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Jul 30, 2010

Lunar Eclipse 29Gem21 Horoscope Dec 21, 2010

Set for Washington DC, the horoscope of the December 21, 2010 Lunar Eclipse 29Gem21 has financial and business implications for the USA and falls upon a critical, crisis-ridden 29th degree. Old business needs to head on up and move on out, but will it?

(Please click image to enlarge the horoscope.)

So perhaps I'm skipping ahead a bit posting the Dec 2010 Lunar Eclipse chart now since much will occur between now and the end of the year - but I think it's pertinent to today's debate on the potential for a double dip recession here in America. I will focus on the eclipse as it pertains to America yet because other nations and entities will be affected by the eclipse as well, I will list them and which of their natal planets are affected at the end of this post when I update it later on. So bookmark, if you wish, and leave your own comments, if you will.

Lunar Eclipse December 21, 2010 3:13:16 am edt Washington DC; Hour of Mercury which is Rx and Lord of the Eclipse; Moon and Mars are out-of-bounds; ASC 6Sco57 with Venus 13Sco55 rising; Eclipse falls across the 2/8 axis of Shared Resources, Big Business, Transformation, Earning Ability, Possessions, and Talents.

You see a full 2nd house containing Mercury 26Sag16 Rx, Sun 29Sag21, North Node (NN) 2Cap44, and Pluto 4Cap57 conjunct Eros (a piercing); Mars is just barely in 3rd house @ 10Cap10. Mars and Pluto are opposing US natal planets in Cancer which are marked outside the chart and snugged around 9th cusp. Even the transiting SN 2Can44, a separative Saturnian point, is affecting natal Venus in December 2010.

(Other natal placements from America's natal chart are marked as well as is Inaugural Moon 2009 which sits upon President Obama's natal Mc - here both are being transited by the difficult Mars/Saturn midpoint in 1st house...Mars/Saturn = Moon (the people): moodiness or depression; a fit of weakness; Mars/Sat = Mc: the power of resistance; endurance; necessity to overcome many difficulties; mourning.)

Lord of the Eclipse Mercury makes only one applying aspect, a square to moneybags Jupiter indicating judgments made based on insufficient or faulty evidence, a search for an easy way out, poor planning, and a lack of the discipline needed to attain goals. Check the business and financial facts before furthering your plans and don't jump to conclusions! Especially with a Solar Eclipse opposing US natal Sun (the leader) awaiting us on the other side of the New Year - at another critical degree.

In the Lunar Eclipse chart, Mercury represents its usual things: young people, communicators such as reporters, pundits, and writers, commerce and trade, modes of travel, and thinking processes. Equipment breakdowns are possible, and contracts and negotiations proceed with difficulties, fits and starts. Mercury Rx often indicates delays or mistakes, and reviews and rethinking are needed.

With a red dotted line, I have taken the liberty of sketching a sort of YOD pattern (crisis; turning point; special task; Finger of God) with the Pluto/ASC sextile focusing on the 8th cusp, in Gemini, the dualistic sign of duplicity and multiplicity. Problems continue as this Lunar Eclipse reveals hidden secrets in finance and business. And there's trickster Pan 6Gem47 Rx ('panic') sits upon the eclipse's 8th cusp with gold-hoarding Midas 8Gem27 Rx nearby and conjunct US natal Uranus 8Gem55.

With 'Big Business' Scorpio rising, Mars and Pluto rule the chart; their applying aspects are as follows:

1. Mars semisquare Neptune 26AQ27 (1A18) in 4th house and still visiting with America's natal Moon (we-the-people) causing a sense of rootlessness, homelessness and foreclosures, and a large amount of fraud directed at royally hornswaggling us. Chiron 27AQ07 is there, too, which shows that our perceptual shields are wide open - we know that fraud is the order of the day but generally most of us feel powerless (Moon/Neptune) to do much about it. (We must not give up on America!!!);

2. Mars semisquare Chiron (1A57), and thus US natal Moon: irritation with wounding leads to action and/or emotional outbursts (?);

3. Mars square Saturn 16Lib06 (5A56, and in the midst of our US Saturn Return 14Lib48 = 12th cusp) = aggression alternates with apathy, timing may be off, and hindsight is 20/20.

Pluto's applying aspects are as follows:

1. Pluto sextile ASC (2A00): willpower to persevere, can move forward and recover, and has a need to overcome the fear of, and obsession with, loss.

2. and 3. Pluto opposing Moon (5A36): bitterness and resentment toward those who want to control us, and a need for compromise; 3. extremist or manipulative behavior, a lust for authority, and intolerance toward unfair social or political systems.

