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Jun 6, 2014

"A World Gone Mad" -- a Max Igan video

If you're anything like me you're finding the global crime syndicate with all its oppressive excesses and slimy tentacles mightily tiresome about now and worth all the ridicule we can heap upon its instigators and their political allies. Or, you may wish to approach things from a perspective where a higher yet practical view is offered.

From Max Igan's 'Surviving the Matrix' series: Season 2, Episode 5:

The Crowhouse

The American Voice

Jun 4, 2014

Ben Franklin dies amidst his Uranus Return w natal Mars rising

Founding Father Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706 at what most agree was approximately 10:30 am LMT in Boston, Massachusetts which gives him a robust ascending degree of 7 Aries 19 for its is ruled by active Mars.

Now I want to go into Franklin's death horoscope a little since I discovered in a biography of him by Sidney George Fisher that the physician on the scene provided Franklin's time of death as "about 11 o'clock at night."

Here are the details of when Benjamin left us:

Death of Benjamin Franklin April 17, 1790 10:55 pm (5 mins before 11 pm is my choice) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This gives an Ascendant degree of 20Sag07 and his natal Mars rising. As you know, in death horoscopes there is generally at least one malefic planet on a chart angle and here what can be more malefic than Mars, planet of infections and attacks?

(Note: his natal Mars degree and death Ascendant @21Sag have an apt Sabian Symbol for the inventor of bifocal spectacles: "A Child and a Dog with Borrowed Eyeglasses"!)

During his lifetime, Dr. Franklin suffered bouts of painful gout from overindulgence and had contracted pleurisy as well so his physician's description of his final 16 days after becoming feverish, then having an abscess on his lung burst makes for predictable results. Benjamin Franklin is naturally associated in an astrologer's mind with America's favorite planet of freedom, independence, and revolution, Uranus, and no less so than with Franklin'd death for he slipped away peacefully (for his pain had left him 5 days earlier, thankfully) during his Uranus Return period which happens to us all if we live to age 84 and after.

Ben Franklin's natal Uranus @6Leo51 Rx (conjunct US natal North Node = radical politics and reforms!) returned to its position in his natal horoscope three times in 1789/90: August 24, 1789; February 11, 1790 Rx--about 5 weeks prior to his death; and June 9, 1790. As you see, the third one he didn't manage to attend.

Now Uranus is also a planet of sudden events, attacks, and separations and rules electricity which figures into Ben Franklin's high popularity and world renown during his lifetime since he was apparently the first man to equate lightening with electricity. Yes, it seems quite duh! now but was a new idea then.

Actually his death horoscope shows a YOD (a crisis/turning point pattern with health connotations) of Venus sextile ASC (and thus sextile his natal Mars, his chart-ruler) pointing toward disruptive Uranus @5Leo20 (Leo, ruled by the Sun which rules the heart and spine) in the 8th house of Death and Transformation. And this Uranus is in the midst of Franklin's Uranus Return which is obvious because his age at death was 84 years + 3 months.

Well, that's my brief bit of blogging time for today so I hope you may add Benjamin Franklin's death horoscope to your files if you haven't already for it displays several other features, patterns, and transits which you may find quite interesting.

This post composed to the sounds of Radiohead's 'True Love Waits (Live in Oslo)'.

Jun 2, 2014

"Reality is a Double Edged Sword" Max Igan video

In this presentation, Max begins by stating that he is a Scorpio and that he's had a difficult two weeks which shows in his natal chart--plus realistic Saturn, a karmic planet now in Scorpio, when affecting natal planets tends to dredge up past actions, issues, and problems. He says he will be "paying more attention to Astrology" now. Welcome to the fold, Mr. Igan!

Jun 1, 2014

Charlemagne Prize 2014 to EU President Van Rompuy

It's official: the 2014 Charlemagne Prize goes to EU President Herman Van Rompuy so we can all stop sitting by the phone for the news of our victory.

