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Apr 7, 2022

Election 2024: A Blue Tsunami Please!

Venus, NASA, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

April 7, 2022

Venus in Sagittarius on Election Day 2024

by Jude Cowell

As a lifelong fan of Democracy and cheerleader for the continuation of our Republic as a sovereign nation, it isn't easy to admit that on Election Day 2024, Venus in Sagittarius is prepared to bestow the crown of victory upon the incumbent's rival, whomever she, he, or it may be. This unfortunate factoid is strongly suggested by Venus in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, for it is the sign of the stranger, the outsider, the foreigner (the placement of Venus in 2016). But note that Venus Cycle predictions have been accurate for most US presidential elections, although not for all, so that's something to keep in mind along with other cosmic predictors such as the New Moon Prior to the election. Plus, who would deny that cheating naturally interferes with election results in unpredictable ways.

Note: perhaps many readers know where I'm 'coming from' on such topics because, as I've previously shared, my uncles fought Nazis in WWII and I have Revolutionary War ancestors. From such shared pro-America sentiments, I surmise that none of my ancestors or family members could possibly have expected after all their sacrifices that America could be so viciously shoved toward totalitarianism and, for women, would be morphed into soul-denying handmaidenism by theocrats and dominionists with political power and Biblical law on their scheming minds. Such reforms would represent an anti-constitutional blending of Church and State which is not one of America's founding principles, as you well know. It would be an antithesis, in fact, and a total reversal of previous plans.

So! Prior to Election Day 2024, it may be worth considering a few things about Venus in Sagittarius, if that's okay with you, dear reader, with astrological Venus representing the attraction principle, and Sagittarius a mutable Fire sign. First, the mutable quality provides a measure of instability to the planet of relationships while denoting hypersentivity and a strong wishing power which may or not pan out in reality. Or if does pan out, the results may be temporary, even chaotic. And of course, Sagittarius and its opposite sign of Gemini have much to do with ethics, morals, and belief systems - and on a political level, with attempts to force them upon other people (as if morality or an uncluttered conscience can be legislated!). In other words, this placement of Venus indicates religious or ideological proselytizing, much of which is done through misinformation, aka, propaganda.

Reaching for Something Positive Here

These cosmic circumstances could be fortunate for incumbent candidates' victories since the confusion, recounts, and/or fraudulent activities in recent years surrounding US elections could turn out differently than a Sag Venus expects or prefers. (This would be on the presidential level, but may also affect down-ballot elections.) Plus, Blue Waves or Tsunamis of voters have been known to sway elections toward Democrats and, considering all the election 'preparations' such as voter suppression and voter roll purges and caging that Republicans have set in motion, I'm thinking that a Blue Tsunami may be the only factor that will make a large enough difference in 2024 for those of us who are determined to keep intact our Republic along with some measure of democratic governance.

In closing, we should also consider that a Sagittarian Venus tends to scatter her energies which suggests taking on too much at once. And if you've ever done that yourself, you know that multi-tasking means that nothing turns out as well as it could have, and that a possibility exists for oversized efforts to collapse under their own weight.

Apr 5, 2022

Apr 2022 Eclipse: a Cosmic Time Link

Washington's 1802 Syzygy Moon Eclipsed in April 2022

by Jude Cowell

April 5, 2022

Multiple horoscopes exist for the City of Washington DC and, if memory serves, the timing of one chart previously posted here (May 3, 1802: incorporation as a city) may be based on a letter written by Thomas Jefferson or simply on historical record, plus, there's a historically timed 'founded' version set for the events of July 16, 1790, a day when transit Saturn in early Aries was strong at Direct Station, yet transit Nemesis and Phaethon were conjunct @00Gemini (hardly a jolly alignment, if I do say so myself).

Meanwhile, the following bi-wheel of charts displayed below, uses neither of those dates, for the inner horoscope shows the Syzygy Moon (prior lunation) of DC's May 3, 1802 incorporation - the New Moon @10Tau54 of May 1, 1802. The reason to use the May 1st chart in the bi-wheel is because the incorporated city's Syzygy Moon will be precisely 'eclipsed' on April 30, 2022 by the 6 North Solar Eclipse @10Tau28 (see 6th house). This eclipsing may be significant or it may be nothing to pay the least bit of attention to these 220 years later!

