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Showing posts with label Roger Stone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Roger Stone. Show all posts

Mar 17, 2022

On the Solar Eclipse of Tucker Carlson

March 17, 2022

by Jude Cowell

The natal horoscope of Fox News personality Tucker McNear Carlson overflows with enraged Algol influences - spotlighted by his natal Sun @25Tau38 which also conjoins Midas! - and with a Taurus Moon conjunct fixed star Alcyone ('something to cry about'). No, Carlson's natal chart is not appearing here today because - well, because I don't want it here. His Sun-Midas conjunction to me implies that his life's goal (Sun) is to acquire the gold of Midas, or to become a Midas figure. Obviously, the fellow was born that way. And also born with an unaspected Saturn which can indicate someone without a conscience. For strong political views and a tendency toward debate, we see his Mercury-Mars opposition across the Mercury-Jupiter Gemini-Sagittarius polarity of ethics which also indicates that he loves to hear the sound of his own voice (A. Oken). For Tucker, making mountains out of molehills is a talent, and his views can often flip-flop due to the opposition, plus, the Seesaw shape of his natal planets.

So with this post, let's make note of the fact that the 'PE' (Prenatal Solar Eclipse) Saros Series that baby Tucker was born into with influences that run in the background of his life, is the 7 North which perfected on March 18, 1969 @27Pis25 with themes of 'passion' and 'lust' (B. Brady), plus, a theme that unfortunately it seems fit to add due to current circumstances: bloodlust.

My point is, a 7 North Eclipse repeats on April 20, 2023 @29Aries50 (in Carlson's 10th house of Career and Public Standing - secrets revealed? a change of direction?). Meanwhile, a 7 North manifestation was, in February 1933, what I've been compelled to label the 'Fascism Rising Eclipse', primarily because the Reichstag Fire, Hitler's false flag op used to help justify his power grab of the German government and what was to come, occurred under the auspices of the 1933 manifestation of a 7 North Eclipse.

Forewarned Is Forearmed

So if such be-prepared topics interest you, I recommend a view of the Third Reich Horoscope of January 30, 1933 (Campion chart #126) showing 25Tau34 rising along with fixed star Algol and the Sun-Midas conjunction of Tucker Carlson, busy making his income by promoting totalitarianism on-air. And naturally, you'll also recognize the late degrees of possessive, sometimes intolerant Taurus as the natal Midheaven, the Goal Point, of one Herr Tr*mp where violent Algol twinkles maliciously with malevolent intent, as we've seen.

As for the erstwhile Fox News personality and shill-for-Putin, Tucker Carlson recently broadcasted his program from Orban's Hungary. So in closing, here's an excerpt from a previous post with the founding data for Hungary:

"Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes (#ad) provides two charts for 'Hungary': #149 November 13, 1918 12:00 CET Budapest; ASC 00AQ02; MC 28Sco05; and 'Hungary - Democratic' #150 set for October 23, 1989 12:00 CET Budapest; ASC 7Cap20; MC 8Sco18."

Apr 19, 2020

April 2020: Will Trump Pardon Roger Stone?

April 19, 2020: One of the few topics of the week that does not directly involve coronavirus or Covid-19 and valiant efforts to treat the illness is, Will Donald Trump pardon his longtime pal and culprit-in-arms Roger Stone so that The Halloween Jester's prison sentence is lifted from his nattily dressed shoulders?

With our prison system rife with the contagion, Trump may use the coronavirus as justification for relieving Mr. Stone of the necessity to serve his sentence for as Stone told Tucker Carlson on his Friday night program (April 17th), With coronavirus my jail time is essentially a death sentence, something that could be said of all prison sentences for the foreseeable future, at least in the United States.

Thing is, Roger Stone is one of those well-connected fellows who know too much and that 'too much' happens to concern the mobbed-up miscreant Donald Trump. Yet there are more obvious political issues involved for Trump, such as his electability and the slight chance that a pardon for Roger could 'turn off' some voters who favor a second term for Herr Spanky. But I ask you: since when has Trump acted with careful deliberation of the ultimate consequences of his preferred actions? After all, in the realms of chaos and erratic behavior, Trump's Uranus in duplicitous Gemini is not only quirky and impulsive--it's oriental in his natal chart and as such acts as his guiding planet!

Of course, home detention may be a possibility for the convicted Roger Stone (with the aid of Cover-Up-General Bill Barr) and if so, Stone will become like (most of) the rest of us: isolated in sequestration, aka, social distancing, aka, sheltering in place. Actually, for myself I prefer to call it artisting-in-residence especially when I'm sitting at my drafting table facing a blank sheet of paper!