And since members of the power elite drag this bloodline emperor's name up every year from the Collective Unconscious to remind us of such fabled empire builders as he--the "King of the Franks", Charles I--here are Charlemagne's natal specs and you're welcome to them:

Charlemagne April 2, 0742 Herstal, Belgium hour unknown (12:00 noon LMT used):

Sun 15Ari39, Moon 8Cap04 (Luna's is the most changeable position depending on the birth time during the 24-hour period), Mercury 25Pis57 Stationary (cosmic!), Venus 16Ari12 (conjunct natal Sun--quite self-pleased and able to fashion himself into what's required--also possibly a goddess worshiper--who wasn't back then?), Mars 6Gem07 (the warrior; a biting critic; ready for action; versatile gifts; quarrelsome), Jupiter 9Ari15 (trailblazer; conqueror; a frank and vigorous leader; noble), Saturn 22Leo54 Rx (Leo, sign of the natural leader; Saturn, a royal portent; shy; reliable; dutiful; diplomatic skills), Uranus 12AQ14 (its natural sign--genius; making changes; knowledge of human nature), Neptune 28Tau10 (tactful, creative, moody, good or bad taste), Pluto 3Lib46 Rx (extraordinary assertion within one's environment and in public; a genius; strange celebrities who benefit or harm humanity); North Node 2Pis28 Stationary (future direction; destiny; qualities to develop--philosophical interests with others; a community of people who hold the same beliefs; associations that harm the community at large. (paraphrasing, 'The Combination of Stellar Influences' by Reinhold Ebertin.)

You'll find profile info such as there is and his natal chart here. (Marc Penfield speculated a birth time of 12:30 pm LMT (OS).)

742 was many moons ago, 'tis true but if you happen to know where the planets are at the moment you read the above list of Charlemagne's natal planets, you can see a few catalysts at work. If you don't know current planetary positions, perhaps you might scroll down the sidebar of this blog to the widget which shows their current positions!As far as Charlemagne Prize 2014, it seems that electric Uranus, a catalyzing genius of newness and of new order vs old order, hitting Charlemagne's natal Sun and Venus is the most tellingly of transits, or at lease the most obvious. Slow-moving Pluto has crossed natal Moon (publicity) recently or will soon and a Chiron Return (28Pis20) denotes an active Collective Unconscious involving something mystical that relates to The Quest. Grail or not, take that as you will if you're interested in such hidden matters.

His Sun Aries/Moon Capricorn ('Mars-Saturn'/Fire-Earth = 'scorched earth'): 'iron and blood' (Otto Von Bismarck's anti-majority votes' stance--possibly a descendant?) provided Charlemagne with potentials for: unstoppability; skilled in Politics; opportunistic; aggressive; abrasive; a magnetic and overwhelming personality; a constant need for more control; charge!; matter-of-fact; 'lonely at the top'; leaving a stamp upon posterity.

Below is what seems to me to be the more revealing of the two 'Images for Integration' for his natal Sun Ari-Moon Cap personality blend and may refer to another of Charlemagne's kin--for they are both major cogs in the wheel of 'the great plan' that still bedevils mankind today:

"Columbus discovers America and a new world order is born." ('Sun Sign-Moon Sign', Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

For Legends in Their Own Minds, Ridicule the Best Antidote!

Yeah. Entities are hard at work implementing that 'new order' now and have been for a long time. You noticed, yes? The faces of the actors change but the plan remains intact though possibly perverted from the original, here and there. But let's not feed the jackals power by protesting their draconian policies as if they're real and deserve to believed--as if public officials and 'leaders' have control of us when in reality they're in breach of the public trust and needn't be taken seriously!

Here you see one of our cats, Roxie, not taking worldly prizes seriously in the least!

May 30, 2014

An Astro-Peek at the Solar Eclipse of Oct 23, 2014 (updated 9.27.14)

Solar Eclipse October 23, 2014 @1Scorpio in the 17 New North Saros Series

by Jude Cowell

Update Sept 27, 2014: unfortunately the Mars-Pluto influences via Scorpio of this eclipse have included the forceful pair's weapons-of-war implication along with its forcing one's will on others tendencies as we now see by US airstrikes in Syria and more military action in Iraq. Congress has negated its constitutional duties once again by absconding from Capitol Hill without tending to the business of war and will slink back into the District around November 12th--after the midterms of course. Speaker Boehner has remarked that he will not call for any votes on the war until 2015--the next Congress. You may notice that I purposefully neglected to mention such warrior topics in the post below for I was praying it would not be necessary.