And yet this synchronicity does time both a Solar and a Lunar Return to the May 1, 1802 Syzygy Moon lunation, suggesting what could be a sort of culmination or fulfillment in relation to Taurean matters (growth, development, valuations, materialism, greed, rigidity, and/or intolerance), that were seeded or planned at the 1802 New Moon. Also involved are relationships and full awareness potentials especially since all eclipses are Uranian and as such tend to uncover hidden factors, disrupt events to the point of causing changes of direction, and/or may activate scandals along with Technology playing its part.

Then considering the abundance of Taurean energies we have here, financial and investment matters are most likely at the top of the cosmic menu, as well as the opposite sign of Scorpio which brings in secrets, spying, control and manipulation, corporatism, plus, death and, hopefully, regeneration:

Even the recent passage in the House of the Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Bill is suggested by the April 2022 Eclipse since Taurus rules neck and shoulders - Congress has tried to pass an anti-lynching bill in previous years - so will 2022 bring legislative success? Rascist issues and connections between then and now may also be indicated (for it isn't as if such issues - America's founding flaw - have been adequately dealt with, even at this late date).

And so, if nothing else, a cosmic time link forms between May 1802 and April 2022 (and until the next Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio) so that historical events and conditions of 1802 may be worth considering in light of current political/societal issues and events, along with the themes of the 6 North Eclipse which are penned upon on the image, upper right, such as 'relationship to authority figures, need to take control' and 'accepting commitments due to another's unreliability or illness' (paraphrasing B. Brady). A father's reputation may also be involved.

Eclipse Cycles, Historical Cycles, Cosmic Time Links

The Washington DC Horoscope May 3, 1802 (of incorporation) indicates that transit Saturn in 2023 will conjunct DC's Pluto in Pisces bringing very large events and continuing our government's power and control issues. But first, transit Pluto must creep through the sign of Aquarius which times a period of massive changes and reforms.

Significant 1802 Events include the Judiciary Act of 1802, enacted to reorganize the US federal court system (Judge Ketanji Brown set for SCOTUS bench confirmation by the end of this week! Rascism is involved, of course, because Republican), the opening of West Point Military Academy, the death of Martha Washington, and the discovery of Pallas, asteroid of wisdom, strategy, and the daughter. This probably adds women's issues to the mix, issues you'd think in 2022 we had settled by now.

So in closing, there may be other Cosmic Time Links involved such as:

Horoscope: US Congress March 4, 1789 first session with its Node Node @1Sag44 was conjoined by the May 1, 1802 Syzygy Moon Ascendant-conjunct-Nemesis-Rx which links the 1802 Midterm Elections to Midterms 2022 and first session's 9:00 am LMT Ascendant @14Tau46, was recently transited off and on, as it will be on April 30, 2022, by radical reformer Uranus shown, above, in 6th house.

Additionally, you've noticed that the present-day transit of Uranus @14Taurus also hits US Inaugural Ascendant (Oath of Office, noon January 20th) which, at its very best, fortunately indicates the ability to cope.

Apr 2, 2022

Modern Humanity's 2022 Birthday Gift: A Solar Eclipse!

April 2, 2022

by Jude Cowell

Another 'Forewarned Is Forearmed' Post: An Eclipse? But You Shouldn't Have!

Not so long ago we discussed the Modern Humanity Horoscope as timed by the Taurus Solar Eclipse of April 26, 1892 Washington DC (A.E. Meece) along with a transit chart showing radical Uranus @7Taurus in 2021 conjunct that very Eclipse. As we know, radical reformer Uranus has acted as a major troublemaker of late while it lurches through the Fixed, often intolerant sign of Taurus, activating earth changes, financial shifts, turbulence, and more.

