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Showing posts with label out-of-bounds planets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label out-of-bounds planets. Show all posts

Dec 18, 2016

Synastry Grid: Inauguration 2017 w/ Mr. Trump's natal planets

On Inaugurating Mr. Trump

by Jude Cowell

Back in April I posted the horoscope of Inauguration 2017 with a few notes (horoscope is re-posted, below, along with Mr. Trump's natal chart). Today I post a synastry grid of his natal planets and points with the planets and points of Inauguration 2017. As you see, the grid shows more squares, oppositions, sesquisquares, and inconjuncts (highlighted in red) than helpful aspects such as sextiles and trines (in green); conjunctions are not highlighted since they suggest either positive or negative results via a blending of energies; please note that some transits are applying and some are waning:

Note that one addition is penned in red: the Inauguration Mercury square natal Neptune since this is a 'natal echo' of his Mercury-Neptune square which distorts his perceptions, hints at deception, and indicates an indiscreet man. As a transit, Mercury square natal Neptune may affect his Oath taking and other traditions on Inauguration Day since following directions will be difficult for him (as it (as it always is) and the assimilation of information or instructions will be next to impossible. For Mr. Trump, intuition and instinct will be uppermost with logic taking a backseat (as always, actually!). Yet he may not notice with Inaugural Neptune trining his natal Mercury, a transit that favors inspired or intuitive communications.

Maybe Mr. Trump will tweet his inauguration!

Horoscope: Inauguration January 20, 2017 12:00 pm EST Capitol Building Washington DC:

Natal Horoscope of Donald J. Trump:

Astro-Notes on his natal chart: Part One (chart shown) and Part Two (with his Sun-Moon personality blend).

Related Posts: Dec 2016 into 2017: Karmic Planets hit the natal chart of Donald Trump, and The Unaspected and Out-of-Bounds Planets of Donald Trump; Mr. Trump's Natal Moon and the Sapphire Star (conjunct his South Node, a separative point); and Trump and Gingrich: Peter Pan and the Pied Piper (though Mr. Gingrich has been critiquing Mr Trump of late--perhaps they're too much alike!)

Oct 5, 2016

The Unaspected and Out-of-Bounds Planets of Hillary Clinton

Part 2: Hillary Rodham Clinton

Well, my joy at finally having an accurate birth time for Hillary Clinton is now squashed since The Mountain Astrologer has published a joy-squashing article disagreeing with Marc Penfield's 2:18 am chart with a Virgo Ascendant for Hillary. However, for the purposes of this post, any birth time will do as long as the date is correct so let's continue with our consideration of the two 2016 candidates--yesterday Donald Trump (follow the link, below) and today Hillary Clinton who was born with an unaspected Jupiter in its own sign of sagittarius and quirky Uranus out-of-bounds (OOBs) in late Gemini.

For a general view of out-of-bounds and unaspected planets please see Part 1: The Unaspected and Out-of-Bounds Planets of Donald Trump.

Here's a view of both Clinton's and Trump's natal charts as shown in yesterday's post:

Hillary Rodham Clinton October 26, 1947:

There are two natal planets to consider for Mrs. Clinton--an unaspected Jupiter @00Sag27 in the 3rd house of Communications (ex: unavailable emails!), and an out-of-bounds Uranus @25Gem56 Rx in the 10th house of Career and Public Status. Or course, Jupiter-Uranus are the 'lucky break' duo but here we'll consider them separately.

When Jupiter, planet of expansion and corporatism is unaspected its functions that would moderate other facets (planets) of her psyche are lacking or perhaps we can say, unconscious. As you know, an unaspected planet is strong yet has a detached, mentally remote quality and Jupiter's usual breadth of outreach and sociability are limited here unless other chart factors supply spontaneity and judgment to the personality. There may be noticed a tendency toward erratic bursts of enthusiasm which quickly fade--perhaps you've seen it.

And without Jupiter to influence and uplift her other planets via major aspects, she may feel weighed down by the gravity of life and retreats to an 'ivory tower' (supported by her me-time Pisces Moon in the 7th house of Partnerships with its 7th house cusp in Jupiter-ruled Pisces; as Dane Rudhyar observed: "Marriage, and other kinds of partnerships as well, can be a field of unresolvable tensions." Obviously, with a Pisces Moon, compassion is a reigning need and the loner position may be an emotional necessity from time to time in order to recharge her energy level and organize her thoughts).

