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Mar 26, 2022

Clarence Thomas: Natal Chart w March 18, 2022 Transits

by Jude Cowell

March 26, 2022

As you've undoubtedly heard, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been released from Sibley Memorial Hospital as of Friday March 25, 2022 after a week's stay. Justice Thomas was reportedly admitted on Friday March 18th with "flu-like symptoms" and treated for "an infection". With his natal horoscope accurately timed (RR: AA), we can point out that his natal Mars-Neptune midpoint (infections; illness; weakness; toxins) was spotlighted, and perhaps revealed or uncovered - by the March 18th Full Moon @27Vir40 and its opposing Sun (@27Pis40 with contagious Neptune @23Pis03) And of course, that's Virgo, sign of Health; meanwhile, midpoint pictures were formed by transit to natal as you can see in the bi-wheel, below:

Inner chart: Clarence Thomas natal June 23, 1948 9:00 pm est Pin Point, Georgia; Hour of Venus; chart-ruler Saturn makes no applying aspects but Jupiter Rx in his own sign aids Thomas's legal career and financial endeavors by trining natal Saturn (3A27) from 11th house of Groups and Associations (those who helped seat him on the SCOTUS bench: friends in high places, as they say) to his 7th house of Partnerships. Now as you know, 1948 still contained the harsh Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of August 11, 1947 (13Leo07) but their stark energies had begun to wane by the time baby Clarence appeared on the scene, but were still of influence upon the little tyke.

Then, for his 'ruthless determination toward success' (aka, 'success at any cost') we find radical Uranus @26Gem41 (conjunct Ceres, archetype of the democracy he and wife Ginni would destroy!) leading a LOCOMOTIVE shape of his natal planets. His first-house out-of-bounds Moon @1AQ23 links to erratic Uranus via Aquarius so there's something in his childhood that has spurred him on. Emotional emptiness bwo of a distant mother, and privation are my guesses, how about yours? This implies that his serious demeanor could be from more than the Saturn-Pluto duo's influence, plus, his having sober Saturn as chart-ruler of his Ascendant. In 1948, social conditions in 'Pin Point' (!) could not have been easy.

Current Transits to Natal Horoscope

Lower right you see a list of current transits and here are a few potentials they may inspire:

Jupiter opposing Mars: a period when physical actions are delayed or interrupted, including legal activities; enterprises on a grand scale can collapse under their own weight.

Saturn opposing Saturn: regret for past actions; correcting mistakes is called for; authority is challenged (recuse! resign! some shout); authenticity may be questioned.

Venus opposing Pluto: underhanded manipulation, cutthroat competition; shameless exploitation; vicious gossip; power struggles; jealousy, revenge; obsession; connections to organized crime may be uncovered, along with financial deceptions. (Note that Full Moons can behave much as Uranian Lunar Eclipses by disruptively revealing inconvenient facts and/or unsavory relationships; also note that transits to Thomas's natal chart are also highly significant for his wife.)

Mars will oppose natal Pluto, then natal Saturn on or about March 24 and April 1, 2022 which suggests a period when manipulative actions are a waste of time, and arousing the antagonism of others only makes conditions worse; things should be kept at status quo and hostile confrontations avoided, if possible; attempting to impose authority creates anger and resentment, and adherence to rules and regulations is a must because taking shortcuts will bring unfavorable results; delays or cancellations should be expected; guard the health of bones, teeth, and/or chronic conditions, plus, be cautious because accidents and injuries are possible.

Now disruptive Uranus @12Tau13 not only knocks on Thomas's 4th house door of domestic scene, but its erratic influences can also boomerang into the opposing house, the 10th house of Career and Public Status. Whether the current scandal/s will lead to a resignation or other change of direction, we must wait and see, but electric Uranus, aka, The Witness, has the capacity to catalyze major changes and reforms. Here we see Uranus 'meeting' Thomas's natal North Node of encounters and future direction and the pair suggests 'meeting with unusual people' (doctors or surgeons? others?) plus, his and his wife's connections to Tr*mp's 1/6 coup attempt may be what's indicated here. After all, Uranus-NN is known for its links to radical political associations and reformers, anarchy, zealotry, and revolution. Meanwhile, his South-Node-Conjunct-Midheaven contains the potential for a thwarted career especially if Saturnian demands have been mishandled or neglected (10th house is Capricorn's natural house), but the conjunction can also provide a strong capacity for hard work.

