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Showing posts with label Federal City. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Federal City. Show all posts

Jun 20, 2023

Virgo Symbolism at the National Archives

Destiny, Virgo Symbolism, and the "Hall of Records"

by Jude Cowell

Since the current embroilment between a slapdash former president (2017-2021) and the National Archives (NARA) branch of government is proceeding into Summer 2023 and beyond, the following post concerns the creation of NARA tasked from its creation with keeping our records safe from harm. Therefore, I've rounded up a variety of information for your consideration, much of which is on the esoteric level of knowledge. My focus is the NARA building itself with its esoteric symbols carved in stone and featuring a Zodiac sign that's sprinkled all over the Federal City: Virgo.

Mercury-ruled and representing humanity's analytical, critical, categorizing, fact-based functions, The Virgin symbolism has appeared through the centuries under many names: Mary, Isis, Columbia, Lady Liberty, Ceres/Demeter, Ishtar, Inanna, and more. Often associated with concepts of protection, nurturance, and truth, the celestial Virgo archetype by any name easily lends her attributes to the protection of America's records. Designed by noted architect John Russell Pope who surrounded the edifice with the sacred number 72, the neo-classical NARA building underscores these concepts with a side helping of Heritage and Destiny.

Of note is a frieze on the North side of the NARA building with these words inscribed in ALL CAPs:

"This Building Holds The Records Of Our National Life And Symbolizes Our Faith In The Permanency Of Our National Institutions."

So here we find one of the reasons why Hmm-hmm-hmm stole classified and secret documents which belong in the National Archives, and which by law belong to the American people -- to further undermine We the People's faith in the permanency of our institutions.

In fact, the National Archives building "was saturated in the Virgoan impulse," asserts astrologer David Ovason, and we see this via two significant events listed in Ovason's The Secret Architecture Of Our Nation's Capital (#ad):

Ground-breaking and formal foundation laying: September 9, 1931 (in the morning) with Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Neptune in Virgo; and,

Cornerstone laid by President Herbert Hoover on February 20, 1933 with Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, and North Node in Virgo.

Now Herbert Hoover had been busy with the Depression so it was President Franklin D. Roosevelt who recognized the need for such an archive, a "Hall of Records," and had been active in the movement to persuade Congress for such a measure. Thankfully, FDR was successful - until the recent breach by a faithless, unprincipled man who played the presidential role as if it were reality TV, and who shall not be named in this post.

To close, there exists cosmic time links full of Virgoan (and Piscean) energies between then and now. One is the 19 North Eclipse which influenced Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017 through 19 North themes of 'realism; tackling the truth; coming down to earth" (B. Brady) which manifested @9Virgo. Gumming up the eclipse themes of realism and truth and bringing confusion and chaos ever since has been the fact that an opposition to the eclipse came from transit Neptune, planet of deception, fraud, theft, intrigue, and the tiresome gaslighting with which you-know-who and the Republican Party continue to undermine and sabotage We the People and the US government in every malicious way they can devise in an attempt to force our democratic Republic into an autocratic authoritarian dystopia.

Then when we look at the date of the NARA building's cornerstone laying, February 20, 1933, we find two more Solar Eclipses of influence: the 6 South of August 31, 1932 @8Virgo, and the 7 North of February 24, 1933 @6Pisces (because it occurred within two weeks of the event). And 7 North is the series in which this post is being typed at you today.

For more on the topic of permanency, recommended is America's Perpetual Union Horoscope. Let's keep it going, folks!

Jul 20, 2019

Secrets in Plain Sight 1-23 (Full Video)

It's been ages since yours truly mentioned the following exhaustive overview of esoteric Washington DC, the Federal City's stars, and astrological and Masonic symbolism, architecture, goddesses, 23 Zodiacs, Founding Freemasons, Templars, Sacred Geometry, Numerology, and other hermetic topics and visuals--and a long time since I posted on such intriguing subjects myself. But since I'm currently in process of re-watching (Mercury Rx!) a certain 3-hour-plus presentation myself, I want to share it with any SO'W reader who may be Mercurial enough to be curious!

Secrets in Plain Sight was created and published in 2011 by author and researcher Jan Irvin of LogosMedia (formerly Gnostic Media). The breadth of it is quite astounding!

Update 2020: Link to Secrets in Plain Sight.

Related Astro-Posts include: Horoscope: Founding of the Federal City 1791; Our Federal City's Upcoming Progressed Full Moon (January 2024); The Horoscope on Washington DC's Einstein Statue; and, Trump, Venus, a Pagan Egg, and the 2020 Election Cycle.

