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Mar 28, 2012

An Astro-Peek at RNC 2012

As Above, So Below--Even When There Be Political Conventions

by Jude Cowell

Some say that the earthly and the celestial may be successfully blended once inner harmony and patiently learned skills are meshed and in sync. Completely out of step with this harmonious dream arise Politics and political conventions in America. Like a chronic condition that should have been tended to and healed long ago, they afflict us every four years on the presidential level.

In the public realm much political pontificating goes on in between for our consumption and it's not as if propagandists can sit on their laurels for more than the shake of a lamb's tail. Unrelenting brouhaha is our fate along with endless war while the globalists have their way, an ancient way of Reason and Enlightenment when man's reasoning was thought to have usurped the perceptive intellect ("I think, therefore I am"--Descartes.) And of course, the Uranus-Neptune pair represents the very broadest concepts of the Enlightenment for they are the planets of the European movement of the 17th century in which it became unfashionable to admit that truth may be revealed to man's perceptive intellect.

As you know, Uranus and Neptune have gone on to become the planetary reps of the New World Order with their energies concentrated all through 1993 as they met in Great Conjunction three times (Feb 2, Aug 20, Oct 24) at and near '18Cap' = POLITICAL POWER ("negative expression: smug or strong-armed paternalism"--The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)

Yes, some revolutionaries glow with noble aims while other men of lower characters play their roles in the drama and are aware enough to manipulate and use the noble to create cacophony masquerading at times as a symphony, a constant babble really, in the great Piscean struggle: will humankind swim up or swim down? With oceanic Neptune now ensconced in his own watery realm of perceptions, dreams, and visions, it's time to set our higher courses individually as well as collectively.

Back to Earth with a Thud?

Can we by use of Astrology's lens investigate the celestial Cosmic Clock and cast its information upon Earth's actors now embroiled within their tasks and intent on gaining success, power, wealth, and the opportunity to lord it over others?

Well, your personal level of involvement in political matters, dear reader, is your own affair, but disclosure: I cannot promote an idolizing of the characters playing upon the world stage (past, present, or future) whether politician, preacher, guru, pope, mogul, general, scientist, academic, celebrity, or other. This blog was never meant for that!

Still, the American people and the rest of anyone who pays attention to US Politics (and the Conventions are like giant super bowls of power mongering, aren't they?) will be dragged through the political mud from August 27 until the evening of September 6, 2012, a time frame which covers both parties' political Conventions.

For use in this post and in subsequent posts on this topic, I shall limit my inquiries to 12:00 am the first day to midnight of August 30 with horoscopes set for Tampa, FL. An astro-peek at DNC 2012 will be forthcoming and may appear in the now under construction Stars Over Washington News, a monthly report by electronic subscription which perhaps you will consider sampling when it hits the pavement.

No matter who the nominees are and the victors turn out to be, on Monday January 21, 2013 at noon est, a caterpillar hatches, the butterfly's wings spread, the much-touted presidential baton will, we presume, again be passed to the next Oval Office dude with ceremonies and embassy balls--or handed to oneself in the case of Barack Obama. A lamentable question: does the Office of the Presidency remain the American Ideal we've been sold as The Model which Washington has always followed, and has never sullied by fraud, deception, or greed?

It is this Capricorn's belief that somewhere deep within the hearts of We the People, we know that the usurpers' taint has left a permanent stain and that our presidential choices are directed and selected, not elected. And yet we must rise to the occasion and Vote in the November 6 election. Discouraging a large turn out of voters on November 6 is a main tactic of political agents and operatives so one way for us to counter their ill effects upon our political and social systems is to show up en masse at voting booths, as crooked as the count may be.

For democracies only work if the people who are governed give consent to be ruled--and it turns out that they appreciate the results of services rendered by public officials on behalf of the collective, aka, society. Yet those in public office who break trust with the American people while hiding their true motivation and darker purposes may deceive us for a while as they work to tear down civilization--by their fruits we shall know them.

In order to further society's downfall and assure their own primacy at the pinnacle of worldly success (where there are more resources--the I Got Mine You Get Yours Mindset of The End Justifies the Means cabal with a Social Darwinism twist as informed by Ayn Rand Objectivism), they depend upon the public's apathy about what they do and how they do it, 'quaint' ethics be da**ed. But as a famous public speaker once said while slouching at a lectern, Fool me once shame on......well, you get the idea.

