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May 28, 2010

9/11/01: Bldg 7 imploded @ 5:21 pm edt; '9AQ" rising

Yes, you've probably seen the video or the TV coverage of the obviously imploded demolition of Building 7 on 9/11/01 which you see here falling straight down into its own footprint as if by professional, controlled demolition.

At 5:21 pm edt in NYC on 9/11/01: ASC 8AQ23 - '9AQ' = "A Flag Turned into an Eagle" which is similar to the Sabian Symbol for America's natal ASC (Sibly)...'12Sag' = "A Flag Turned into an Eagle That Crows."

'9AQ' speaks of "The dynamic incorporation of new social values" and an ACTING OUT of the vision" (uh-huh, a NWO); '12Sag' indicates "The spiritualization and promotion of great symbols of a New Age by minds sensitive to its precursory manifestations. (Rudhyar.) Ah yes, the sensitive mind of Dick Cheney and his comrades.

Oh, and the Midheaven (Goal Point) at 5:21 pm edt? 29Sco25 (the position of US Inaugural Moon 29:45 on Jan 20, 2009); '30Sco' = "A Halloween Jester" which points on 9/11/01 to the Priory of Sion and Templars, imho.

Well, I haven't time now or during this holiday weekend to post fully on the day or the chart for Building 7's implosion, but I will add one pertinent midpoint picture in effect the entire day for it points to US natal Neptune 22Vir25. As you know, Neptune is a weak spot in anyone's chart where deception, confusion, and illusion may be found; mystical inclinations and inspirations are some of the positive expressions of Neptunian energies with its 'urge to merge' with The Infinite.

And yes, there are factors indicating mysticism on that day (we should ask the Illuminati Society, the Vatican, and the Kabbalists about it), but I shall confine myself to typing out the word picture for the one midpoint in case any of it rings true...especially since it involves powerful secret hand Pluto, the assassin and saboteur, which was famously opposing Saturn across America's ASC/DESC axis on 9/11/01 (after lumbering through US n 12th house of Karma and Self-Undoing for preparation for Mr. Hades' break-out role on 9/11/01.)

(Also, I've never actually published the Horoscope of the attacks of 9/11 which began @ 8:46 am edt, but have certainly mentioned it within some of the almost-2,200 posts on this blog); perhaps I should remedy the omission asap.)

Well, here see what you think. As usual with mdpt pics, any, all, or none may apply, and you know that NN relates to contacts with the public or to group encounters:

9/11/01's Pluto/NN = US n Neptune: deception; confusion; seeing that people are not what they seem; attaining success within the community by use of fraud and lies; losses; the power of the half-truth; deception as a tool; win at any cost.

Yet one thing I have blogged about concerning 9/11 is Dick Cheney's astro-links to the attacks and we know that he was very active on that day though hidden away as usual.

So if you're interested in viewing an incriminating astro-picture of Cheney's possible culpability on 9/11 - and you appreciate the meaning of Pluto/Chiron's plutocracy-oppression-corporatism-class warfare-primal violence flavors within governmental actions, please see the Horoscope of Cheney's secondary progressions for 9/11/01 and let me know what you think.

Bilderberg Cabal Agenda: June 4 - 7, 2010, Spain

Perhaps you've heard of journalist Jim Tucker who has worked for 25 years to shine a light on the worms of the World Shadow Government by tracking the secret meetings and finaglings of the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group who meet in secret cabal on June 4 - 7, 2010, in Sitges, Spain, 12 miles from Barcelona.

The meeting's agenda, according to Mr. Tucker, has two primary goals: a US attack on Iran, and a financial bail out of Greece and other EU nations in financial straits.

BP is a Bilderberg member and its oil 'spill' in the Gulf of Mexico plays in financially (see previous post with a petition to sign against US taxpayers Bailing Out BP for damages to the Gulf Coast!) which could be the missing link in the story of the oil fiasco.

On May 20 just past, the Bilderberg-controlled Washington Post called for making the IMF a "global overseer" so that modern challenges can be more efficiently met, and, attributing the view to Liliana Rojas-Suarez (senior fellow @ the Center for Global Development) WaPo states that, "It may take a global agency like the IMF to address the problem."

Translation: US taxpayers (bwo the IMF) are pegged for bailing out failing financial systems and governments in the EU including Greece, Portugal, Spain, Ireland, and who-know-where-else.

