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Jun 30, 2010

Lew Rockwell on The State's 'Kill Switch'

Lew Rockwell writes on the current police state and shades of things to come as The State prepares to use a 'Kill Switch' against our free expression, and he recommends a re-reading of H. G. Wells' War of the Worlds, a disguised attack on British imperialism written during the Victorian era of NWO plotter Albert Pike.

Nowadays we may think that the British version of imperialism ended long ago until we consider the poster child of the New World Order in modern times, the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune, the duo of enlightenment and illumination. The planets conjoined 3 times all through 1993, the last on October 24, 1993 which provides a modern-day birth chart for the NWO, as you know.

Bill Clinton was the 'Uranus/Neptune president' of the hour and he did much on the world stage to progress the NWO agenda along its merry way.

If you click to view the NWO natal chart you'll notice its Ascendant degree '13Cap' which is where transiting North Node has so recently pointed..."A Fire Woshiper" which ties in with the eternal flame of the Illuminati, is the symbol of the Olympics, and is modeled by eternal flames burning at gravesites of assassinated leaders who didn't kowtow enough to The Plan, apparently.

(Remember Jackie Kennedy's words after her husband's assassination when she refused to change out of her bloodstained clothing before flying back to DC? "Let them see what they've done." Not that 'they' cared. JFK intended, some say, to end the Vietnam War, retract the power of the CIA, and was about to mess around with the world banking system of the overlords.)

Well, perhaps the most interesting thing about the illuminating Uranus/Neptune conjunction of October 24 (birthday of the United Nation so they share Sun positions, 1Sco+) is its Sabian Symbol which I shall repeat here in light such things as: the viciousness of police actions during last weekend's G20 Summit in Toronto, ramped up oppression in the US including the the SCOTUS decision in favor of corporations, 'austerity measures' against the poor and getting-poorer peoples of every nation, and in some small support of Mr. Rockwell's article linked above.

Quoting from Dane Rudhyar's An Astrological Mandala:

'18 Capricorn' = "The Union Jack Flag Flies from a British Warship"

Keynote: The protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order.

This symbol reflects conditions prevailing in the past when Great Britain's fleet was policing the seas under the international principle of the freedom of the seas. Times have changed, but the concept remains valid. Power is required to maintain social order and relatively peaceful interpersonal as well as international relationships. Alas, this power can easily be misused under the pretext of preserving "law and order." Justice and compassion must balance social power, and especially the power of privileged groups. Where this symbol appears, the need for protection may be in evidence-or it may be a warning against using power for selfish advantage.

{This symbol} brings us to a realization of the ambivalence of POLITICAL POWER, its value and its dangers.

And in his book The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones explains:

'18Cap' = "SUPERVISION...

positive expression; the self's ever-widening spread of interest in its insatiable desire to leave some permanent imprint of itself on everything it touches;

negative/unconscious/shadow side: smug or strong-armed paternalism."

(The addition of 'unconscious/shadow side' is, as always, my own. Yet the measures and actions we see perpetrated now is the NWO coming out of the shadows. jc)

Jun 28, 2010

Who will carry the US Constitution now that Senator Byrd is gone?

As you heard, the longest serving senator in US history, Senator Robert Byrd (D-WVA), passed away during the night at age 92.

After his 50+ years of service, had he lived down an unfortunate membership in the Klan in his youth? Opponents would say nay, yet I forgave him long ago based on his exemplary record serving in the US Senate, and most especially for delivering the speech Today, I Weep for My Country which was heard on the senate floor on behalf of common decency, Constitutional law, the American people, and the people of Iraq who at the time were only hours from being bombed by the Bush-Cheney administration in March 2003, a conflict still grinding on these 7 years later with no end in sight, and much to what should be America's eternal shame.

I well remember the months-long campaign with war drums beating on the afternoon of March 19, 2003, for I was weeping, too.

For even this *Saturnian astrologer knows that karma is what we reap from what we've sown, and Hades and chaos in the Middle East are what America has sown. No one welcomes foreign occupation of their country and that goes for Afghanistan as well. Would you?

So here is what I blogged on the 5th anniversary of the Iraq invasion with a link to Senator Byrd's heartfelt speech included. As soon as Senator Byrd finished speaking, (VP Cheney directed) the Theodore-Roosevelt-worshiping Senator John McCain to stand up and defend the war hawks' 'decision' to wage their war of choice with its visions of world domination and obscene profits.

You'll find McCain's speech included and I find it fascinating to compare the two senators' sentiments now in light of how things have turned out so far in Iraq.