The Big Show Begins: RNC 2012 and Political Astrology

From August 27 to August 30, 2012 the Republican National Convention will heat up in sizzling Tampa, Florida at the Tampa Bay Times Forum. What cream will rise to the top? Will the GOP entertain and impress the voting public with a brokered convention?

Or is a Romney-Santorum ticket the perfect foil to a second-term Barack Obama? And, can either GOP candidate keep his foot out of his mouth and old scandals under wraps long enough to be nominated? Plus, is Jeb Bush only kidding about not accepting the nom?

Such exciting questions! Such nail-biting considerations!

Following on the boot heels of RNC 2012, the Democratic National Convention 2012 will be held from September 3 to September 6 in Charlotte, NC. The event's first three days will proceed from the Time Warner Cable Arena but the last night (September 6) will be held at the larger Bank of America Stadium where President Obama is expected to accept his party's nomination to serve a second term and to use stirring rhetoric in an acceptance speech that thrills the masses.

Yet we must look away from the Obama/Bank of America connection! Especially if you've read Matt Taibbi's Bank of America: Too Crooked to Fail. (When Mr. Obama's DNC speech location was announced weeks ago, I cringed. Isn't this one of those tone deaf political decisions? Of course, Charlotte NC is where BoA headquarters are located so...)

Now just for the record, if during one or both Conventions we should hear a bunch of "Democrat Party" childishness, "Republic Party" must also be parroted. And then they'll both sound equally lame and foolish. So be it.

Let's Start with August 27

In this basic bit of astro-tracking for the dates of RNC 2012 there may be a message in the stars that reflects upon actions and events below. Naturally, the Saros Series of the Pre-Natal Eclipse during which both Conventions take place is the 14 South in which the Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012 @ 00Gem21 fell (horoscope shown) so events will express all or some of the flavors and themes of 14S such as: an obsessive idea (Mercury-Pluto content = propaganda galore) is finally accepted and leads to a breakthrough (Jupiter) after a period of hard work, and to political conflicts (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

RNC 2012's planetary portents open with a shaking Fist of God pattern having the Uranus/Pluto square at its base, a generational conflict. In Cardinal signs (Uranus 7Ari47 Rx v Pluto 7Cap05 Rx), we find them in fated degrees since both = 7, or 8, if you prefer to round up. The Fist is shaken at speedy little Mercury 20Leo41 and we think of such correspondences as the Occupiers of the 99% Movement, of reporters and bloggers, communicators of all kinds, thinkers, plus, all mercurial pursuits such as trade, commerce, transport, travel, and speechifying. Showy (Leo) speeches and/or tricks (Mercury) may be expected, of course, for there's a lot riding on this election for everyone, as you know.

The horoscope for August 27, 2012, Tampa, FL, at 12:00 am edt shows 26Tau23 rising with Jupiter 14Gem04 in first house, a fortunate portent; this makes Venus (valuables, evaluations, relationships, the attraction principle) @18Can58 in 3rd H of Communications the chart-and-convention-ruler, so Venus' applying Ptolemaic (major) aspects hint of the proceedings and their results of RNC 2012. Yet Venus makes no applying aspects at all of major concern which emphasizes her sign and house placements and any other factors such as conjunctions or parans with Fixed Stars, midpoint involvement/s, chart angle connections, etc.

('19Can' has significance to be mentioned in a later post.)

Cancer is our national Venusian sign (@ 4Can) and you know that US natal Jupiter 6Can and Sun 14Can are posited in the self-protective, business savvy sign of The Crab. Naturally, Neptune's sojourn in Pisces resonates on deep levels with our Cancerian Moon-ruled Venus (July 4, 1776.)

It is, in fact, an Hour of Mercury and there are two T-Square patterns which create midpoint pictures though neither involve Venus. Still we may wish to consider them:

NN/ASC = Neptune 1Pis40 Rx (near Chiron 7Pis29 Rx, both in 10th H): wrong impressions and perceptions; weakened or terminated unions or associations caused by lies and deceit (well, we seem to have ensnared a slimy fish on our cosmic hook from the get-go!); (the midpoint of NN/ASC = personal relationships.)