This is how creating a 'New World Order' is being framed for public consumption with the IMF and the UN Bank ruling the global financial roost, US borders dissolved into a North American Union (with Mexico and Canada, a major goal of the Bilderberg Cabal), and world totalitarianism on the rise.

That these are the same players who helped set up global markets and financial systems into a global network so that they can all be crashed simultaneously is what's behind the Ozian Curtain which we're supposed to ignore.

In his article, Mr. Tucker goes on to quote President Obama from a few days ago when he gave a shout-out to the NWO but I was too busy dealing with power outages here to make note of it on this blog as I would have preferred.

In his West Point commencement address to cadets, Mr. Obama said, in part, "The international order we seek is one that can resolve the challenges of our times."

Well, my pointy ears perked up when I heard him say that! For it was spoken like a true NWO shill by a Bilderberg-owned President of the United States...and probably an Illuminatist at that...or at least, he's their 'cat's paw' as other US Presidents have been!

So the Bilderbergers meet in Spain June 4 - 7, 2010?

Why, the Illuminati is said to have its earliest roots in Spain! Plus, today it is being reported by BBC News that Spain's credit rating has now been downgraded by a second agency. Hmm...


Blog Note: am studying the charts now so that early next week a post can be published here on the Astrology of the Bilderberg Cabal in Spain, June 4 - 7, 2010, so return if you can, study ahead if you will, and we can discuss. If you check the charts for June 4, 5, 6, and 7, I think you'll see which chart I'll be using for its precise triggering of the Aries Point of World Manifestation!

(The global puppeteers who run such cabals to discuss and disseminate their NWO 'futuristic' info and plans to their political and other operatives and hacks think they're 'gods on earth' if you know what I mean. You know - like the Illuminati-Jesuit demons of the Vatican. There. I said it.)

US Taxpayers to Bailout BP? Sign the petition!

A chance to sign a petition directed to the US Senate has arrived in my Inbox this morning from Fire Dog Lake - to hold BP completely accountable for the damage done to the Gulf Coast.

Please sign the petition before Congress gets its chance to lay the financial burden for oil damages on the backs of over-strapped US taxpayers.

You know, it seems to me that Washington and its corporate bosses are having to work awfully hard to totally destroy this nation. Does it ever seem that way to you?

Eisenhower's Sun Libra-Moon Libra prescient again?

"We will bankrupt ourselves in the vain search for absolute security."

Dwight D. Eisenhower, 34th president of the United States, 1890-1969

Now it's 2010 and "the vain search" is ongoing and bankrupting America as predicted - or promised (see comment under this post about Eisenhower's controversial US citizenship!) - and there's still no such thing as "absolute security", is there?

Dwight Eisenhower was US President from 1953 - 1961 which makes him my earliest memory of an American President doing his presidential thing. Born in Denison, Texas on October 14, 1890 @ 3:00 am CST; ASC 5Vir52; Mc 3Gem21 with Neptune 6Gem30 conjunct Pluto 7Gem39; Sun 20Lib58 and Moon 25Lib49 make him an Air-Air Sun Lib/Moon Lib.

This is an idealistic combination of Sun/Moon energies which produces a fine intellect, a diplomatic nature, and a zeal for justice. Plenty of discussion is needed in order to arrive at balanced conclusions, and courtesy and fine manners are considered all important. That others can be rude and crude can throw Sun Lib/Moon Lib off balance.

Obviously, relationships play a pivotal role in the life of one born with Sun and Moon in Libra, sign of Relationships, Partnerships, and Romance. A need for feedback from others and for meeting others halfway is evident; when forced to take command, the normally cool and detached Lib/Lib really comes alive (General Eisenhower); romance acts as a bulwark for when life gets tough or becomes unseemly.

(Mamie and Ike were lifelong partners and I was okay with that until I realized at a certain age that my Mother had developed a habit of having my hair cut with what became the famous 'Mamie Eisenhower bangs'...see example below: my 2nd grade portrait, goofy grin and all, with bangs somewhat grown out, thank goodness!)

So with Lib/Lib in Politics, controversy becomes a catalyst toward decision-making and finding one's own power; a capacity to see an opponent's point of view makes for an astute politician, along with an innate desire to uplift and encourage others to do their level bests.

Sun Lib/Moon Lib's Image for Integration: 'A prince and princess of warring tribes fall in love and marry, and 1,000 years of peace ensue.' (Sun Sign-Moon Sign Charles and Suzy Harvey.)