Or you may wish to skip my ramblings and go directly to the text of both speeches, compliments of Information Clearing House

Now the war-promoting senator that day is the same John McCain who tossed out a "maybe more troops in Afghanistan" on Meet the Press yesterday, a statement which almost made me lose my brunch. For if Afghanistan isn't a perfect historical example of bashing one's head against a brick wall, I don't know what is, though 'stone' wall would be more to the point.

And so the tattered copy of the US Constitution which Senator Byrd carried in his pocket through the years must now be sadly laid aside with his passing. Without Senator Byrd's spirit of vigilance, let us hope that this laying aside is not indicative of a further and deeper loss of constitutional principles.


*Saturnian astrologer as opposed to Uranian astrologer is my understanding of one who sees heredity and DNA in cell-like horoscopes where others see past lives and reincarnation.

Jun 26, 2010

Locke's advice to US on strong-arming the Middle East

The Second Treatise of Civil Government 1690

"That the aggressor, who puts himself into the state of war with another, and unjustly invades another man's right, can, by such an unjust war, never come to have a right over the conquered, will be easily agreed by all men, who will not think that robbers and pirates have a right of empire over whomsoever they have force enough to master, or that men are bound by promises which unlawful force extorts from them.

Should a robber break into my house, and, with a dagger at my throat, make me seal deeds to convey my estate to him, would this give him any title? Just such a title by his sword has an unjust conqueror who forces me into submission. The injury and the crime is equal, whether committed by the wearer of a crown or some petty villain. The title of the offender and the number of his followers make no difference in the offence, unless it be to aggravate it.

The only difference is, great robbers punish little ones to keep them in their obedience; but the great ones are rewarded with laurels and triumphs, because they are too big for the weak hands of justice in this world, and have the power in their own possession which should punish offenders."

John Locke (1632-1704) from The Second Treatise of Civil Government 1690


The above text has been broken into paragraphs for easier reading online by this blogger.

And its fair and balanced concepts have been broken into a million pieces by America's Military Industrial Complex with the aiding and abetting of the three branches of the US government and the criminal collusion of NWO promoters.

Jun 25, 2010

Financial overhaul approved as US Venus rises 6.25.10

In Time for June 25, 2010's Lunar Eclipse conjunct Pluto

As you've heard by now, the proposal for the largest financial overhaul in the US since the Great Depression was approved this morning at "5:40 am edt" (time noted by C-SPAN's call-in moderator) as committee members reached a compromise on the bill's details.

C-SPAN's session this morning concerning financial overhaul has refused any discussion from callers on how the legislation will affect the floating of the 'amero' said to be on tap later this year, and another caller's question about the Illuminati's role in the legislation.

Such questions are always shut out from all discussion on C-SPAN even though at 5:58 am edt today, the Illuminati signature of Uranus and Neptune, the Uranus/Neptune midpoint, crossed DC's Midheaven 14Pis56 (The Goal), along with the midpoint of the Big Bankers and Large Scale Operators, Jupiter/Pluto. US natal Jupiter 5Can56 was precisely rising at that precise moment...'6Can' = "Game birds Feathering Their Nests"...

Uranus/Neptune = Mc: guidance is sought from other realms or never-before-tapped sources; supernatural concerns come into play; inner vision; dissolution; a lack of stamina; restraint placed on half-baked ideas; proficiency in using the right side of the brain.

In his book on midpoints, Michael Munkasey gives the Uran/Nep midpoint as: changes in political and social structures due to new ideals and dreams of the future.

Yeah, that's what worries me!

Jupiter/Pluto = Mc: hard-working attainment of power position; great accomplishments in society; industriousness; advancement and promotion; ambition.

(Midpoints: Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey; 'any, all, or none' may apply and are subject to future transits and directions.)

At 5:40 am edt, Capitol Building, ASC 1Can43 - '2Can' = "A Man on a Magic Carpet Observes Vast Vistas Below Him"...perhaps this will result in actual congressional oversight!!

Hour of the Sun, with Venus 12Leo49 in 2nd house of Money and Values conjunct President Obama's natal Sun - perfect timing for his taking this victory to the G20 Summit in Toronto this weekend.

However: chart-ruler Moon 21Sag13 in 6th house makes only one applying aspect in the chart to tell us how things will proceed: an opposition to Mercury (8A42) which sounds like the people (Moon) won't be too impressed. And perhaps there's someone else who won't be impressed with the clue embedded within the Moon's Sabian Symbol...

'22Sag' = "A Chinese Laundry"! Well, I'm an American people and am wondering how the government of China, America's biggest creditor, will react to the bill's ultimate provisions. Hey, maybe China's approval was sought beforehand, hmm?

