opinion of 'shuttle diplomatist' Hank Kissinger is not suitable for publishing in polite company.

So do I think that Mr. Obama is 'the chosen one' for inaugurating the NWO?

Yes. I agree with Mr. Wood and with others. The Mayan calendar's 'end date' of Dec 21, 2012 is being used or has been foreseen by a global elite who use Astrology as a matter of course to cloud the waters of what they're up to: a physical and political take-over that has little to do with Mayan visions or with New Age higher consciousness and Awakenings.

Unless The Awakening involves the realization that the world's population has been royally bamboozled into accepting a new form of feudalism.

For One Thing...

Their ramping up of the chorus as mentioned by Patrick Wood in the video above is a clue to timing: they really want an important corner turned during this 4-year presidential term.

Before Barack appeared on the public stage, Hillary Clinton, whose 'seeding' of the New Millennium with Bill on its celebratory Eve, showed her integral involvement in NWO plans and proceedings: she really really expected that the NWO would be hers to inaugurate (or, launch) as our 'President Clinton' #2.

But along came a spider, and it turned out that Barack Obama, with his natal Neptune in hypnotic Scorpio, could sway the masses like no one else could, he melded the Chicago crime syndicate deeper into the mix, and was selected as the Dem nom and certain 'winner' - perhaps being annointed at the secretive Bilderberg Group meeting which both he and Hillary slipped away to attend in Chantilly, VA, during the 2008 campaign. She must have been livid.

Therefore, yes, I think that Barack Obama's presidency is more than 'historic' for racial reasons, it's historic for what they have up their wizards' sleeves for the entire world as the power elite's mission of global domination finally comes into its own in time for 2012.

One Clue Is...

Let's review the chart of Inauguration 2009: Mars 18Cap29 in 9th house, ruler of DESC 14Sco03 conj asteroid, Hebe (possible keywords: a Herculean partner; strength or courage; a Hebrew; how and where one wants to bring something immortal to the universe; server of a ceremonial drink; goddess of youth, daughter of Zeus.)

Mars also rules 7th house of Partnerships bwo Scorpio, making Pluto 1Cap57, conjunct Morya 1Cap57, in 8th house of Debts, Shared Resources, Transformations, Death, etc...a co-ruler of the DESC; Pluto also conjs Toro (raw power; links to nuclear power), Eros (a piercing); and Morya, of course, relates to drugs and to death-as-sleep. Otherwise, Pluto is acting under his own auspices: the saboteur, spy, assassin, and secret hand is unaspected and thus free of modification from the other planetary energies in the Inauguration 2009 chart (and Obama's presidency.)

Now Mars is posited in Inauguration 2009's 9th house of Foreign Enemies and Lands, In-Laws, and Places of Higher Education, Philosophy and Religion. So the jokes about his mother-in-law's moving into the White House causing problems may have some validity here with Mars' tendency to cause quarrels in the house of In-Laws. (Well, even roses have thorns and I'm certain her help with the children - Leo - is invaluable.)

My point is that the question of Mr. Obama's role in the NWO as 'the chosen one' may be 'seen' by Inauguration 2009's Mars (therefore, Obama's presidential Mars) at the degree of the NWO's two significators, Uranus and Neptune during their Great Conjunction/s of 1993.

View the NWO natal chart which is timed by the 3rd of their 3 conjunctions, #3 occurred on Oct 24, 1993 @ '18Cap'...

'18Cap' = "The Union Jack Flies from a British Warship"...

Keynote: The protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order. (This symbol brings to us) the ambivalence of POLITICAL POWER, its value and its dangers. (Dane Rudhyar, An Astrological Mandala.) #

See? That's what I meant above - that we're expected to plead for a New World Order while under the illusion that we'll regain lost 'security' from (and 'order' out of) the chaos which the power elite created to sway us to their totalitarian way of doing business while living enslaved lives.

Tres diabolique!


Prison Planet keeps on the case.

Brzezinski at CFR meeting in Montreal - video; plus, Jupiter-Uranus

One-world-government promoter Zbigniew Brzezinski speaks here at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting in Montreal, Canada. The volume on this particular video isn't up to snuff here but I'm posting it anyway in case you get better results.