Now since astrological Jupiter has to do with morality, ideology, philosophy, and how one responds to others (here, like a Sagittarian), an unaspected Jupiter denotes one who feels disconnected from current religious and ethical standards of behavior, and is detached from cultural norms.Self-containment and an unique vision may be evident with improvements to be found in the house where Jupiter is posited (3rd). This condition of Jupiter may account for some of her opponents' "above the law" accusations against Mrs. Clinton. However, other charges of "neocon warhawk" and similar charges against her resonate with the Sabian Symbol for Jupiter's degree of 1Sag: "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire."

Hillary's OOBs Uranus

Naturally, things become quirkier with the planet of genius, reform, and disruption, Uranus, in the sign of communications and sales, in the 10th house where everyone in the world can see its behavior which in Hillary's case is Geminian. Already on the wacky side, Uranus when out-of-bounds of the earthly plane and out of touch with other natal planets denotes an out of control quality to her public status and she certainly has risen above the crowd. And this may support her 'loner' tendency noted with Jupiter unaspected. Apparently she's lacking the electric stimulation that Uranus when affecting another planet can provide (in those with enough self-awareness to handle transpersonal energies). Plus, you've probably heard the criticism of Mrs. Clinton for not being 'exciting' enough during Campaign 2016, right?

Another tendency resonating with her Jupiter via OOBs Uranus is the above-the-law accusation her opponents are always quick to level. That is, she may think she's above the law (to the point of criminality) yet it seems that most if not all politicians think the same and this is one reason they enter politics in the first place (money being the other).

So we find that spontaneity, humor, and zaniness are expressed occasionally by Hillary Clinton in short bursts of hilarity that quickly fade and she is not known for telling jokes well. But maybe voters will turn out on November 8th and show appreciation for the serious, studious, sober, policy-wonk Mercury-Saturn square of politician Hillary Rodham Clinton rather than voting for the reality-challenged Mercury-Neptune square of Mr. Trump. It amazes me how many of us forget that campaign rhetoric seldom brings policies to fruition yet we fall for politicians' empty promises election after election.

And what about Hillary's VP pick Tim Kaine? Oh, he has an out-of-bounds Mars which the American people will have to deal with if he ever becomes president! Perhaps we observed his OOBs Mars last evening during the VP debate with Mike Pence as aggressive Mars interrupted Pence wa-a-a-y too many times, thus making a garbled mess of the proceedings.

For more on unaspected planets, you may wish to see Bil Tierney's Dynamics of Aspect Analysis.

Oct 4, 2016

The Unaspected and Out-of-Bounds Planets of Donald Trump

Distant, quirky, maverick, lawless, and more--these descriptions of out-of-bounds planets (OOBs) and unaspected planets in the natal horoscopes of 2016 candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump may be worth our consideration and now that Marc Penfield has revealed an accurate birth time for Hillary, let's make note of such planets and their conditions.

Here for the first time, I'm posting the 2:18 am chart for Mrs. Clinton (upper right) next to Mr. Trump's natal chart, lower left with a few notes penned on but not my usual overload of scribbles; hopefully, enlarging the image will make both horoscopes easy to read:

First let's discuss potentials of an unaspected planet:

The term unaspected planet can be misleading since minor aspects actually may be the case (see Trump's planets, below) though no major ones are formed, angular contacts may be apparent, midpoint pictures can involve such a planet, and/or an aspect may be exist yet be outside the allowed orb from the planet under consideration. (Midpoint pictures will be included in this assessment, below; Hillary's assessment comes later this week).

With an unaspected planet, a one-pointedness is evident and an intensity revealed by the planets sign which expresses in its house, and by house rulership. Its energy in unmodulated by other planets and the unaspected planet expresses its energy in a purer form dictated by its sign (and in some cases, its degree, and whether or not it conjoins or opposes a fixed star, etc). The 'where' is of course, shown by house placement, and to some degree, by house rulership.

