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Nov 18, 2012

The Power Principle: Empire (video) plus, Clinton Inauguration 1997

It may be difficult to fully agree with all the concepts presented in The Power Principle Part One: Empire but if you were around during the Clinton administration and remember the February 1, 1999 release of the Clinton budget which was particularly heavy on military spending and light on domestic (social) spending--you may wish to view the following video (Part One) for a hindsight view of what America was being used for and set up for at that time.

Mr. Clinton had promised us a "peace dividend" but you see on which 'garden path' that has misled our nation. It isn't for nothing that the US performs its much-touted "peaceful passing of the baton" every four years on Inauguration Day and few can fail to see that our old bosses and new bosses share more than they differ upon.

Now 1999 was during Bill Clinton's second term, of course, and if you have the software to set it up and have never viewed his Inauguration 1997 horoscope (January 20 noon Capitol Building DC) please do so in tandem with this video presentation for you may wish to consider that transiting Neptune, with its tendency to undermine, seduce, cheat, merge with, and/or dissolve what it touches, conjoined America's natal Pluto 27Cap33 in the Inaugural chart at Midheaven (The Goal.)

Plus, We-the-People's Inaugural Moon 1997 @28Gem13 is in 2nd house of Earning Ability and Values (Moon = fluctuations; changes) and of course it was President Clinton who signed the US-job-killing NAFTA--not that it was his idea alone for he had global plutocrats to inspire him. As you know, '28Gem' = BANKRUPTCY in the Sabian Symbols, an apt description of what often occurs to people (Moon) when their jobs are outsourced to cheaper labor markets. Yes, a great hollowing out has occurred and we see the shreds of it now.

Guess the difficult energies of the Grand Cross between the Moon, Mars (4Lib23 in 6th house of the Military), Mercury (6Cap32 in 9th H of Foreign Lands), and Saturn (2Ari37 in 12th H of Politics, Self-Undoing, and Back Room Deals) in the Inauguration 1997 chart have had their way with us, y'might say.

Okay, I'll hush for now about the Astrology of it all and hope that you, dear reader, may find an hour and a half (!) to view Part One of The Power Principle: Empire. I'll add a few notes on the Sun Aquarius-Moon Gemini blend in effect for Clinton's Inauguration 1997 to denote his second term, in case you're curious.

Sun AQ-Moon Gem is a double-Air combo of clear-headedness and reason. Culture and elegance are notable, and 'never at a loss for words' describes its mental, intellectual energies; idealistic visions and political, philosophical, and/or ideological schemes are on the Airy menu.

Sun AQ-Moon Gem is the blend of New Age thinking (exs: New World Order; global governance; "free trade") and contains witty, cerebral, friendly, and progressive vibes though 'detached' is a word often used for it. Tackling the world's most demanding problems and changing the world are its aims with radical ideas easily and persuasively communicated. This blend is good at advertising, journalism, speech writing and delivering, and related endeavors such as Politics and it can be flippant at times.

This double-Air combo is shared natally by social activist and community organizer Saul Alinsky, golfer Jack Nicklaus, lawyer, statesman, and politician Elihu Root, and by none other than Founding Enlightener and Propagandist, Thomas Paine, who informed us of a paradox that still rings true:

"The sublime and the ridiculous are often so nearly related, that it is difficult to class them separately."

One of Sun AQ-Moon Gem's Images for Integration in the Harveys' book, Sun Sign-Moon Sign may be quite appropriate for our current "fiscal cliff" (or, slope, curve, whatever) made dramatic by last year's 'sequestration' cuts that the Pentagon (and private military contractors) are sweating if things aren't resolved by Congress no later than January 1, 2013 at 12:00 am est:

"A white blackbird charms the garden with its song."

Well, some folk always liked to say that Bill Clinton was our first black president. And during Campaign 2012, he's been charming all over again, NAFTA notwithstanding.