So here I am sportin' Mamie's Bangs and lookin' pretty happy about it! (Both front teeth not necessarily included.)


Eisenhower birth data from astrodatabank now Wiki'fied.

May 27, 2010

May 27, 2010: Full Moon w/ Uranus to Aries Point @ 3:04 pm edt

UPDATE 5.27.10 11:25 am edt:

NPR BREAKING NEWS: Minerals Management Service Director Fired Elizabeth Birnbaum, the director of the Minerals Management Service agency that oversees drilling operations, has been fired. More details @ NPR. #

Heads are rolling! I only hope they're the right heads.

My original post from a few minutes ago begins here:

The evening of May 27, 2010 a Full Moon 6Sag33 perfects at 7:07:15 pm edt over the White House which is a mere 4 hours and 3 minutes after Uranus reaches Aries Point 00Ari00 at 3:04 pm edt.

The chart of the Full Moon shows an applying inconjunct to Venus (2A54; inconjunct = adjustments needed; Venus = evaluations; relationships) with Venus 9Can27 in 8th house of High Finance and Debt, and just past a recent US Venus Return. It's an Hour of Mercury 11Tau44 in 6th house, and the Gulf oil 'spill' is at the chart's base (Neptune/Chiron.)

The Sun 6Gem33 highlights Pan 6:37, a trickster element indicating such things as 'panels', 'panics', and possible mystical doings. Yes, the President has set up yet another panel (committee), this time to study the BP-Gulf oil disaster - meanwhile, the people of the Gulf Coast panic from threat to their livelihoods and homes.

But as you know, Jupiter, left behind in late Pisces by quirky Uranus, will catch up for their Great Conjunction on June 8, 2010 (00Ari18) but until then, it's Uranus = AP, an historical marker for 'scientific breakthrough', a term which has already been in the news in recent weeks with synthetic cell creation and other Frankensteinian happenings and explorations (Mt. Everest topping.)

BP's amazing plume cam seems part of Uranus = AP to me for it's as if we're watching the First Moon Landing all over again but 5 miles down on the seabed! As in: on the Moon, ocean = Cancer, ruled by the Moon, etc.

What we need is for Uranus to inspire a brilliant solution for the BP-Gulf oil disaster but perhaps it will take Jupiter's presence on June 8 or later for that to occur especially since both charts (Full Moon and Uranus = AP) show creative genius Uranus separating from aspects with two exceptions: its application to conjoin lucky Jupiter, and secret controller Pluto 4Cap49 Rx and Uranus apply to their titanic square (4A49.)

Yet perhaps the Uranus/Pluto square's energetic and 'revolutionary' content may be used for staunching the leak in the Gulf - if interfering, bossy Pluto will stand out of creative Uranus' way.

And when Jupiter's principle of expansion joins the Uranus/Pluto SQ on June 8, we may wish to consider this midpoint picture for clues:

Jupiter/Uranus = Pluto: tremendous drive to success; publicity; gains; sudden changes in financial conditions; an unusual striving for knowledge and undertanding; a far-seeing creative activity. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

Plus, the transiting Chiron/Neptune conjunction, with Neptune (oceans, oil, gas, water, ideals and dreams, deception, confusion, fraud, loss) still in late Aquarius and pull-ahead Chiron @ 00Pis58, reps for the Deepwater Horizon 'blowout' (explosions) - Chiron's wounding under the Neptunian sea - yet Chiron conjoins America's Pre-natal Eclipse degree 00Pis33 (12 South Series) with keywords:

A worrying or draining issue will at first seem worse then clear, with successful outcomes. (Brady's Predictive Astrology)

A "draining" issue will clear! And we have so many draining issues that need clearing.

So with BP beginning the 'top kill' method yesterday to try to staunch the Gash in the Gulf, and with the attempt's outcome becoming apparent today or tomorrow, this is where I'm directing my psychic energy and attention: on America's PE which, in 1776, amounted to freedom and independence by way of a successfully fought revolution.

But as for timing of solutions, 12S manifests again on July 11, 2010 @ 19Can24 conjunct difficult Fixed Star Castor. This gives BP and the American people a 6-month time frame for the 'successful outcomes' picture...too long to ponder just now, particularly since '20Cancer' is a critical or crisis degree.