Sun/Neptune = NN (public contact; Sun = leadership, Neptune = acting, propaganda, the masses, veils and masks, fraud, etc): demonstrating a negative or weak attitude in the company of others; links to people or groups which have ties to the occult; ridding oneself of bad ideas.

Now Mars 2Sco16 and Saturn exalted in Libra @ 25:48 are in the 6th H of Service, Work, Health (insurance reform), and the Military denoted a certain stop-and-go vibe to the Convention. Will the stage show run smoothly? The NN mentioned in the midpoint picture, above, @ 00Sag24 in 7th H shouts out the military again for '1Sag' = "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" and the Republican Party has definitely staked out that territory these last decades (with certain Democrats as enablers--most of them actually even if they seem not to--they follow the same global governance script but with different styles.)

So we may expect American wars, weaponry, troops and other related issues (in the House of Others)--and Venusian evaluations--to be on the RNC 2012 menu. And with Sun (nominee) opposing deceptive but inspired Neptune in its own sign of sneaky, often confusing Pisces (and representing the masses and the media) it's way too idealistic to expect that we'll get real info from the GOP candidates' RNC speeches concerning their plans for what's actually in store for our nation if we should fall for, or be pushed toward, another neocon presidency.

Yet I type the above in spite of potentials in 2012 for poorly directed SCOTUS decisions to affect election outcomes and the possibility of re-counts because the Justices may again overstep the bounds of what was meant to remain a three-branched government with royalty and all allegiances to monarchs left back in the olde countrie.

To be continued...

Mar 27, 2012

Tell Republicans: Hands Off Medicare (Martin Sheen video)

My thanks to Alex D'Atria of GOP Astrology for the heads-up on this important message.

Mar 27 2012: a rapid launch of 5 rockets = ATREX

In case you were up early this morning and wondering what in the world...

Space Weather News for March 27, 2012

This morning before sunrise, sky watchers along the eastern seaboard of the United States witnessed an amazing sky show created by the rapid-fire launch of five rockets from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility. It was an experiment named "ATREX" to study turbulent winds in the transition zone between Earth's atmosphere and space.

Eye-witness accounts and photos of the display are featured on today's edition of SpaceWeather News.

Mar 26, 2012

Obama confident of re-election--or already selected?

Update Mar 27, 2012: the real story behind President Obama's hot-mic moment.

Original post begins here:

You gotta love it when open mikes catch unguarded conversation between global power grabbers like Obama's Nuclear Summit Gaffe which tells a lot.

Is President Obama that confident of his re-election in November 2012?

Or do his remarks support my constant grousing of the last few years that movers and shakers like the Bilderberg Group in June 2008 (at their Chantilly, VA meeting) selected Mr. Obama to play the role of US president over Hillary Clinton, in part because his rhetoric so thrilled the masses which therefore would make the American people more amenable to their global domination plans, at least for a while?

After all, the Electoral College decides our president and vice president, not We the People.

As I've mentioned before, in 2008 the GOP ran the Old Man and the Unread as 'candidates' against then-popular Mr. Obama and his star power (his natal Mars conjunct our national Neptune, planet of the masses, and together, Mars/Neptune gave him a rockstar glow and charisma which, as usual with unreliable Neptune, has faded to a large extent though Neptune still throws a veil over his true motivations and actions.)

Well, it must be quite easy to exhibit confidence as you reassure other world 'leaders' when the powers-behind-the-throne are in your corner and you're championing a rigged game.

Oddly enough, I've had the same feeling about the GOP and the clowns--a One Percenter, a Bedroom Spy, and Newt--they're parading about in 2012, taking up space in the news! Is this a fake campaign? Can they be serious?

Whether fake or not, Mr. Obama will 'win' in November and global domination policies (war) will continue apace which, of course, they will no matter who fills the role of Mouthpiece of the White House.

New Heart for Dick Cheney w Neptune in 6th house

Transits to Dick Cheney's Natal Chart

by Jude Cowell

All weekend you and I have heard of how Dick Cheney is in hospital after having a heart transplanted into his chest cavity. Yet whenever I think of Mr. Cheney, famous quotes like this come to mind:

"The common sense of mankind demands that law shall not stop with the punishment of petty crimes by little people. It must also reach men who possess themselves of great power and make deliberative and concerted use of it to set in motion evils which leave no home in the world untouched."