Below is a bi-wheel of charts showing, not the April 26, 1892 Solar Eclipse Horoscope, but the actual Neptune-Pluto Conjunction of April 30, 1892 @7Gem41 which is the third of three such conjunctions (August 2, 1891 @8Gem38; November 5, 1891 @8Gem19) in their approximately 492-year cycle. Among other things, The Supernatural, mysticism, drugs, subversive activities, and Organized Crime are astrologically represented by this heavyweight planetary pair.

Please enlarge the image to read my study notes if you wish; multiple contacts are shown which are not mentioned in the following text.)

Now as you see, the outer horoscope is that of the Midterms 2022 Lunar Eclipse of November 8, 2022 @16Taurus and the reason for displaying this bi-wheel is that Modern Humanity's North Node of future direction (destiny) @16Tau58 will be 'eclipsed' on Election Day 2022 (USA) - including involvement from the radical planet of zealotry, anarchy, Utopianism, chaos, turbulence, and/or rebellion, Uranus (@16Tau56 Rx; aka, the planet of Awakening; Illumination and The Witness). Of course, Utopianism says that man has no need of laws which is poppycock and a recipe for chaos, but you knew that already. And it's an ages-old blueprint for the destruction of civilization.

Much of such things we've discussed previously so I won't repeat myself here but will add another cosmic synchronicity:

That the Solar Return 2022 of Modern Humanity (humanity's 130th "birthday"!) will receive the 'gift' of a cosmic blink, a Solar Eclipse. This adds a larger measure of prominence and a sense of unification of affairs to the themes of the April 30, 2022 Eclipse in the 6 North Series and increases indications of potential Uranian intervention, disruption, separation, and/or rebellion and upheaval to the level of directional changes in society which are always a bi-product of eclipses (along with revelations whether such disruptions are convenient or not.)

Therefore, 6 North themes are definitely on society's 2022 cosmic calendar! However, Taurean bullheadedness and inflexibility tend to cause setbacks when progress and growth are what's needed. As for finances (the 'Bull of Wall Street'?), raids on the US Treasury may be occurring underneath the surface as 6 North Taurean Eclipse themes run 'in the background' of society. Not that such raids haven't been perpetrated against the US previously.

(Please Note that I work with eclipse degrees and am not overly concerned with whether a particular eclipse is visible or whether it cuts a path across America when I type these things. You may, of course, disagree. Thankfully, this manifestation of a 6 North Eclipse is only partial not Total, while the Midterms 2022 Lunar Eclipse is Total and is infused with vibes from electrical planet Uranus which may easily bring on technological issues with our voting machines or ballots, inspired by the anarchy of domestic seditionists - or may even suggest interference from outside hackers and saboteurs.

In closing, here are 6 North Themes to be aware of: 'relationship to father or authority figures; a need to take responsibility or control; acceptance of commitments due to another person's unreliability or illness' (paraphrasing B. Brady). Politically, these indications could be positive or negative.

The initial 6 North Solar Eclipse in the Saros Series occurred @27Tau55 on May 15, 850 (OS) with eroding Neptune Rx @27Cap35 (conjunct US 1776 Pluto 27:33); 6 North Eclipses also occurred in the years 1914, 1932, 1950, 1968 (DNC 1968 Chicago: turbulence), 2004, (2022), and will again in 2040 @21Taurus.

Apr 1, 2022

In the Realms of Jupiter: David Duke

Jupiter; NASA/JPL/University of Arizona, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

For the curious, Politico has published information concerning the December 24, 1865 founding of the Ku Kl*x Klan, plus, the natal horoscope of white 'supremacist' and former grand wizard of the Klan David Ernest Duke (RR: AA for accuracy) is available, if you'd care for a glance. Note that Duke's natal chart does not appear on SO'W because I do not want it here so feel free to check out his natal planets as you wish. (July 1, 1950 11:37 am cst Tulsa, OK; Jupiter Rx @7Pis24).