But enough of my typing out loud...

Activist Mars 9Vir52 conjuncts Ic, the Foundation of the Matter; '10Virgo' = "Two Heads Looking Out and Beyond the Shadows" as Senator Blanche Lincoln's compromise on regulating derivatives and other risky instruments was gained thus allowing the vote to be taken successfully to the crowing of the Democrats and the President, though only the riskiest derivatives will be included in the bill.

And Mercury, planet of negotiations, agreements, votes, and legislation, rises at a critical or crisis 29th degree: 29Gem55, with Sun 3Can45 conjunct US natal Venus, our nation's chart-ruler in the Sibly chart.

Sun/Mercury = ASC: fondness for negotiations; a pleasant mental state. (Yes, they must have had that Quelle Relief! feeling after the 20-hour session and their months of wrangling cats. Rraowwww!)

The pile-up at ASC this morning points my attention toward Spring Equinox in March (Sun 00Can00), the month that the President signed his Health Insurance Reform Bill into law, the results of which we hear good things so far although personally I'm not certain the 'goodness' of the bill has been confirmed...too soon to tell.

So as with all congressional legislation, it remains to be seen the real-life effects and potential collateral damage which may be created by the financial overhaul bill which Mr. Obama intends to sign by the July 4th recess.

And I imagine that his one-world-government collaborators attending the G20 Summit this weekend in Toronto will be quite impressed, a possibility which makes me doubt the bill's sincerity on behalf of the American people's best interests.

For one thing, a Consumer Protection Bureau has been left in the bill but will be housed within the bowels of the secretive Fed. And if that doesn't illustrate perfectly the old saw about (the Fed) fox guarding the hen house, I don't know what ever has.

Jun 24, 2010

G20 Summit opens w/ Lunar Eclipse: YOD in Toronto

Update June 25: the 'disagreements' mentioned in my post below are being noted in the CNN Political Ticker today and the G20 jawboning has yet to officially begin!

Original post begins here:

"To deal with the global economy," is the reason for this weekend's global summit, says Canada's PM Harper, and all week long I've been antsy (due to busy-ness) to find confirmation that the G20 Summit in Toronto will begin on Friday, June 26, 2010 in tandem with the June 26 Lunar Eclipse 4Cap46 conjunct Pluto 4Cap06 Rx @ 7:30 am edt in Washington, DC, with US natal Mercury Rx rising opposite US natal Pluto conjunct Descendant (7th house of Partnerships.)

Well, here it is.

And apparently it's going to take a small army of security forces to protect their hallowed brows and expanded brains and ideologies from anti-G20 protesters who are not impressed with their style of meddling in people's lives.

If you click the Eclipse link above you'll see the horoscope set for the White House which is almost identical to one set for Toronto - both @ 7:30:18 am edt. And both charts have '27 Cancer' rising, an apt degree considering current events because the Sabian Symbol for '27Can' = "A Furious Storm Rages Through a Residential Canyon."

Therefore, America's natal Mercury/Pluto opposition remains on the ASC/DESC axis for Toronto on June 26, 2010. Yet Mc/Ic axis differs, for at the White House, Mc '11Ari' = "The President of the Country," and as you know, ASC = the WHAT? Point of any chart. In our current case, that would be President Obama.

But in Toronto, Mc = '9Ari' = "A Crystal Gazer" which makes me wonder if it's a "McCrystal" gazer at the top of the summit's agenda. We do know that fury and rage lurk just outside the summit's hotel doors, don't we?

Besides the fact that evaluating Venus in 1st house in Toronto (in 2nd house in DC), another difference between the two locations has to do with 2/8 axis issues such as money, shared resources, and transformation (a la PM Harper's justification noted above.)

Interestingly, in Toronto (not in DC), the ASC degree is just late enough to clock into a *YOD pattern, a Finger of God configuration indicating a special task, crisis, or a turning point - a critical situation which must be attended to by current actors and which was left incomplete by past actors (or generations.)

There is also a potential for health conditions or illness to interfere with proceedings, or to appear within the collective due to a YOD's 1st/6th/8th house connotations.

The YOD in Toronto involves...

Saturn/ASC = Neptune (in 8th house, both charts): depressing and introverted life situations; arguments about strange dimensions or obscure things; over making a point; a depressing environment; disagreements cause separations; dreaming of what the world should be like as opposed to what it is.

(Midpoint picture: Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply, yet I suspect that these days, they all do.)

With General McCrystal and President Obama, the separation has already occurred though more may be at hand, and with transiting South Node hanging about US natal Sun (the leader) since April.