(1) Unaspected planets are not silent in a person's character but intense, and may act with an 'on-off' spurt-like quality, or, in an 'all or nothing' manner, with no 'halfway measures allowed' (Dean). Transits and progressions are unnecessary for its influence is strong (though perhaps unconscious) without such triggering, and an outstanding, original quality may be given to the personality as a whole. Plus, a noticeable Uranian vibe may be evident, unfiltered through or by other facets of the personality as described by the rest of the planets (actors) in the chart. Unstable? Probably but an element of genius may also be part of the picture (again, similar to how quirky Uranus the Maverick can operate). Just as the unaspected planet doesn't 'join in' with the rest of the natal map, the person born under a planet in such a condition may be something of an ivory-tower type when it suits.

(2) An OOBs planet denotes a condition where the planet is orbiting outside the earthly plane and though it may be in aspect with other planets, there is something distant, untouchable, or otherworldly about it. With its energy acting upon the Unconscious, we might say it is hidden from the native's conscious mind and acts in an uncontrolled way. A measure of secrecy and lawlessness may be involved in the planet's activities and this secrecy may 'rub off' on the planet/s it touches by aspect, if it is aspected.

Now, since Mr. Trump is the older of the two candidates, let's consider first his unaspected (1) and OOBs planet/s (2) and the midpoint pictures they are involved in, if any; as noted, Mrs. Clinton's planets will be considered later this week as my schedule permits.

Trump June 14, 1946:

(1) Out-of-Bounds Mercury @8Cancer51 in the 11th house of Groups and Associations; (1) unaspected Pluto @10Leo02 in 12th house of Politics and Karma. An OOBs Mercury denotes one whose mental development is unique and though curiosity is strong, the considerable amount of information that is gathered seldom includes what would lead to self-knowledge or understanding. The mind is intelligent and capable yet reasoning ability is 'out there' when it comes to analysis of the other facets of the character as described and informed by other planets. A single area of life stands out for Mr. Trump and that's Cancerian concerns such as business activities like real estate, and family matters. And of course, Cancer is ruled by the Moon so ladies are a focus along with Cancer's tribal tendencies toward nationalism, patriotism--and self-protection. (Mr. Trump's Mercury is zodiacally in the midst of America's natal Venus-Jupiter-Sun in Cancer). During Campaign 2016, we've certainly noticed his off-the-cuff Mercurial ability to avoid blame and project 'the beam in his own eye' onto others as he slides sideways like a crab!

Additionally, one word associated with an OOBs Mercury is hyperactive and as we know, Mr. Trump is awake at all hours of the night (we know because he tweets!) and is not inclined to weigh all sides of an issue before communicating. Logical, objective evaluation is not a talent with an OOBs Mercury, planet of mind and ideas, though brilliant insights are evident in the realms relating to Cancer. His staccato way of speaking in incomplete sentences is also denoted. His Mercury doesn't connect or inform his other natal planets which would benefit from the input but what we hear are unusual thoughts vividly expressed.

(1) Unaspected Pluto @10Leo02 in 12th house of the Unconscious suggests one who is 'overshadowed by shadows' (Tierney) with Pluto, the isolationist, being the planet of Psychology, Psychiatry, and persuasion. There are subterranean forces within his psyche that are totally fragmented from the rest of his personality and because they are buried, he is unaware of them which gives them even greater primal power. This, I believe, suggests the "he can't help himself" remarks that perhaps you've heard from commentators and reporters (exs: all-hours tweeting about former Miss America, Alicia Machado and her weight gain, and other crass behaviors and remarks that set him back in the polls).

Unaspected Pluto is the essence of overwhelming compulsions and powerful wealth-hoarder Pluto (the plundering plutocrat and manipulator) needs aspects to other planets in order to modulate its extreme tendencies. But with Mr. Trump, Pluto doesn't receive them, and nor do his other planets which could use the regeneration principle that Pluto could supply via aspect. And we have to say that Pluto's association with nuclear weapons is difficult to accept if under the thumb of Mr. Trump, the plutonian.

Pluto Gone Wild, Trump Off the Leash!

Now we must put a double emphasis on the condition of Mr. Trump's natal Pluto in egotistical Leo since Pluto is out-of-bounds as well as unaspected. When OOBs, Pluto embodies the lawless, mold-breaking, zaniness of an OOBs planet along with an outside-the-box style of thinking and speaking that breaks boundaries and cannot be under anyone's control. Pluto grabs power (and publicity) and we don't need Astrology to tell us that this describes Mr. Trump to a T.