Solar Eclipse effects can influence events up to two weeks post- or prior to the date of the Eclipse which points to a time frame as early as the last week in June.

Well, we know that through the years many rats and termites have taken up residence in the US woodpile (see this blog's description in its header, above), so if you're interested in further reading, try a link-rich article on America, fascism, and financial solutions ignored.

And if you missed it, here's my Dreamyfish Art inspired Film short concerning the BP-Gulf oil spill featuring 'a fish's plea'.

May 26, 2010

US Post Offices with Secret Rooms for Detainment?

It's being reported that US Post Offices across the country are being re-fitted with 'secret rooms' to be used as investigation rooms along with detainment facilities if (when) martial law is declared in America.

The Rx condition of America's Secondary Progressed Mars (as of 2006) would indicate that this is a possibility: when a natal Direct Mars turns Rx by progression, the 'god of war' becomes reactionary and shows the potential for US police and military forces being used on US soil against the people who may - or may not - be enemies of The State.

Is the US government preparing for a national emergency? Or is it creating one where all detractors will be rounded up, interrogated, and held indefinitely?

Click to read the disturbing article and view a blueprint of a Post Office facility in Macon, Georgia, about 2 hours down the road from where I now type. Which means that if I should ever 'disappear' without a trace, my family won't have far to go to look for me. Goody.

May 25, 2010

Horoscope of the 'Roaring 20s' Solar Eclipse: why it $till matters

Chart shown: 'Roaring 20s' Solar Eclipse Sept 10, 1923; White House; Sun/Moon 17Vir06 conjunct Venus 17:13; Hour of Jupiter 14Sco512 conj Mc 17Sco24; 24Cap47 rising; chart-ruler Saturn 18Lib44 conj 9th cusp; Water Grand Trine: Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto; tr Pluto conj US natal Sun: urge for increased power and influence (said spider Pluto to the US fly), aggression strengthens, and ego (Pluto) drives a new start; isolation increases.

Chart-ruler Saturn makes a few applying aspects in the chart:

1. sextile Neptune (0A15; an opportunity for putting inspired Neptunian creativity into Saturnian form);

2. opposite Chiron (Sept 10, 1923 happens to be #2 of 5 conjunctions of America's Chiron Return which stretched into 1925: June 8, 1923, Sept 20, 1923, Apr 4, 1924, Dec 23, 1924, and Jan 8, 1925; Chiron returned to its natal degree-minute a mere 39 minutes prior to this Eclipse: '21Ari' = "A Pugilist Entering the Ring" and America's 'fatal wound' (Chiron) certainly may be described as wars of aggression (Aries, ruled by Mars.)

3. Mercury 12Lib23 in 8th house applies to their conjunction (6A22.)

This Solar Eclipse's Pluto 12Can10 is in process of being opposed by transiting Pluto now in 2010 and beyond as modern-day Pluto readies to oppose US natal Sun in Cancer. Apparently Mr. Hades was 'with' our leadership in the 1920s but is now opposing it and our financial health (natal Jupiter 5Can56 will be precisely opposed by tr Pluto three times: Jan 17, 2011, Nov 16, 2011, and Jan 2, 2012. And that's not counting Pluto opposite n Sun! Yes, you're right, these are extremely perilous years for our nation.

So today, Republicans have been yelling out for the Obama administration's current budget which seems to be hiding in the shadows. No wonder, with all of Capitol Hill's years of fraud, corruption, and New World Order machinations which have tied us together and caused a near- or soon- collapse of the US and world economies. As if the GOP didn't know the NWO score! They just want to be on top when the fluff hits the fan rather than taking orders from the Dems. That is, if the R v D two-party illusion is retained as a way to divide and conquer we-the-people. The political tactic may not be necessary much longer.

But look at the Horoscope of the Roaring Twenties' Solar Eclipse of September 10, 1923 with musical, confused Neptune dancing a sexy Charleston in showy, dramatic, entertaining Leo! Flappers showing their stuff! Here's one now:

So I have sub-titled the 'Roaring 20s Eclipse' as the Illumination-Inspiration-Inflation Solar Eclipse because it is highly influenced by vibes from the Uranus/Neptune pair of energies which were active in its Initial Eclipse in the Series (16 North) which began manifesting on Feb 15, 1599 (OS) @ 6Pis02 with Uranus 24Ari24 trine Neptune 24Leo05 Rx, a creative Fire trine between Inspiration and Illumination.