I now turn you over to my original post though I expect alliance (coalition) and financial issues to arise as 2014 careens on--not everyone will experience the predicted 'fun' and parties from this karmic Scorpio eclipse especially since its karmic vibes are due to the evolutionary progress that can be made under a Scorpio eclipse but waging more war does not fall under the category of 'progress':

With its forceful Mars-Pluto vibes, the October 23, 2014 Solar Eclipse in the 17 New North Saros Series contains a passionate, exciting, impulsive, and possibly 'fun' flavor with issues that emerge concerning financial matters and/or relationships. This is a "it's party time!" eclipse! Since the beginning of the 20th century, 17NN has manifested in the years 1906, 1924, 1942, 1960, 1978, 1996, (2014), and next: 2032.

Hmmm...sounds like a few amazing Halloween parties will be thrown this year!

17NN is the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of a few people I can think of such as: VP Joe Biden, former President Jimmy Carter, current FBI Director James Comey, former Senator and Monsanto lobbyist Blanche Lincoln, astrologer-author Dr. Marc Edmund Jones, and artist Edgar Degas. 17NN is a fairly new Series with its initial eclipse manifesting on July 28, 1870 @5Leo05 (conjunct US natal North Node.)

Here is a non-chronological list of events that occurred under the rays of 17NN:

The First Atom Split, JFK's Inauguration, Bill Clinton's 2nd Inauguration, the Jonestown Massacre of 1978, Nikolo Tesla's death, and the wedding of President Obama's parents.

This post may be my sign-off for the weekend. Have a happy! jc

And if you're curious, here are a few notes on the Solar Eclipse that will influence both Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017.

Eclipse info: Brady's Predictive Astrology.

May 27, 2014

Name of CIA station chief in Afghanistan ham-fistedly outed

CIA hatched under Sun Leo-Moon Scorpio, a steamy combination

by Jude Cowell

Some time ago I published a version of the CIA natal horoscope if you wish to view it. In July 2014, the CIA will be 67 years old and you'd think they'd be better at this secrets thing than to allow the name of their station head in Afghanistan to be on a list sent to the White House so that the pool of the president's advisers could be published.

Of course, the White House dropped the secrets anvil on its own foot with this one.

Now if we take the CIA's natal Sun-Moon personality blend to be Leo (Fire)/Scorpio (Water)--a group of proud, arrogant (Leo) spies and betrayers (Scorpio)--we find that this combo of energies produces a fanatical 'by hook or crook' determination toward success, the Machiavellian model. Phobias and cynicism abound in tandem with 'an inscrutable self-belief'. This blend's tendency to be upfront on the outside while hiding a labyrinth of secrets within is a perfect description of the agency.

Sun Leo-Moon Scorpio may sometimes undermine itself, usually via its darkly suspicious nature, or by over-extending itself. Interference from others is never appreciated to say the least and this 'outing' of the station chief's name must be excruciatingly embarrassing for them (unless it was done on purpose--perhaps by a rogue agent? just a thought!) For continuing their secret work in Afghanistan the outing is definitely a rain on their secrets parade if not a thunderstorm soaking into their imagined infallibility.

Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave: Awkward!

Yes, CIA imperiousness has received a pinprick, all right, but it isn't enough for the organization to deflate from its overblown influence in the world though many wish it would. Even the creature's creator, President Truman, expressed regret at what he had unleashed upon the world--after it was too late to rein in its illuminating, infiltrating presence. No doubt he was 'advised' on its creation.

My suspicion is that the agency's extremist qualities prevail and its not-a-good-loser personality is squirming a little but its mission and self-belief remain intact. Ever loyal to its own, it will be interesting to see if the one who made up the 'manifesto'--the list of names of the president's advisers on his weekend trip to Afghanistan--will be revealed though I don't expect that any proverbial 'heads will roll' for the mistake, do you? At least not in public--unless a show of improvement and accountability are deemed necessary for public relations purposes (or to save a little face for the White House where someone should have noticed the glare sooner.)

The CIA's imperious Sun Leo-Moon Scorpio blend is shared natally by Steve Martin ('King' Tut!), Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick, and King Louis XVI. The blend has two 'Images for Integration' which may or may not to seem to apply to the CIA:

"The conception of a divine child takes place during a total eclipse of the Sun...A fateful, passionate love affair between the queen and a mysterious, wandering peasant."

