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Showing posts with label Dr Martin Luther King. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr Martin Luther King. Show all posts

Apr 2, 2018

The Prenatal Eclipse of the MLK Assassination

The tragic and cruel Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr on April 4, 1968 at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee 'killed the man but not The Dream'. Here is a link to his I Have a Dream speech delivered on August 28, 1963 during the March on Washington For Jobs and Freedom--for Civil and Economic Rights of African-Americans. Obviously, the power elite of DC and elsewhere did not appreciate Dr. King's rising popularity and that of his causes which threatened their leadership and promised to elevate opposition to the Vietnam War and combine it with the Civil Rights Movement.

Resident of the Oval Office in April 1968 (until Nixon was elected) was Lyndon Baines Johnson who some assert was behind the JFK assassination and if so, LBJ would have had no compunction about ordering the death of MLK (and RFK), would he? Now as an American, I loathe mentioning such possibilities but there it is. Besides, most everyone knows that Lyndon Johnson was a ruthless politician who vehemently hated the Kennedys. And of course, Robert Kennedy was also shot in 1968 on June 5th, and died the next day. Related video: History is proving that LBJ killed Kennedy.

6 North: the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the MLK and RFK Assassinations

As you know, 'cosmic blinks'--eclipses--are known as 'wild cards' of the Universe for they tend to express erratic and disruptive Uranian energies in table-turning, change-of-direction ways. The operative Solar Eclipse which manifested on March 28, 1968 @8Aries can be credited with these murderous political crimes via eclipse themes which may not seem particularly ruthless until we consider the real world events that took place under 6 North's background influence, plus, the political vibes of the era which, then as now, do not include the sharing of power and control. And in 1968, the last vibes of the rebellious, daring Uranus-Pluto conjunction/s of the mid-1960s remained in force though waning. Also Uranus-Pluto is the 'collapse of the old order, construction of the new' pair of generational planets (Ebertin) and 'success at any cost' implications included the removal of all obstacles to that success. We may also wish to note that the 1968 eclipse @8Aries conjoined and thus triggered the natal Sun-Mars midpoint of Dr. King while opposing his difficult Saturn-Pluto midpoint in Libra. Sun-Mars = vitality, vigor, activity; Saturn-Pluto = cruelty and violence.

Themes of 6 North: relationship to authority figures, the need to take control and responsibility, accepting commitments due to another person's illness or unreliability (Brady). So if we extend themes of 'illness' and 'unreliability' to matters of death and the need to 'take control' of the US (or, remove control from Reverend King and a potential President Robert Kennedy) someone chose to give the American people the assassinations of MLK and RFK.

A Solar Eclipse in the 6 North Saros Series last manifested on April 19, 2004 @30Aries and will next occur on April 30, 2022 @10Taurus. The initial 6 North eclipse perfected on May 15, 850 (OS) @27Tau55. The only Great Conjunction to perfect in 2022 is between the bubbly duo of speculation and schemes Jupiter and Neptune on April 12, 2022 @23Pis59--Pisces, the sign ruled by boundary-breaking Jupiter and co-ruled by nebulous, undermining, eroding Neptune. Which reminds me--in April 1968, transit Neptune conjoined US natal Pluto in Capricorn, a planetary timer of erosion of power and the rise of a public figure with a religious message.

Now if you wish a view, here's the MLK Assassination Horoscope of April 4, 1968 6:08 pm CST Memphis, TN which I posted to SO'W along with a few chart details upon the occasion of the 45th anniversary of his death in 2013. Please note that a source I used back then gave '6:08 pm' but today's sources give '6:01 pm' though the planets remain in the same houses either way. And as you'll see, transit Chiron (the wound, the wounded healer; the priest or reverend) was at the Aries Point (00:25) which, 50 years hence, will again be the case for the Centaur 3 times upcoming on April 17, 2018, September 25, 2018, and February 18, 2019.

You may also wish to to see Dr. King's natal horoscope (January 15, 1929 12:00 pm cst Atlanta, Georgia RR: A) and his natal Chiron in Taurus, sign of the neck and the location of the bullet that cruelly pierced him.

Jul 6, 2015

Social Democracy Is 100% American - Thom Hartmann w Harvey Kaye

Author Harvey J. Kaye and Thom Hartmann discuss the Socialist Democratic history of America including Thomas Paine, Dr. Martin Luther King, Franklin Roosevelt--and the 2016 presidential candidate who's drawing the largest campaign crowds of anyone--Senator Bernie Sanders:

#BernieSanders #ThomHartmann #HarveyKaye @harveyjkaye #ThomasPaine #FDR #MLK #Bush41 #DesertStorm #SocialDemocracy

Meritocracy v Plutocracy

On November 8, 2016 which will you vote for: compassionate Social Welfare or greed-drenched Social Corporatism aka, Welfare Capitalism?