Nov 16, 2012

Ron Paul leaving Capitol Hill (video)

After twenty years of delivering consistent messages on freedom, the Fed, outrageous war costs, and other topics, Rep. Ron Paul leaves public office. Those meddlers on Capitol Hill won't have him to ignore any more:

If you're curious, here's a previous post concerning Paul's natal chart with images of his solar and a rectified chart included. The post is from way back in 2007, folks, so my typos are left intact!

Nov 14, 2012

The Fed doesn't own the US government (video)

Popular ideas aren't always correct ideas! So standing corrected am I as the following video explains a few things about the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States:

Given today's conspiracy-theory-laden atmosphere, and if the above information is indeed the case, it might have been much smarter of the politicians and big bankers back in 1910 not to have met in secret on Jekyll Island, Georgia (where they'd travelled incognito by midnight train from New York) to set up their plans for a Central Bank in the US, something that many lawmakers of the day opposed.

Due to the Fed's beginnings in extreme secrecy (and the Federal Reserve Act passed in December 1913 when most lawmakers had left Washington for the holiday break)--plus, the bubbles-n-busts that have followed--it's become difficult at best for many Americans to view the Fed as an above-board institution that isn't 'up to something' such as a larger agenda that is not in the best interests of the Little Guy.

My thanks to Online for the heads-upon this video.

Nov 12, 2012

Secrets of the CIA (video)

The following on-video presentation for your consideration is not a 2012 production but given the David Petraeus scandal now rocking Washington DC--or at least some political partisans are hoping it will rock the White House--and in light of tomorrow's Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, sign of spies, secrets, and betrayals which conjuncts US natal 12th cusp of Politics, Secrets, Karma (reaping what's sown), Self-Undoing, and Large Institutions (exs: the Pentagon; the US government), I thought you might be curious to view it if you haven't.

For as you know, eclipses tend to reveal hidden activities and secrets and November 2012's Solar (and Lunar Eclipse coming up on November 28th) are certainly busy doing just that and it's only November 12th! Their 'uncovering' effect will last for at least 6 months until the next Solar Eclipse on May 10, 2013 @20 Taurus in the 15 South Saros Series (15S theme: release of tension; sense of collective loss or grief--Brady.)

You may also wish to view the current Solar and Lunar Eclipse horoscopes set for Washington DC and may do so by scrolling down the sidebar to the Most Popular Posts list, or by entering 'Eclipses' in the Google Search Bar. Thanks!

Nov 11, 2012

Nov 11 2012: Neptune Direct Station at 00Pis21

Neptune Direct Station Conjoins US Pre-Natal Eclipse Series 00Pis33

by Jude Cowell

With today's Neptune Direct Station @00Pis21 and "1 Pisces" having "A Public Market" Sabian Symbol, I want to mention once again America's Pre-Natal Eclipse Saros Series, the 12 South, with its theme of: 'successful outcomes to long-term worries or illness; things seem worse at first then clear' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

A Solar Eclipse in the 12S last manifested on July 11, 2010 and you may remember that the BP Deepwater Horizon blowout had occurred in the Gulf of Mexico and under the influence of 12S, a 'cap' was finally installed successfully to stop the millions of gallons of oil releasing into the waters. The compromised well has leaked of late but that's beyond the scope of this brief post on oceanic Neptune, King of the Seas.

Neptune's Direct Station occurred at 2:52:36 am est while many of us were sleeping which is appropriate for the nebulous planet of the Unconscious, sleep and sleep aids. Note: if by now you haven't caught and released that giant green moth flying around you bedroom, please do so! Unless you're on the East Coast and are made homeless by Hurricane Sandy, that is. Then Neptune's rulership of water and flooding is all too real for comfort with your pillows and beds washed out to sea.

And the Winner Is...Barack Obama

To add more of an unconscious flavor to Neptune's Direct Station today, mindful Mercury Rx forms an applying square (blockages; obstacles) aspect with Neptune which provides the Collective Unconscious with difficulties in seeing things clearly just when we need to as 2012 ends. In Washington, we find many bubble-living Republicans who are having more problems than usual ignoring realities they don't like. But facing truth--not one of Neptune's talents yet a Direct Neptune tends to be more honest--is an imperative now and political progress of the GOP will be limited until they do. Yet as in Summer 2011, they may decide to take America down with them as they go, kamikaze-style.