March 2022: Two Significant Midpoint Pictures

Now as you know, the Moon in Astrology indicates the physical body on one level (Mama, family, women on other levels; We The People and the public in a Mundane Chart), and the physicality applies to male personages as well, so therefore, health is part of the lunar picture. In the bi-wheel we find that in his natal first house are transit Mars and Pluto, a powerful duo, and their midpoint forms a picture with Thomas's Moon with potentials for publicity, injury or even an attack. Then in his natal 8th house, the Full Moon (and Sun opposite) are by degrees wedged between his natal Mars and Neptune which suggests the infection that's been reported, plus, weakness and/or illness (R. Ebertin).

Two Solar Eclipses of Note - One Conjunct Midas in Taurus!

Finally, you see his Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') @18Tau22 penned in the center of the chart with its difficult 4 North themes of 'restraint, restriction, illusions, misjudgments'. Then on October 2, 2024, the (unaspected = self-absorbed in his private inner world) Neptune of Clarence Thomas will be spotlighted, perhaps revealed, by a Solar Eclipse @10Lib03 manifesting in the 8 South Saros Series with themes of: 'separation; loss; sad partings; overstraining one's strength; best to avoid strenuous physical activity until the influences pass' (paraphrasing B. Brady). Thanks to gaslighting Neptune, facts will continue to be difficult to discover but rather easy to veil. Yet the search must go on and indictments must be filed! However, impeaching a SCOTUS justice may be one of those squishy endeavors that Neptune prefers to erode and undermine into oblivion - 'as if it never happened'.

And we know that on political and legal levels, this particular manifestation of an 8 South Eclipse happens to be the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of Election 2024 and of Inauguration 2025, meaning that the two political events take place under the 'wild card' influences of an 8 South Eclipse in Venus-ruled Libra, sign of relationships and of the Scales of Justice. This cosmic circumstance calls for fairplay and cooperation in order for karmic progress to be made.

Okay there's more, dear reader, lots more, and I hope you'll seek it out. I don't usually type on weekends anymore unless compelled by circumstances or events, but the current conditions surrounding the Supreme Court and its now-questionable integrity (thanks in part to Clarence and Ginni) had gotten on my nerves and as an American with a decided preference for democracy, a sleuthing into current transits to his natals simply had to be done.

And as always, your on-topic insights are invited! jc

Mar 23, 2022

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson's Sun-Moon Personality Blend

US Capitol Building west side; Martin Falbisoner, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Above is a photo of the west side of the US Capitol Building where, at least symbolically, this week the days-long confirmation hearing for Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is being held and televised.

Born September 14, 1970 in Washington DC, raised in Miami, Florida, Judge Jackson as the Biden nominee for SCOTUS is under scrutiny by Republican querents determined to paint the accomplished lady as negatively as they can, red herrings and all. Coming from a family of service to our country, via both military and police, their openings are meager unless they resort to their typical habit of fabrications and half truths. No problem for The Big Lie Party! Because as long as sound bites are created from their questioning with an eye toward Midterms 2022, it's all good! And of course, undermining President Biden is a constant Republican objective. (View the SCOTUS Horoscope of 1790 if you wish.)

So with no accurate birth hour known, let's look at the 24-hour period of the Judge's birth date, noted above, for this reveals a practical Earth-Water Sun Virgo-Moon Pisces personality blend. Through the questions and grandstanding complaints by Republicans we find that her Pisces Moon (2:32 - 17:40) is a huge problem for hard-liner 'conservatives' trying to score political points against what some would call a refreshing lunar placement in an otherwise Sun-Saturn trine individual who has graduated with honors everywhere she enrolled, possesses years of legal experience, and who has weighed her every judgment when sentencing with both the perpetrators' and the good of society in mind.

For example, I offer a quote from the Harveys concerning Judge Jackson's Mercury-Jupiter (Neptune) influenced Sun Virgo-Moon Pisces combination of conscious-unconscious energies:

Greatest Strengths: Sound mind and intuitive insight; devotional nature and reverent attitude toward work and life in general; charming sense of humour; humanitarian desire to serve others and the greater good."

So as we see, this blend combines the fact-loving, logical, studious qualities of Virgo with the empathetic, and yes - compassionate - nature of Pisces which creates an enviable ability to see things intuitively as a whole. Yet working within the system is easy for Judge Jackson although her natural shyness makes sharing personal views somewhat of a strain. But share them she must as she deals with the close-minded, one-sided views of certain massive egos on Capitol Hill. And perhaps we can agree that serving "the greater good" is not a Republican objective, nor is governing. Actually, sabotage is their jam.