However, disturbingly for our country, an OOBs Pluto, archetypal god of the Underworld, may also indicate one who is a sociopath and/or a criminal, particularly in the Leonine realm of gold and finances. So perhaps there is more to the infrequent whispers of mafia ties than have so far been revealed. Certainly his oppressive business dealings are in the news via contractors and others who have worked for him but not not been paid, plus, the tax avoidance made possible by laws that favor the wealthy--legal, yes, but anti-societal and hypocritical of him. And the primal violence of Pluto has been part of his campaign--even to the point of hinting at Second Amendment gun violence as an antidote to certain problems via Pluto, the assassin, aided by aggressor Mars.

Midpoint Pictures

Now for Mr. Trump, the natal midpoint pictures that involve his OOBs Mercury and his unaspected and OOBs Pluto are: 1. the difficult Mars-Saturn = Pluto which shows potentials for corruption, forcing an issue, a need to take control, fury, brutality, and/or strong anger. And there can be ruthlessness when pursuing sources of rumors, leaks, and other information (Mercury-Pluto = Saturn in Cancer). Yes, as a Sun Gemini he is quick-witted, a deal-maker and a talker, and he likes to tackle serious issues and has a talent for reading the motives and intentions of others (Sun-Saturn = Mercury).

So let's close with a quick word about a minor aspect between Mr. Trump's Pluto and Sun which is an irritating semi-square (45 degrees) with health connotations. In his case, both Sun, Pluto, and the sign of Sun-ruled Leo hint at heart and vitality issues. Yes, Sun-Pluto is the power-craving duo but please pardon me for mentioning this, for what seems to be a chronic lack of sleep adds to such health concerns and does his heart no good, but the minor semi-square aspect isn't strong enough to moderate the above traits of his unaspected, out-of-bounds Pluto. However, if the minor aspect affects the situation at all, the square influence could add an amount of intolerable pressure, frustration, a lack of moderation, and an inability to listen to advice to the planetary mix the maverick that is Donald Trump.

For balance, you may wish to check out the unaspected and out-of-bounds planets of Hillary Clinton.

Note: the usual midpoint sources are recommended: Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences, Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, and Tyl's Solar Arcs.

Jan 5, 2008

The trouble with an out-of-bounds Mars

The Earth's orbit as viewed from the Sun is called the ecliptic and when a planet goes beyond 23 degrees 28 minutes in either north or south declination, that planet is said to be outside the boundaries of the ecliptic, or out-of-bounds (oobs.)

In astrological terms, the energies of a planet when oobs tend to act in an exaggerated fashion and its effects may be extraordinarily distorted.

With Mars' archetype as the god of war, an oobs Mars engages in violent events, extreme aggression, and incendiary acts. Then we see such things manifest as world leaders assassinated, arson perpetrated, bombs planted and triggered, and vicious disagreements wherever we turn--and our news sources are filled with them.

And fighting Mars understandably represents military forces--the soldier and the mercenary.

In a natal chart, Mars represents determination and drive, energy,'s desire nature. Natally an oobs Mars indicates unusual drive toward self-expression and self-preservation. Other chart factors such as sign, house placement, and aspect influence an oobs Mars either positively or negatively.

The more negative expression may be a violent or sociopathic temperament, while a positive use of Mars' energies could be someone who becomes a famed explorer, an astronaut, or an Olympic athlete--physical exploits beyond the ordinary.

When I look at "political" or national charts, I consider all the planets as archetypal actors in a play. Mars (a male between 25 to 35 years old, give or take a year; the activist; the instigator or the one who disagrees, etc) has his role to play, while Jupiter (the judge, lawyer, guru, professor, preacher, priest, thespian, rich man, Republican, etc) has his well-rehearsed part in the theatrical performance as well.

Sun in a national chart is the leader, as we know, Mercury is the messenger, scribe, young person, trader, orator, and so on.

An oobs planet in these charts may be considered as not acting in concert with the rest of the chart's energies (performers in the production.)