You see marked on the chart (in pink) a multi-T-Square which is dissociate with both Mutable and Cardinal planets involved, and all are pointing to the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Pisces in the 5th house of Speculation, Gambling, and Creative Pursuits.

Though not apex here in a T-SQ, Mr. Hades still forms a midpoint picture with the societal planets, Jupiter and Saturn so we have...

Jupiter/Saturn = Pluto: any amount of work or trouble in order to attain the desired aims slowly but surely; immense efforts; separation; restriction; violent changes (Ebertin.)

Pluto is apex in two other midpoint pictures...

Sun/Mars = Pluto: fanaticism or one-sidedness in work; making great efforts; unscrupulous procedures; overtaxing one's strength; violence; war.

Venus/Neptune = Pluto: a painful renunciation.

Well, that's it for today. I hope you'll check back soon and we'll continue considering the next eclipse, the Lunar Eclipse of December 21, 2010.


Update Oct 19, 2010: actually what I want to add here relates in part to the next Solar Eclipse of January 4, 2011 which opposes US natal Sun (the leader) and to the Sygyzy Moon (previous lunation) of the attacks of 9/11/01 = a Lunar Eclipse on June 21, 2001 @ 13Cap39, the degree and minute of the Jan 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse - issues and conditions of 2001 return to 2011.

Plus, the upcoming Dec 21, 2010 Lunar Eclipse falls, as you know, upon a crisis degree 29Gem21 (one degree from 9/11's Moon) and bodes ill for financial markets and the US economy. With the Solar Eclipse of Jan 4, 2011 stimulating a crisis degee (13Cap38/39, we find in its Sabian Symbol ('13Cap' = "A Fire Worshiper") that 'overestimation of personal capacity' is a caution for this degree which may affect many areas of life but here we speak of financial considerations and war preparations.

Interestingly, the January 2011 Solar Eclipse has 00Can36 upon its 8th cusp (High Finance; Transformation; the Occult) when the chart is set for NYC (4:02:32 am est) which conjures for us the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse Series prior to the 9/11 attacks = *3 North Series which manifested on June 21, 2001 @ 00Can11, a World Point of Prominence:

'overexcessive; traumatic transformations through news received, perhaps concerning young people; large-scale projects are wanted yet one must not get carried away'. As we know, the Bush-Cheney administration and the Pentagon did get very much 'carried away' as they intended all along (with One World Government plans, y'know), and our nation teeters upon the brink of bankruptcy now (9/11's Moon '28Gem' (we-the-people) = "BANKRUPTCY.")

* paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology

There are more time/degree links to the Jan 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse and one is even closer by degree: the Lunar Eclipse of July 5, 2001 which is the Syzygy Moon (prior lunation) to 9/11/01 and occurred @ 13Cap39 precisely conjunct Jan 4, 2011's Solar Eclipse degree. Similar issues return, and may relate to terrorism and war, yes, but also relates closely to banking failures and/or financial crashes, sad to say.

The Lunar Eclipse degree of June 21, 2001 00Can11, appears on the 8th cusp of the Jan 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse when set for NYC and July 5, 2001's Venus at crisis degree 29Tau55 exactly opposes 2009's US Inaugural Moon 29Sco45 and sits upon the DESC in the Jan 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse chart.

And when we set the July 5, 2001 Lunar Ecl chart for the White House, we get the Mars/Pluto in Sag pair snugged around the chart's IC ('the drain'; endings; domestic scene) so we have:

Mars/Pluto = MC: learning to gain control and use powerful or extreme measures for increasing stature or standing; fulfillment of certain ambitions by attaining influence; principles which propel you to success; dealing with might on either side of any issue; major job maneuver; ambition and confidence; danger from a higher power. (Munkasey; Tyl; Ebertin.)

Michael Munkasey gives the Mars/Pluto combo of energies as: 'using police or military forces against criminal elements; attacks using powerful weapontry; a police state with rigid military controls; using suppression and torture as a means for enforcing policy; wars; mayhem; chaos; rape; exporting political theory and upheaval to others as an objective. (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets.)

That last (which i italicized) reminds me of the Bush-Cheney-neocon 'justification' for preemptive war: "fight them over there so we don't have to fight them here." Orwell much?

Okay, I know this info is on the convoluted side, but if you've managed to stick with me so far, let's recap: the prediction by astrologers and economists that a market crash may be upon us by the end of 2010 is shown in certain eclipse horoscopes which relate to the attacks of 9/11/01 and its lunations.

Jan 4, 2011's Solar Eclipse time links by degree to the Lunar Eclipse which occurred prior to the attacks of 9/11/01 (both @ 13Cap38/39) along with 9/11's Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse (PE) 00Can+ so we may expect similar conditions and issues to arise as we near the end of 2010 and during the first half of 2011.

And if we remember, there were early New Millennial market problems such as the Dot Com Bubble/Crash, plus, market failures and totterings ushered in by the attacks of 9/11 (World 'Trade' Center), so we get a picture of 9/11's market influences rippling into 2011 (including 9/11's unusual 'stop-put options' when mysterious entities made mega-bucks out of the ashes of the World Trade Center attacks, and other market anomalies of that time) which may be reflected by the Dec 21, 2010 Lunar Eclipse @ 29Gem21 (technology and communications of Gemini) since 9/11's Moon 28Gem is conjoined by the Lunar Ecl as well as by Jupiter (money) 28Gem21 in the July 5, 2001 Lunar Ecl chart. The Jan 2011 Solar Eclipse's 'Balance of Power' flavor points to potential trade imbalances such as China's manipulation of its currency.

So as you know, we always look for at least 3 indicators in support of a event or factor in horoscopes before we predict what is likely to manifest in the physical realm. Concerning the end of 2010 and the first half of 2011, there are many indicators of societal problems that they have resulted in this convoluted analysis which I salute you for courageously reading to the end.

Combining Material with Spiritual: Chiron's Bridge and Purpose

Concerning difficult times ahead, let us close with excerpts from the Foreward of The Astrological Aspects by the great Charles E. O. Carter whose Law of Nativity and Rule of Excitation must be kept constantly in mind when predicting physical manifestations, whether positive or negative:

"No material influence, astrological or otherwise, can separate man from spiritual and ideal Realities; in fact, so called evil is frequently the instrument by which he is brought to these things.

On the other hand, man is not called upon to deny the special use and value of material things, but he is required, for his own happiness, to appraise them at their true worth, and not to suppose that they are either nothing or everything.

Seeking to avoid responsibilities and difficulties is both futile and ignoble, whether we seek to do so by material means or by mental or magical methods. Such courses have never been advocated by any of the known Great Teachers of mankind, or even by those leaders of mankind who are honoured exoterically, such as Washington, Lincoln, or Mazzini. On the other hand, we should be merely foolish if we neglected all honourable and reasonable precautions in dealing with our emergencies.


On the other hand, fatalistic views and phrases and arguments that are designed to portray man as the pawn of fate, depress the vitality of body and mind, lead to despair and torpidity, and have a genuine kinship with death. Hence they cannot be true, for it is impossible to believe that man is so constituted that he can only flourish whilst cherishing a false belief in a non-existent freedom.

Finally, I hope that nothing that follows will distress the reader. It is useless to speak as if such an aspect as Mars square Uranus is as pleasant a companion as, say, Mercury conjunction Venus. Science must be frank, Scientists must be courageous and prepared to face facts. But many an apparently difficult configuration will improve upon acquaintance, and few indeed are the horoscopes that do not contain a large portion of good, even in a worldly sense.

As regards the higher part of man's nature, his rational, moral, and aesthetic faculties, it is my firm belief that, if we choose to unfold them, no stellar influence can prevent us, though it may place obstacle and hindrances in our path. There are parts of our lives which the stars do seem to a large extent to dominate, and there is yet greater part which they undoubtedly can affect, both favorably and adversely. It is for us to place our treasure where they cannot penetrate; no easy task, it is true, but probably the only one worth performing."

Charles E. O. Carter June 1930

Rep Anthony Weiner's Rant in the House (video)

Oh you just know I have to post this rant from Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) from yesterday, right? He's calling out Republicans on blocking a bill that would provide free health care for those affected by the toxins of 9/11/01 and his performance gives new oomph and verve to my assertion that it's all Capitol Hill Theater, dahlink!

Actually, Weiner's asertion that the Republicans' objection to the bill on 'procedural grounds' is to give each other cover makes the point as well - anyway, check out this brief video if you've managed to miss it thus far - Weiner wasn't whining, he was yelling. Me likee.

It also illustrates that the continuing 'anything to make Obama fail' ploy of a frustrated, voted-from-the-White-House GOP isn't serving the American people well unless you're a frustrated GOPer yourself - then you may think it's peachy the way things are (not) going.

Well, if you are (and are for unknown reasons reading this populist, common good blog) then I sarcastically thank you for 8 years of Bush-Cheney and the neocon-Zionist wars that have bankrupted our nation and brought such grief and misery to the Middle East and to so many US soldiers and their families.

Bad show. Bad form. Bad politics.

Jul 29, 2010

James Madison's Mars in Capricorn & Continual Warfare

"A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty. The means of defense against foreign danger have been always the instruments of tyranny at home. Among the Romans it was a standing maxim to excite a war, whenever a revolt was apprehended. Throughout all Europe, the armies kept up under the pretense of defending, have enslaved the people." - James Madison, speech at the Constitutional Convention, June 29, 1787 "Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds, are added to those of subduing the force, of the people. "The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, growing out of a state of war, and in the degeneracy of manners and of morals, engendered by both. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare." -JM "Political Observations" April 20, 1795 Here's my remembrance of James Madison from March 2010 which contains a link to his natal chart. Born March 16, 1751 (NS), James Madison has a brilliant Mercury/Uranus conjunction in Aquarius and Mars @ 11Cap49 which is being transited as I type by the North Node of the Moon, a point of public contact or encounter. Ah yes, Mars exalted in Capricorn: ruled by cautious Saturn, this placement for fiery Mars gives its native an ability to focus energy in the most efficient manner possible, a constructive way of doing things, and much circumspection before action is taken by way of preconceived plans. Jimmy would never have rushed America into war, based on lies or otherwise. Mr. Madison not only knew better, he cared better for our nation. And you may as well know that I am unabashedly partial to former first lady Dolley Madison, too. She wasn't simply stylish in her day - she showed spunk under fire on behalf of America! And now, with barbaric neo-fascists at America's gate, it's time to defend our nation again! - edit: August 21, 2022 - jc.

Servicemen discuss local Police State activities (video)

Here's Part I of The Alex Jones Show concerning the activation and deployment of our police and military forces in local areas - of the United States. Wonder what they're expecting to happen? Got an idea what the US government is preparing for?

It's almost as if someone in government is aware of the Cardinal T-Squares and Grand Cross lining up, isn't it? Or more precisely, someone is aware that the soon-to-perfect square between the revolutionary pair, Uranus and Pluto, marks a peak in their cycle which began in the mid-1960s! Are they readying for riots, strikes, protests, and - popular movements by the people against a lying, strong-arming government?

Well, to view Part II click here.

Plus, I had picked up on a tiny story in May 2010 but have not seen mentioned again or explained: the sighting of a United Nations military convoy rolling through Pennsylvania.

Seems to be lots of military training going on in the German sounding 'homeland', m'peops. We should pay close attention while we still can before we suffer a military coup in the US. Oh wait! We already had the first phase: 9/11/01.

Jul 28, 2010

One reason the GOP blocked Dems' DISCLOSE Act

Ignoring for a moment the constant one-ups-manship and 'ego games with important consequences' between our national-international political parties (based in Washington DC - you know the ones), I have an opinion about one of the reasons the DISCLOSE Act was blocked - with the ongoing Cardinal T-Square's Pluto at work squaring/blocking other planets which are engaged simultaneously in tangled opposition - relationships; awareness - with one another...well, I don't have to tell you that it's a difficult, noisy war being waged on a higher level above our noggins (for evolutionarily speaking, we are mere children in the universal scheme of things) and thus in our collective psyche yet it's a war that doesn't have to be expressed as violently against the common good as the power elite would have it.

Refuse to be manipulated!

Now we all know that the current Cardinal T-SQ and off-on Cardinal Cross bring times of tribulation, and it even includes things such as a minority party blocking progress (described by another exact opposition between status quo Saturn on - here, the Rs - and progressive (BHO) Uranus on Monday July 26 (2010; view chart) -- both are being blocked by apex (focal point) Pluto in Capricorn. And Mr. Hades holds all the puppet strings (as he wants us to think.)

Meanwhile, traditionalist Saturn and upstart Uranus are going at it hand to hand across the relationship/balance/war axis, Aries-Libra. But is Pluto interfering on subtle levels in their relationship dynamics? Primal violence is often the most effective arrow in his quiver and humankind pays the price through this dark force's frantic struggle for control of the human race, as down he goes. More guises of Pluto: devil, psychiatrist, Pope.

Eventually transiting Pluto, god of the underworld (and I mean that in every lousy, anti-social, psychopathic way you don't want to imagine), will return to his position in America's natal chart ('charts' for there are many potential birth dates and times for the US but basically Pluto = 27Cap33 Rx) and I think secret hand, wealthy bankster, saboteur and assassin Pluto has already left his psyche-you-out calling card on the world's hall tables, the fancy and the plain.

Well! WikiLeaks' Julian Assange is on TV now in a re-broadcast of last evening's interview conducted by journalist Amy Goodman on DemocracyNow! (which I get bwo of LINK TV.)

And Mr. Assange is correct, I think - America's wars are unsustainable, not easy to exit, and yet we must end them. It's a bitter pill for the Vulcans among us, but frankly, m'dear, I don't give a ham for the warmongers of the world who sit in their libraries and bank vaults while directing young men and women to their deaths as if they were pawns on a chess board.

Yes, the Crashing of America IS their goal and they're doing a good job of it, aren't they? Because now our nation is locked into a death spiral of war and bankruptcy engineered by dark forces - and we-the-people seem to be the only ones desperate for a 180-degree Turn of Direction!!!

Candidate Obama pretended he'd help end the madness, but this seems to have been a campaign ruse. Did he believe his NWO masters would withdraw their crusading footprints from the Middle East because President Obama said Pretty Please? He's a smart guy. And I think he knew the game very well, sorry to say.

So it remains for our citizen-zombies created by drugs both legal and illegal, programmed by entertainment trances and other methods meant to weaken the populace in every way - to awaken from their slumbers. And perhaps now that it's become of great financial consequence to so many, larger numbers of people will pay closer attention to what's really going on here and become active in non-violent displays of dissent.

They say that just recognizing and identifying a monster can go a long way toward lessoning his power and eventually vanquishing him. I submit that here is where monster Pluto comes in.

But sad to say, there's some ill news about the Horoscope for Inauguration 2013 (on Monday Jan 21, 2013): at Midheaven (Mc = The Goal; Aspirations; WHY?) lies not only US natal Pluto, but Vulcan; at Ic (Endings; The Drain; HOW?) lurks Vulcanus, both named for the myth concerning a jealous blacksmith, an iron-fashioner of war weapons.

Things were already bad enough but then his lady Venus betrayed him, you see, by messing around with lusty Mars - and these vulcanic archetypes turning up in the US Inauguration 2013 horoscope are indicative of vengeance, war, and strife or the preparation for war - made more apt to physically manifest in the world for the presidential term (2013 - 2017) because weapon-maker Vulcan has the Mc/Ic axis on both ends, going and coming, upon which to do his worst.

He has four years for the Inauguration 2013 horoscope to be in effect (or until the next US president, if we keep having them, takes the Oath, as mere titular heads or not.) Nuclear concerns cannot be ruled out. Pluto loves this since 'he' was discovered in 1930 and announced the atomic era. (More's the pity for all humankind when that natural law was broken for it brought the world the abomination of desolation and the subsequent contamination they can never be honest with us about.)

Yes, more chart study for Inauguration 2013 must be carried out, of course, for many other chart factors must be weighed in spite of such a strong signature of exactly what our world does not need - more war.

The good news is that we have time to divert the worst of it if we-the-people can manage soon to throw off the dark mantle that's been tossed over our collective right shoulder. More on that later if anyone is interested...because a certain Sabian Symbol describes a very telling and fateful picture.

Well. I almost forgot to say what I consider to be one of the reasons the GOP blocked the Dems' DISCLOSURE Act...

Why, to keep their true faces hidden within the shadows, as you know!

Kalamazoo Oil Spill vs Lake Michigan July 2010

Over 800,000 gallons of oil spilled into Talmadge Creek and the Kalamazoo River on Sunday and Monday, July 25 and 26. Eight million gallons of oil traverse the area every day en route from Indiana to the major refinery town of Sarnia, Ontario. A Canadian company, Enbridge Inc, owns the pipeline.

The Kalamazoo Oil Spill disaster is sending 800k gallons of oil toward Lake Michigan.

You can find more details on Susan Casey-Lefkowitz's Blog.

My thanks to Alex D'Atria for the news tip.

Plus, adding insult to injury, there's now another oil fiasco going on in another part of the Gulf of Mexico (photo included.)

Jul 27, 2010

BP to take almost $10 billion in US tax cuts

Can BP head Tony Hayward leave any sooner than October 1, 2010?

Too late, for BP has decided to take nearly $10 billion in US tax credits to offset the costs of cleaning up and compensating the Gulf Coast due to the BP Deepwater Horizon blowout and its subsequent environmental disaster extraordinaire.

Besides the raw audacity of this tax credit move, its brazenness points out to me how big corporations hold all the cards on their side (with the US government's collusion) for even when industrial titans seem poised on the verge of paying up fairly for their wrongs, transgressions, and cost-saving neglect they can always pull a legal rabbit out of a privileged and silken top hat...perhaps the one they wore last to the yacht races.

Why, it's almost another form of corporate welfare, isn't it? What a sneaky way of transferring corporate costs incurred by their own hand onto the backs of US taxpayers!

And it will be interesting to see if our hallowed US Congress can - or will - move an exalted muscle (so weakened is Congress by executive privilege encroachments these last few years) to do a single, practical thing about BP's tax dodge.

But that's with camera ops and long-winded grandstanding notwithstanding, of course.

A podcast on Political Astrology now available!

Just a brief heads-up for those who may wish to listen to a fresh podcast interview which Practical Astrology's Victoria Bazeley conducted with me concerning Political Astrology, and it's now available at WebTalkRadio.

I feel so 'New Millennial' doing my first-ever podcast, you know, and only 10 years in. So click for a freebie listen, or the interview may be downloaded for later listening, if you prefer. And don't be surprised if you detect my (slight?) southern drawl.

'Political Astrology' is a modern term for looking at politics, political events, politicians, nations, weather, natural disasters, and world concerns using the excellent lens of Astrology; all Political Astrology is Mundane Astrology but not all Mundane Astrology is political.

But there's a statement that needs correcting from the interview: I mention an article now on my drafting board for Julie Demboski's e-zine Eclipse - that I am using for my article the Jefferson-Dunlap version of America's natal chart (1:51 am LMT.) This is not true. In my files are many versions of the US birth chart with most set for July 4, 1776, but with various birth times garnered from the notes or journals of our Founders. Some times are based on additional historial records as well, so many potential Ascendants make for quite a puzzlement concerning America's true natal horoscope.

After all, using various Ascendants can create various chart-rulers so the astro-plot thickens considerably. And it takes years of study and chart rectification through the timing of major events to gain a sense of which chart to use, which one 'works' best. The attacks of 9/11/01 spotlights the Sibly version (5:10 pm LMT) since 2001's Saturn-Pluto opposition falls on its ASC-DESC axis with transit Pluto to natal ASC, tr Saturn to n DESC. Even before 9/11, America's Sibly chart is the one I used most often myself for that and for other reasons.

However, these days I am experimenting with different versions (Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, or Sagittarius rising!) Plus, it's possible to use a variety of US charts for certain issues; ex: Scorpio rising for spying agencies, surveillance, the occult, and/or Big Business. As said, the astro-plot thickens considerably.

However, the Jefferson chart I use for my Eclipse e-zine article is not the 'Jefferson-Dunlap' version, as stated (aka, the 'Jefferson-Jones chart' after Marc Edmund Jones' work on it) but the 'Jefferson chart' set for 6:30 pm LMT (July 4, 1776; 29Sag43 rising which keeps Jupiter as chart-ruler; Mc 22Lib44; Hour of Mercury Rx; Chiron conjunct Ic) which gives a Secondary Progressed New Moon for the US which is within one day of America's Secondary Progressions which are featured in my article.

Whew! I feel better having said that for it's bothered me for days that I "misspoke" during the podcast interview with Victoria - not a huge gaffe, to be sure, yet you and I both know that if I were a DC denizen and perpetrator of Washington politics, a mere 'misspeak' would be all I'd ever admit to!

Of sassy Virgo virgins and Mars-Neptune quincunxes

Today I've been moseying around the internet picking a small bouquet of articles for you, dear reader, and you simply cannot go wrong with Julie Demboski's take on the current Virgoan energies now shared between lovers Venus and Mars.

Mars now quincunxes (inconjuncts; 150 degrees) nebulous Neptune and shaman Chiron so check out what Julie has to say about this week's Virgoan sassiness with her usual clear-eyed, clearly explained planetary info.

Then Donna Cunningham points us all to the August-September issue of The Mountain Astrologer Magazine where we'll find her brilliant article on quincunxes, the square-peg-in-a-round-hole aspect that figures prominently in Finger of God patterns (YODs) when two quincunxes point to a third planet; the two planets in sextile (60 degrees) make a base which results in a shape that favors a squooshed triangle, third planet/s at its apex.

In Astrology, YODs denote a special task or purpose, a crisis, and/or turning point and in natal charts may indicate a purpose, lesson, or undealt-with condition passed down through the generations. It's time to deal in your lifetime with the issues shown by the involved planetary energies if you have a YOD in your chart. And when a YOD pattern forms by progression, it can be like an alarm clock going off saying, Get Busy. Outer planet involvement shows a larger condition which may need your input on behalf of the collective.

Yes, the quincunx is a major, not a minor aspect!

In fact, Mars quincunx Neptune gives an over-anxious, impatient quality to their hook-up and indicates failure of efforts even though one attempts to assert oneself positively. Postpone any hastily made plans when Mars inconjuncts Neptune (whose foggy, nebulous energies tend to gum up or confuse matters quite regularly on its own!)

Relationships can make huge demands on us under a Mars-Neptune quincunx so exploitation is a potential; we find it difficult to see through other people's insincerity. Machinery failures are common, and we're also vulnerable to infections so do what Mama said: wash those hands and cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze please. Even psychosomatic conditions may act up or sabotage us under this influence (which Neptune tends to have a hand in even without Mars coming along.)

And anyone considering doing something shady under Mars quincunx Neptune should be prepared for loads of guilty feelings welling up inside (or even better - reconsider and don't do it!)

Well, those are the good stuff I've found so far in my ramblings today. If you've found, know of, or have written an Astrology article of interest to the collective, do feel free to leave a Comment including its link here for others to follow.

Now for the sakes of Venus, Mars, and magical Neptune, here's Faye's Magic Lamp, one of my Vesta-esque drawings from Cosmic Persona Designs, a collection of fanciful figure studies for the 17+ among us.

Jul 26, 2010

A link to WikiLeaks' "Afghan War Logs"

With a spirit of full disclosure concerning what the US government purports to be doing in my name, I'm posting the WikiLeaks Afghan War Diary 2004 - 2010 link which I had to switch to Firefox as my browser to obtain.

By the time you click to read what the Pentagon has been up to in this privatized-for-profit war in distant Holy Lands - the link may be broken, or links within the page may not be Live. The site may be taken down or otherwise sabotaged.

Therefore, you may wish to try The Guardian.

This will be primarily because the White House and the Pentagon are understandably upset that this massive information dump has occurred and as one of the Vietnam-era Flower Power Generation, perhaps I may be forgiven for remembering fondly Dr. Daniel Ellsberg and his leaking of The Pentagon Papers which helped mightily to change the debate on the Vietnam War, eventually ending US aggression.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has compared the leaking of The Pentagon Papers with the documents he has recently released on his site and - weeks ago - made available to 3 newspapers including The Guardian and Der Spiel.

Yet it seems that so far, the White House isn't 'challenging the veracity' of some of the reports such as the info on Pakistan's ISI spy service working and planning with the Taliban while the Pakistani government facetiously takes billions of dollars of 'aid' from American coffers to allegedly 'fight' the Taliban.

It is said that the newspapers' publishing of the 'Afghan War Logs' have been coordinated with WikiLeaks. This may be considered an 'attack' on the White House and Pentagon - on the nation, actually. The 'national security' card is already being played and will win out, I suppose.

Well! It seems that Sunday evening's Full Moon @ 3AQ00 has brought to light many transgressions which are unavoidable in war. These Bush-Cheney wars were, however, completely avoidable in both cases as they were neocon warhawk wars of choice.

President Obama has so far stuck with the set course toward imperialism and plunder.

My previous post mentions that the Full Moon of July 25, 2010 is/was a Buck Moon, and I wondered where the 'buck stops'...turns out, the buck stops with America and is driven by our government's unquenchable thirst for more power, more resources, more territory, and more wealth.

Even if these things belong to someone else.


It's win-at-any-cost and might-makes-right as the tattered, threadbare cap knit together by strands of 'spreading democracy and freedom' is rent now in two and the freedom bells ring hollow in the United States of America this morning.

Surely there can be no going back. Is this An Awakening, perhaps? Out of the slumber of war?

For me there is no patriotic flag large enough to cover the hypocrisy and the out and out criminality of what the American government has perpetrated in Afghanistan and Iraq - in my name.

And my horror includes the idea that it may be my own government whose finger-on-The-Button is most worrisome in this dangerous world where Niobe's Plea too often goes ignored by cynical idealogues who plot against little children while remaining so very far above the fray.

Niobe's Plea is imported from Cosmic Persona Designs (for 17+ only, for Chiffonery Art is involved.)

The Niobe archetype in Myth and Astrology: the grieving mother; this includes Ecology and Eco-Awareness of our living, breathing Mother Earth.

Jul 23, 2010

Aquarius Full Moon of the Buck: July 25, 2010

The Full Moon 3AQ00 on July 25, 2010 @ 9:37 pm edt is an annual Buck Moon and my friend C.J. Wright, author of the wonderful Auntie Moon blog, has published an excellent article telling us how to read a Full Moon in relation to our personal horoscopes.

Check out C.J.'s Full Moon in Aquarius: Feel Like Bucking the System? for details. For where better to go for lunation information than from Auntie Moon herself? ;p

In Washington, they like to say The Buck Stops Here whether they mean it or not. (And yes, it's usually just a political slogan trotted out when expedient.)

But where will the buck stop in your chart for July-August 2010? If you know where '3AQ' falls, there you'll find you inner lunar Bambi! (Mine's in 5th house and I'm still feeling traumatized by a childhood viewing of Disney's film Bambi.)