Nov 30, 2018

Our Federal City's Upcoming Progressed Full Moon

Image: dual horoscopes of the Masonic Cornerstone-Laying by George Washington who, with his Masonic brethren, founded our Federal City April 21, 1791 3:30 pm LMT (Ellicott) and the same horoscope's Secondary Progressed Full Moon which perfects on January 10, 2024 @18Gem33 at 2:00:35 pm est; basic details and more are penned upon the charts:

Plus, you'll find brief details concerning the Federal City 1791 horoscope in a 2015 Obama-era SO'W post if you care for a peek. Of course I had no 'Trump' in mind in early 2015 when I typed the post, yet Trump's natal 10th house Sun-NN-Uranus trio perches saucily atop the Midheaven of the 1791 chart (MC 22Gem58) along with US natal Mars just as 1791 Jupiter in Virgo rises (3:30 pm selected by the Masons because Jupiter in Virgo was rising) along with America's natal Neptune. 1791 Jupiter conjunct US natal Neptune (1776) in our era suggests pretense and illusion as the Federal City was founded--or, inspiration and the grand spirit. Yet the Founding Fathers of 1776 and 1791 were apparently unaware of the existence of far away planet Neptune with its potentials in Astrology for delusion, deception, fraud, dissolution, and its basic urge to merge.

Now naturally, your eagle eye spies a YOD pattern, too, between the 1791 Mars-Pluto sextile pointing to the rising Jupiter and Ascendant (and US natal Neptune) although Neptune and Pluto were unknown in 1791. YODs suggest turning points, crossroads, special tasks, or crises for Washington DC in relation to ideals, finances, promotion of ideas (spreading democracy? propaganda, media), expansion, growth, and/or exploration. Plus, this is a Jupiter-square-US-Mars transit denoting a period when moderation is needed, too much force may be used, rash actions can create more problems, and overestimation of strength or ability often occurs. In addition, a heady whiff of America's Jupiterian 'Manifest Destiny' may be noticed.

So each time since 1791 that transit Jupiter has returned to its 1791 degree, the Federal City's Mars-Pluto YOD has been re-activated, plus, other transiting planets and progressions have had their effects as well. The last/current Jupiter Return to 22Vir38 is a three-fer due to retrogradation; the exact conjunctions perfected on December 19, 2015, January 27, 2016, and August 3, 2016--reminding us of Donald Trump riding his escalator down from on-high (June 2015), paying an audience of actors to applaud his prez bid, campaigning ad nauseum (ongoing), and on November 8, 2016 being selected by the Electoral College to play the POTUS role against all common sense. For those of us attempting to ignore the recent and ongoing chaos he thrives upon and his dismantling of our traditions and institutions which he has apparently been plopped in the Oval Office in order to perpetrate, Wikipedia keeps a handy list of the Events of 2016 for our reviewing pleasure; of course, 2015 events are available there as well.

Eclipse watchers might wish to consider the solar eclipse themes of 2024 of which there are two: April 8th @19Aries in the 8 North Saros Series (prophetic visions, dreams, hunches), and October 2nd @10Libra (conjunct the 2024 SP Full Moon's North Node!) in the 8 South series (separation and loss; physical injury is possible; over-straining of one's strength--Brady).

And if we read the planets of the Federal City's YOD as midpoint pictures, we have potentials for: Mars-Pluto = Jupiter: the big plan comes into focus (Utopian America, aka, the New Atlantis!); making things happen (a capital city); Mars-Pluto = ASC: showing the hero image; the fighter who dares the impossible; and Mars-Pluto = US natal Neptune: cunning strategies; subterfuge; plotting rebellion (Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl).

These potentials all sound like my former Federal City of residence to me.

Now here's a very much related previous post concerning associated topics: In Tribute to Master Mason George Washington.

Mar 22, 2018

The Washington Monument: Center of Political Power?

Image: the Washington Monument which was built in the form of an obelisk, an Illuminati symbol of power. In fact, the Monument marks the spot on earth where the power of these legends-in-their-own-minds is centered and politically that's Washington DC (for the moment, at least). Of course, obelisks also stand in various places across the globe such as London and New York where they mark the secretive organization's centers of financial power.

Now these mystical tidbits and many more were well known to America's Founding Freemasons, some of whom were also Rosicrucians and/or Illuminatists, and some were members of whatever other knowledge-is-power esoteric, satanic, and/or Utopian groups were around during the 18th century for occultism didn't wear the stain upon it then that it wears today. Yet the groups still exist in one form or another and perhaps you've noticed that in the last few years we've seen a preponderance of their machinations speeding up via infiltration as attacks from within and without American society become more brazen--especially since transit Uranus left mystical Pisces in late May 2010 and entered Mars-ruled Aries (crossing Cardinal World Point 00Aries00) and bringing along disruptive Uranian tendencies that inspire actions by anarchists, fanatics, blind zealots, dream enthusiasts, radical reformers, Utopianians--as the great Reinhold Ebertin informs us about Uranus in Aries in his book The Combination of Stellar Influences (I'm not making this stuff up, y'know!).