Of course, the 'divine child' refers to Leo, and the first image makes me think of the CIA being more powerful than any president (they've certainly overthrown a few presidents and dictators, haven't they?) with the US president as 'the Sun' (America's cult of personality); the second image reminds me of collusion between monarchs and certain entities that pull strings across the globe..."mysterious" being the CIA and its reputed Jesuit connection to the Vatican and to money laundering via Big Banks and the Corporations protected by the CIA.

The 'fateful' quality reminds me of the natural law of karma--reaping what was sown--and this is a Higher Law that no organization, group, or person, no matter how powerful and controlling, will ultimately avoid: paying for past actions.

For more info on personality blends, see 'Sun Sign-Moon Sign' by Charles & Suzi Harvey.

May 24, 2014

"The Power is in the hands of the People" -- Max Igan (video)

Good News! "The Power is in the Hands of the People"!

For some reason today I'm relating Max Igan's new presentation to the deception and formation of 'the Fed'--probably because that is good news--and the American people would like one of those helpings of Pluto's power please! The tyranny of the Federal Reserve System--a surreptitiously planned and established central bank of the US--has grown grey around the whiskers and toothy of grin, don't you think?

Let's have a peek at the Dec 1, 1910 New Moon @9Sag during the secret meeting/s of the NY and foreign bankers who met on Jekyll Island GA after their undercover train ride from Hoboken on the night of Nov 22, 1910, shall we? Let's look at the horoscope's YOD pattern, a 'crisis-turning point-crossroads-special-task' configuration consisting in this case in a sextile of Neptune Rx in Cancer and North Node ('NN' = meetings; encounters; future direction) @19Tau14 pointing to the out-of-bounds Mercury @19Sag28 (in 8th house of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Transformation, the Occult, etc) with Mercury signifying on one level the reporters who were given 'the slip' at the Hoboken train station that night.

As participant Senator Nelson Aldrich's 'Plan' called for, and it was revealed later that, "The public must not glean a hint of what was to be done." And they didn't--even when the Federal Reserve Act of Dec 23, 1913 passed through the US Congress after most members had left Capitol Hill for the holidays, the beaky snastards. Did only Senator Aldrich know about the scheme? I doubt it. And the whole enterprise was strangely inappropriate since Congress basically handed its constitutional duties--and power--in the finance department over to unelected plutocrats (to print and own our money privately.) And this turn of affairs occurred after President Andrew Jackson had quite successfully fought off the claws of such monetary vultures in the 1800s on our behalves.

Well, greedy vultures and vampires seldom if ever give up, do they?

So in the Dec 1, 1910 horoscope we see the New Moon's YOD/s forming two midpoint pictures which you may be curious about if you wonder what these agents of foreign banks perpetrated upon the American people at that time. And of course you know of the booms, bubbles, and busts they've engineered since then--fraud and theft with no if any accountability.

YOD #1: (fraudulent) Neptune sextile NN inconjunct Mercury in 8th house: 'needs for explanation of your reclusiveness or isolation' (secret deliberations!); 'avoiding communications' (they were allegedly on a 'duck hunting trip' and staying at the Jekyll Island Hunt Club--under assumed names.)

YOD #2: Neptune sextile ASC (@19Tau14--NN is rising exactly) points also toward Mercury, planet of plans, news, and reporters: deluding others about the current state of the economy (did they pretend it was worse than it was after their Banking Panic of 1907??); scandals in the news. (M. Munkasey, Unleashing the Power of the Midpoints.)

Neptune/NN tends toward 'a lack of community spirit and the use of deception'; Neptune/ASC = 'crooks, liars, cheats, insincere people'--well, peep eye, Fed! (Tyl; Ebertin.)

In addition, Pluto @27Gem16 Rx--in 2nd house of the National Treasury!--is at a degree of BANKRUPTCY (the word picture or Sabian Symbol for '28Gemini'--the void-of-course Moon's position on the morning of 9/11/01) and we find that the plutocrats of the day who were in place to make big things happen within the US economy are denoted by powerful wealth-hoarder Pluto traversing the Mercury-ruled sign of Gemini which handily accuses them all of such tendencies as: 'mass suggestion; organizers; adventurers; ruthless behavior regarding society or the social order and with regard to the generally accepted view.' (R. Ebertin, The Constellation of Stellar Influences.)