So the Collective Unconscious is having a Global Awakening? In 2011? 2012? Or now, timed by the June 8, 2010 meeting of Jupiter and Uranus (the 'light bulb' and 'good ideas' combo of energies) at Aries Point, a World Point of global manifestation?

Makes me sleepy just thinking about it...


You may read a bunch of NWO stuff I've collected here which includes quotes on the subject by people such as the prescient Nelson Rockefeller from way back when. You may also wish to read Henry Kissinger's advice to President Obama which is permanently located in this blog's sidebar under 'Quotes to Note' (a smidgen of scrolling is required but I have faith in your skills.)

Here's one sample of the NWO quotes linked above which explains a lot to those with ears to hear:

"The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control....Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent."

Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976, killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the Soviets

(You notice two -isms are mentioned that are the realm of Pluto/Chiron: supercapitalism and communism, two systems that have pretended to be at odds for decades, the better to manipulate the masses and the markets.)

May 19, 2010

Ron Paul video: the coming hyper-inflation

Rep. Ron Paul says we have the Fed to thank for the coming hyperinflation.

And the US Congress refuses to audit the Fed, even once. With so many rats in the financial woodpile, it was no surprise they declined to open a window on the Federal Reserve Bank of the USA for Congress' own complicity would blow through.

You know, President Andrew Jackson was no fan of big banks way back when and, on an astrological note, I remind you that Jackson was elected under a Saturn/Uranus opposition just as was President Obama...1828 - 2008.

With Mr. Obama's golden 'Goldman Sachs cabinet' of helpers, it's difficult to see how he can successfully fight off the excessive influence of big banks to the people's satisfaction and protection. It will be interesting to see what Congress comes up with in the realm of financial reform assuming that their political posturings come to an end long enough to pass a bill that reins in the banking gentry who bankroll their political campaigns.

And there are those making the case that the US government's response to the Gulf oil spill favors the government's response to the 2008 Financial Crisis - that they're doing more harm than good.

Also, FireDogLake has some of the better coverage on the BP oil spill and you'll find there a petition to sign if you wish telling President Obama to back off from offshore drilling for now and pursue clean energy as he's always said he would do. If he ever meant it, he now has a very very good excuse with the majority of the country behind him.

May 18, 2010

Rand Paul's Sun Capricorn-Moon Gemini

As you know, Rand Paul is the son of former Representative Ron Paul of Texas, and some have labeled the block's chip as The Obama of the Tea Party.

A lifelong Republican, this ophthalmologist announced his senate candidacy in August 2009 and election day has dawned with Paul as front runner against the retiring incumbent, Senator Jim Bunning.

Born somewhere in Pennsylvania on Jan 7, 1963, Dr. Paul has Sun in Capricorn, sign of politics, law, and business, and Moon in Gemini (for the 24-hour period of his birth date), sign of communication ability and quick thinking.

Sun Cap-Moon Gem is an Earth-Air blend which may tend to overemphasize the rational mind while ignoring the emotional aspects of life. There may be satisfaction with a pragmatic yet surface understanding of people and things in general along with a flippant pomposity in evidence when things get too deep or heavy. Young Mr. Paul may be something of a practical joker who hates being the butt of jokes himself.

However, with a Cap-Gem blend of energies there is a talkative, adaptable, and clever nature, with plenty of resourcefulness and shrewdness. Is he a gossip? A lover of irony? Perhaps. Yet he is a good teacher and is mentally acute and very observant (good for an eye doctor, self-certified though he may be.)

After today's elections, we may perhaps know the answers to many questions about Dr. Rand Paul as his ability to speak his mind charmingly and in crystal clear images would seem to be qualities of vast improvement over what the people of Kentucky have been rep'd by in the US Senate in recent years.

Now here are the Images for Integration for Rand Paul's Sun Cap-Moon Gem which put us in mind of today's political contest in Kentucky:

"An aged philosopher wins first prize in an international crossword puzzle competition...A traveling salesman wins an award...A college don reads the letters section of the paper while eating breakfast." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)


Update Hours Later: he won!