Also notable is that Duke has recently experienced a Jupiter Return which perfected once on February 1, 2022 with Uranus sextile his natal Jupiter, a transit which suggests a favorable period when opportunities exist but must be actively taken advantage of in the realms of publishing, politics, finances, militaristism, intellectual and/or spiritual pursuits. Health may also be affected since natal Jupiter is posited in his 6th house, and of course, one of expansive Jupiter's many roles is as The General. Meanwhile, any natal aspects to Jupiter are reiterated when the planet "returns" to natal position and for Duke, this is a Jupiter-Uranus trine (1A57) from 6th to 10th house.

As you may remember, Herr Tr*mp was also born under this beneficial trine of good fortune and its energies contribute to many instances of the racketeer's 'getting away' with what others would never get away with via his natal trine from 2nd hou$e to 10th house of Career and Public Status.

Then as you know, a Jupiter Reward Cycle (as Noel Tyl termed it to me via phone!) lasts for approximately 12 years so let's consider the natal Jupiter in watery Pisces of David Duke. Negative potentials of the placement will be emphasized with a few positives tossed in just to be nice.

In the Realms of Jupiter: David Duke

Jupiter in Pisces (dignified in Pisces; Jupiter/'Neptune') Seeks self-improvement through devotion to ideals; a need for risk-taking (a known gambler); can bear severe criticism in the promotion of a 'greater' cause or vision; strong interest in the occult and psychism; extravagant; unreliable; overly imaginative; vacillating; impressionable; lover of comfort, solitude, and negative escapism (exs: drugs including alcohol, gambling); an over-inflated ego which can float away on dreams of personal glory and can lead to destructive consequences.

Jupiter in 6th house gives a large capacity for work (ex: workaholism); life has meaning through service to others; with the 6th house connection to Virgo there can be crankiness, peevishness, nervous tension, an overly critical attitude toward other people; overeating or overfasting - moderation is a must; may use new age or natural health remedies; technological proficiency may also be present along with scientific interests.

(Sources include Carter, Mayo, Ebertin, Hickey, Davison, Tierney.)

Well, there it is, my astro-salute to Jupiter the General in the natal horoscope of David Ernest Duke with his Sun Cancer-Moon Aquarius personality blend of the klannish visionary and lover of symbols.

Following are links to a couple of Related Posts meant for the concerned reader:

Horoscope of The Confederacy and A Dark Vein of Intolerance

Historical Horoscope of The Confederate Constitution.

Mar 30, 2022

DC Horoscopes: the Jan 6th Call Log Gap

March 30, 2022

ny Jude Cowell

Since today I'm under the weather and feelin' fussy with allergies acting up, a simple posting of the two horoscopes set for January 6, 2021 is my limit - the lower left chart set for 11:17 am est with 6Ari09 and wounded/wounding, blindspot Chiron rising, and (upper right) a chart set for 6:54 pm est. These are the times being reported that Trump's phone call records on January 6th have turned up missing - 7 hours 37 minutes of missing - while Trump's violent coup attempt against Congress was being perpetrated, much to his delight (Sun = Venus-Jupiter: joy; pleasure from taking chances). Note that when he says he doesn't know what a burner phone is, he knows what it is.

So please enlarge the dual image of charts, below, to read my astro-notes which include Pluto-NN rising at 11:17 am, and Herr Trump's deadly 12th house Pluto = Mars-Saturn midpoint picture rising at 6:54 pm. And as always, your on-topic insights are invited via a courteous comment, and check below for a few details concerning the Sun-Moon blend of energies, the 'cosmic weather', of January 6, 2021:

Earth-Air Sun Capricorn-Moon Libra ('Saturn-Venus') energies describe a crusader who is cunningly capable, a fighter for a cause; dedicated to his mission, he strives to become a polished performer, and is opportunistic and cynical (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by the Harveys #ad).

"When one with honeyed words but evil mind, persuades the mob, great woes befall the state."

- Euripdes, Orestes, a play first presented in 408 B.C.E.

Tragically, the mob was persuaded.

