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Jan 28, 2016

Trump Brings Out Mysogynists in Fox Debate Feud - Thom Hartmann reports

Misogyny has long been apparent within some political circles and here we are in 2016 having issues with rude slurs cast upon women by 2016 candidate Donald Trump who's in a snit over being asked a pointed question by a--gasp!-- female FOX News anchor (in a previous debate)! What will tonight's GOP debate/s bring? Will Mr. Trump take his prejudices to another stage and skip the debate hosted by FOX in order to dodge being put on the spot by inconvenient questions? Oh deary me! Let's be anxious together, shall we? But I'll manage tonight's anxiety by watching NBC's The Blacklist at 9:00 pm and give nary a thought to the blacklist of Donald Trump:

Of course, without Mr. Trump, the GOP debate mojo falls upon other candidates, most notably senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz who, unlike real estate mogul Donald Trump, actually know how to debate issues and policies.

Jan 26, 2016

Why Congress Allows Big Pharma to Rip Us Off - video

Well, I always thought Congress was 'in the pocket' of Big Pharma via bribery, payoffs, and politicians holding pharmaceutical shares in their stock portfolios. After all, abandoning the American people to be the suckers of Big Pharma is typical of a US Congress acting in breach of the public contract. Here's an informative report from Ring of Fire Radio on the topic:

Jan 25, 2016

Most U.S. Cities Have Dangerous Lead Levels In Water - video

As first reported in The Guardian on January 22, 2016 and picked up by Raw Story, Documents reveal agencies across the US distort tests to downplay lead content of water, further evidence of the constant poisoning of the American people via water, food, air, beauty and other products, plus our fracked, drilled, mined, and contaminated environment. Of course, high-powered chemical and drug corporations ruin other populations' health and environments, too, but at the moment, we're talking America:

Here is Farron Cousins reporting for Ring of Fire Radio:

The Billionaires' Tea Party - Trailer (w/ Uranus in Aries 2010/2016)

When Uranus in transit entered Mars-ruled Aries in late May 2010 it timed many events related to revolt, protest, even riots. Disruption is one of planet Uranus' favorite past times and since 2010 the world has not been disappointed. And for America's 2010 Solar Return in July, Uranus performed a Station Retrograde precisely on the Aries Point (00:00) which, for those who use US natal charts set for a few minutes after 5:00 pm LMT on July 4, 1776 (Phildelphia, PA), announced Uranus in Aries entering America's 4th house of Home--but also the house of Endings and The Drain (IC).

The disruptive shift into US 4th house occurred around the time that the Tea Party rose to public awareness with Uranus in Aries denoting Utopian anarchists and blind zealots (Ebertin). Then as now, everyone continued to agree that America was following a wrong path and some accepted the propaganda that the 'grassroots' movement called the Tea Party could cure politically and socially what ailed us as a nation--and reform Washington Politics where the global criminal syndicate is centered. The last time period that Uranus traveled through Aries was from 1928 to 1934 which of course includes disruptive events and turbulent interventions such as World War I, the Market Crash of October 29, 1929, the rise of Hitler and FDR, fascism taking over Italy--while transit Neptune's continuing path through Virgo, sign of The Worker, helped to undermine employment and social conditions for millions of people--especially since America's natal Neptune is in Virgo (22+).

Of course in 1929, Uranus squared Pluto but Pluto was in Cancer then (transformation of family values), opposite Pluto's current sojourn through the governmental, legal, and business-oriented sign of Capricorn, ruled by tough Saturn. Social upheaval has reappeared under the New Millennium's Uranus-Pluto Cardinal square as extreme measures are being pushed through Congress (many of them hidden within legislation to be discovered and despised later on), fanaticism is prevalent from many directions, and war and weaponry are lifted high as Nationalism and Patriotism are again used by the power elite as shields for hiding an agenda of global conquest. Meanwhile, Pluto in Capricorn = the dictator, according to Ebertin, and from Washington and across the nation we've heard accusations of such behavior by Obama opponents yet my suspicion is that we ain't seen nuthin' yet in that department--wait till Donald Trump (or whoever) takes the Oath of Office on January 20, 2017! Only Senator Bernie Sanders seems genuine to me but we'll see how that goes with primaries about to begin.

Be all of that as it may or may not be, check out the following trailer for The Billionaires' Tea Party and marvel at the political chicanery of the plutocrats:


Related posts include: Horoscope: Solar Eclipse of the Roaring Twenties and Horoscope: the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse of 1933 which includes 2011 conditions such as anarchists like Ted Cruz play acting our nation into a credit downgrade. But that's a hammy 'President' Green Eggs for ya--'burning down the world' like a true Uranus-in-Aries zealot with ideological Utopian leanings of theocratic proportions.