Justice Robert Jackson (Nuremberg Address)

Justice Jackson spoke from a high moral ground after dealing with depraved WWII war criminals.

But for our time, we have Dick Cheney.

Mr. Cheney has recently had a Jupiter Return (7Tau17, in 9th H conjunct Saturn 8:19; Jupiter rules natal 8th house and n Mars in 4th H), usually a fortunate time for anyone, and this may have helped with his good fortune in receiving a heart, plus, he has had the transiting Neptune/Chiron duo in Pisces snugged around his natal Descendant (2Pis55) and affecting his 6th house of Health. As you know, Chiron is the Wound and the Healer. Natal Sun 10AQ48 and n Mercury 24:15 are in 6th H as well, and with a Virgo Ascendant, health issues have been a lifelong concern for him.

His natal 8th cusp 26Pis16 is the spot where tr Mercury has been crossing and re-crossing of late, and Sun and Uranus met in his 8th H @ 4Ari+ this weekend. Quite a bit of 8th H activity there. Also natal SN 2Ari55 in 8th H has received lots of cosmic stimulation lately showing past concerns being brought up for further consideration--here, a major surgery.

Tr NN, the path or future direction point, is in n 4th H after conjoining n Mars 17Sag46 so the Tail of the Dragon (SN, a Saturnian point of separation) will swish his n Midheaven 27Tau59 as the Dragon's Head (NN) will conjoin n IC. I leave it to you to decide if a forecast may be made as to Cheney's outcome at age 71 considering his longterm history of heart attacks and the fact that n Moon 22Pis41, a weakening sign for the Moon (physical body) especially when opposed by n Neptune 27Vir25.

Is his heart condition congenital? I don't know but it would seem so from his natal horoscope.

And of course Mars (sharp instruments; surgeons) Rx has been crossing n Ascendant 2Vir55 (Self; Physical Body) in the sign of Health, Virgo. This puts a weakening Mars/Neptune opposition across his n ASC/DESC axis with Neptune still transiting his n 6th H--Mars/Neptune when combined can bring infection.

The next 3 to 6 months will be key for him if the risks of infection and rejection can be avoided.

No more comments from me. I'm content to leave the preemptive Mr. 1% Gang's ultimate condition up to his Maker just as I leave my own.


Dick Cheney
Jan 30, 1941
7:30 pm CST
Lincoln, NE

Rated AA from B.C.

Blog Note: my personal thanks to the many readers who've stuck with me during my time of transition. In addition to a major relocation in early March, I was involved in a car accident (beware Volvos that blindside you!) on St. Patrick's Day and am in the early stages of treatment. All this to say that my blogging time hasn't been as planned but April should bring better days for Stars Over Washington!

And hopefully for America, my only nag in the race.

Thanks again, Jude

Mar 24, 2012

Uranus Square Pluto 2011 -- 2015

Maya del Mar on the Uranus/Pluto Squares

by Jude Cowell

Ready for another dynamic blast from the ongoing Uranus/Pluto squares?

In 2004, the wonderful and still-missed Maya del Mar wrote a column concerning America in which she looked ahead at astrological factors including the current Uranus/Pluto squares and their influences upon society. The Picture Ahead for the US is a must-read, or a must-again-read if you already have, now that the squares have begun to affect the collective.

Beginning with their Great Conjunction/s in the mid-1960s in mid-Virgo, our social fabric is now under stress at their square phase (the crisis in action stage) as the Establishment resists the Uranian changes that we all know must occur in spite of the status quo interests and determination of the 1%.

Generational Struggles

As of July 2011 and until April 2015 and for some time beyond, this dynamic and restless energy which pits generations against each other must be dealt with on various levels and in one fashion or another. Perhaps the Sabian Symbols of their conjunction degrees can yield hidden information concerning what the Uranus/Pluto duo is attempting to teach us at this actional point in their evolutionary progress:

1. October 9, 1965 @ 17Vir10
2. April 4 1966 @ 16Vir28
3. June 30, 1966 @ 16Vir06

Using the lowest to the highest degree, we have:

'16Vir' = "An Orangutan" = DEXTERITY.

positive expression: man's ability to strip himself to fundamentals and there stand proudly on his own;

negative/(unconscious/shadow side): self-justification in crudity or violence.