Now if we can just get the Pentagon and White House to admit that the Afghanistan jig is up. Our now-retrograde US Secondary Progressed Mars (military forces) is showing and withdrawal must be accepted! Paying Taliban warlords doesn't fit into anyone's budget that I know of, how about you?

Talk about neurotic, South Node behavior!

Meanwhile, the good people or public (Moon) will be 'eclipsed' as the summit begins on Friday with overpowering Pluto's extreme wealth, surveillance, and manipulation standing by in 6th house of Police and Military Forces. (Protesters are already being arrested, and it's being reported that the hotel's workers have gone on strike today. And here's a btw reminder - another title Pluto carries is: the pope.)

So given America's natal Pluto on DESC, plutonian strength girds the power elite and their minions-in-attendance as they make high handed plans for - or, I should say, against - the world's future.


*A YOD, which resembles a squished triangle, is formed by a base of two or more planets sextile (60 degr) one another which 'point' to a third planet (or more) known as the apex planet/s; both the sextiled planets are quincunx, or inconjunct, the apex planet/s (165 degr.) In a YOD, apex Neptune signifies those who prefer their comfortable ivory towers to harsh, mundane realities - this way their high idealism can be successfully sustained against all common sense and dealing with the ultimate consequences of their actions doesn't interfere with their lives.

Greater structure and definition are needed by nebulous, often deceptive Neptune and this need may be supplying a basis for the 2010 summit's agenda. Neptune is a very creative apex planet in a YOD pattern, for the desired 'universal unity' (in their case, one-world-government) makes a potent, entrancing inspiration point for their totalitarian dreams and visions of Utopia which first requires chaos in order to rebuild a 'better' world.

Now some astrologers would not consider the above pattern as a YOD because one of the points is, well...a point (rather than a third planet.) Yet the midpoint picture detailed here is still of influence in Toronto symbolically, at least, since the ASC degree changes within minutes causing the YOD to dissipate. My point is that the precise timing which creates the YOD in Toronto is gleaned from the perfection of the June 26 Lunar Eclipse, Sun precisely opposing Moon...and world conditions are depressing and introverted indeed.

For as author, journalist, and social activist Upton Sinclair so fairly asked not so very long ago:

"Is it altogether a Utopian dream, that once in history a ruling class might be willing to make the great surrender, and permit social change to come about without hatred, turmoil, and waste of human life?"


Altogether, it is too much to ask. Pluto does not share.

Well, I'll be keeping an eye on Toronto this weekend...June 26 and's growing late in the game so I hope you will, too. jc

A WikiLeaks article round-up w video: June 24, 2010

No time today to remark upon the ongoing WikiLeaks embroilment but here is an article round-up for you in case you want to check out some viewpoints on the matter:

Echelon? WikiLeaks Founder Drops 'Mass Spying' Hint

By Andrew Fowler

WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange has given his strongest indication yet about the next big leak from his whistleblower organisation.

Hail To The Whistleblowers

By James Denselow

Whistleblowers like those at WikiLeaks make huge sacrifices and are a vital last resort to check the powers of government.

Wikileaks: A Publisher Of Last Resort "privatized censorship" Video

Wikileaks editor interview on censorship.

Articles provided by the excellent Information Clearing House Newsletter. Sign up and contribute to keep the service going, if you can.

Jun 22, 2010

Austerity Cuts a Huge Mistake: Pluto in Capricorn

This morning I awoke to BBC's reporting of a morning announcement in London of 'austerity cuts' against the good people of the UK and if some had their way in the US we'd be - and probably will be - on the same make-things-worse road as FDR set us on in 1937.

Why, it's almost as if governments want things worse for the people and aren't trying to 'recover' financial systems at all!

Well, they do if all the sky-falling voices are correct (like mine) and the entire 'collapse' is an orchestrated charade that's intended to collapse the global economy so that totalitarianism can have its way with us and a long-planned one-world-government can be instituted.

Such is transformative Pluto traversing governmental Capricorn as in 1776 when America was founded as the 'new world government' on the block - and now Mr. Hades is destructuring governments again. That nationalist governments must fail is a priority for the power elite's New World Order movers and shakers and if individuals fail in the process, too bad - you're merely collateral damage in the class warfare now being waged.

What's also too bad is that so few citizens of the US and elsewhere have taken seriously the warnings about class warfare putting targets on their backs which have been given to anyone who would listen since (at least) the 90s. Successful propaganda campaigns against such heralds of doom have been used to make 'conspiracy theorists' appear to be wacky and off the mark.