But from the looks of this developing situation, it would seem more appropriate for Roger Stone to call house detention a new lease on life.

Above image: Roger Stone; I'd give credit for the photo if I knew where it's due.

Nov 25, 2019

Trump Impeachment Gallery of Rogues and Knaves

With current events spawning within a seriously compromised Washington DC and piling one upon another in squirming fashion, I'm ready for a round-up of related posts in an attempt to place the culprits, goons, rogues, knaves, and complicit compadres of Trump into some sort of order bwo certain previous posts, plus, a few ladies to mop his beleaguered brow.

And please note that there's a 100% chance that the lens of Astrology will be utilized:

The Natal Planets of Putin and Trump.

Capricorn Mike Pompeo named Secretary of State.

From 2007 Rudy Guiliani May 28, 1944 (only a sunrise natal chart) and 2018's Rudy's Sun Gemini-Moon Leo plus Eclipses (links to his A-rated natal horoscope).

Astro-Notes: Stephen Miller.

Don McGahn's natal planets (noon horoscope shown with May 21, 2019 transits).

Gemini Sun Bill Barr.

Astro-Notes for Kellyanne Conway (still clinging to Trump's coattails and spinning!

On the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse and Aspects of Roger Stone, the recently convicted and perhaps soon to be pardoned.

Some links between The Natal Horoscopes of Capone-Manafort-Trump. Also see Paul Manafort: The Ram and the Bull.

Horoscope: FBI Raids the Office of Trump's Lawyer Michael Cohen who now sits in prison for doing what Trump directed him to do.

Astro-Chart Round-Up: Ivanka, Don Jr, and Eric. And Dual Natal Charts: Ivanka and Jared (noon charts shown).

In the Realms of Jupiter: Steve Bannon. Plus, Natal Horoscopes: Assange with Bannon!

The Natal Chart of Stormy Daniels with Sappho Rising.

And remember the very lovely Hope Hicks? She wishes you wouldn't! Horoscope and Astro-Notes on Hope Hicks.

In addition:

DC Horoscope: 1st Public Impeachment Inquiry.

Crimea, Scheat, and the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction.

The erosion, deceit, and conspiracy theories continue inspired by The Republican Party's Neptune Return (conspiring Neptune in shady Pisces, of course).

Horoscope: Russia - Flag Raised December 25, 1991.

Trump's opinion of bragging politicians 1999 !!!

Republicans brag about handling Putin !!! (see Thom Hartmann video number 2).

From December 2016 (we were all so much younger then): More Cronies Added to Trump's Koch-Head Cabinet (video).

And last but hopefully not least, the ever-popular Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump? which includes a link to Trump's natal chart for those who dare.

Dec 17, 2018

2019 Pluto Returns to its FBI-Cohen Raid position

When transit Pluto returns to its position in the April 9, 2018 FBI-Cohen Raid horoscope (21Cap14), the planet of the Underworld, aka, the 'god of Hades', will reinvigorate its aspects to other planets in the original April 9, 2018 chart.

This may be significant or may form a Timeline of sorts yet its importance partially depends on subsequent events which will continue to issue from the early morning raid/s on the office, hotel room, and home of Trump's former lawyer and 'fixer' Michael Cohen, recently tried and sentenced to three years in prison for his criminal activities--some perpetrated on behalf of Boss Trump. Therefore, we may wish to list the dates of Pluto's Returns to the chart which you see, below, and add a consideration of the three major aspects of Pluto in the FBI-Cohen Raid horoscope for these powerful energies will be re-activated on some level during the time period beginning on April 9, 2018.

Note that the usual associations and realms of astrological Pluto are involved: secrets, surveillance, wealth, hidden things, destruction, criminal activity, mobsterism, gangsterism, racketeering, corruption, theft, sabotage, isolation, psychotic or obsessive behavior, strong-arming, blackmail, kidnapping, manipulation, oppression, plutocracy, and with potentials for sexual liaisons, rape, and/or primal violence.

Pluto Returns to 21Cap14 4x: Once in 2018, Three Times in 2019

1. FBI-Cohen Raid April 9, 2018 5:07 am edt Manhattan, NY with powerful, usually unconsciously motivated Pluto is Direct @21Cap14 in the 11th house of Groups and Associations across the 5/11 self-will axis. Sneaky fraudster Neptune in Pisces rises and Trump's natal Moon-SN conjunction is in full view at Midheaven (MC 21Sag07) opposing his natal Uranus-NN-Sun trio at the Foundation/Basis Point (IC) of the chart (and of the raid). If memory serves, there was concern around the time that evidence (papers, emails, recordings, etc) would be or were being destroyed unless the raid was given the green light by a judge, as it legally was.