Actually, we discussed such topics in early 2015 concerning New York City's three obelisks and the prophetic Belt Stars of Orion. This was back when Scott Wolter's America Unearthed was airing on TV. Of course, that post was written prior to the political elevation of amateur Donald Trump, Uranian extraordinaire and a man on a mission. That his aims differ from Illuminati goals is not proven to me though some folk may feel differently especially if they fell for Mr. Trump's 'drain the swamp' rhetoric. Personally, I see Trump's disruptive, chaotic way of doing things part of 'the big picture', the 'Grand Plan' that's been Washington DC's blueprint all along, thanks to Utopians like Bacon and others who envisioned America as the New Atlantis.

For as you know, the whimsical if Freemasonic Mr. Trump's 10th house Uranus in Gemini is his oriental planet (last to rise before natal Sun) and as such, the planet of chaos and sudden shocks is his guiding planet. It seems tragically chilling, doesn't it? Especially for those of us who prefer a sovereign America with much less satanism, thank you very much. Still, Trump has his marching orders with his quixotic notions, lack of political knowledge and skill, and poor behavior as cover for what he's instructed to perpetrate. Tattered cover, if you ask me, but there that's the set-up for their 'great design'.

In The Cycle with Trump's Purposefully Chaotic Leadership (Even If He Is a Big Dummy)

So this is as good a time as any to remind you that transit Pluto, planet of destruction, the Criminal Underworld, hidden wealth, and transformation, has been activating 1993's Great Conjunction degree of the Illuminati-Enlightenment pair of planets, Uranus and Neptune (18Capricorn) and thereby creating a disturbing midpoint picture--activated under the quirky, bigoted leadership of Uranian Donald Trump...the big picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise (Tyl). Yes, bribery, threats, intimidation, and blackmail are only some of the tactics used to keep politicians and others in line and marching forward. Maybe we should ask Trump and Putin about the effectiveness of such draconian tactics some time.

Well, it's a tiresome reminder, I know, but to yours truly, the Uranus-Neptune-Pluto midpoint picture and the timing thereof makes Trump's 'election' and his odd behavior and fawning toward Putin and other totalitarian dictators easier to understand--as orders from on high. After all, Pluto in Capricorn is 'the dictator' and the element of timing is extremely pivotal to the plans of transnational social tinkerers who think they know best how to rule the world. These are obviously the sort of reptile-brained degenerates the world is oppressed by as their control grid tightens upon us all. In Politics and Business we can even say that the reptiles act under the guise of Pluto-Chiron plutocrats and use dividing tactics such as primal violence, racism, Capitalism, Socialism, corporatism, and other anti-societal -isms too numerous to mention here. By their lousy anti-democratic fruits we know them. And it certainly isn't written in stone that America necessarily has to provide the top leader of the global government-new order the chaos-creators are in process of setting up (1776--2025 or so?). (Though Trump probably assumes the top dog position will be his--at his age!!)

And although orbiting centaur Chiron has since bustled ahead of slower moving dwarf planet Pluto, we remain ensnared within the current Pluto-Chiron cycle which began at their Great Conjunction of December 30, 1999 @12Sagittarius (rounded up). For those who use a late afternoon natal chart for America (July 4, 1776) this conjunction (11Sag22) perfected upon US natal Ascendant...'12Sag' = "A Flag Turned into an Eagle That Crows." And no one has to guess which nation the 'eagle' represents in our day or which national flag is depicted in the well-timed symbol of the plutonian conjunction which helped usher in the much-touted New Millennium. Of course the 'crowing' is, in part, the illegal, preemptive, unconstitutional 2003 invasion of the Middle East with the WTC attacks of 9/11 as pretext. How threadbare Washington's alleged justifications have become! How craftily they stirred the hornet's nest! How the blow back of violence affects the entire world now! Yet oppressive Pluto-Chiron approves on behalf of the so-called New World Order (its October 24, 1993 horoscope shown).

And though Pluto remains in Capricorn until 2023, passing over US natal Pluto Rx along the way, soon a new energy shift within the Pluto-Chiron relationship begins with Chiron to Aries Point for the first exact conjunction occurs April 17, 2018. And soon a different shift occurs when quirky Uranus enters Taurus May 15, 2018. Post shows Trump natal chart with May 15, 2018 transits--and a New Moon @24Taurus36 conjunct Trump's natal Midheaven which holds asteroid Phaethon within the turbulent stars of the Pleiades--including nasty Algol. Also see: Uranus to Taurus 2018, Pluto to Aquarius 2023.