As for reality-based Saturn @4Sco22 in 2nd house in the Neptune Direct Station horoscope set for Washingotn DC, Mr. Lesson-Bringer and Neptune are in the trine stage of their approximately 33-year cycle. They last met in Great Conjunction/s in 1989 three times: March 3, June 24, and November 13 in the 10 to 12 degree range of Capricorn. As you know, these degrees of Capricorn are within orb now of transiting Pluto so we have a midpoint picture to consider for a snapshot of these energies when combined and which time links 1989 with 2012/13:

1989 Saturn-Neptune = 2012/13 Pluto: difficult growth or development; heavy emotional depression (Ebertin); feeling downtrodden; tremendous awareness of loss potential (Tyl.)

Actually, you may wish to review a list of major events which occurred in 1989 such as the Exxon Valdez tanker running aground--a deja-vu in 2010 and mentioned during the BP Deepwater Horizon fiasco that killed eleven workers, if memory serves.

Now for more information on today's Neptune Direct Station (without the aggravating political tidbits provided here) visit expert astrologer Dipali Desai who will be glad to fill you in!


Aid is needed for our returning vets: visit the Wounded Warrior Project.

Nov 9, 2012

Horoscope: GOP Delusion in Nov 2012 Progressed Chart

Delusional GOP Loses White House: SP Moon-Neptune Opposition

by Jude Cowell

My blogging time is brief today but I want to publish a copy of the Secondary Progressed (SP) Horoscope of the Republican Party set for November 6, 2012. Below you see that during Campaign 2012 their SP Moon was within orb of an opposition to SP Neptune with Neptune at '14Pisces' ("A Lady in Fox Fur" --Jones; that's FOX fur! --jc; Dr. Jones gives the negative expression of "14Pis" as: "amoral opportunism" which describes the GOP, FOX News, and Rupert Murdoch to me. Yet some say that Mr. Murdoch and FOX are happy Mr. Obama won because it means more profits for them! Who would they complain about and undermine with their ridiculously obvious 'echo chamber' of lies if Mitt had won?)

The following progressions issue from the natal chart of the Republican Party: July 6, 1854 5:00 pm LMT Jackson, MI:

Horoscope: GOP Progressions for Nov 6, 2012; Hour Venus; Mars out-of-bounds of the earthly plane and up to who knows what in governmental Capricorn; Sun conjunct Venus (self-satisfaction.)

Another factor is that the Nov 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse @21Sco56 (theme: "joy through commitment"--Brady) conjoins GOP SP South Node of separation and loss; the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse of their SP chart manifested on Nov 20, 1854, the horoscope of which contains a character-implicating midpoint picture involving wealthy 'Jupiter-Pluto' ('special achievers, big financiers, those who mount grand projects, religious leaders', etc)...

Jupiter-Pluto = Neptune (transit Neptune @13Pis10 Rx--in FOX fur!): deceiving, seducing, cheating others; loss through others without being aware of it (Ebertin.)

Now if you can, please click to enlarge the image and read a few more basic details scribbled around the chart. The 'my correction' refers to the mess I made when writing 'NN/AS = Saturn' in the midpoint pictures list, upper right.

As you see, the SP Moon on Election Night was in process of moving beyond an exact opposition of a few months' duration (Moon @14Vir39, Neptune 13Pis15) and since aspects are stronger as they apply (approach), the delusion and deception indicated by the Moon-Neptune opposition have begun to fade as the re-election of President Barack Obama gave the GOP a well deserved Wake Up Call (to which they remain as of yet, determined to ignore--when the president called Boehner and McConnell after the results were announced, Mr. Obama was told that both men "were asleep"--puh! another sour-grapes instance of GOP rudeness and disrespect shown toward the president.

Another factor I shall mention is the inconjunct (or, quincunx, 150 degr = adjustment, strain) between thinking-planning Mercury @00Sag03 in 6th house of Military Service (@"1Sag" = "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire") and the SP Ascendant (the party itself) indicating that the Republicans won't discuss their shortcomings when they're brought up in conversation and they primarily deflect doing so by changing the subject to other topics.

Yet most realistic folk know that you can't repair problems unless you first admit they exist and correctly identify them! This week's constant stream by the GOP and party surrogates of blaming Hurricane Sandy disrupting Mitt Romney's imagined "momentum", Governor Chris Christie's appreciation of President Obama's aid and attention in New Jersey after Sandy hit, the Democrats' "supressing the vote" (they're joking on that one, right?!) is no way to fix the party's considerable problems which are platform-based and attitudinal.

Look at that SP Mercury--it's your harsh and antiquated ideas, stupid! And by SP Mercury's Sabian Symbol we may infer that war was/is a big part of their hoped-for strategy especially since the neocon Vulcans were set to ride in on Mitt's white horse and take over the White House and Pentagon if they'd won the presidency.

So with one of Neptune's realms being mass media--FOX News in particular, in this case--we can see that the people (Moon) were awash with the faulty propaganda and bubble-protected ideas of the Republican Party put out for those gullible enough to be swayed.

And though the Democratic Party has few members of a saintly nature, I'm glad the delusional GOP got beat on November 6th as heartily as they did. Now as the weeks go by, we'll see how disruptive Election Day 2012 Mercury's Retrograde period will be with lawsuits and threats of recounts already being announced. A good example is Rep. Allen West who sees "communists" lurking about the halls of Congress.

Which is amusing because I see Crazy Nutzoids lurking about the halls of the Republican Party...

Nov 8, 2012

Nov 13, 2012: Congress Returns with the Solar Eclipse

November 2012: a Month of Two Eclipses and a Returning Congress

by Jude Cowell

In modern Astrology, eclipses are not often considered 'bad omens' as in olden days and yet the 112th Congress returns for its two-week lame duck session on November 13, 2012. Lawmakers' priorities include taxes, FY13 appropriations bills, the federal debt, and the dreaded sequestration (drastic automatic cuts across the board including the Pentagon budget) which Congress and the White House set up in 2011 after the 'Super Congress' couldn't come to agreement on our debt and deficit situations. That daftly irresponsible tactic was influewnced by the November 25, 2011 Solar Eclipse @2Sag in the murky 14 North Saros Series with its key themes of confusion, drained energy, despair, delusion, lack of clear judgment, and a 'peculiar turn of events'. (B. Brady.)

Yes, Congress acts quite peculiarly these days yet we must hope for better and more mature actions now that President Obama has been re-elected with a 'mandate' from the people. If Romney had been elected, we can be certain that the GOP would tout his 'mandate'--but it would be a mandate from billionaires, a very small percentage of the US population!

Plus, the horrid meningitis outbreak caused by tainted steroid injections (contagious Neptune of poisons and contamination now in early degrees of its own sign of Pisces) and Medicare provider payment adjustments are also potential issues for the lame duck session of 2012. And if the American people are fairly treated for a change, these issues should be addressed during this brief two-week session though of course the artifical "fiscal cliff" must take precedence since the end of the year will be soon upon us.

That Speaker Boehner and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell intend to fully cooperate with President Obama and the Democrats on these "fiscal cliff" issues is doubtful but much needed. The tainted steroid injections aren't baseball steroid use but surely Congress can spare a few hours of attention to it.

As for their "fiscal cliff" political theater, another finagled credit downgrade of our economy could be disastrous though apparently the GOP presumed their justification for their obstructionist behavior back in 2011 would merit them the election of a Republican president come November 6, 2012. But as you know, it did not.

Here are a few astro-notes on the natal horoscope of Scorpio John Boehner who has a birthday coming up on November 17th!