This awake-asleep pair of outer, transpersonal planets has to do with inner vision, ESP, spirituality, and/or mysticism, and together are capable of eliminating the waking consciousness (I've seen murder charts with Uran/Nep active or angular, including their midpoint. Have you?)

Brady's Predictive Astrology says 16N contains the flavor of inspiration and the illumination of ideas from Uranus/Neptune which indicates a 'sudden release of material from the unconscious' (and from the Collective Unconscious as in writing, painting, etc); a great deal of insight is available to those who know how to tap it, whenever 16N holds sway.

(Creativity of 1923 includes: Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet, Picasso's The Pipes of Pan, Joan Miro's The Tilled Field, and the dance, The Charleston, was introduced in NYC...hidden away 'speak-easies' abounded and were awash with 'bathtub gin' - eeeuuww!)

16N next occurs on Nov 3, 2013 @ '11Sco' and last manifested on Oct 24, 1995 @ '00Sco' - 'Nov 24' is the birth date of the New World Order in modern times as marked by the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune, 3 times in 1993. Therefore, Uranus/Neptune = NWO's n Sun: vaunted self-regard; great creativity; ultra-sensitivity; motivations received through insightful, inspired dreams or meditations; experience directing confused people; unconsciousness; impassivity; heightened receptivity...'awake' v 'asleep'.)

Michael Munkasey (who doesn't like to be precisely quoted but sometimes it's necessary), in his Midpoints book, gives the 'futuristic' and 'enlightening' combo of Uranus/Neptune in Politics and Business as (and any bold or italics are mine):

changes in social or political structures due to new ideas or dreams of the future; strikes or revolutions focused on new ways of thinking; groups formed to exploit oil or chemical resources: sudden upsurges in availability of illegal drugs, including alcohol; subversion that uses new methods of gathering information; movements that diminish the power or authority of a nation's leadership or police systems.

Fast forward to Sept 10, 1923, and the Roaring 20s Eclipse is, as you see, graced by a Water Grand Trine between Jupiter in in mid-Scorpio, Uranus in mid-Pisces, and Pluto 12Can10 - tr Pluto conjunct US natal Sun (and SIRIUS in 1776) - the inflation of emotions and financials carried the decade...until the Crash of October 1929.

The protective quality of the trine (120 degrees) is emphasized by Water along with the tendency toward passivity and a search for anything soothing and nurturing (alcohol and other drugs are the negative manifestation of this search; merging with the Divine Source is its positive.)

Yes, escapism is a potential with a Water Grand Trine which certainly sums up the 1920s decade of parties, drinking, lovely creativity, and new directions in political and social movements as the era's shorter skirts for women vexed our puritanical attitudes. Unconscious forces may take over such light weights who skim the surface of life and wish to avoid the harsher realities...Demon Alcohol held sway with the Charleston crowd!

Perhaps if harsher realities had been faced earlier in the decade, the dire effects of the Market Crash of Oct 1929 might have been softened or alleviated. Of course, we may say the same of the current decade's excesses leading up to the Financial Collapse of 2008...but this time, the NWO types have tied nations into an interlaced financial knot or network ("too big to fail"), and debt-by-credit and credit cards have done their extensive damage.

The Grand Trine forms 3 notable midpoint pictures:

Jup/Uranus = Pluto: strong awareness of objectives; a far-seeing creative activity; unusual strivings for knowledge and understanding; a tremendous drive toward success; publicity; gains.

Jup/Pluto = Uranus: a quick exploitation of every situation; sudden reforms or developments; fanatical striving for improvements.

Uran/Pluto = Jupiter: enormous success potential; strivings for social improvement or reforms; the pursuit of religious or philosophical aims; attainment of immense success.

In the creative and social realms, we may say that F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby (1925) speaks brilliantly for the jittery age of prohibition, gin, and loose romantic alliances, and his natal Uranus/Neptune midpoint 6Vir04 (conjunct his Pre-Natal Ecl 6Vir07) is here triggered by transiting Mars in Sept 1923, so we can say that for Fitzgerald:

Uranus/Neptune = Mars: increased tolerance for unusual activities which become sources of ideas and inspiration; upsets cause quick exits; applied creativity can be very strong (it was when he bestirred himself - jc); impatience; a nervous sense of foreboding; lack of stamina; instability; misdirected energy or paralysis.