2. May 5, 2018 Rx (in May 2018 certain associates of Roger Stone were receiving subpoenaes);

3. January 20, 2019 (Trump Inauguration Solar Return 2019 - the raid's Pluto conjuncts IC!);

4. August 11, 2019 Rx (the 1st anniversary of 'The Tower' Solar Eclipse of 2018 under which 'cosmic blink' influence I now type);

5. November 22, 2019 (the 56th anniversary of the JFK assassination).

The Three Major Aspects of Pluto in the FBI-Cohen Raid Horoscope with Potentials:

1. Jupiter sextile Pluto (0A30): digging deeper for the truth; a desire to undo lies; suggests those with an ability to recognize people who will be loyal in a crisis (Epstein); people who resent the imposition of rules, regulations, laws; a talent for psychological warfare; people who have to face their losses alone and/or who develop enemies who sabotage them via rumor, gossip, misinformation; one who feels vulnerable and insists on micro-managing; ambitious developers of large-scale projects; plutocrats. Note that the Jupiter-Pluto midpoint in Politics or Business describes possibilities such as, "criminal elements with great social influence; destruction of legal documents; self-destructive forces stemming from official corruption or moral laxity within society; extreme depletion of resources" (Munkasey). Plus, Jupiter-Pluto = MC, the 'WHY? Point': 'hardworking attainment of power position' (Tyl); and Ebertin: 'advancement and promotion' (to the Big House? jc).

2. Sun square Pluto (1A46): tension, challenges, a "might makes right" attitude; issues of control, power, and domination; suggests paranoid people who demand constant control over events and activities and who obsess over their social position.

3. Mars conjunct Pluto (8A39): people who seek to win at all costs and are driven toward dominance, power, and control; immense willpower; those who face danger; anger and manipulation.

Well, there's a partial cosmic picture of Pluto's ongoing condition as part of the Mueller investigation into potential criminal activities of Donald Trump, family, and associates both foreign and domestic via catalyst Pluto's powerful influence which threatens to extend its creepiness through year 2019.

Image above: Pluto in hi-res; public domain.

Mar 12, 2018

Senate Risks Financial Ruin Ignores What Most Americans Want - clip

Here Thom Hartmann speaks with Rep. Mark Pocan of Wisconsin concerning a variety of current topics and issues including what's going on (or not) in the US Congress:

You know, I've mentioned before that it would be good for our Republic for us all to see exactly what's in the stock portfolios of US Congress members so that the information could be compared with their votes for or against legislation written by lobbyists and special interest operatives. So much congressional behavior would be explained!

A Possibly Related Post: London, Trump, and the Temple of Gold.

Also in the news: double Scorpio Julian Assange, pal of Russia and Trump's friend political Svengali Roger Stone.

Mar 6, 2018

A Natal Chart for Sam Nunberg June 21, 1981

March 6, 2018: political consultant Sam Nunberg has been all over the news this week related to the Mueller investigation--here's an update on Sam Nunberg, former (twice fired!) employee of Donald Trump and accolyte of political operative Roger Stone who considers politics to be "performance art" (which is what I've been blogging for over 12 years now--political theater, dahlink!). Mr. Nunberg now says he will indeed respond to the Mueller subpoena after asserting yesterday that he would not because it might imperil his mentor, Roger Stone.

Without a birth time or a confirmed location of his birth (I suspect New York City so I'm using it to set the chart), here's a speculative 'noon' horoscope for Sam (Samuel?) Nunberg, member of the New York state bar, and man born with thinking-communicating Mercury Rx melded to his natal Sun (self-absorb much?) which is probably @00Cancer+ but if born prior to 7:54 am edt, may be in the last degree of chatty Gemini; Moon is in Aquarius (10:13--23:04). Either way, Sun and Mercury conjoin one of the Cardinal World Points of Manifestation so it seems that world fame is one of Mr. Nunberg's objectives in life.

Please enlarge the image if you wish to read the few notes penned on:


Blog Note: the idea to post a version of the Nunberg natal chart was inspired by Leo Moon.

Feb 28, 2018

On the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse and Aspects of Roger Stone

Roger Stone, political consultant, opposition researcher, long time lobbyist, and old pal of Donald Trump, was born on August 27, 1952 in Norwalk, Connecticut. No birth hour is known so below we'll briefly consider a noon chart for this WikiLeaks-Putin-Trump-Manafort associate.

And on what isn't really a side note of current events, in 2008 I posted this: Spitzer's Nemesis + Blackmailing for War. Not a side note because the 'nemesis' of Eliott Spitzer is identified as Roger Stone.