Jan 22, 2016

Spying Provisions Passed, People Have No Idea - video report (plus Pluto)

Remember December 2015 when Congress hastily passed a 'cromnibus' bill so they could leave town for their holiday break? It was called by some a "poison pill" spending bill and as time goes by we'll be discovering several reasons why. For one reason, it turns out that...

Washington DC's sorry so-n-sos masquerading on Capitol Hill as the US government followed their transnational masters' orders and slipped overreaching, draconian spying provisions into the current omnibus bill. In part this is signified astrologically by the Sabian Symbol for '18 Capricorn'-- "The Union Jack Flies from a British Warship" = "smug or strong-armed paternalism...POLITICAL POWER, its value and its dangers"--Rudhyar; Jones) where 'new world order' planets Uranus and Neptune met in Great Conjunction three times in 1993--and creepy underworld saboteur, assassin, and spy, Pluto, now conjoins this degree for draconian potentials such as: the big picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise (Tyl), and: remaining at the mercy of external conditions and circumstances without taking a firm stand (We the People didn't), abandonment of resistance (are we wimps?), necessity to given in, calamities, catastrophes, great losses (Ebertin).

As you recognize, these are some of the current themes manifesting in society (though there are plenty of positives ones, too, and other difficult ones described by transiting aspects such as the Saturn-Neptune and Uranus-Pluto squares) which will continue over the next few years as Pluto plods through the Saturn-ruled sign of government, law, and business until the 'god of Hades' reaches approximately 23 Capricorn (18Cap + Pluto's 5-degree orb = 23Cap) and stops doubling back to that degree via retrograde motion. And of course 23Cap is within orb of America's natal Pluto Rx @27Cap33 (3 times in 2022).

And of course when it comes to Spying in America on innocent people we can always depend upon our national Mercury-Pluto opposition across the Cancer-Capricorn axis of security and the secrets it contains and the ones it's so desperate to uncover--and to hide. Like sneaking anti-American spying provisions into the cromnibus bill and keeping their perfidy hush hush.

Here is more from Dane Rudhyar on the 18Cap degree:

"Alas, this power can easily be misused under the pretext of preserving 'law and order'. Justice and compassion must balance social power, and especially the power of privileged groups. Where this symbol appears, the need for protection may be in evidence--or it may be a warning against using power for selfish advantage." (An Astrological Mandala, DR).

And now on the topic here is David Pakman:

Transformational Astrology: Full Moon Jan 23, 2016 - Henry Seltzer

January 22, 2016: Here is an insightful report from Henry Seltzer, author of The Tenth Planet (Eris), concerning tomorrow's Full Moon @3Leo29 (spotlighting President Obama's natal Mercury), plus, more cosmic occurrences of note including asteroids, and a few words about the natal chart and early passing of David Bowie:

Be sure to visit AstroGraph where you'll find the excellent TimePassages software and apps (including mobile!)

Ignore The Naysayers: Single Payer Healthcare Is A Great Idea - video (+ RNC 2016)

Concerning 2016 candidate Bernie Sanders' proposal for health insurance coverage for all Americans, here is Farron Cousins of Ring of Fire Radio:

Campaign 2016

Perhaps you've noticed lately the establishment (ex: Hillary) bringing out the 'Bernie Sanders' plans won't work in the real world' attack in the 2016 Campaign but I assert that the "real world" they refer to is nothing but the false reality we've been scammed into by power elite plutocrats who hate the idea of a government by, for, and of The People! That's a government where resources are used for the needs of the people, not for waging more war and implementing global conquest.

And if you don't vote on November 8th and a Republican enters the White House on January 20, 2017, we can wave buh-bye to any hope of returning the US government to the people once new plutocrat SCOTUS Justices are installed. Now I realize it may not be much better if a Democratic or Social Democratic president selects new Justices when the time comes but it will definitely be worse if a Republican president chooses them.

And please remember that the RNC 2016 Capricorn Full Moon in July conjoins US natal Pluto with the Sun in Cancer opposing our national Pluto which denotes a time and event of power plays, forceful intimidation, and lots of media coverage.

#OpFlint - an Anonymous video about the Flint Michigan water crisis

When Michigan Governor Rick Snyder appeared on MSNBC's Morning Joe this morning he again attempted to deflect blame for the crisis by spreading it around which seemed to be his primary aim but I for one was not persuaded by his weasely performance. The EPA will investigate the catastrophe in Flint but if the feds whitewash the situation as far as culpability, it will be as chaff in the wind. Any other bankrupt city or town in America is subject to such money-based decisions by "emergency managers" that can kill and maim their citizens.

Here is a video for your consideration: