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Apr 8, 2016

Apr 8, 2016: Check Out This Week's Top Clips! plus, Sun Meets Uranus

Need a political catch-up? David's video clips for the week of April 4, 2016 begin with a disheveled Sarah Palin (the queen of incomplete sentences) and end with the Starbucks confrontation of Florida's Rick Scott--two Republicans rockin' the crazy eyes:

A Little Weekend Astrology

On Saturday (4.9.16 5:27 pm edt) the Sun (leadership) and quirky reformer and rebel Uranus catch up by conjunction in Mars-ruled Aries and this should make for lots of political activities, arrogant remarks, progressive proposals, shocking words and/or events, and arguments against any form of restraint on freedom or the sense of uniqueness. Protests continue, impatience is shown, reforms are in the news, originality may be rewarded, and perhaps an important meeting is held. (Bernie Sanders visits the Vatican next week, if memory serves. A Jew walks into the Vatican... wonder if the senator will be required to kiss the Pope's golden ring?)

Apr 7, 2016

Trump’s Secret Lobbyist Meeting Proves He’s Just Like The Other Repugs - video

Republicans have been protesting too much for too long against Donald Trump as their nominee for me to believe they won't support him, how about you?

Apr 6, 2016

Are Billionaires Picking GOP Winner Behind Closed Doors? Politics Panel

Related: An Astro-Peek at Paul Ryan and the horoscope of the July 19, 2016 Full Moon (conjunct US natal Pluto) which perfects during RNC 2016 where the Republican nomination process may become a hot mess of major proportions--and a plutonian power-grab.

For more topical discussions and articles visit the website of progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann.

Apr 5, 2016

Astrology of 2016 Republican Candidate John Kasich

If you're curious, here is a bio of John Kasich which you may find to be quite mild. And without a known birth time for the former US Representative (1983--2001) and current Governor of Ohio (since 2011), we must depend on a somewhat out-of-focus reading of his natal planets since an accurate birth hour would helpfully time the Ascendant and other house cusps if we knew it. The natal info below is based upon a horoscope set for noon on May 13, 1952 (age 63) in McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania. Angles are not considered:

Governor Kasich was born under a 22-degree + Taurus Sun with the Moon in Capricorn for the entire 24-hours of May 13, 1952. This personality blend gives him a double-Earth nature of practicality and common sense. No, there are not a lot of frills here, but there is a traditionalist willing to take on responsibility--one who relies on logic and realism, and possesses a paternalistic authoritarian mindset. (You know, like old men who want to dictate how a woman makes health decisions for her own body? see the Thom Hartmann clip, below, where he mentions Kasich's recently stated view on punishment for abortion.) My thought is that John Kasich campaigns on being his own man (as a conservative Republican) so from this I gather that his paternalistic keep-women-down nature fits perfectly with the misogynist GOP agenda--their attempt to take America back to the pre-1850s. (Or with theocrat Reconstructionist Ted Cruz, back to the laws of ancient Israel.)

And with John Kasich's Sun Taurus-Moon Capricorn personality, we know that ambition and striving for possessions, power, and control are foremost for him and yes, this is a good blend to have if you're a politician. Many people tend to place their confidence in such a dependable Taurus-Capricorn fellow and this one has a strong inner sense of confidence and integrity. Shrewd in business dealings, Gov. Kasich as a critic can be severe and completely honest in his assessments and he commands respect from others. Not one to forget when he's been wronged or slighted, he can also be kind and affectionate in private and when feeling secure though Taurus always adds a streak of pig-headedness to most any personality.

Mercury, Planet of Thinking, Planning, and Communicating

John Kasich's Mercury in late Aries widely opposes his Mars Rx in early Scorpio (7A27) and hints at a brusque manner and way of speaking to the point. This pair of planets relates quite often to Politics and shows an alert mind and good intellectual capacity. With maturity he has learned to avoid arguing whenever possible and perhaps the art of compromise has somehow been absorbed. One must wonder if he should become the denizen of the Oval Office how much compromise he'll feel is appropriate with his opponents. This opposition may cause him to draw conclusions too readily before hearing or knowing all the facts. Plus, Mercury is also in an out-of-sign conjunction (4A51) with expansive Jupiter in Venus-ruled Taurus which denotes far-reaching plans, a talent for communications, and a deep thirst for knowledge (which probably aids him with his Mercury-Mars opposition's tendency to jump to conclusions--he's something of a know-it-all.)

So does any of this Astrology portend Governor Kasich to be the victor of the November 8, 2016 Presidential Election? No. It doesn't. Actually, we're talking personality traits. Yet perhaps more importantly, I see no close links from his planets to US natal Moon in Aquarius (We the People) which may be one reason he's had difficulty gaining approval with the general public. Yet when folks listen closely to his message, they tend to be impressed (Mercury sextile North Node--2S25).

Of course, if we knew Kasich's accurate time of birth we might find US Moon on an Angle of his chart which could boost his presidential aspirations yet with his long career in government I don't think he sounds much like the outsider that Venus portends in November, do you?

April 5, 2016 Thom Hartmann reports:


Related: Astrotheme has posted an untimed version of the natal horoscope of John Kasich if you're interested in checking it out.

Apr 4, 2016

How to hide a billion dollars | The Panama Papers - video

Like many astrologers, when I think of massive amounts of wealth and treasure hidden in secret places I think of power-grasping Pluto, the Dragon (ex: Smaug the Dragon in the Lord of the Rings films). But you don't have to think of the Lord of the Underworld concerning this topic but can refer to criminal elements in the following presentation: How to hide a billion dollars:

Actually, today The Guardian reports on this and Britain's political links to the story thanks to leaked information.

Many thanks to the excellent Alexandra Bruce of Forbidden Knowledge TV for sending a heads-up on this video! jc

Apr 1, 2016

Global April 2016 - Steve Judd video

Okay, now where's the nearest April Fool? She or he will want to see the Global April 2016 report from Steve Judd: