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Aug 8, 2010

On the Big Hole America Is In (Gerald Celente video)

The other day, Trends Research Institute's Gerald Celente called in to the RegularGuys Radio broadcast to explain a few things about the Big Hole America is in.

And as you know, there's no way to explain our condition without lambasting the politicians, banksters, and other social tinkerers who plopped us there in order to further their fascist, totalitarian agenda which now enforces the chaos of dire changes upon the entire planet.

If you notice on the Trends Research Institute's website, Mr. Celente's predictions are compared to Nostradamus' predictions which most people know about because of the King of Alarm Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999, in a difficult Series (1 North) relating to finances and which cautions on acting hastily since 'info is is distorted and possibly false.' (Brady's Predictive Astrology.) You'll remember how antsy Bush and Cheney were to march to war for they had to make the most of the emotions we Americans were feeling then as engendered by the attacks of 9/11.

Yes, 1N has been perking along every 18.6 years since its inception on January 4, 1639 with Sun/Moon 13Cap48. Interestingly enough, St. George's name (of Dragon fame) was in play in 1639 as the imperialist British Empire was making its staining mark upon the good people of India...and US-UK strong-armed paternalism continues apace in the New Millennium.

1N and the Jan 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse, though in the 13N Series, are linked bwo critical degree (13Cap) even though they're 372 years apart: both are in Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business, and both occur on January 4, as noted.

But 13N brings a different vibe to society:

The energy concerns large, ambitious group projects and associations; a previously existing bond is broken but joint achievement follows (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology.) This Series is seldom considered to be the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of the United States of America yet its flavor certainly describes our nation's founding; yet one would have to use its date of initial manifestation for it to be used as our nation's PE: August 14, 1776.

This 'works' if one accepts August 1776 as the actual time that the complete signing (s) of the Declaration of Independence by all delegates was achieved (it was) with Sun/Moon @ 21Leo52 conjunct Venus 22Leo46, Mercury 9Leo52, and warring Mars 18Can13, conjunct the degree of the current Solar Eclipse of July 11, 2010 (19Can24.)

Yes, speaking of trends, the rigid Fixed Cross Solar Eclipse of August 1999 foretold the dire warnings spouted by George Bush and his team especially once the attacks of 9/11/01 had been carried out upon NYC's commercial complex, the World Trade Center, and upon the good yet unsuspecting people of NYC.

And of course, Bush's famously inappropriate 'just go shopping' advice might be considered merely chuckle-headed if it weren't so draconian and telling - particularly considering the 1999 eclipse's other title, the King of Terror Eclipse.

How apt a title for starting a propagandistic "war on terror" campaign to mark the New Millennium and undermine the laws and fortunes of America! So tell me again: who are the real terrorists who ushered in the New Millennium - al Qaeda, or the hole-digging, coup'd-by-neocon-Zionists US government?

Aug 6, 2010

'Poison tap water' = flouridated water (it's in toothpaste, too)

This is an alert that, for the people's sakes, should be passed round and round.

So that's how concentration camp inmates remained so docile...leave it to the nazis.

Right now I'm thinking...population control.

Yes, Virginia, there really are select gaggles of men and women in the world who go to any lengths to retain their high and mighty advantages while bethinking themselves to be above the rest.

Truth is, they act in primal, subhuman ways toward all humankind and are influenced by dark forces that will devour them alive, not promote them. Which makes them really rather stupid when you think about it. Suckas.

Wildfires approach Chernobyl

Russia's over-centraliztion of power is being blamed in some quarters for the ineffectual fighting of the 500 wildfires engulfing Russia these last two weeks.

Perhaps it's kinda like putting FEMA out of sight and out of effectiveness into the bowels of Homeland Security here in America.

Even worse news from Russia is that fire is approaching the Chernobyl site, a disaster we shall lament in perpetuity.

It's astoundingly tragic but such are the times of Cardinal T-Squares and Grand Crosses. Where will it end? The horoscope of the Chernobyl disaster (April 1986) has Neptune @ 5-6 Capricorn, where Pluto, planet of nuclear power, now traverses.

Pluto to Neptune: struggles for ideological and/or spiritual control; power becomes an illusion or can be slowly eroded by undermining forces that go undetected.

Meanwhile, my heart goes out to the Russian people, to the drowning Pakistani people, and to the people of Japan who've just honored their dead killed so horrifically by the US bombing of Hiroshima...the 'abomination of desolation'.

Wish I could type more now but a massive thunderstorm is approaching very suddenly so it's time to shut down...

The special interests of John Boehner (video)

Teachers speak to John Boehner concerning his comment lumping them in with 'special interests' which, to be fair, is only Mr. Boehner doing what they all tend to do: mouth off in an attempt to score political points (with his special interest supporters) and undermine a Democrat in the White House by demonizing the President's attempt to aid struggling state budgets.

