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Sep 23, 2015

A 2015 Government Shutdown to Blame on Republicans?

As a 2015 Shutdown Looms, Bitter Memories of 2013 Linger

With another political stunt by scorched-earth Republicans on the horizon, Capitol Hill's irresponsible Government Shutdown of 2013 holds bitter memories for many Americans including those engaged in business start-ups, as Jeremy Quittner details. And check out today's HuffPost coverage here including political gamesmanship information.

In 2013, the political-jacka*s shutdown of the US government was allegedly perpetrated over Obamacare and predictably ended in failure for Republicans who took the majority if not all of the blame for wasting money, causing hardship for certain government departments, loss and disruption for the civil servants who work for paychecks, and 'governing' in breach of the public trust and contract. Some have called it treason and obviously, We the People cannot trust the anarchistic zealots and usurpers not to pull the same undermining stunt again, perhaps around the end of September when the fiscal budget expires and Congress is traditionally required do one of its jobs and fund government operations. However, their stupidity may peak in October whether a cyclical Shemitah is in force or not.

So in spite of the usual misdirected energy of certain politicians (with ulterior motives of shrinking the US government so it can be dispensed with and replaced in their beastly image), it is my understanding that there is already a law on the books that government funds (taxpayer money, one assumes) cannot be used to support abortions at Planned Parenthood facilities if that's genuinely their worry. In that case, what's the point of a government shutdown over funding an organization that provides women with health screenings and other necessary medical exams and counseling? And with an astounding amount of cognitive dissonance, the GOP insists they fight no 'War On Women' but how can women agree with such obvious hypocrisy? Apparently they think Americans are even stupider than they are and women stupider still!

Okay, this woman will hush for now but here's a recent post with informative videos (one from Ed Schultz) concerning the chances of a 2015 shutdown and the misbegotten shutdown of 2013 but you'll have to supply your own green eggs and ham.

Pope Francis to America a "golden opportunity" as Venus leads

With Priestly Chiron Unaspected, Pope Francis Comes to America

by Jude Cowell

According to MSNBC, this week's visit of Pope Francis to America represents for him a golden opportunity for outreach to the Latino population. You know some of the Pope's topics during his speeches and contacts so I won't reiterate them here yet there are a few interesting possibilities revealed by the planetary midpoint pictures of today (Pope to the White House) and tomorrow (9.24.15) when he addresses a Joint Session of the US Congress, plus, a few planetary considerations of note.

And with transit Saturn, planet of authority and of lawmakers, @00Sag24, the Sabian Symbol for '1Sag' seems apt with Saturn rising in the 11:00 am edt chart set for the White House today: "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire"--and in front of Congress tomorrow (9:20 am edt) Saturn begins in the 2nd house of the National Treasury. Will conservatives be schooled on their austerity measures against needy Americans? GOP lawmakers are said to be lukewarm at best about the Pope's visit and undoubtedly there are several reasons for this--climate change and US immigration policy under the spotlight being two of them.

Plus, Pluto (now stationary direct and thus even more powerful than usual) is one of the astrological significators of The Pope (any Pope) and is stationed @13Capricorn, the "A Fire Worshipper" degree (incense?). Another chart factor going on at the moment is the continuation of Venus @20Leo (royal Leo) as the engine of a planetary pattern, a Locomotive which may denote 'full steam ahead'. Perhaps Republicans should go ahead and remove their obstructionist carcasses off the tracks! For this leading-the-train position of Venus (the goddess and idol of many names through the centuries and in many cultures including the Vatican's Mary worship and adoration) shows a high-powered executive wishing to provide balance, something the Pope is here to strike, pundits say. Good luck with that on Capitol Hill is what I say! Great if it can be had. This Locomotive Venus in the lead knows there are problems and intends to solve them, so we'll see if the power and words of Pope Francis I will do the trick though there are sure to be utterances of deceit and malice in the mix (Neptune-ASC = Pluto today) from one direction or another--or from all directions and parties.