Yet in most cases, we, dear reader, are not. Plus, even wacky folk can be right part of the time. I proudly count myself among their number.

Well, perhaps you caught Paul Krugman's June 19 article That 30s Feeling which agrees that austerity cuts will do more harm than good so here's its link for you, just in case.

And though it's true that Mr. Krugman won't mention anything to you about Pluto, Capricorn, or the tearing down of current forms and institutions to make way for a much-promoted yet already-lamented-by-the-people NWO, it's okay because I just did.

We must remember that that's why the power elite has worked for decades to knit all financial systems into a world network in the first place - so that the financial collapse with its subsequent governmental failures would be global when they get ready to pull the final plug.

Jun 21, 2010

Horoscope of US Solar Return 2010

Here is the horoscope of the moment the Sun returns to its natal position in America's Sibly chart (5:10 pm LMT July 4, 1776) with our nation's natal Mercury Rx rising, as you see. The first natal planet to rise in a Return chart sets the precedence for events to follow; natal house rising here is US n 8th house of Shared Resources and Transformation.

It's an Hour of the Moon (fluctuations; changes), with Sun (the leader) in secretive 12th house where most political deals are made but which may indicate some loss of strength for the President especially with the interlaced square (135 degr) from Neptune to Sun; Moon (the people) is in feisty Aries, 10th house (see Moon trine Venus, below)...Moon in Aries = we are the people; a 10th house SR Moon shows publicity with any errors tending to be noticed by all.

SR Moon in Aries is a marker for new directions yet these days, aggression against the people cannot be ruled out; SR Moon's trine to Venus in 2nd house indicates aid in finding that new direction and may show on one level pay-outs in the Gulf region due to the BP-Gulf Oil fiasco as Gulf Coast families and workers reorganize their lives.

In fact, the BP-Gulf Oil disaster, shown by Neptune conj Piscean Chiron in 8th house of Big Money and Transformation, has a SR midpoint upon Neptune, ruler of oil, gas, water, spiritualty, the urge to merge, illusions, deception, and fraud...

Moon/Pluto = Neptune: a feeling of fate; fear of the unknown; feeling somehow weakened; ESP; sensitivity; lack of willpower; depression; miracles are sought as a solution to immediate problems.

(Note: all midpoint pictures represent any, all, or none potentials and are subject to transits and progressions through the SR year; all are from Tyl, Ebertin, and Munkasey.)

Click chart to enlarge, for as usual, my scribbly notes are added - Outer, highlighted in green are US natal placements, and in pink are some of President Obama's natal placements. Marked in red are three T-square patterns, one of which is particular to SR 2010 @ Mc, the Goal Point of the chart:

Sun/NN = Mc: meetings that include recognition for past work; becoming prominent through associations; fighting other people's battles.

In this post I won't list Cardinal apex Pluto details in its T-Squares because I've done so previously such as in my post on the upcoming Solar Eclipse of July 11, 2010 which shows the same Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus-Pluto involvements but with Pluto in 2nd house.

ASC 24Can46 indicates that 'watery' Cancerian matters are first-up which include nurturing, security, domestic and food supply concerns, business interests, and wet conditions such as flooding (and the outrageous BP mess in the Gulf.)

Chart-ruler Moon 22Ari53 makes only one applying aspect in the chart (well, two if you count a square to ASC 1A53 = emotional bias, a victim of habit, shared anxieties; therefore, SR Moon squares US n Mercury = emotions confuse judgment, fact vs fiction, oversensitivity to criticism.)

Moon's only applying aspect is a trine to Venus (1A26) from 10th house to Venus in 2nd house of Values, Earning Ability, and Relationships, with Venus ruling 4th house of Domestic Scene which has an unfortunate midpoint picture formed that points to an apex Saturn - US natal Saturn in Libra.

SR Pluto/ASC = n Saturn: oppressive dealings with others; remaining aloof, detached, or uninvolved. This picture and chart will affect us all year since a Solar Return (SR) is in effect until the next birthday.

Even so, a positive Moon/Venus trine indicates good intentions and optimism, something we could all profit from and which would keep us from collectively envisioning a worst-case scenario that then comes true. However, honesty and sincerity are needed for this aspect to work its magic - instilling these values in our children and encouraging them in others will be the best way forward.

Voluptuous, sensuous Venus also rules a Taurean-based 11th house of Groups, Associations, Hopes & Wishes which is where trickster Pan of panic fame and gold-hoarding Midas are placed; Sun/Moon midpoint 3Gem06 is there as well and shows where balance between conscious and unconscious minds may be found.