And yet despite it all (GOP spite included), perhaps you've noticed that Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is defending herself well against their outrageous assertions and my hope is that she will make it through to confirmation with Democratic votes, and take her seat on the SCOTUS bench. If so, the US Justice System and the US Supreme Court will be most fortunate to have her.


For more personality blend info, see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad

Mar 22, 2022

Election 2024's Predictive New Moon Prior

March 22, 2022

Nov 2024: A Scorpio New Moon Enforced by Mars-Pluto

by Jude Cowell

All Democrats and Independents Beware!

Fulfilling a regular reader's request, below is an unmarked DC Horoscope of the predictive New Moon Prior to Election 2024 @9Sco35, which happens to be the Inauguration 2017 Moon position (9Sco21). For the forces of democracy and for the incumbent administration's political prospects, things look rather glum as we've previously discussed in the post linked, below. Of course, other cosmic and/or earthly factors may mitigate these significant circumstances, hopefully in a positive way especially when considering the underhanded means and tactics that are and will be utilized by the success-at-any-cost crowd.

Now as you see in the 2024 Scorpio New Moon chart, there's a high flying Kite pattern of success with Mars the tail and Pluto the nose, plus, both planets are at critical 29-degrees of the Moon-Saturn 4/10 Cancer-Capricorn polarity, and so are very eager to enter the 5/11 Sun-Saturn/Sun-Uranus Leo-Aquarius axis. Apparently, the ruthless Mars-Pluto duo of brutality is determined to win, no matter what it takes. No surprise there. A military connection is also suggested by Mars-Pluto. And even the planet of votes and voters, Mercury, is in Scorpio, ruled (or bossed around?) by Mars-Pluto.

Then another factor worth noting is that this particular Mars-Pluto Cycle begins February 14, 2024 (at 1:05:30 am est in DC; ASC 24Sco27, so again it's forceful Mars-Pluto holding sway). The pair conjuncts @00AQ46:07 and you'll recognize this as the January 20th position every four years of US Inaugural Sun (POTUS) which last conjoined near the end of Tr*mp's term on December 21, 2020 as the Great Conjunction/Mutation of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn @00AQ29, a cosmic marker of a new order. Thus, a midpoint picture was formed by the planetary trio of 'taking destiny into one's own hands, making changes according to plan, or, if nothing has been prepared, becoming gripped by the status quo and having to make the best of things' (Noel Tyl).

Do you think Tr*mp and the GOP have made the best of things?

So if you wish a view of the previously published marked-up version of the New Moon Prior Chart of 2024, plus, an UPDATE that I've added just today, go here. Thanks! jc

Mar 17, 2022

On the Solar Eclipse of Tucker Carlson

March 17, 2022

by Jude Cowell

The natal horoscope of Fox News personality Tucker McNear Carlson overflows with enraged Algol influences - spotlighted by his natal Sun @25Tau38 which also conjoins Midas! - and with a Taurus Moon conjunct fixed star Alcyone ('something to cry about'). No, Carlson's natal chart is not appearing here today because - well, because I don't want it here. His Sun-Midas conjunction to me implies that his life's goal (Sun) is to acquire the gold of Midas, or to become a Midas figure. Obviously, the fellow was born that way. And also born with an unaspected Saturn which can indicate someone without a conscience. For strong political views and a tendency toward debate, we see his Mercury-Mars opposition across the Mercury-Jupiter Gemini-Sagittarius polarity of ethics which also indicates that he loves to hear the sound of his own voice (A. Oken). For Tucker, making mountains out of molehills is a talent, and his views can often flip-flop due to the opposition, plus, the Seesaw shape of his natal planets.

So with this post, let's make note of the fact that the 'PE' (Prenatal Solar Eclipse) Saros Series that baby Tucker was born into with influences that run in the background of his life, is the 7 North which perfected on March 18, 1969 @27Pis25 with themes of 'passion' and 'lust' (B. Brady), plus, a theme that unfortunately it seems fit to add due to current circumstances: bloodlust.