'17Vir' = "A Volcano in Eruption = EXPLOSION.

pos: creative passion as a rejection of superficiality and a genuine ordering of the self;

neg: petulance and tantrums.

'18Vir' = "An Ouija Board" = ACUMEN.

pos: cleverness in making use of everyday insights and intimations;

neg: a bondage to superstition and a surrender to the unknown.

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)

Well, I can think of current-day references and intimations for them all, can't you?


For more astrological insights on the Uranus/Pluto square, you may wish to check out the special Cardinal Crisis edition of Global Astrology by Theodore White.

Mar 23, 2012

Fiery Mark Twain's Sun Sag/Moon Aries

A Brief Astro-Peek at Mark Twain with quotes

by Jude Cowell

"Those who don't read the news are uninformed, those who do are misinformed."

Thus spoke Mark Twain, writer and humorist, and my favorite journalist of all time, if I had to choose.

Though the birth details of Mr. Twain (born Samuel Clemens) aren't 100% verified, the following birth data seems to be most prevalently used everywhere I've looked:

November 30, 1835 4:45 am LMT Florida, Missouri: ASC 10Scorpio; Hour of Venus 21Sag42, Sun conjunct Mars in Sagittarius, Moon in mid-Aries conjunct Pluto Rx; Saturn SQ Neptune (creative yet often depressed--there are other indications of his "black dog" of depression as well), Jupiter SQ Pluto with Jup/Pluto = NN: cooperation becomes important; easily breaking ties with others once they've been used; increased need to be the center of attention; also, Moon/Jupiter = NN enhanced attraction to the "right" people.

And of course, North Node of the Moon indicates contacts or encounters with the public.

Fortunately, Twain's Moon remained in Aries for the 24-hour period of his birth so we may confidently consider the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series (PE) in which he was born, for we only need a birth date for that.

His personality blend of Fire-Fire (creative, dramatic, and inspired!), Sun Sag/Moon Ari, gave him a vivid inner vision that could be insensitive to others; pessimism could rear its depressive head when the expected glory wasn't forthcoming, or when things didn't go as planned.

Sag/Aries is a 'big talking' blend, easily seen with his literary output and public speaking talents, an adventurer who is blunt and sincere, morally upright, hopeful, and irreverant. Plain-speaking was his specialty (similar to humorist Will Rogers, another fave of mine!) and he expressed himself as the 'firebrand' he was. Although a natural egoist, he wanted to make the world a better place and was courageous enough to do so. Yet a tart temper was a weak spot as were intimate relationships due to the insensivity and egoism already mentioned, plus, there was often exhibited a testy impatience with others' weaknesses (as if he had none of his own!)

Sun Sag/Moon Aries' "Images for Integration: He who would be King postpones the coronation for a trek through the Himalayas...A mature student discovers her political convictions and debating talents through confronting the corruption of academia."

Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.

Well, given what's gone wrong in America today, anyone intent on "confronting the corruption of academia" better get started several decades ago because they're way behind.

'Mark Twain' was born into the 18 South Saros Series ten days after a Total Solar Eclipse (November 20, 1835) @ 27Sco26, conjunct his natal South Node, a separative point. 18S's themes and influences include: partings, separations, endings, grief, and anguish, and he definitely had his share of such difficulties in his life. Yet with 18S, new circumstances thus created may be quite positive.

18S last manifested in 1998 and will do so again in 2016. It is also the PE of Marilyn Monroe (1926), Sirhan Sirhan (1944), TV's Craig Ferguson (1962), Piet Mondrian (1872), and Cornwallis' Surrender to George Washington (@ an astrologically chosen hour of 11:00 am LMT in 1781, the year Uranus, America's 'totem planet', was discovered @ 25Gemini after moving beyond US natal Uranus' position of 8Gem55, 1776.)

(18S details from Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

So why not close with another quote from the fiery yet instructive Mr. Mark Twain?

"Always do right; this will gratify some people and astonish the rest."

There's an official Mark Twain website where you can read his biography and more, if and as you wish!


Word pictures from Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey.

Inspiration for this post came from the excellent independent news source Information Clearing House. Support non-corporate media so that Mark Twain's first quote above won't resemble you!