As you see, SR Mercury 21Can32 is rising, ruled by the Moon, and just 2 days before our US Mercury Return of July 6; Moon/Mercury contacts have political implications such as: speeches geared to the masses; enhanced communications between leaders and the common people; propaganda efforts (this supports my assertion about the US Merc/Plu opposition rising, below); excitement about popular causes; restlessness among workers over business or commerce; compiling/analyzing attitudes of the people (pollsters, reporters, bloggers, etc); agricultural statistics. (Munkasey); criticism, gossip, calumny; authors, mentally active women, and young girls. (Ebertin.)

And as mentioned, America's natal Mercury/Pluto opposition is immediately on the horizon of the SR 2010 year with its 'propaganda, intelligence activities, secrets and subversions, breakdowns in road networks' (and other networks, perhaps), and 'self-destructive tendencies in business' influences. Plus, control and subversion of the media is a long standing problem since Day One in the US and is an important issue - tactic - here.

Yes, internet access may be a big part of the Mercury/Pluto picture with Congress now threatening new regulations to control knowledge and information. With ASC, Merc/Plu intensifies the need for control over info, its sources, and its dissemination.

The ASC contact here gives our n Merc/Plu opposition an outlet for its intense energies.

There's a closed circuit of energies between chart-ruler Moon (ruled by Mars), Mars (ruled by Mercury), and Mercury (ruled by Moon.) Worrisome preoccupations, criticism, nervous irritations, and clarifying of objectives may ensue as emotions, thoughts, and actions circle round and round.

A 6th house (Police; Military; Preparedness) Pluto 3Cap52 Rx continues his onslaught against US n Venus like a cat arguing with a mouse (n Venus = '4Can' = "A Cat Arguing with a Mouse"; Plu opposing Venus = jealousy, manipulation, and challenges to our values, priorities, legalities, and possessions.

The transiting Saturn/Neptune midpoint keeps up its pressure on US n ASC ('13Sag')...

SR Sat/Nep = n ASC: oppressive family circumstances; emotional suffering caused by others; noticing the pretenses or false intentions of others; correction of long standing areas of disappoint is inhibited; feeling confined; sense of being out of the group.

In 3rd house of Communications, Neighborhoods, and Elementary Schools is a pretty pickle: Mars 15Vir28 and Saturn 28Vir53 form a midpoint upon US natal Neptune 22Vir25...

SR Mars/Saturn = n Neptune: feeling threatened; self-torment about identity; insufficient power to overcome all obstacles; waning powers and weakening efforts; undermining of vitality through gas, oil, or epidemic (BP-Gulf Oil gusher? jc); a grievous loss; a mysterious death.

As you know, Saturn will again conjunct US n Mc soon (@ World Point 00Lib53 in Sibly chart) which will perfect the Cardinal T-Squares you see here with apex Pluto thus strengthening them. And transiting Saturn to n Mc brings a time of major changes to one's standing in the world with Saturn's accountability factor on display.

One of the most karmic spots in any horoscope, the 12th cusp, has our aggressive n Mars upon it which doesn't bode well for troop withdrawal said to be scheduled for July 2011 - just at or after the end of SR 2010's influence. Not that it won't happen, but as we all know, withdrawal will be a dangerous operation whenever it occurs, from Iraq or Afghanistan.

On that topic, transits to US n Mars from July 2010 and beyond July 2011 will be watched by this astrologer especially since anything affecting our nation's n Mars affects our n Mars/Neptune square with its 'deceptive actions; confused motivations' vibes. Please do let me know if you notice anything.

And the same may be said for anything affecting US n Sun since we sport a Sun/Saturn square natally from way back in 1776: this ties in with the oppressive midpoint pic mentioned with Pluto/ASC = n Saturn and may show tremendous pressures being put on the President (Sun) for he is experiencing and/or using 'oppressive dealings with others' as well.

Now you see the adventurous, exploring, 'scientific breakthrough' pairing of Uranus at Aries Point with expansive Jupiter nearby, both in 9th house of Long Distance Travel, Philosophy, Higher Education, and Foreign Enemies, and both conjunct US n Ic.

Uranus ruled by Mars is quite the activist and possibly a disruptive hothead, and Jupiter ruled by Mars is ready for action but has a potential to over expand or take too many risks. As noted in a previous post, Jupiter/Uranus opposite US n Mc = optimisim and a fortunate turn in life (all righty then!)