Although Senator Claire McCaskill, a Hillary Clinton booster, recently demonstrated a faulty memory concerning the progressive history of the Democratic Party, Senator Sanders highlights it. And Thom recalls the 1991 invasion of Kuwait by George H. W. Bush and reads the prophetic words of Bernie Sanders delivered on the House floor, all of which have turned out to be tragically true so as I viewed the excerpt of Thom's broadcast embedded above, I hoped their interview might mention that Bush 41 had proclaimed 'Operation Desert Storm' as "a triumph of the New World Order" in part because the Soviet Union had joined or was in cahoots with the US-led Coalition.

Knowing that, it seems not so curious that we heard the Jupiterian word "coalition" ad nauseum from Bush 43, Cheney, and pals in 2002-2003 as they sold the 'advantages' of their next forays into the Middle East--even as millions of people protested in streets across the globe against the brutality and folly of these warmongering psychopaths and megalomaniacs who think to rule the world and the 2003 invasion and occupation of Iraq which, as we now see, has no expiration date.

#SocialWelfare #CorporateWelfare #WelfareCapitalism #MiddleClassn #EndlessWar #Kuwait #NWO #Plutocracy

Jan 16, 2012

Obama's Mars Return 2012: Jan-Feb-June

Mars Returns for Presidents, Too

by Jude Cowell

Saturday January 14, 2012, marked the first of three returns of transiting Mars to President Obama's natal Mars position 22Virgo35, a 'three-fer' Mars Return for the president, the effects of which will last for the 2-year cycle (orbit) of the warring planet of action, aggression, quarrels, and desire nature.

When Mars returns to natal position, a rush of energy returns to the native and a new cycle of activity begins as the natal condition of Mars is emphasized. Hopefully, an injection of Martian testosterone will not be sent hurling bwo missiles or bombs from the Pentagon or White House toward other nations.

With Mr. Obama ('BHO') having Mars veiled by America's natal Neptune 22Vir25, we may expect the 'rock star' vibes of Mars/Neptune to be in evidence on some level even while the combo's disappointment and disillusionment influences continue to bedevil a Democratic presidency under siege from a GOP that, as usual, believes that only one of its minions is suitable to steer the White White helm.

The Condition of Mr. Obama's Natal Mars

The natal horoscope of Barack Obama (August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii; ASC 18AQ01; MC 28Sco58) shows 10th-house-ruler Mars 22Vir35 in 7th H (Open Enemies; PArtnerships) near 8th cusp 25Vir55 (Corporations; Shared Resources; Debt, Credit, etc); Aries is intercepted in 2nd H showing a potential for karmic conditions relating to money and values; natal Mars applies to two planets:

1. semisquare Neptune 8Scorpio (1A02) showing minor irritation between actions and ideals; Mars and Pluto share rulership of Neptune bwo Scorpio, and n Pluto is also posited in fussy Virgo.

2. trine Saturn Rx 25Cap20 in 12th H of Politics and Karma; a Mars/Saturn trine indicates self-discipline, talent with military and police work (inform the GOP!), and improves all the favorable qualities of Capricorn such as a sense of responsibility, duty, accountability, control, prudence, caution, and stability.

The triple dates of the president's Mars Return 2012 are as follows:

1. January 14: Mars makes no applying aspects so house position (7th) and sign (Virgo) are emphasized; however, the red planet separates from trining the Sun 24Cap01 (1S27, from 7th H to 11th H of Groups) as the Sun approaches his natal Saturn, good for a very productive rush of energy into the psyche.

Mars rules 2nd H (Monetary concerns; Earning Ability; Values) with disruptive rebel, *Uranus 1Ar11 there, and Scorpio appears on the 9th H cusp of Foreign Lands, Higher Educaiton, and Philosophy. In Mercury-ruled Virgo, Mars is focused, dedicated to work and daily matters, and wants to be the authority in all details. (George W. Bush has a Virgoan Mars but enough about him.)