So when the world finds violent events and actions in the news day after day, we may be fairly certain (even without consulting an astrology chart) that testy, incendiary Mars, the activist, is out-of-bounds and raging beyond control against society once again...and that we are sure to receive something of a break from the pain and horror when crude Mars finally rejoins the panoply of the reasonable universe.

Dec 31, 2007

2008 New Year in DC

With millions of people now celebrating New Years Eve and aspiring to wealth and happiness in 2008, here's the chart set for Washington, DC, Jan 1, 2008 00:00 am est.

Wish I could like the looks of it more but it's difficult with the critical 29th degree sprinkled about and this time it's the Nodal (fated) degree. Even asteroid, Lilith (29Cap24) is at the midpoint of Pluto/NN, a combo associated with destiny of the masses and with powerful associations.

Lilith has gotten much bad press over time and there are conflicting reports about her, but some keywords for Lilith are: strong will; interests in the occult and the unconscious; self-hatred in women; women's suffrage or feminist movement; the childkiller; the alluring woman and the allured; movie stars.

Also of concern is Icarus, linked to those who fly too high only to find their wings melted, and with assassination. Since the world has recently suffered this with Benazir Bhutto's murder, this may be in the past, yet Icarus is conjunct Mercury (young people), and at the NWO degree, "18Cap" (degree of the Great Uranus-Neptune conjunction of 1993) so my hope and prayer is that Benazir Bhutto's 19-year-old son is being better protected than his mother was.

Mercury is in Capricorn, sign of authority and politics, and he has, as you've heard, been tapped by his mother to lead the PPP when he returns from Oxford University. (19 years old means he's at his first Nodal Return when significant relationships are formed.)

Mercury at the NWO degree may also indicate announcements or messages from "on high" from the elites of the world who think so much of themselves and their right to interfere in the lives of everyone else. As if!

Moon is soon to rise 19Lib49, along with the US progressed Mars Rx, bringing the military and Pentagon into the immediate picture.

Venus at the "Grand Army of the Republic campfire" degree (1Sag) is in 2nd house of money and rules the 8th house of debt and credit, so the tiffs over the billions Washington is borrowing and spending on the war will be affected by two midpoints: Sun/Moon, which relates to relationships, and Saturn/Neptune, a midpoint of loss and disappointment.

Can you be more disappointed in Washington's drunken sailor spending and so-called leadership than you were in 2007? I suppose it's possible, but I shudder to think.

Rebellious reformer Uranus is Unaspected, conj Fixed Star Achernar, and may run away with the chart since he's working on his own. Midnight 2008 occurs during a Mars Hour with fiery Mars still Rx and out-of-bounds--up to not much good, I suspect.

Mercury is out-of-bounds as well. Perhaps Bhutto's son is secreted in an undisclosed location!

Yet there are lovely indications, too: Mercury/Jupiter = Sun may illuminate solutions and creativity, the spiritually in tune Moon trine Neptune reaches out warmly and creatively toward the New Year, while Sun/Jupiter = MC aspires to health, wealth, and abundance.

And that is my wish for the New Year wherever you may be: all the abundance of the Universe where Love is the Foundation for all Mankind if we will only accept and, as Tavis Smiley always says, keep the faith.

Dec 21, 2007

Spotlight on Mercury: John Edwards

John Edwards (June 10, 1953; 7:02 am est; Seneca, SC; rated A: astrodatabank) is proud possessor of an out-of-bounds Mercury in his natal chart.

Out-of-bounds (oobs) planets accept no limits and may indicate boundless success and creativity--in the case of John Edwards, Mercury's territories of communications, oration, intellectual pursuits, and commerce seem to have benefited him greatly when he was trying medical malpractice suits and making millions.

You see in his natal chart that Mercury had just risen as he was being born, yet the Moon is chart-ruler (ASC 12Can01--conjunct US n Sun = the leader in a national chart. He has already expressed this connection, of course, in the Senate and in running for president 2004.)

Moon is in Gemini near Jupiter and all in all there are many factors showing money-making ability, and links to medical issues (including wounded Chiron in 7th house of marriage partner and legal affairs (lawsuits.) And Edwards isn't the only Washington politician with a Moon-Jupiter conjunction...expansive emotional desires used in public relations...Dubya is one such...the glass is supposedly always half-full.)