But there's still the ongoing Neptune to US n Moon, we-the-people

With 8th house SR 2010 Neptune @ 28AQ24 Rx (in karmic degree with karmic Saturn 28Vir53 (inconjunct = deception within societal leadership), we find that our Moon is conjoined to nebulous Neptune indicating dissolving circumstances, homelessness, refugeeism, and fraud against the people (and by the people); our sense of rootlessness continues apace until US SR 2011 when Neptune will be @ 00Pis39 Rx, Chiron 5Pis09 Rx, and President Obama's Chiron Return will be underway. Neptune will remain within orb of US natal Moon but weaker and the BP-Gulf Oil disaster will still be 'with' us.

The dotted line added to this chart as a YOD pattern indicates the serious nature and crisis condition which continue in the financial realm: Sun sextile Mars = SR 2010 8th cusp. A Sun/Mars sextile indicates a tendency to micro-manage with a need to maintain integrity without resorting to conflict or aggression. Provocation should be avoided but with today's Washington, I ask you: what are the chances of that? However, if efficient financial reform is the outcome, I'm all for it.

Well, I must be typing your head off by now if you've managed to read this far - kudos! So I shall close with this: the Venus/Neptune opposition across the Money/Values axis (2/8.) The pairing of Venus/Neptune energies indicates an inflated treasury, using inflation to control or manipulate the economy, and wealth derived from oil, gas, or chemicals. (btw: Venus/Neptune is one of the signatures of the Vatican.)

This opposition may bring exaggerations or misstatements concerning internal resources, scandals over deceptive practices within the treasury, subversive people who desire access to financial systems (including hackers), spies in the financial branches, monetary fraud, and art deceptions.

How totally par for Washington's course!

Jun 20, 2010

Naomi Klein on the Gulf Oil spill: A Hole in the World

Gulf oil spill: A Hole in the World

By Naomi Klein

This Gulf coast crisis is about many things - corruption, deregulation, the addiction to fossil fuels. But underneath it all, it's about this: our culture's excruciatingly dangerous claim to have such complete understanding and command over nature that we can radically manipulate and re-engineer it with minimal risk to the natural systems that sustain us.


One of the signatures Astrology uses to describe the April 20, 2010 BP-Gulf Oil disaster is wounded Chiron in oceanic Pisces conjunct Neptune, nebulous ruler of the sea, in Aquarius. Wounded America, wounded world, as Ms. Klein details, with wounding ripples spreading out as I type.

Quite certain to affect Britain and its investments in BP is the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse @ 19Can24 *eclipsing the population of the UK - its natal Moon 19Can26 in natal 10th house. Plus, echoing the ongoing Jupiter/Saturn opposition squaring tr Pluto in Cap, the UK natal chart shows a YOD between Jupiter Rx in early Leo sextiling Uranus 1Lib54 and pointing to natal Pluto 2Pis42 in 5th house of Gambling.

Jupiter and Saturn, the societal planets

The 'echo' resounds by replacing UK natal Uranus in the equation with transiting Saturn (soon to reach 1Lib54 and tamp down progressive, rebellious n Uranus) for then we have the same picture as the Cardinal SQ between Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto now affecting the collective, but in YOD (crisis; turning point) formation.

Jup/Sat = Pluto: violent changes; restrictions; separation; being unafraid of any hard work to achieve goals slowly but surely; tremendous perseverance; major change of circumstances; dramatic thrust of self. (Ebertin; Tyl.)

Then there's the transiting Pluto/NN conjunction which is of concern (along with the well-blogged-upon Cardinal Square and Grand Cross patterns) because the 'Pluto/NN' combination = common destiny of a large mass of people; violent or criminal persons who enter a country secretly at any given opportunity; people who may not have the country's or business's best interests at heart; sewage or waste products. (Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Now the North Node of the Moon (NN), the head of the dragon, twists and wiggles its way through the zodiac, direct one minute, retrograde the next. So using my Solar Fire software to find an exact conjunction between Pluto (the dragon) and NN (the head of the dragon), I located November 9, 2010 @ 3:13:40 pm est, White House, because the transiting Moon 'catches up' with them both @ 3Cap36, in 9th house...

ASC 8Ari49; Mc 4Cap50, with '5Cap' a warlike degree - AGGRESSIVENESS; Hour of Venus 29Lib19 Rx in 7th house of Open Enemies and Partnerships; Sun 17Sco19 conjunct Vesta 17:23 and 8th cusp 17Sco15; Pluto/Moon/NN make no applying aspects to planets in this chart; Mars 9Sag05 is posited in 8th house, conjunct and rising with Fixed Star Antares, and as chart-ruler makes an applying sextile to Saturn 12Lib28, 7th house conjunct Desc...