Now you know that the Sun (the president) now conjoins the North Node (NN) of encounters and future direction and if we look at the late afternoon natal chart of the US (July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, one of the Pope's stops on this visit, incidentally) we find the Sun-NN meeting at US natal Midheaven The Goal Point; Public Status on the World Stage). For me this indicates the importance of the papal visit to America's future direction with Pope Francis powerfully leading the way (Venus, a money planet) as he repeats himself on topics we've heard him discuss before (Mercury Rx and conjunct US natal Saturn in Libra = serious discussions, meetings). You may of course disagree but there it is.

With my blogging time is brief today I'll simply add a few prominent midpoint pictures for the Pope's address to Congress tomorrow (9.24.15; 9:20 am edt) to illustrate their potentials for expression during his historic visit to our nation which is now so off-track from our Founders' original intentions; any, all, or none may apply and are taken from Tyl and Ebertin:

Saturn-MC = Sun: the need to fight hard and the capacity to do so; Saturn-MC = NN: a major stroke of fate (NN) may affect all development; Mercury-MC = Jupiter (also a significator of The Pope as hierophant, priest, guru--jc): having a can't lose position; traveling for gain (more tithes in church collection bowls--or more? all those pedophile payments take their toll, you know--sorry, but there it is--jc); large thoughts are easily communicated; Venus-Jupiter = Mars: preoccupied with success; trying to make things happen successfully (like the 'new world economic order' that popes call for in the New Years Day addresses? jc)

And for today at the White House an angular picture arose at 11:00 am, the time when President Obama and Pope Francis are said to have begun their private audience: Moon-Jupiter = ASC: being well accepted; fortunate contacts; cheer and confidence (Tyl; Ebertin); inconsistent ideas about the role others play who help you (Munkasey).

We may also consider significant the fact that in Washington DC, gold-hoarding Midas @10Gem35 Rx is in the corporate 8th house of Shared Resources (debt, transformation, and the occult) during the Pope's address to the US Congress tomorrow--might this relate to his "golden opportunity"?

Jupiter and Neptune: Ruler and Co-Ruler of Shady Yet Spiritual Pisces

To all these considerations must be added the current opposition between pontificating Jupiter and spiritual Neptune across the victim-savior axis (Virgo-Pisces) for when Jupiter-Neptune energies combine on social, religious, business, and political levels, we find potentials for 'ideals mirrored in a religious context','hypocrisy as a form of internal policy', 'a legal system where morals are based on favors and pay-offs', and 'churches espousing a moral philosophy for all' and these goals may be part of the Vatican hierarchy's objectives this week--to conceal American political and corporate plans behind a facade of moral and political hypocrisy which is more acceptable to people of faith and which will soothe the masses with religion as the power elite continue to prepare global populations for the total control they have in mind.

Sep 21, 2015

Democratic Party Shutting Out Bernie Sanders! - video

Jupiter-Neptune Infuses the White House

As you can see in the Autumn Equinox Horoscope 2015 set for this Wednesday September 23rd at the White House (above, as if you didn't know!) it's now time in the Jupiter-Neptune cycle for the Grand Spirit duo of planets to oppose one another after their three great conjunctions all through 2009, the first year of the Obama presidency.

Their three airy conjunctions manifested at 24-27 Aquarius directly upon US natal Moon (We the People) and this trio accounts for some of the dreaminess of 2009 as our 'rock star' president, who was early on awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for mere good intentions, dealt with the fraud and thievery left behind by the Bush-Cheney administration along with the threat of inflation, frothy market bubbles, and our inflated hopes, dreams, (self) deceptions and illusions that the Jupiter-Neptune combo tends to favor.

As you can't help but remember, the Bush years had peaked in a morass of speculation, waste, over spending, grand schemes and plans, wispy fantasies, over promising, over expansion, watery sentiments, religious flim flams, and the resulting disappointments, discontent, and sense of loss most of us felt as Jupiter-Neptune's overblown energies necessarily gave way to more practical, clear-eyed assessments, and Saturnian realism prevailed. 2005's Hurricane Katrina, certainly a Jupiter-Neptune event, brought transiting Saturn to George Bush's natal Ascendant and harsh criticism and accountability for his sorry response to its victims landed upon his neglectful doorstep.