And from September 2017 comes Method to the "Madness": Dissecting Roger Stone's Statement to Congress, by a former Fed prosecutor which includes Stone's statement to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence given on September 25, 2017. And perhaps you remember that Stone was involved in stopping the Florida recount in 2008 which allowed the Bush-Cheney regime's backdoor entry into the White House (with the help of a bogus SCOTUS decision). In June 2008, The New Yorker published an article on Mr. Stone The Dirty Trickster. Roger Stone had also worked with the infamous political operative Lee Atwater and with Richard "I am Not a Crook" Nixon, a president who was called in his day Tricky Dick and for good reason. Such a gaggle of cheaters and knaves!

There's even a Trump-esque documentary released in May 2017 titled Get Me Roger Stone for Stone pretty much invented the political career of Donald Trump and perhaps animated the Frankenstein monster itself.

So for a view of Roger Stone's noon horoscope and an analysis of its BOWL shape and other planetary factors you'll want to check out some good astro-splaining of the man. But here and for now, let's consider a few chart details, plus, the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse Saros Series into which little Roger Jason Stone as born for some background influences in his life.

August 27, 1952 'noon' edt; Norwalk, CT

First, his Moon ranged from 17Sco28 to 00Sag36 during the 24-hour period of his birth date with a 29-degree Scorpio Mars reaching 00Sag11 as the Moon entered Sagittarius. You recognize the '1Sag' degree for its "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" Sabian Symbol with its negative expression, 'superficial idleness and unhealthy veneration for the past' (Jones). However, if we assume that Trickster Stone was not born during the waning hour or so of August 27, 1952, we find "30Scorpio" more applicable for his natal Mars and perhaps for natal Moon: "30Sco" = "The Halloween Jester" with its negative expression of, 'ineptness of self-expression and a contempt for established values." On one level this may be a cosmic reference to the long-held desire of the GOP to collapse The Establishment of the US government, a project that seems more within their reach thanks to a Trump White House which Roger Stone helped bring to fruition.

His Virgo Sun (3-4Virgo) seemingly has no major applying aspects so we can't use the closest one to reveal the essence of the man. However, a midpoint picture has natal Sun at apex--Uranus-Neptune = Sun: impressionability and vaunted self-regard (Tyl). And of course, Uranus and Neptune are the 'Age of Reason'/'New World Order pair which met three times all through 1993 @18Capricorn (POLITICAL POWER = smug or strong-armed paternalism--Jones). And with transit Pluto so recently hitting 18Cap, we find that, "the big picture commands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise." (Tyl). Stone's natal Sun as apex suggests that he's on board with the agenda of these shadowy entities, or at least that he (and most of our politicians) are under their control--which is why lawmakers tend to vote on behalf of their corporate donors (masters) rather than doing the bidding of We The People.

Astrological Pluto: Wealth, Stealth, and Power

And since power and its uses and abuses are always part of any political consideration we should note Stone's Pluto-South Node conjunction in proud ego-based Leo. This hints at an inherited condition in which his ancestors may have oppressed others and now he will know what it's like to be a victim of larger circumstances. The conjunction also denotes a man whose will is out of harmony with current social trends or ethics and this lack can cause resentment and misunderstandings in his life. Violence or associations with violent people may also be indicated though he does have a gift for surviving hardships since the Moon's South Node has a Saturnian separative quality--somewhat similar to Saturn with Pluto. Plus, Pluto-SN may be a cosmic reminder of past family members who were affected by war or other oppressive socio-economic conditions.

Mr. Stone's Pluto-SN may also describe his background involvement with those in charge rather than publicly taking over the reins of power himself. (Edit: due to neglect I am adding Stone's Jupiter-Pluto square to this post--this square describes a wheeler dealer and The False Prophet (Oken).)

Please note that these chart factors, typed in no particular order, may or may not be astro-splained in the article linked above but are worth mentioning concerning this tricky political activist (Mars). Erratic reformer Uranus @17Cancer sesqui-squares (135 degrees) Stone's Mars making his activities be-tangled and complicated via obstacles within obstacles. Sun in Virgo, sign of The Critic, when added to a Scorpio Moon denotes one who is analytical, dedicated, meticulous, self-sufficient, shrewd, and perceptive. This pragmatic Earth-Water personality blend suggests a zealous fanatic and problem-solver. The Harveys, in their Sun Sign-Moon Sign book describe the Sun Virgo-Moon Scorpio blend as having "a servant's loyalty but a tycoon's lust for power."

In the emotional realm it's bottled up feelings for Mr. Stone which of course tend to explode at some point and this may be supported by his only out-of-bounds planet, the Moon, which points toward a faulty or separative relationship with Mother.

