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Showing posts with label 10 North. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 10 North. Show all posts

Aug 27, 2024

Battling Symbols of the Past

Symbolism in 1935: Germany and America

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Image: A color depiction of America's Great Seal circa 1935

Way back in the year 1935, two countries adopted significant visual symbols or logos which were polar opposites of one another in meaning.

In Germany, the ancient Swastika symbol was adopted for the Nazi Party flag, while in America, President Franklin Roosevelt approved America's Great Seal for placement on the US Dollar Bill. Of course these days, We the People seldom give the symbolism of the 13-step pyramid of power and Eye of Horus a moment of thought, and as our card-carrying society proceeds, we may rarely see or handle a paper dollar bill.

Now, due to my usual interest in Eclipse energies and themes that run in the background of society during any given time period we wish to consider, here's a List of Eclipses of 1935 with their Themes penned on. We should note that Eclipses in these Saros Series repeat in 2025 into 2026:

(The first Series, 9 Old North, played out and I have no information on its theme. Other than in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, eclipses always involve authority figures, authenticity, responsibility, accountability, and leadership.)

Feb 26, 2024

The Iroquois Confederacy Eclipse repeats

Historical Virgo Eclipse Remains Influential

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the US Constitution

As most Americans know, the framework of the US Constitution (horoscope shown in bi-wheel form) was built upon the constitutional government of the Iroquois Confederacy (5 Nations +1). Taken as a sign, a Total Solar Eclipse @5Vir22:26 of August 22, 1042 marked the beginning of the Iroquois Confederacy at what is now Victor, New York. Perhaps I'm only now realizing the significance of the eclipse after the Full Moon of February 24, 2024 @5Vir23 (DC Horoscope shown) cast a bright spotlight upon my natal Saturn, a bit of a workaholic when in Virgo.

Then within the sphere of what I term a cosmic time link, this suggests that the 10 North themes manifesting on August 22, 1142 are now activated by degree in relation to constitutional and governmental concerns of our day. 10N themes are penned on the chart, and Sabian Symbols for "6 Virgo" and "6 Pisces" are listed:

So with the US Constitution involved, the SCOTUS bench, now ruminating on significant concerns affecting the future of American democracy, has a role to play and may be influenced by 10 North themes running in the background of current events. See the center of the bi-wheel for brief notes on the next manifestation of a 10 North Solar Eclipse in 2026, plus, the last 10 North of February 2008. And note that transits and progressions to the 10 North Horoscope of August 22, 1142 may be of value, especially since the US Constitution of 1787 continues to be under assault by fascistic enemies of America.

Oct 25, 2023

Mike Johnson: 'MAGA' House Speaker

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Below you see a quickly marked-up bi-wheel of the noon horoscope of Mike Johnson (R-LA; b. Jan 30, 1972 Shreveport, LA) who was elected today as Speaker of the House for the 118th Congress. Mr. Johnson is a major MAGA seditionist - an election denier and anti-abortion autocrat - so there's no telling what damage he'll do to our country and people.

As you see, the most prominent planetary transit is Pluto conjunct his natal Mercury, a power aspect denoting an increase of personal power and control, intense ideas, and altered methods:

Of note is Rep. Johnson's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE") in the 10 North Saros Series @25Cap24 with themes of 'frustration or inhibition through news, paperwork, or a young person' (B. Brady). Obviously transit Pluto has recently added its power and transformative energy to his PE which suggests a time of "gang wars" and "criminal offenses" (R. Lineman). Tellingly, Pluto's conjunction to 1972's 10 North Eclipse @25Capricorn was exact in 2020 and 2021.

May 7, 2023

Robert F Kennedy Jr and The Great American Eclipse of 2024

by Jude Cowell

With the son of RFK, environmental lawyer turned anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., challenging President Biden for the 2024 Democratic nomination, the natal horoscope of what is basically a spoiler-for-Trump must be made available because the paperwork has been filed, and astrologers like to have natal information to work from.

So sleuthing about the Internet I found that astrologer Matthew Swann had gathered the deets on RFK Jr from the family's astrologer in the mid-1970s, while summering on the Cape during his childhood. Of course, a 'noon' horoscope for RFK Jr may be set up if you prefer, but I'm going with the birth time provided via the Twitter account of Matthew Swann, @blackswann1111, and the helpful reply I received to my query about the source of RFK Jr's birth time: 5:32 pm est.

Robert and the Solar Eclipse of Election Year 2024

One cosmic synchronicity that stands out in relation to the candidate's 2024 nomination bid is the 8 North Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 - conjunct Chiron @19Ar24 - for it manifests upon Mr. Kennedy's Midheaven ('MC') when his chart is set for 5:32 pm est. Of course, the MC is The Goal Point of a natal chart and involves Career and Public Status - on the World Stage in the case of public figures.

So here's a messily notated bi-wheel with RFK Jr's January 17, 1954 Horoscope in center and the 8 North Eclipse Horoscope of April 8, 2024, outer, with 8 North themes penned upon the chart, upper right; themes are highlighted in orange. Plus, a dual image of both charts with no study notes at all is displayed, below:

For further details, you'll find political information in The New Republic's Who Are These Supposed Lefties Who Love Robert F. Kennedy Jr?

Well, I lean toward the Democratic Party myself, and although you didn't ask, my opinion concerning RFK Jr's bid for the White House is that with Trumpers like Tucker Carlson, Steve Bannon, and Alex Jones promoting and praising him, RFK Jr's candidacy should be criticized and ridiculed as often as possible for the sake of retaining democracy in America. Because the political leanings of these three ideological fellows ('far-reich' bobbleheads) suggests to me that apparently, Mr. Kennedy may be a fan of a certain Hungarian dictator.

Yet to be fair, as with most people there are positives concerning him as well (ex: public service, a family thing), however, RFK Jr is against aid for Ukraine which throws his sentiments toward Russia, and he stated that Tucker Carlson is, "breathtakingly courageous" after their interview on what turned out to be Carlson's final TV show on Fox.

But despite all my fussing, the primary aim of this post is merely to provide for the curious reader a natal horoscope for the "democratic" conspiracy theorist of a famous family who seems poised to muck up the 2024 Election on behalf of win-at-any-cost Donald Trump, the agent orange who must be lovin' Kennedy Jr's popularity with far-left "Democrats." Touted popularity, that is. Besides, it's a truism that far-leftists have more in common with far-rightists than with those of us in the political center.

So to close, I'll just add that a Democrat who's against democracy and prefers tyrants cannot pass any political test with this particular Daughter of the Revolution, which would make RFK Jr one of those DINOs. And a stealth operative for what was once the GOP.