Yes, I know centralization of government is one of the big goals these days - it's an American argument so old it has gray whiskers and is quite balding on top.

Still, I personally know many teachers in my region of the country and I do love this video!

Aug 5, 2010

Jon Stewart Gives Up on Congress (video)

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
I Give Up - 9/11 Responders Bill
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

This video may display in an odd fashion but Jon's rant on I Give Up (on Congress) should not be missed especially if you, too, are steamed about Congress' failure to pass legislation to fund health care for the First Responders of 9/11 who now suffer grievously.

Sorry to say, but I gave up on Congress years ago and I can tell you the exact moment: when I watched them frog march to the Bush-Cheney war-drum beat and practically heil themselves to their Germanic 'commander-in-chief', that self-described 'propagnada catapulter', Dubya. That did it for me. How about you?

3 years in, econo-crash continues (video)

Fed up with the fairy tale that our economy is in recovery - that this a a Summer of Recovery? Yes, I wish the tale were true, too, but Gerald Celente disagrees. August 2010 is the 3rd anniversary of the US financial collapse and 3 years in, we're still being fed pablum, bromides, slogans, and lies while many Americans eat gruel for their one meal a day. American children go to bed hungry while endless war continues to be funded.

There are forces in the world that decided on America's demise and as long as plutocrats rule we'll stay on a downward course with little if any correction. We'll continue to hear finagled stats and numbers that promote political aims but which give only lip service to easing the suffering across this land.

Billionaires are banding together to donate half their fortunes with much of the funds going to benefit other nations even though doing business in America is what made it possible for many of them to profit so abundantly. Everyone is supposed to say, Ahhh, how sweet of 'em, while their tax situations benefit handsomely from their calculated largess.

Gerald Celente says our schools and government look backward, not forward. Remember how much was made about Ben Bernanke's input because he's a Great Depression expert? At the time, I thought that could also work against us - he knows the financial crash drill, the ins and outs of how to collapse the US economy. He of the Fed also knows that he who prints the money rules the government.

Okay, I'll hush now. But please watch the 6-min-31-sec video even though it isn't fairy-tale-like. In it, Mr. Celente provides another dose of reality which the transit of Saturn to US natal Neptune (grim reality or making dreams real - guess which one for the American people) in August-September 2009 should have made clear before now like a huge splash of cold water (politicians' lies notwithstanding.)

Actually, perhaps it did and is probably one of the many reasons Americans have little confidence in the US government right now: with the so-called American Dream squashed and shown to be a Big Lie, we've seen the government's true oligarchic, plutocratic face that cares only for the rich, and its face is much uglier than we first imagined.

Hermesia looks backward and forward simultaneously which is the best way to figure out the present.

Plus, be sure to check out Lynn Hayes' excellent article from 2009 concerning Financial Collapse 2008 and the futurist predictions of Gerald Celente: Revolution or Renaissance?

Aug 4, 2010

Sign of a very bad idea: US church to burn the Koran

Well, how groovy is this? To 'mark 9/11' a Florida church is asking other churches to join in a burning of the Koran, a book of evil, they say.

So I shall assume that these same Christians missed the one about loving our enemies as ourselves. And apparently, the sin of lying the US into an illegal and endless war that bombs, kills, and maims innocent women and children can hardly be said to resemble an upstanding, 'Christian' thing to do.

Are they completely tone deaf, trying to 'speed up' Armageddon, or simply daft as a bunch of bed begs?

This book burning behavior may have been spurred by the proposed near-Ground-Zero construction of a mosque in NYC. That doesn't sit well with me either, but I do think respect for other people's religion is part of the reason America was founded.

Or does religious tolerance in the US become only lip service when your emotions run high enough to ignore other people's rights?

A new source of BPA & Pres Obama's Chiron Return

If like me you fret over contact with the endocrine disrupting chemical BPA (bisphenol A), you'll be disturbed to find that studies show it turning up on 40% of all store receipts thus dangerously contaminating store clerks and the customers they hand receipts to.

This is the chemical that's been poisoning us for years in plastics such as water bottles, in soda cans, and the linings of some baby formulas, etc. And now this.

Has a secret method of BPA delivery been outed? Peep-eye!

"Major retailers using the BPA-containing receipts include McDonald’s, CVS, KFC, Whole Foods, Walmart, and the U.S. Postal Service, according to the EWG research. Safeway was found to have the highest amounts of BPA on their receipts, at a level of up to 41 milligrams."