2. February 1: Mars is in Return 4th H, and makes no applying aspects as in #1, but separates from opposition to Venus 22Pis36 in Career-oriented 10th H; Mars rules 11th H (Aries) and 6th H (Sco); Mars sesquisquares Mercury (1S07), denoting an irritant between his thinking and his actions. The stand-off between Venus and Mars--possibly karmic since both are at 22 degrees--shows awareness of relationship issues with much potential for financial disagreements, plus, tax policy issues may be in the forefront including the misguided payroll tax cuts that undermine our Social Security Insurance program every time they're allowed.

Actually, BHO's Mars Return oo February 1, 2012 is key for the president (and thus for America) because, using the Moon as a timer, Mr. Obama has a Lunar Return 3Gem21 a mere two hours after new Martian energy rushes in which gives a Moon/Mars signature to Mars Return #2. ('Moon/Mars' = enterprises begun with great vigor--Ebertin); Mars is Rx, Mars/Pluto rule 6th H of Military and Police; Sun 12AQ32 times BHO's 'un-birthday'--Sun opposing natal Sun in Leo--so it's a primary date during the year when one's agenda should be re-assessed in relation to goals--and a course change should be implemented, if needed.

3. June 18 finds a more active Mars in the Return chart with three aspects to Mars' credit, two applying: sextile Mercury 19Can55 conjunct Fixed Star Castor in 12th H of Politics and Karma; Mars is posited in 3rd H conjunct 3rd cusp 20Vir53, and rules MC 22Ari52 (goals, aspirations = war?) and 5th H (Scorpio.)

Mercury @ 19Can55 recalls the 12 South Solar Eclipse 19Can24 of July 11, 2010 with its financial stress, delays in financial progress, and market fluctuations; this was a South Node eclipse so energy drained out rather than rushed in--though the capping of the BP-Deepwater Horizon blowout seemed to be taken care of 4 days after the eclipse. (Last I heard, BP oil is still leaking into the Gulf but other oil disasters and the Fukushima Meltdown have occurred since.)

View the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse Horoscope which, curiously enough, shows Mars in Virgo--or, not so curiously, since 2010 is one Mars cycle ago.

Next applying aspect of Mars is a square with the Moon (We the People--4A22) with an 11th-house Moon 18Gem13 approaching the Sun 27Gem53 (12th H); a Moon/Mars square shows possible emotional outbursts, problems getting along with women, aggression, and resentment when anyone interferes with goals. Mother-in-law issues may be on the White House menu as well though even BHO's political enemies shouldn't wish that on him if they know how karma tends to come back atcha!

Also in BHO's June 18, 2012 Mars Return horoscope, Mars separates from a square with the Sun showing recent problems with or blockages from enemies (oil transport blocked at Hormuz by Iran?) and obstacles to action which can result in greater concentration on the forceful attainment of aims.

Plus, Moon 18Gem13 stimulates the recent Lunar Eclipse of December 10, 2011 which spotlighted speeches, writers, negotiations, trade, commerce, and transport. As you know, in December 2011, DC was awash with the payroll tax cut stand-off and extension of unemployment benefits, matters which must be re-addressed in a few weeks. See the Gemini Lunar Eclipse Horoscope w details if you wish which shows a T-Square pattern between Sun/Moon and--you guessed it--Mars, and which event-wise marked the alleged 'end' of the US Occupation of Iraq.

Well, there's a brief astro-peek at President Obama's Mars Return 2012, and considering how loudly Washington is saber-rattling toward Iran, my sincere hope is that waging yet another war is not the "new cycle of activity" indicated by President Obama's extended Mars Return which occurs three times in 2012 and taints his (and our nation's) entire year with concerns over aggression, contests of strength and will, and other Martian activities and interests.


For further Martian reading try US military operation against Iran would be a grave
. Because it would.

Next Solar Eclipse: May 20, 2012 conjunct Alcyone (horoscope shown set for Washington DC, as usual.)

Walking down a 2010 Memory Lane to Capitol Hill: Senate Blocks Homeless Veterans' Bill (includes video.) Any 'lawmaker' blocking such a bill--or sneaking poison pill legislation into it--should spend two weeks living under a bridge, imho--sans iPhone or Blackberry, the worst punishment of all.

Looks more and more like Mitt Vulture Corporatist Romney will be the Republican nominee for president. You aren't seriously considering a vote for the GOP in November 2012, are you? It will be interesting to see how an elitist Mitt of a Mormon persuasion fares in the S.C. Primary on Saturday, January 21, 2012 especially with prominent Protestant ministers deciding to back a Catholic Rick Santorum.

Personally, if I were tempted to vote anti-Democrat (like if I hit my head on a Diebold Voting Diverter Machine and stunned myself silly), it would have to be for candidate Stephen Colbert...