And we may wish 'for fun' to consider President Obama's natal Pluto 6Vir59...

Uranus/Neptune = BHO's n Pluto: remaining at the mercy of external circumstances and conditions without trying to make a firm stand; abandoning resistance; the necessity to give in; great losses, calamities, disasters; the Big Picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise.

(All midpoints pictures from: Ebertin, Tyl, and Munkasey; as always, any, all, or none of their potentials may apply.)

As for 1923 itself, it was quite a busy year in history:

British metallurgist John B. Tytus invents continuous hot-strip rolling of steel and the process becomes a key factor affecting the world economy.

Riots and strikes follow the collapse of the German currency and Germany fails to meet its war reparation payments; Hitler attempts a coup in Munich; in Bulgaria a coup ensues and the prime minister is assassinated; Spain becomes a dictatorship; an earthquake wipes out most of Tokyo killing half a million people - 9 days prior to the Eclipse you see pictured here, so the quake is within its influence, the same Eclipse Series as in 1941 and the bombing of Pearl Harbor); US President Warren G. Harding dies suddenly; US coal miners strike; in San Francisco, CA the first supermarket opens for business.

Well, if you hadn't seen it, I thought you might wish to view the horoscope of the 1920s roaring through the lens of a Solar Eclipse which links, bwo Uranus and Neptune, to the NWO chart of 1993, the 2008 Financial Collapse, and on into 16N's next manifestation of Nov 3, 2013 which will take the unsettling yet illuminating Uranus-Neptune vibes well into 2014.


Much of the info on 1923 comes from Marjorie Orr's excellent book, The Astrological History of the World; you may notice that the Wiki page for 1923 has an odd entry for Sept 3, 1923...I don't think Elton John was performing anywhere in 1923 but probably was on 'Sept 3' of a more recent year!

And on the subject of decades of greed, you may wish to read or review a post on Ronald Reagan's natal Jupiter which appears above in the Sept 20, 1923 Solar Eclipse chart @ '15Scorpio'...the 1923 Eclipse is basically a Jupiter Return for Mr. Reagan; a link to my post concerning the 'Reaganomics Eclipse' is included.

US Air Force space plane X-37B sighted

Space Weather News for May 25, 2010

X-37B SIGHTINGS: Amateur satellite watchers have spotted a US Air Force space plane similar in appearance to NASA's space shuttle circling Earth in a heretofore secret orbit. Known as the "X-37B," it can be seen in the night sky shining about as brightly as the stars of the Big Dipper.

Flyby predictions and more information may be found @ SpaceWeather News.

Would you like to turn your iPhone into an X-37B tracker? There's an app for that: simpleflybys.

AURORA WATCH: A magnetic filament on the sun erupted yesterday (May 24), and the blast hurled a coronal mass ejection in the general direction of Earth. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras around May 27 when the advancing cloud is likely to deal a glancing blow to our planet's magnetic field.

Visit for more details.

May 24, 2010

Ron Paul on Big Bank Bailouts video 5.20.10

Here's a video from May 20, 2010 of Rep. Ron Paul making points about bailing out big banks at the people's expense, points that you and I might have wanted to make if we'd had the golden opportunity.

May 23, 2010

BP-Gulf oil spill Art Film Short: a fish's plea

Yes, this is a quite different sort of post for Stars Over Washington but not if you consider that I've blogged here previously on the Deepwater Horizon 'blowout' (or whatever you prefer to call it) - so now the 'characters' from my Dreamyfish Art collection of botanical fish drawings of Southern Australia are airing their deepest feelings about the Gulf Coast inhabitants being directly in the line of fire of sticky Neptunian oil glops and damaging detergents.

After slathering the globe with chem-laden plastics in all forms, shapes, and colors for decades, the industrial sector of the US has now gashed Earth's belly (if you look at the Gulf of Mexico as a bowl) and they did it where the Sun never shines and no one can get to it, even our best submarines.

Turns out, Science's brilliant young robots can be pretty clumsy when working on their own in a hostile environment so far beneath the sea. Who knew?

Well, please do check out my '8mm film' if you dare. And since BP is going to toss a bit of everything at the problem including golf balls and old tires (and maybe Donald Trump's hair) I daresay throwing in a smidgen of Art can't hurt.

And my wish is that it might make you feel a little better.



Fish Art For Accountability!