Now if you wish to view it, here are details and a horoscope of the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio of November 13, 2012 which imprints upon the day that the 112th US Congress reconvenes in lame duck session before their extensive holiday break (no, I did not realize that when I typed the post but you will!) As previously mentioned, the Nov 13th eclipse degree of 21Sco56 conjoins the 12th cusp of Politics, karma, large institutions, and backdoor deals in the US natal horoscope (5:10 pm LMT 'Sibly' version), and triggers the natal Midheaven of Thomas Jefferson.

Next from The Cosmos on November 28th is a Mercury-ruled Lunar Eclipse in Gemini which will continue uncovering secrets, scandals, and/or plans not previously divulged.

A Drop of Peach State News

As for my home state of Georgia, Gov. Nathan Deal is "unlikely" to set up a health insurance exchange as required by the Affordable Health Care Act but what else to expect from an ethics-challenged Republican politician? Cooperation? Hah!

As you may remember, Representative Deal resigned from Congress in March 2010 just minutes before the Ethics Committee deadline to 'deal' with Deal, and the state of Georgia has been saddled with his muttonheadedness ever since. Lucky us, she typed drily.

Nov 7, 2012

President Obama Declared Victor with a Leo Moon Rising!

Congratulations to President Barack Obama!

by Jude Cowell

Last evening at 11:12 ET, TV's Chuck Todd declared President Obama the victor in the fiercely fought 2012 Election, and several new congress men and women will be taking Capitol Hill seats in the New Year. Yet with Obama-Boehner gridlock in Washington still a distinct possibility, the Republican morning-afters of "we must find our identity" whines and bemoanings caused by the shellacking Mitt Romney and Paul 'Austerity for the Working Poor' Ryan took as the president reached and surpassed the 270 electoral college votes needed to win bring me little if any assurance that the GOP has learned any lessons at all.

Like Mitt Romney caught in a lie, the Republicans will probably do what they're famous for when they should be doing something better: double down on their madness. the party is marginalized already with 'not enough angry white voters' so it may be astounding to watch if they insist on continuing down their uncooperative path which leaves so many Americans in the lurch.

Now this I must ask: what happened, Wisconsin? A GOP Retakes State Senate and Full Control of State Government headline bodes ill for the people, imho. Haven't Wisconsin teachers and other public sector workers suffered enough? Apparently not though I'm assuming that there's no hint of a re-count needed in the state though not all votes across the country are tallied and there may be legal challenges and re-counts yet with voting Mercury Rx as of about 6:00 pm EST last evening.

Still, it would seem that my guess that yesterday's VOC Moon showed that voters (Moon = the people) had made up their minds and no further scurrilous ads or arguments could sway them away from President Obama whose natal 4th house Moon @3Gem21 was opposed by November 6th's Mercury Station Retrograde and will be again once Mercury turns Direct and re-opposes that degree. Like me, you probably heard some "heart vs head" talk from pundits and reporters as the election coverage proceeded...heart = Moon, head = Mercury. And yet, Mercury squares Neptune denoting confused thinking, a need to avoid harsher realities (like the Ryan Budget Plan?), and probably some deceptive voting machines in the political brew.

November 6, 2012 11:12 pm EST Rockefeller Center, NYC

Congratulations to Senator-Elect Elizabeth Warren! And as Jon Stewart called it on The Daily Show last night, this was the "Re-Presidenting of America" with Chuck Todd's pronouncement occurring as the public's Moon @16Leo55 arose at 11:12 pm EST (ASC 17Leo19) along with Barack Obama's natal Ascendant (his nibs himself.) A Moon in Leo is a happy, shiny thing!

And of course you know that Jupiter Rx @14Gem33 was upper (nearer the chart's MC than Saturn @3Sco53 in 3rd house) so if we use generous Jupiter to indicate the Democratic Party as I've been doing ("Invest in America")--with the GOP as the Saturnian austerity enforcement league a la Ryan's so-called Budget Plan--we find the Democratic Party being lifted up career-wise onto the world stage (MC.)