My point is, a 7 North Eclipse repeats on April 20, 2023 @29Aries50 (in Carlson's 10th house of Career and Public Standing - secrets revealed? a change of direction?). Meanwhile, a 7 North manifestation was, in February 1933, what I've been compelled to label the 'Fascism Rising Eclipse', primarily because the Reichstag Fire, Hitler's false flag op used to help justify his power grab of the German government and what was to come, occurred under the auspices of the 1933 manifestation of a 7 North Eclipse.

Forewarned Is Forearmed

So if such be-prepared topics interest you, I recommend a view of the Third Reich Horoscope of January 30, 1933 (Campion chart #126) showing 25Tau34 rising along with fixed star Algol and the Sun-Midas conjunction of Tucker Carlson, busy making his income by promoting totalitarianism on-air. And naturally, you'll also recognize the late degrees of possessive, sometimes intolerant Taurus as the natal Midheaven, the Goal Point, of one Herr Tr*mp where violent Algol twinkles maliciously with malevolent intent, as we've seen.

As for the erstwhile Fox News personality and shill-for-Putin, Tucker Carlson recently broadcasted his program from Orban's Hungary. So in closing, here's an excerpt from a previous post with the founding data for Hungary:

"Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes (#ad) provides two charts for 'Hungary': #149 November 13, 1918 12:00 CET Budapest; ASC 00AQ02; MC 28Sco05; and 'Hungary - Democratic' #150 set for October 23, 1989 12:00 CET Budapest; ASC 7Cap20; MC 8Sco18."

Mar 16, 2022

Zelenskyy to US Congress: Midpoint Pix

March 16, 2022

As you know, and perhaps watched, this morning at 9:00 am edt (began @9:06 am edt), Ukraine's President Zelenskyy virtually addressed the US Congress and the Ameircan people from an undisclosed location in Kiev, Ukraine. He mentioned, as previously reported, that Ukraine will not be joining NATO but asked that a no-fly zone over Ukraine be established (President Biden says, no, this would mean all-out war between Russia and the US), and for more weapnonry and aide. More military and humanitarian aide he is and will be receiving, and President Biden will speak shortly before noon today, last I heard.

Now today my real life environment is busy but I felt compelled to prepare a page displaying the midpoint pictures and a few astro-notes for you of 9:06 am edt and 9:23 am edt on Capitol Hill, Washington DC. Hopefully, you will be able to read them, below. If not, please enlarge the image or print it.

A stand-out is a midpoint picture with Neptune, planet of the masses and of mass media, which veils the incendiary Mars-Uranus midpoint and suggests potentials for "pushing for change" (M. Munkasey), and "people with bad intentions; overtaxed strength" (R. Ebertin). Sounds correct to me.

Another midpoint picture listed on the chart (apex Jupiter highlighted in green) is Mercury-Neptune = Jupiter: 'harboring great hopes; an actor or poet' (Ebertin). Perhaps we can agree that Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the speaker, is playing the role of thespian Jupiter on such a level. Meanwhile, planet of oration and negotiation, Mercury @10Pis33/37, remains in the 11th house and happily, Mercury is Direct - as is the money bags planet of politicians, corporatists, and broadcasters, generous Jupiter in compassionate Pisces. Thus we see the outpouring of aide and support for the Ukrainain people.

Now as you see, while President Zelenskyy spoke, radical Uranus, planet of war, revolt, and upheaval, arose as the Ascendant morphed from 7Tau35 to 13Tau37, and to me this suggests the Mars-Uranus Conjunction @6Tau44 on US Inauguration Day 2021. Conjunct US Inauguration Ascendant (@14Taurus = Oath of Office), unpredictable, upsetting, inflammatory, and/or unusual or erratic events are and have been the case for the Biden presidency. And with starry Menkar rising, we find that all presidents are expected to 'say what needs to be said'. And yet with Uranus rising, there's a potential for great coping ability!

As for House changes, there are two: Sun in Pisces moved from the hidden 12th house to the 11th house of Groups and Wishes, and Saturn - conjunct Nemesis - moved from 11th house to the more visible 10th house of Public Status and the World Stage. At this moment, I'll venture no speculation on what this entails.

But I will add that the rising position of Uranus in Taurus opposes what is generally considered to be the natal Venus in Scorpio of Mr. Putin and this transit at least partially describes the unexpected reactions and criticisms Putin garnered for his cruel invasion of Ukraine. This transit marks a period when agreements made are broken, and joint ventures are subject to change and separation. Vlad thought a take-over would be easy but the Ukrainian people proved him wrong!