A Mars/Saturn sextile indicates a potential for efficient planning, management, and crisis-handling, and the aspect takes work very seriously; setting priorities is a talent if its energies can figure out what's worth fighting for and how to keep others from taking advantage; police and military forces are also indicated along with mastery of traditional methods. (Epstein, The Sextile.)

On Nov 9, 2010, the publicly crusading Sun Scorpio-Moon Capricorn blend tells of brooding, purposeful, and tenacious energies that insist on protection from sudden twists of fate. Good luck with that but of course, Pluto has the keys to the world's wealth so his deck is always stacked in his favor. However, The Public (NN) may not be as fortunate as the power elite.

Sun Sco-Moon Cap's Images for Integration are interesting:

'A general leads his troops to victory...A film director plans each shot to maximize its emotional impact'. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Harvey.)

Unfortunately, this reminds me of war and of the old 'the revolution will be televised' slogan which is precisely one of the things I thought of on the morning of 9/11/01. If you were of an age, you did, too, didn't you?

And thanks to the 2010 - 2014 Cardinal Grand Cross and other As above, So Below factors, I'm feeling forced to think of it again.


*As you know, a natal planet or luminary (Sun and Moon) being 'eclipsed' can be either a negative or a positive time but given recent events, I'm naturally thinking of UK pension investments in BP as a negative. Perhaps things will turn out better than they now appear - I sincerely hope so for all parties involved! jc

Jun 18, 2010

Sun Gem-Moon Vir 6.18.10: JFK and Paul Gaugin

Arearea by Paul Gaugin is one of the Images for Integration given by Charles and Suzy Harvey in their book Sun Sign-Moon Sign for the combo of Sun Gemini-Moon Virgo.

The other Images (word pictures) for Sun Gem-Moon Vir are:

A specialist in nervous diseases gives a lecture in aid of local charities...An art critic gives a brilliant master class.

Today, June 18, 2010, the Sun is in Gemini, while Luna traverses Virgo, an Air-Earth blend with both luminaries ruled by Mercury. This is the natal Sun-Moon blend of John F. Kennedy whose vision inspired him to say, "If we cannot now end our differences, at least we help make the world safe for diversity."

'Helping' sounded rather good at the time yet how many Washington politicians took it seriously then or take it seriously now? In Washington DC, differences are played up for political purposes while the fallacy of making the world 'safe' (for diversity or for democracy) by waging war naturally rankles pacifists such as myself, and I suspect that even hardened warmongers might have a different view of things such as the devilishly named 'collateral damage' if it were their families being bombed to smithereens.

Or would have a different view if they had to suffer the kind of treatment they imperialistically level at other nations which are made up of families.

So! Click the Gaugin link above to see more of his wonderful paintings, read a bit of his bio, and remember today's Sun Gem-Moon Virgo blend, which is shared natally by a politician and a painter: JFK and Paul Gaugin.

Interesting that they both are famous for 'hanging out' in the South Pacific - one created a book and a political career from his experiences, the other created gorgeous paintings of lasting beauty and value!


John F. Kennedy May 29, 1917 3:00 pm est, Brookline, MA; Paul Gaugin June 7, 1848 hour unknown, Paris France; Arearea image from

Jun 17, 2010

Code Pink in the House - Hayward the target 6.17.10

Well, I'm not certain about you, but I, for one, am interested in the most recent article published on May 28, 2010 on the poisoning of the Gulf Coast as written by the Code Pink lady heckler of BP CEO Tony Hayward on Capitol Hill today, who should, she shouted, be 'arrested.'

BP is a known serial abuser of people, its own workers, and the Environment, and Diane Wilson is a serial activist from the Gulf Coast who isn't taking any guff about this victimizing disaster against nature!

My hope is that she sleeps well in her jail cell tonight for I suspect her conscience is clear. How well Hayward and his upper crust oil buddies can possibly sleep is beyond any of my small people imaginings.

'Distraught' Hayward to Capitol Hill June 17, 2010

Now you know I generally if sacastically appreciate the mummery that passes for Congress 'doing the people's business' which is the M.O. of our Capitol Hill Theater Productions of Washington, DC.

But today's performance by BP CEO Tony Hayward, his congressional enablers, and false opponents should perhaps be nominated for the Brave New World Award, if there is one, in the Best New Shakedown category.

That's why I've sassily placed a freshly penned limerick A Cat So Distraught on my political cat limerick blog and added a few astro-details on this morning's proceedings which interestingly included a woman standing up in back, her hands blackened, and shouting loudly at the 'distraught' Mr. Hayward who still, it is assumed, wishes he had his life back.