Even political conflicts may be identified through the auspices of the Jupiter-Neptune pair of energies along with natural disasters involving Neptunian realms such as water, oceans, rivers, oil, gas, poisons, contamination--and scandals. Lots of scandals.

Their Conjunction Leads to Opposition

Now in 2015 into 2016, boundary breaker Jupiter and merging Neptune oppose one another across the Virgo-Pisces victim-savior axis and we find a culmination of their cycle, the current one of which began in 2009. Their opposition may be described as a Full Moon phase of awareness and fulfillment, and a high point for their faith vs reason energies. Of course, Saturnian boundary, border, wall, and fence issues are ongoing as refugees displaced by Bush-Cheney-Obama wars and destruction reap what profiteering warmongers have sown against the East and Neptune (planet of Islam) in its own watery sign of Pisces supports a massive, collective urge to merge, aided by massive Jupiter, ever hopeful for broad horizons and new vistas.

So if you're curious, here's a relic--a post written years ago concerning Financial Astrology and the Jupiter-Neptune-Moon Conjunction/s of 2009 (sans edits.)

Note that SO'W's most often used US natal chart is the July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania horoscope with Cardinal Point 00Libra at Midheaven, 12 Sagittarius rising, the people's Moon @27AQ33, and a 13-Cancer Sun (leader) conjunct Egyptian goddess star Sirius, aka, The Scorcher.

Related: the horoscope of the Washington DC, the Federal City, with brief astro-notes added for the daring, and a 2011 post concerning and displaying the Natal Chart of Barack Obama, current occupant of the White House.

Broadly Meets: Senator Kirsten Gillibrand - video

Sep 19, 2015

Sept 19, 2015: Playing the World Like a Fiddle - Max Igan's Surviving the Matrix

US Voters Drained by Presidential Campaigns as Refugees Seek Asylum

Since the current Solar Eclipse season which began on September 13, 2015 @20Vir10 contains themes of overtaxing or draining of strength and a high level of stress in effect for at least the next six months, a 'proposal' is linked, below, which may have merit. The Solar Eclipse 'background noise' is in addition to the fretful 'blood moon' Lunar Eclipse in Aries at the end of September.

Follow the above link to view the September 2015 Solar and Lunar Eclipse horoscopes set for Washington DC. Obviously, the Lunar Eclipse, a Full Moon of culmination and awareness, times closely with the US Government's fiscal budget running dry of funds on September 30, 2015, the stalemates in Congress over abortion (a lunar issue) and funding, possibly another reckless government shutdown, and other weighty matters now in the public discourse such as the next suspension of a 2016 candidate's campaign.

Abroad the horrific, worsening refugee crisis (Moon = families, mothers, children) which has been ongoing for years (since the West decimated Eastern countries with war and destruction--did warmongers not see this crisis coming?) may also be denoted by the Lunar Eclipse as Saturn (walls, borders, boundaries, stoppage, closing; responsibility, accountability, authority) continues to make the plights of grievously displaced families unendurable with the planet's passage into Sagittarius, sign of The Seeker (of asylum), Foreigner, Stranger, Emigrant, and Long Distance Travel. As you know, Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, planet of the breakthroughs now sorely needed across the globe thanks to aggressive Western governments and we will soon experience Saturn's upcoming crossing of America's natal 11/12Sag Ascendant in the late afternoon horoscope of July 4, 1776 bringing forms of accountability home to roost beginning by December 2015 into 2016.

So in case you missed it, here's Christoph Asche's Report from Croatia: 'They Don't Know Where They're Going, or Where They'll End Up', posted this morning.

Now see what you think about the 'proposal' meant to give US voters "a rest from the same old photo ops, talking points, and stalemates in Congress" - since we can't depend on politicians to stop perpetrating those things and simply do the jobs they're elected to do and are paid for:

FEC Implementing One-Year Break Between All Presidential Terms As a Reprieve For a Weary Nation, says The Onion.

Plus, to add to our current concerns, Americans are heading toward what is being called The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017, the first repetition of the King of Alarm Eclipse of August 11, 1999, the one Nostradamus warned about. This 1 North eclipse will be visible from the Oregon coast to the coast of South Carolina and will basically split our country into Northern and Southern halves. Hmm.

Hope it will be for the best, don't you?