Okay, so I'll hush for now with the hope that the following information may be useful to you, or that it is at least somewhat interesting:

Mar 15, 2022

How China Can & Will Use NAFTA Against America - Thom Hartmann

March 15, 2022

Here is a brief Thom Hartmann segment from about two weeks ago in which Thom discusses with a caller America's "biggest foreign blunder," NAFTA, and the harm that China can do to our country and the world, especially now that China is said to be in favor of Putin's aggressive invasion of Ukraine:

And for astrologers who can use the information, here's an excerpt from a previous post:

"Chart data from Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes (#ad) which gives its own sources: NAFTA took effect January 1, 1994 at 12:00 am est Washington DC." Set up the horoscope (ASC 6Lib57; MC 7Can54, 6 planets in Saturn-ruled Capricorn) and you'll find an Earth-Fire blend of Sun Capricorn-Moon Leo which happens to be shared natally by China's revolutionary leader Chairman Mao Zedong.

This combination of conscious (Sun) and unconscious (Moon) energies denotes the dictatorial leanings of a volcanic temperament, plus, visionary ability, and the utilization of dogmatism (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, The Harveys #ad).

Mar 11, 2022

April 2022 Solar Eclipse is one to watch

March 11, 2022

by Jude Cowell

For my Friday post, this is a rather simple one: an image plus astro-notes of the 6 North Solar Eclipse which perfects on Saturday April 30, 2022 @10Tau28, a degree area of the Zodiac recently catalyzed by transiting Uranus, electrical planet of radical reforms, anarchy, disruption, zealotry, Utopianism, chaos, progress and futurism. Of interest is that the 6 North eclipse opposes what is generally considered to be the natal Venus in Scorpio of Vladimir Putin and suggests a measure of 'karmic responsibility' in the areas of materialism and spiritual demands (R. Lineman).

Additionally, we know that all eclipses are Uranian due to their tendency to cause changes of direction with possibilities of upsets, protests, riots, turmoil, even weather and earth events, and as such, labels such as 'cosmic blinks' and 'wild cards of the Universe' apply with results dependent upon multiple planetary factors, both positive and negative. Plus, the triggering of sensitive or critical degrees and/or fixed star positions can add strength to the influences of a given eclipse.

And as always on Planet Earth, motivation is everything!

Now you'll note that the 6 North Eclipse Horoscope of 2022, shown below, is set for Washington DC, and carries themes of 'relationships with authority/father figures, a need to take responsibility and control, accepting commitments due to another person's unreliability or illness' (B. Brady).


Of significance due to current events and the rhyming function of history in tandem with recurring eclipse cycles, a 6 North Eclipse also manifested on March 7, 1932 @17Pisces and this lunation (suggesting similarity of historical events echoing from 1932) may turn out to qualify as a cosmic time link with the culminating Full Moon of September 10, 2022 - also @17Pisces:

General Notes: Solar Eclipses in Taurus and in Pisces

Keywords for Eclipses in Venus-ruled Taurus include patience, persistence, stability, endurance, practicality, reliability (countering 6 North's theme of unreliability). Efforts must be well-directed toward the correct needs for best results since not every method adequately solves every problem. For karmic progress, negative Taurean traits should be avoided such as bullheadedness, rigidity, crass materialism, greed, wastefulness, and over extravagance.

Keywords for Eclipses in Jupiter-ruled Pisces (with elusive, eroding Neptune as higher octave influencer) include recognition of the deeper or hidden karmic implications of societal problems, individuals' spiritual preparation for higher consciousness, empathy and compassion. Negatively, avoiding being blinded by illusions and delusions goes a long way toward karmic progress, while carefully rejecting futile efforts is necessary to keep conditions from worsening within the Collective.

Then typical with the shady sign of Pisces (and with eclipses in general), secrecy and subversion are often revealed or leaked, and a correctly motivated search for spiritual awareness is essential (note that Sat*nism does not qualify!) so basically, underhanded actions, malicious schemes, and criminal activities are major no-nos.

Well, there it is. My study notes are squooshed upon the April 2022 Eclipse chart for the curious to read if they wish, and do leave your on-topic, name-tagged observations in a comment with this post, as you wish. Your insights are always welcomed around here! jc

Related Posts include: Moon-Neptune and the Tragedy of Mass Delusion and April-May 2022: Cosmic Shifts and Blinks.