Here are a few more basic details from the 11:12 pm EST "Obama wins" horoscope set for Rockefeller Center NYC--aka, "Democracy Plaza"--where MSNBC was headquartered for their election night coverage:

ASC 17Leo18; Hour of Mercury (the voter!) with Mercury Rx @4Sag18 in 4th house, the Foundation of the Matter; MC 8Tau09 which places President Obama's natal Neptune at IC 8Sco09 (not so stable a portent yet potentially inspiring for him); Sun-Mars = Mercury: desire to bring plans to realization; ready for action; a thinking leader or fighter in a struggle. (Ebertin; any, all, or none may apply); challenger Mars @22Sag33 is OOBs of the Earthly plane and on his own; Sun-Moon angle = 271 degr 45 mins = 3rd quarter, the 'crisis in consciousness' phase.

Chart-ruler Sun makes no applying aspects of any kind (though it does square the ASC--2A09) so its sign and house position are all-important: Sun @15Sco09 (the Eagle Point and the degree of Thomas Jefferson's natal Pluto (just thought I'd toss a little historical footnote in!) is posited in 4th house of Homeland (past time for "nation-building" at home!), Domestic Scene, and Real Estate, an industry which seems to be healing now unless there's interference down the road.

You know it would have been amusing to me how the GOP campaigned on "Obama will turn America into Europe" nonsense when it's the Romney-Ryan Budget Plan that determined to enforce austerity upon the American people as governments and banking houses have done in the EU. A wacky argument and I suppose the American people were expected not to notice the craziness of it! But we did.

Now the horoscope shows a bunch of squirrelliness around the 8th cusp (8Pis57) of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Corporatism, etc with Jupiter ruling and Neptune sub-ruling the confused, changeable sign of Pisces. Plus, transiting *Uranus @5Ari09 is posited there near the 9th cusp, a karmic spot for the planet of sudden upsets and uprisings. And with the 11th house Jupiter Rx in Gemini and Neptune Rx @00Pis22 in 7th house, there may be just what many economists and mundane astrologers are predicting ahead: more financial scandals and loss thanks to vulturing plutocrats with 2013 in the crosshairs.

After all, America's natal Pluto-Chiron midpoint of oppression and disenfranchisement @8Pis50 conjoins this 8th cusp along with our national Ceres (grains, foodstuffs, security issues, nurturance) so the rest of 2012 may be less joyous than everyone would prefer since the plutocrat-elite class are still around to bedevil us.

Another significator of financial shadiness (perhaps campaign use of funds will be questioned more as the weeks go by) for Mr. Obama's second term going Forward! is the so-called 'hidden square' (256 degr) between Jupiter and Neptune which last met in Great Conjunction/s three times through 2009 is creative yet may indicate unstable tendencies, overextending oneself credit-wise, and the rejection of social burdens; gullibility is an issue as the ideas of others are too easily adopted. Hopefully, with his re-election, President Obama won't cave so readily to Tea Party demands promoted by the GOP and will stand up for the social safety net of the American people.

Yes, the Jupiter-Neptune duo make quite a 'confidence team' of grand plans yet that's just what Americans and markets need most right now--confidence that our economy will continue to improve under the presidency of Barack Obama--and all obstructionists of the people's business should go ahead and take the hindmost!

If you're determined not to govern, then get out of politics.


*Uranus in Aries is described by Reinhold Ebertin as, "Utopians, fanatics, blind zealots." I leave it to your discretion as to whether Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries describes certain factions in one party more closely than it describes others. Plus, on Election Day 2009, Saturn opposed Uranus. Now with the transiting Saturn-Uranus inconjunct (150 degr), we may expect that further adjustments will be required between status quo Saturn and progressive Uranus as priorities concerning our obligations are decided upon, and holding on to old concepts becomes more and more ineffectual.

Our nation's problems are many, long-standing, and primarily self-created (ex: two wars fought on credit card) so Saturn-Uranus cantankerousness must be gone--and let's nation-build at home for a real change! jc