Now if by chance Stone was born between 10:54 pm edt (Moon 00Sag00) and midnight, his is an Earth-Fire blend of Sun Virgo-Moon Sagittarius and this would give a 'scorched earth' quality to his personality. However, Sun Virgo-Moon Sag denotes genuine helpfulness, intelligence, a quick wit, and restlessness. It's a blend of a communicator with moral certitude and a "desire for reasonable answers in the face of human suffering" (Harveys), plus, a lack of empathy and a judgmental attitude toward others. Forgive me for saying this, but I don't find 'answers to human suffering' to be part of the GOP agenda. If anything, their goal, and perhaps that of some Democrats, is to worsen human suffering. But that's just me and you may, of course, disagree as heartily as you wish.

Money Money Money

In the realm of finances, we need only look at his Venus-Jupiter trine to see fortunate benefits, wealth, and luxury. Alan Oken calls this trine,"The Golden Horseshoe" for the luck it brings its owner. However, a Sun-Mars square shows dissatisfaction with achievements so that he's always striving for more.

Society Says...

In the realm of societal issues, a Saturn-Uranus square identifies a touchy fellow who rebels against established laws and behaves as a "law unto himself" (Oken). Uranus square Neptune is a common aspect for those born in 1952 and denotes tendencies toward muddled thinking, confusion, and participation in ill-fated social movements. To me this sounds as if Mr Stone would do himself (and us) a favor by closely examining the political and occult organizations to which he may belong because criticism of and resignation from them may be needed rather than continuing to carry water for sinister forces and destructive entities.

Now Stone's Mercury-Jupiter square resonates well with the Mercury-ruled Virgo and Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius blend and suggests one who draws incorrect conclusions and tends toward impaired judgment via a general misunderstanding of facts. If this sounds similar to Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square of misperception and faulty relationship with truth then we're on the same page. A Mercury-Jupiter square also denotes "a mind that never stops creating a barrage of ideas" and is termed by Alan Oken as "The Exaggerator." This sort of Mercurial aspect is shared by White House Director of Communications Hope Hicks and if you follow her link you'll read about Roger Stone's Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse Series, the 8 South, which is shared by Miss Hicks (1988) and was detailed in yesterday's SO'W post profiling her. Update Feb 28 5:30 pm est: Hope Hicks has resigned!

And so the Sun Virgo-Moon Sag blend mixes optimism with realism and denotes one who can bring their vision down to earth. Therefore, if this blend belongs to Roger Stone and putting Trump in the White House has been one of his visions, we would have to admit that Roger Stone has succeeded.


"As a society is composed of individuals, how could a society be more immoral than its members? It becomes immoral if its structure is such that moral individuals cannot act in accordance with their moral impulses.” - E. F. Schumacher, as quoted by Henry Geiger in Manas Journal

Mar 23, 2008

Spitzer's nemesis + blackmailing for war

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government Mar 23, 2008

All items are here: LegitGov Breaking News

GOP political operative told FBI of alleged Spitzer sexscapades--Roger Stone, who shut down the 2000 presidential 'election' recount effort in Miami-Dade County, is longtime Spitzer *nemesis. Mar 21, 2008:

Almost four months before Gov. Eliot Spitzer resigned in a sex scandal, a lawyer for Republican political operative Roger Stone sent a letter to the FBI alleging that Spitzer "used the services of high-priced call girls" while in Florida.

The letter, dated Nov 19, said Miami Beach resident Stone learned the information from "a social contact [i.e., his own hooker] in an adult-themed club." ..."It is also my client's understanding from the same source that Governor Spitzer did not remove his mid-calf length black socks during the sex act. Perhaps you can use this detail to corroborate Mr. Stone's information," the letter said, signed by attorney Paul Rolf Jensen of Costa Mesa, Calif. [See: Spitzer's Sex Life Is Weapon of Mass Distraction for Bunch of Bad News for Bush.]


Top Diplomat Says US Pressured Allies on Iraq--Ambassador says White House threatened reprisals on nations who withheld war support, spied on allies prior to Iraq invasion Mar 22, 2008:

In the months leading up to the US-led invasion of Iraq, the Bush administration threatened trade reprisals against friendly countries who withheld their support, spied on its allies, and pressed for the recall of UN envoys that resisted US pressure to endorse the war, according to an upcoming book by a top Chilean diplomat [Heraldo Munoz.] #

Well neither of these items seem surprising...except perhaps for the black socks...

*Nemesis' keywords: the unbeatable foe; karmic retaliation; Greek goddess of divine retribution--or of fertility.