Mar 28, 2022

America, Jupiter-Saturn, Pluto, 00AQ00

Is The Great Eye of Horus Still Watching Over America?

by Jude Cowell

Perhaps you've noticed that America's July 4, 1776 Jupiter-Saturn Square from Cancer to Libra is a major cosmic condition established during our nation's founding era. So when societal planets Jupiter and Saturn form a prominent aspect by transit, our country's Jupiter-Saturn Square tends to mitigate such temporary transiting influences, positively or negatively.

Clues are contained within the square between the two planets for they indicate potentials for:

Beginning new endeavors before completing previous ones; fluctuation between consolidation (Saturn) of previous achievements and the expansion (Jupiter) of energy into new areas; restlessness. On the intellectual plane, their square implies inner moral conflicts (A. Oken) or a clashing of Jupiterian ideals and ideologies with Saturnian principles and laws which should be an attempt to find balance (expansion vs restriction).

Other possibilities of the square include financial, business, and professional difficulties due to unfortunate circumstances, faulty planning, poor judgment, or through a lack of opportunity. Plus, bad timing and feelings of oppression may occur, especially during times when the square, US Jupiter @6Cancer, or US Saturn @15Libra, are activated by transit and/or progression.

Yet since astrological Jupiter, acting so often in his role as the Great Benefic, can sometimes 'grease the skids' toward negative outcomes, perhaps it isn't always such a negative cosmic condition that Americans have had to deal with since our nation's founding, for the square's blocking function can apply much needed brakes to an overly optimistic proposal or situation!

Jupiter-Saturn Cycle: A New Societal Order

Now as you know, the current (appr 20-year) Jupiter-Saturn Cycle began on December 21, 2020 with their Conjunction @00AQ29 and happened to conjunct US Inaugural Sun, therefore, a midpoint picture formed, as we've previously discussed. This cosmic synchronicity directly 'ties in' the US Presidency to the beginning of this particular new societal order until the next Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction on October 31, 2040 @17Lib56.

Coming Soon: April 4, 2022 Mars-Saturn Conjunct in Aquarius

So on April 4, 2022 (in a few days), comes a Mars-Saturn Conjunction @22AQ24. Round up for "23AQ" and we have "A Big Bear Sitting Down And Waving All Its Paws," a cosmic word picture for Russia, and Mars-Saturn noted for its connection to the 'death axis' of destruction (R. Ebertin) - obviously a reflection of Putin's war against Ukraine. Curiously, the previous Mars-Saturn Conjunction perfected on March 31, 2020 - @00AQ39. This is yet another cosmic condition during Year 2020 which was chocked full of great difficulties for America and the world, not the least of which is the fact that the year began with the Great Conjunction of the harsh, compressive, warmongering, health-destroying duo of Saturn-Pluto, a meeting which occurs approximately every 33 years.

The Jupiter-Saturn Duo in Government

Checks and balances; changes in governmental religious, or social orders; repression based on morality instituted by law or religion; the serious side of law and justice; too many restrictions on the operation of justice; a judicial system at its breaking point; leniency and harshness vie for balance within the overall social and economic systems; and/or pessimism about the ability of the police to control lawbreakers' (Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey #ad).

The Tower Tarot Card #16; Enchanted Tarot Deck

Meanwhile, if we look toward a past Solar Eclipse, the one I've termed The Tower Eclipse of 2018 for its 'collapse and rebuild' theme, what do we find but activist malcontent planet Mars, the warrior, @00AQ19! So that's a Mars-to-POTUS-Sun transit with you-know-who, the 'builder of towers', in the Oval Office at that time. This transit represents a surge of machismo along with increased anger and possibly feverish conditions. Temper temper, little man!

Then looking forward, we have little if any option to avoid considering a major Universal shift of energies when transit Pluto Conjuncts 00AQ00 in 2023 and 2024 and the tranformative effects of such a shift, having last occurred in 1777, and possibly relating to the ending of 'The New Order of the Ages' that America's founders set up. However, there's a Caution: The midpoint picture shown in the post contains difficult potentials so only the bravest of daring readers should follow the link.


From Back in the Olden Days Comes a Previously Published Historical Horoscope of The Founding of the Federal City 1791.