Now in the Inauguration 2009 horoscope for President Obama, '3AQ' was inhabited by a 10th house Jupiter, planet of big bucks, bankers, The General, professors, gurus and yogis, priests, and Republicans.

If we look to the Sabian Symbols for clues to 2010's Buck Moon we find that:

'3AQ" = "A Deserter from the Navy"...'Keynote: The individual's self-realization through a crucial repudiation of a collective status which has become unbearable. (Rudhyar, An Astrological Mandala.)

(My italics in memory of that great Shakespearian bard, Sarah Palin.)

Dane Rudhyar goes on to explain this degree as: 'Something with collective social value is being potentially destroyed, but nature is not the destroyer. Man, the individual, steps out of his bondage to collective patterns and ideals. He may "find himself" by means of a sharp renunciation of his social birthright, i.e. by a crucial process of DESOCIALIZATION.'

Well, many things of collective social value have been and are in process of being destroyed with the collusion of many entities and forces as big industry titans like BP Oil execs seem to have forgotten their own social birthrights as part of the human race. This makes the exploitation of the natural world and of their fellow man more palatable and must in part account for their ability to sleep at night and face themselves in mirrors next morning, imho. (Vampirism notwithstanding.)

Then, if you prefer the rounding-up method for the symbols, there's '4AQ" which may relate more to Inugural 2009 Jupiter 3AQ32 - and this is also Jupiter's position in the natal chart of Bavarian Iluminati founder, *Adam Weishaupt:

'4AQ" = "A Hindu Yogi Demonstrates His Healing Powers"...'Keynote: The disciplined use of spiritual energies in restoring the natural harmony disturbed by man's inharmonic attempts to transcend nature through mind.

It is the spiritual duty of individuals who have been able to tap the vast reservoir of spiritual forces pervading our planet to use these energies for healing their less-fortunate comrades. (...)

Self-discipline, purity of motive, compassion, faith in the divine order are required--and the FOCUSING OF SPIRITUAL ENERGY.'

(My bold in honor of Inaugural Jupiter 2009.)

May people of good faith take the lead in focusing of spiritual energy and thereby put the dark forces behind us, forces which intend only ill for all mankind...even the power elite who imagine themselves above such mundane considerations.


*Read more on the Astrology of Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati here.

A Blog Note: this Buck Moon weekend will be sparse in the blogging department as I work to complete an article for a certain online magazine. For those with an interest in using the lens of Astrology to look at US history and its effects on the future of America, I hope you'll be open to checking it out. But for now, the article is To Be Announced.

Now here's one of my favorite Full Moon drawings to wish you a Happy Buck Moon!

Full Moon Shining Across the Lake, copyright 2010.


Brief Update 7.24.10: NPR's book review feature this morning with Scott Simon made a rare mention of author, Pearl S. Buck. The mention seemed of interest to me for Sunday's Buck Moon though one occasionally hears of a long-ago lady author who lived in China until 1934 and used her experience to write her classic novel The Good Earth with a rousingly affectionate and loving description of Chinese peasants and a perfectly rhythmed writing cadence. The novel was a best-seller in 1931 and 1932; it won the Pulitzer Prize in 1932.

Pearl Sydenstricker Buck was a prolific literary genius yet her work has been overlooked by cultural gatekeeprs as this article points out and thus is seldom recommended.

Yet Buck was the first American woman to win the Nobel Prize in Literature (1938) and her multiple works of fiction and non-fiction are worth a look from later generations. It's been later than her heyday and in our own times that feminism has successfully been diluted and given a black eye.

Those with short attention spans might better enjoy reading her short stories!

Jul 21, 2010

Is Obama a threat to Social Security benefits?

Can't resist posting this link so I'll know where to find it myself - it's an interview between Amy Goodman and Dean Baker concerning what's going on with current threats to Social Security by the Obama administration.

And no, I've never considered SS an 'entitlement' program especially since those of us who are self-employed have paid 100% of these taxes through the years and stupidly trusted the US gov to keep their dirty paws off it. Lockbox, schmockbox.

If SS benefits are cut and the retirement age is raised to 70 (who wants a 70-year old worker?! who???) then it will be yet another case of robbery perpetrated upon the under fire American people by their own government, or by tamping down on the government's years of wastefulness by the strong-arming from foreign entities and global fraudsters.

Now who can miss it?

Financial Collapse 2008 was engineered to make the rich richer while starving state, local, and national budgets so that an end to FDR's New Deal programs of what the rich among us call 'entitlements' (not always the correct term to describe what they want to steal) will be accepted by the general population as being 'necessary'.

Riling us up now, aren't they?