Safeway! When I lived in DC many moons ago, Safeway was the only place to shop for groceries. And I make a point of shopping at Walmart perhaps twice a year, if that.

With the Big Recession ongoing and more people shopping at 'dollar stores' I wonder if any of them were included in the study? They should have been, imho. Then there's the paper manufacturing industry. How could they be unaware of the hazards?

Well, doesn't this beat all? 'Spend your money with us and we'll send you to the nearest cancer clinic'. Including their own employees! It's no wonder illness is Big Business in America. What a racket.

Read more here.

Oh, and 49th Happy Birthday to President Obama. 49-years-old means his Chiron Return (5Pis19 in 1st house) is on the way and in his case, it's a whopping five-fer:

1. May 21, 2011
2. June 27, 2011
3. Feb 26, 2012
4. Oct 19, 2012
5. Dec 10, 2012

As you see, Mr. Obama's Chiron Return is a long, drawn-out affair and to the extent that he is America's leader, we will experience it along with him.

When a cosmic body returns to natal position, all the aspects in the natal chart are re-emphasized and activated. In Barack Obama's natal chart this includes:

1st house Chiron, Venus (1Can47, 5th h), and Neptune (8Sco36, 9th h) indicates to me quite a mystical personality especially with the midpoint of Jupiter (00AQ52 Rx, 12th h) and Chiron upon his Ascendant...Jup/Chiron = ASC. Now I'm no Chiron aficionado (see Julie Demboski for that) but this midpoint picture describes mystical tendencies, an unconscious inflation, and being swallowed by the unconscious.

Speaking of the last, all US presidents since 1933 have taken their presidential oaths with Fixed Star Menkar rising (14Tau+) for that is what happens in Washington on January 20 in any inaugural year. This relates to Cetus the Whale and the story of Jonah who was swallowed by the whale for not delivering the message required. Guess this plays into the 'propaganda catapulter' role which was so ably described by George Bush when he played president - his own description of what his job as president was.

But back to our current mouthpiece - his Jupiter/Chiron = ASC indicates a receptivity to mysticism for Jupiter is where one feels a resonance with the unknown and the presence of the spirit. In Christianity, this would relate to faith and the Holy Spirit. In mysticism, your guess is as good as mine. And Chiron as the Wounded Healer acts as a Christ archetype in astrology charts - Chiron The Key, Christ the Key to paraphrase, "No man comes to the Father but through Me."

Further emphasizing such spiritual tendencies is his Water Grand Trine with mystical Neptune, devoted Venus (conjunct US natal Venus in Cancer), and shaman Chiron. Mr. Obama's natal Jupiter is, as you know, conjunct Inaugural Sun 00AQ+ and in his case, also conjunct that pesky Inaugural 2009 Mercury Rx which influenced a 2nd oath-taking due to Justice John Roberts' flubbing (Rx) of his lines when administering the oath (Mercury.)

Water Grand Trines emphasize the protective, receptive, and protective power of trines in general; a certain tranquility and unrufferability is often seen in the personality (even if cigarette smoking has to calm a restless, nervous Gemini Moon. Not surprising when you're in a position of playing with so many people's lives and futures.) Mr. Cool!

Water Grand Trines give one a talent for responding to subtle undercurrents, great creative talents, excellent powers of detection, and an inner life that seems more numinous and real than an often harsh outer reality.

But the emotional containment suggested by a Water GT makes the individual difficult to know well and my suspicion is that it plays into America's easy bamboozlement during the 2008 campaign for our national Neptune, planet of veils and deceptions, conjoins Mr. Obama's natal Mars, his action-desire principle. This contact between us also describes what was called his 'Rock Star' status early on (glamorous Mars-Neptune), and makes understanding his motivations and actions as president difficult, if not impossible, for we-the-people to detect or understand.

Yet when we consider the 5 dates of the President's Chiron Return stretching into 2012, I suspect we will begin to understand more fully what truly motivates our mystical President Obama.

So Happy 49th Birthday, Mr. President. For your 50th, you'll be in the mystical midst of a very l o n g Chiron Return - and taking America along on the journey.


Charts used: Barack Obama August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii; ASC 18AQ03; Mc 28Sco54 conjunct 2009's Inaugural Moon 29Sco45; Inauguration 2009: Jan 20, 2009 noon EST, Washington DC.

Aug 3, 2010

Steamed over Chelsea's $11,000 wedding cake?

If you're steamed over Chelsea Clinton Mezvinsky's extravagant, multi-million-dollar wedding last Saturday, your blood pressure won't likely simmer down from reading an article on the topic by Paul Craig Roberts, I assure you.

Oprah was in attendance and she could have bankrolled the Secret Service protection which American taxpayers paid for to keep the wedding guests safe and snug (from us, one supposes.) Therefore, we taxpayers should each have a slice of Chelsea's wedding cake tucked in our freezers, at the least!