Okay, I'll hush for now but there are many more interesting planetary factors and history to consider on the topic of America's misbegotten 'Fed' and their secret meeting in 1910 that resulted in the insinuation of the organization (or, syndicate) into our financial affairs but I must leave it to you, if you haven't before, to check out the horoscope for all the old-news-still-mucking-things-up that you might ever wish to use.

May 20, 2014

"A Path to Remedy or a Road to Oblivion" -- Max Igan video

Two Sides of the Same Coin

Somewhat curious that Astrology ascribes both remedy (regeneration) and oblivion (death, the abyss) to powerful, stealthy, wealthy Pluto, isn't it? Motive is everything-- and unconscious motives determine all.

May 17, 2014

Old and New Atlantis: a Mysterious Legend that won't fade away

On September 24, 2012, I embedded a YouTube video, Atlantis: The Lost Continent, on this blog for your consideration. Perhaps it is not too soon to ask if you've had a chance to view it yet though it is admittedly a fairly long one clocking in at 1 hour 35 minutes 57 seconds. If not, here is a link to the post where you'll find the video snuggled and waiting.

The reason it occurred to me to mention the video to you on this bright Sabbath morning, May 17, 2014, is that I'm rereading some information on the records brought to America in 1653 by a relative of Sir Francis Bacon, author of The New Atlantis, one Nathaniel Bacon which is the name Henry Blount of England adopted when he migrated to America along with said records concerning the founding of our nation as a land of liberty and a "philosophic empire," as Sir Francis styled it. And of course Science (Uranus) was to be uplifted alongside Faith and Ideals (Neptune).

To you I shall leave it to decide how Bacon's ideology has turned out (or been perverted into something sinister by our modern day psychopaths) with such overarching intentions of a Grand Plan said to be centuries-long in the making--for the existence of the North American continent was known of in Europe long before 'Christopher Columbus' sailed to these idealized shores.

As for Bruton Parish Church in Williamsburg, Virginia--the old Colonial Settlement purchased by John D. Rockefeller who then donated $55,000,000 for its restoration--it is known that three churches were on the site where the current one stands and the original building followed the ancient practice of placing a vault under the church altar. In Bruton Vault, located in 1938, is believed to have been placed by Nathaniel Bacon documents relating to The Secret Destiny of America (see Manly P. Hall's book by that title; Hall's wife, Marie Bauer Hall, was part of the 1991 excavation endeavor.)

Even Thomas Jefferson figures into the mysterious tale for in youth he studied near the Church and is said in 1803 to have dug up the Vault or been part of such an enterprise. Were any or all of the records (which allegedly included birth records of Francis Bacon, illegitimate son of Queen Elizabeth I and thus a Tudor!) spirited away by Mr. Jefferson so that when Mr. Rockefeller and his money took over the scene there were none left for him to purloin?

Ah, that is a good question for pondering purposes, is it not?

For much more information about these topics you may wish to visit the Sun Nation website concerning the attempted, unauthorized excavation of the Bruton Vault in 1991 as Uranus and Neptune, the Enlightenment planets (and 'new world order' planets a la Rockefeller, Rothschild, and Bush Sr), prepared to meet three times in Great Conjunction/s all through 1993--at or near "18 Capricorn", a degree with a Sabian Symbol now so obviously being played out on the world stage and forced upon global populations with sinister intentions in their control-obsessed minds:

'18Cap': "The Union Jack Flag Flies From a British Warship"...'Keynote: The protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order. POLITICAL POWER, its value and its dangers.' (An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar.)

Its dangers? That's what power elitists are determined to force upon the world now!

Related: Bacon's Rebellion of 1676 (100 years before 1776) between Nathaniel Bacon and Virginia's royal governor Berkeley, which may possibly have been a cover operation under which relocation of the secret Bruton Vault records was accomplished or was in some way related to it.

Sir Francis Bacon's natal details and horoscope, Rodden Rating: C (original source unknown.)

Now here's a classic Bill Cooper presentation on weird topics such as the Order of the Quest:

May 12, 2014

Monday May 12 2014: Washington Monument re-opens

Since the East Coast earthquake/s around 3 years ago the Washington Monument was been closed for repairs of fissures and cracks until today when it re-opened to the public.

That George! Always with his hm hm hm on display!

Now here's a brief consideration in an April post about the stars overhead some of DC's Federal Triangle monuments--it's A Brief View of the Stars Over Washington DC.