Mar 21, 2012

March 22, 2012: New Moon in Aries

Moon in Aries: I AM the People

by Jude Cowell

Tomorrow morning at 10:37 am edt, a New Moon reaches perfection @ 2Ari22, and its 3 twos emphasize the principle of '2'--others, partnerships, money, dualism, and so on.

Checking the Sabian Symbols for both '2Ari' and '3Ari', let's see what themes this new cycle may entail over the next two weeks until the Full Moon brings fulfillment of something begun, or the blossoming of seeds planted, in the dark of tomorrow's New Moon especially since first zodiacal sign, Aries, is all about new starts, and the principle of I AM.

Actually, the principle is much like The Fool card in the Tarot deck as he takes a first step on a mysterious journey with its green for new growth and vistas implications. Now I can think of many fools infesting Washington DC politics at the moment, can't you? Wish they'd take a first step out of town and leave decent folk alone.

Plus, the Moon in Mundane Astrology signifies The People and The Public who are so often made fools of by political and financial liars, cheats, speculators, and crooks. But that's another post...however, do see a note about the Sabian Symbol for the *2nd cusp, below, when tomorrow's New Moon horoscope is set for Washington, DC.

Included are Illumination Points for each degree (opposite) which denote unconscious or shadow material for when viewing Politics, we must always lift the rock of (supposed) reality to reveal what's hidden underneath; some additional italics are used to emphasize current events:

'2Ari' = "A Comedian Entertaining the Group"...RELEASE.

positive expression: the power of personality through a full and completely uninhibited self-expression;

negative: a neglect of common responsibility through idle diversion of interest.

Illumination Point: '2Lib' = "The Light of the Sixth Race Transmuted to the Seventh"...THRESHOLD.

pos: the imaginative sweep of of man's vision and an eagerness to execute its promise;

neg: a loss of reality in an infinitely regressive otherworldliness or a total lack of all practicality.

(Since it's only a mere "man's vision" it is obviously shortsighted--like Paul Ryan's 'budget plan' meant to rip apart our social safety net and cause even greater suffering across the land. Quite an austere jackassian vision they intend to force upon the populace--jc)

'3Ari' = "A Cameo Profile of a Man in the Outline of His Country"...EXPLOITATION.

pos: man's capacity for giving full play to every ramification of the reality he has created for himself (or of the false reality some, including the corporate media, have created for the rest of us to be fooled by--jc);

neg: an unimaginative conventionality which leaves him in bondage to every current stereotype of human relations (oh, that one's too easy! jc.)

Illumination Point '3Lib' = "The Dawn of a New Day, Everything Changed"...INNOVATION.

pos: man's insatiable appetite for experiment and continuing self-discovery in every possible area of human experience;

neg: inability to catch the challenge of living in even the most trviasl matters.

Of course you know that references to 'dawn' and a 'new day' tend to remind me of the globalists' coldhearted, oh-so-rational vision of a 'New World Order' full of chaos, want, and a return to serfdom for the masses, don't you?


*2nd cusp has '6 Cancer' upon it when the March 22, 2012 New Moon chart is set for DC which is America's natal Jupiter degree..."Game Birds Feathering Their Nests", and a Moon-ruled house may bring fluctuations and changes.


As often happens, whenever I need to take a break from grousing on the political varmints and fraudsters I describe within my Common Good, We-the-People viewpoint using the lens of Political Astrology, I turn to artwork...especially my first love, drawing.

And since we're speaking of the Moon in this post, you may wish to see what I've been up to today over at Secret Moon Art for Art Breaks from tiresome things like Politics and scoundrels are restful and can be rather rejuvenating for both mind and eye! jc

On-topic reading: Paul Ryan releases new GOP budget plan: What's in it? At 10:30 am edt in DC this morning, Ryan released the plan with America's natal Uranus 8Gem55 rising and with our natal Mars soon to follow--therefore a few potentials formed in a midpoint picture:

N Mars/tr ASC = n Uranus: an agitated fighter; a love of quarreling; violence; threatening or intimidating others; a sudden event; injury (Ebertin); ego aggrandizement; testiness; picking a fight (Tyl.)

Version used for this post: The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, by Marc Edmund Jones.