Plus, Mr. Roberts asks some interesting questions in his article concerning the exorbitant incomes of Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, and others. And notice that George Bush's compadre in war, Tony Blair, was invited to the uppercrust wedding at the Astor mansion.

This hints at what I fuss about here all the time: could it be that they're all in this together against we-the-people (and all other people)? And the sight of Bill and Poppy Bush traveling around collecting millions in disaster relief donations from the likes of you and me?


Agenda 21, Climate Change, & David de Rothschild (video)

Plus, the word I left out of the title of this post: plastics.

Remember the (de) Rothschild Family has helped fund and stir up most if not all of the wars and revolutions the world has seen for centuries (whatever costs weren't charged to the American taxpayer.) And that's not counting the plastics coup or periodically engineered financial collapses that benefit those in the know and beggar the rest.

Now Agenda 21, the UN global initiative? If you're unfamiliar with it since the New Millennium, you shouldn't be - just look around you!

Let us remember Seattle November 20, 1999 when people from many nations joined the protesters against Stealth Government creating a global constitution (WHO, IMF, and the World Bank.) Their Seattle cabal was successfully disrupted by 3 days of protests but the power elite have learned how to secrete their planning shenanigans better since then.

Within recent memory are the protests at the G20 in Toronto in June, 2010 which showed the Canadian police acting in even more of a strong-armed way as Seattle police toward protesters (who are always seeded with false flag operatives who smash windows, etc, to confuse public opinion and divide the protesters' solidarity.)

Now a thunderboomer has arrived, shutting down for now because I possess a healthy respect for lightening.

Aug 2, 2010

Planets of August 2010: a time of reconciliation?

Reading the current Visual Astrology Newsletter has given my spirits a boost this morning concerning one of the planetary line-ups of August 2010!

So what planets are involved in this uplifting star narrative for August?

If we look west in the early evening this week we may view them: Venus as the Evening Star, warrior Mars, and more faintly, King Saturn, all riding upon the wing of Virgo near the blue star, Spica (key phrase: a potential for brilliance), which twinkles a little further to the east.

On the evening of August 12, 2010 look for a sliver of a Crescent Moon after sunset joining the throng and reflecting Venus' Evening Star status which indicates a conciliatory tone to the proceedings. (When she's the Morning Star, Venus is warlike so her condition here is fortuitous for the world.)

It is the light of powerful Venus that brings healing to the warring-Mars/leader-Saturn conjunction; the wing of Virgo signifies a condition of exile. As an exiled 'king' or leader (Saturn) raises an army (Mars) and consults with his generals, Evening Star Venus, in her role as diplomat, will place reconciliation on the table and in the news until early September!


Blog Note: if you've seen my recent post on the December 2010 Lunar Eclipse (29Gem) please revisit and check out Jonathan's comment with his excellent addition to the chart analysis. Thanks once again for your astute insights, Jonathan!

Jul 31, 2010

Chelsea Clinton weds Marc Mezvinsky 7.31.10

This is just a brief heads-up in case you're interested in the Wedding Day Astrology Report of Chelsea Clinton and Marc Mezvinsky who are tying the nuptial knot this very evening in upstate New York, it is reported.

The pair are marrying under a Fire-Fire combo of energies so you may wish to check it out since I presume your invitation to the festivities hasn't arrived in time!

Well, mine didn't either.

In addition, you'll find a link to bio details on former first-daughter Chelsea including her natal chart along with Marc Mezvinsky's birth date.

With Marc's birth time unknown, it's possible that his natal Moon is in late Aquarius, or in Pisces. If it's in Pisces, they have themselves a Sun Pisces (Chelsea)-Moon Pisces (Marc) conjunction very suitable for marriage.

However, it's usually better if the man's Sun conjoins the lady's Moon. In their case (if theirs is a Pisces Sun/Moon combo), the balance of power in their partnership will be on Chelsea's side. Plus, natally Marc's Sun-Neptune conjunction in Sagittarius (and Neptune is a co-ruler of Pisces) indicates an alternating ability to express himself with confidence followed by an over-compensating brashness which may lead to disappointment.

Very creative, yes, but his is a veiled outlook on life: facing harsh realities is not his strong suit! Meanwhile, Chelsea's natal Sun in Pisces-Moon in Leo, and her intensely passionate Venus-Pluto opposition, indicate a strongly romantic nature with a zest for life, and with something of a Cinderella quality to it.

But why fret when the couple's exalted social position, wealth, and powerful connections will always 'save their bacon' so that life's 'harsh realities' may never have to be fully faced at all!