Tonight I'm looking at Edwards' Mercury in Cancer, 12th house, yet perhaps should mention that also in 12th house are Sun (politician; unconscious arrogance); and Mars 27Gem33..."28Gem" = "A man declared bankrupt"--DELIVERANCE...

pos: an effective and overall effectiveness even in the worst of situations;

neg/shadow side: a willingness to dodge every responsibility and betray the very core of self. (This "Bankruptcy" degree refers to court cases and to "enter(ing) new paths of opportunity) (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones.)

Mercury in 12th house is very creative--as is the sign of Cancer, which is also connected to business and commerce) yet a 12th house Mercury, says Tracy Marks in her marvelous book, Your Secret Self, gives a constantly active mind, always seeking to organize vast amounts of stimulation and information; plus, a tendency toward nervousness.

Frequently there are negative messages from childhood which must be overcome--"don't be stupid" or "be quiet", etc. Then much can be achieved. 12th house Mercuries study many in-depth subjects behind the scenes--more than anyone knows.

In Washington, Sen Edwards was known to be a fast-talker, fast-walker, with little regard for protocol--Mercury in 12th house seldom develops an ability for small talk and makes compulsive lists of details for organizing and planning life.

An undervalued or overvalued intellect may result from having a 12th house Mercury and refuge may be sought in their intellectual capacities. Yet the Scarecrow's "If only I had a brain" mantra may sometimes prevail, esp during school days.

As you know, Edwards was first in his family to attend and graduate from college--AQ on 9th cusp of higher learning would've wanted that bwo Saturn's influence in 9th house. And Uranus' higher vibrations (AQ) would have wanted progress bwo higher education.

Basically this is a non-verbal thinker who perceives the world in terms of images, feelings, and sensations. His active Moon in combination with Mercury supports this, for Moon-Mercury is intuitive and thinks with the feelings (Tyl.) Moon is oobs, along with Mars and Mercury--and Edwards was born during a Moon hour--good for public dealings and publicity--an extraordinary amount of it thanks in part to an oobs Moon.

Although Gemini is the sign of a social butterfly, Moon-Mercury folks are usually very involved with their families. In fact, Edwards' Moon and Mercury are in mutual reception with one another, describing his family's strong support of his ideas and plans.

Mercury's only aspect is 'minor'...a semi-square with powerful Pluto. Semi-squares are in the octile family (8) and are weak but difficult; a separating semi-square = the release of self through creative interchange (The Astrology of Relationship, Michael R. Myer.) They show a tendency toward dynamic connections with others which manifest in either an exciting and constructive way or in a conflicting and difficult way.

And the combo of Mercury-Pluto = communicating or demanding new perspectives; persuasion ability (which attorneys need for success), and propaganda promotion--admittedly helpful in the political realm.

It may as well be for we sure are stuck with a gracious helping of it from every direction.

Mercury rules natal 4th (Virgo) and 12th (Gemini); Saturn is square Uranus--the two old vs new , tradition vs progress planets will be in opposition for the 2008 election and for Inauguration 2009. This re-contact may support his win along with this:

John Edwards--as you can see for yourself--has North Node (NN = connections with the public) conj his 8th cusp 3AQ13...and this is where tr Jupiter (3AQ32) will be at Inauguration Jan 20, 2009; noon; DC.

And while this one factor may not be enough to propel Edwards into the Oval Office, I've not found any other candidate with such an exact, or perhaps I should say, obvious--connection with Jupiter 2009, in 10th house of the Inauguration chart. Perhaps I will but haven't *as of yet.

*UPDATE 12.22: Barack Obama's natal Saturn 25Cap22 Rx and Jupiter 00AQ56 Rx are tucked next to the Inaugural 2009's MC (noon 26Cap11, conj US n Pluto) and Mercury 00AQ41Rx, and Sun 00AQ47. Obama-Edwards ticket?)

Yet Jupiter = Republican...though jolly Jupe is also the rich man (Edwards or Romney or---Bloomberg!), judge, preacher (Huckabee? don't even joke--more Bushesque Armageddon there; besides, church + state is unconstitutional), professor, guru...and attorney--which again could be...John Edwards and his out-of-bounds Mercury as prez or VP!

general notes on Mercury and the natal Mercury of Barack Obama here.