Back to Washington DC's Starry Significance

Now speaking of stars and the founding of the District of Columbia (an archetypal Venusian goddess), we've also discussed previously L'Enfant's original plan for the Federal Triangle and how our three primary buildings represent on earth three particular stars overhead--the Capitol Building = Regulus, the White House = Arcturus, and the Washington Monument = Spica, the Spike. Plus, DC's obelisk (George's phallic Monument) points upwards toward another star that we seldom hear about these days--Porrima, a star of fertility and prophecy (George is said to have had a visionary mystical streak himself). Yet the obelisk's spotlight on Porrima has always struck me as somewhat odd since Freemason George Washington could father no natural children (due to a case of smallpox as a teen?) yet his public image has been carefully crafted through the years as The Father of Our Country. Okay, on a symbolic level he was. And perhaps the more prominent role of Porrima in our 'future' times of Now is prophecy, particularly that found in Scripture: Signs in the Sky: Prophecy and Israel's Fig Tree Prophecy. Trump scooted things along by announcing the relocation of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, an announcement which further stirred up turmoil in the Middle East. He is, after all, the announcer-in-chief with starry Alhena (to have a mission) conjunct his natal Mercury, planet of announcements, messages, deals, commerce, and magic tricks.

For Donald Trump is the announcer in the White House now just in time to aid and abet Israel's Scriptural Fig Tree Prophecy (linked above).

Okay, I'll hush for now and send congrats to anyone who has read this far for you are mighty. Here are three links to previous posts concerning similar topics:

Washington DC's Secret Symbolism, The Founding of the Federal City (horoscope shown), and Trump, Venus, a Pagan Egg, and the 2020 Election Cycle.

Sep 21, 2015

Jupiter-Neptune Infuses the White House

As you can see in the Autumn Equinox Horoscope 2015 set for this Wednesday September 23rd at the White House (above, as if you didn't know!) it's now time in the Jupiter-Neptune cycle for the Grand Spirit duo of planets to oppose one another after their three great conjunctions all through 2009, the first year of the Obama presidency.

Their three airy conjunctions manifested at 24-27 Aquarius directly upon US natal Moon (We the People) and this trio accounts for some of the dreaminess of 2009 as our 'rock star' president, who was early on awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for mere good intentions, dealt with the fraud and thievery left behind by the Bush-Cheney administration along with the threat of inflation, frothy market bubbles, and our inflated hopes, dreams, (self) deceptions and illusions that the Jupiter-Neptune combo tends to favor.

As you can't help but remember, the Bush years had peaked in a morass of speculation, waste, over spending, grand schemes and plans, wispy fantasies, over promising, over expansion, watery sentiments, religious flim flams, and the resulting disappointments, discontent, and sense of loss most of us felt as Jupiter-Neptune's overblown energies necessarily gave way to more practical, clear-eyed assessments, and Saturnian realism prevailed. 2005's Hurricane Katrina, certainly a Jupiter-Neptune event, brought transiting Saturn to George Bush's natal Ascendant and harsh criticism and accountability for his sorry response to its victims landed upon his neglectful doorstep.

Even political conflicts may be identified through the auspices of the Jupiter-Neptune pair of energies along with natural disasters involving Neptunian realms such as water, oceans, rivers, oil, gas, poisons, contamination--and scandals. Lots of scandals.

Their Conjunction Leads to Opposition

Now in 2015 into 2016, boundary breaker Jupiter and merging Neptune oppose one another across the Virgo-Pisces victim-savior axis and we find a culmination of their cycle, the current one of which began in 2009. Their opposition may be described as a Full Moon phase of awareness and fulfillment, and a high point for their faith vs reason energies. Of course, Saturnian boundary, border, wall, and fence issues are ongoing as refugees displaced by Bush-Cheney-Obama wars and destruction reap what profiteering warmongers have sown against the East and Neptune (planet of Islam) in its own watery sign of Pisces supports a massive, collective urge to merge, aided by massive Jupiter, ever hopeful for broad horizons and new vistas.

So if you're curious, here's a relic--a post written years ago concerning Financial Astrology and the Jupiter-Neptune-Moon Conjunction/s of 2009 (sans edits.)

Note that SO'W's most often used US natal chart is the July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania horoscope with Cardinal Point 00Libra at Midheaven, 12 Sagittarius rising, the people's Moon @27AQ33, and a 13-Cancer Sun (leader) conjunct Egyptian goddess star Sirius, aka, The Scorcher.

Related: the horoscope of the Washington DC, the Federal City, with brief astro-notes added for the daring, and a 2011 post concerning and displaying the Natal Chart of Barack Obama, current occupant of the White House.