*Uranus @ 1Ari11 conjoins the precise degree and minute of President Obama's recent Secondary Full Moon 1Ari11, a time when one should begin re-evaluating one's extension into the world for culmination is reached. A midpoint picture is formed with these potentials: Sec Sun/Moon = tr Uranus: acting independently; sudden events or separations in partnerships; sudden conflicts; shared upsets (Ebertin; any, all, or none may apply.)

Because today is Martin Luther King Day you may wish to read his Beyond Vietnam Speech of April 4, 1967--delivered exactly one year prior to his assassination.

The popular social and religious leader of the 1960s (Uranus conjunct Pluto in mid-Virgo = uprisings, riots, protests--now they square which brings up similar events and issues) greatly annoyed the powers-that-be which then took Dr. King out of the American picture for his combining of the strengths of the Civil Rights Movement, the Anti-War Movement, and the Workers' Movement into a globalist threat--a threat against globalists, who now threaten and throttle all Life as we know it with austerity for the people which helps fund more luxury and power for them.

Now it's 2012, and if you haven't, please consider the Occupy the Supreme Court efforts (Jan 20, 2012 @ noon!) of Move to Amend which refers to the corporation-favoring Citizens United SCOTUS decision of January 2010, that abomination which further undermines a nation that once favored Democracy and democracy over Plutocracy and its oppression.

Or at least, it seemed to for a while, didn't it?

Apr 4, 2011

43 years ago: MLK Jr Assassination Horoscope Apr 4, 1968

To mark the 43rd anniversary today of the powers-behind-the-throne assassination of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr, here's a handy link to last year's remembrance which contains an image of the assassination chart of April 4, 1968.

Do you know the US government has never actually held a fully informed investigation of the politically motivated crime? Perhaps someone knew the culprits' names already.

If you're unfamiliar with or don't remember Dr. King's brilliant Beyond Vietnam speech delivered in New York exactly one year before his murder, it is highly recommended by this blogger.

In the speech, it's sad how current King's 1968 themes are for America circa 2011 and his prophetic words have unfortunately come to pass as the death-dealing US war machine rolls on under President Barack Obama's guiding hand which so recently sank America into the mire and misery of a third war.

Don't know about you, but I think the elite's perpetual war economy is working only for the war profiteers who engineer them and for the mercenaries and contractors they hire to do the dirty work.


Let's Not Fool Ourselves

To paraphrase Thom Hartmann, "There's no such thing as a safe level of radiation." But as part of a plan to kill off the weak, elderly, and infirm (and permanently scar the DNA of future generations), radiation is a very useful tool for a power elite so eager to march us into 2012. Mr. Hartmann has correctly called the massive amounts of radiation leaking into the sea around Japan, "ecocide."

And I'm still waiting to read the names of the earthquake-defying scoundrels who designed and built Japan's nuclear power plant on top of two fault lines. Wonder who first said, "I know - let's build them here!

Jan 15, 2011

Thom Hartmann on the 'Party of No' (video)

For nine minutes progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann sums up the dynamics of the recent tragedy in Tucson and gives an historic overview of the conservative 'Party of No' beginning with President Obama's uplifting message about our nation and that of Sarah Palin and her ilk.

The Party of No has quite a laundry list of obstructionism to its credit (debit) and I shudder to think what this nation would be like now if they'd always gotten their way through the decades. Thom mentions one of the more interesting eras, that of the Gilded Age of the Robber Barons. It's their biological and philosophical spawn who continue their heartless plunder across the globe now and threaten a complete rent in the social fabrics of America and every other nation. Their and the *Vatican's vision of a one-world-government drives us forward - yet backward - into totalitarian rule.

So with Monday January 17, 2011 being Martin Luther King Day, I hope you'll take a few minutes to listen to what (imho) places the credit where it squarely belongs for whatever social progress our nation has managed to obtain against the forces of No.

A Goose-Step Down Memory Lane?

Remember that ridiculous GOP campaign slogan of recent days, compassionate conservatism? Compassionate?? Hilarious! We don't seem to hear about that little misnomer anymore which makes a lot of sense considering what John Boehner and the goose-steppers are about to try in Congress next week because they'd rather focus on undermining a Democratic (and democratically elected) president than to move forward on behalf of all the American people, not just their rich contributors and global bosses!


*It's been a while since I mentioned the Vatican here and since you, dear reader, may be a new visitor, I shall repeat what I've always said since further blogging on the Vatican and the Illuminati within it may become necessary at any moment: all through my life some of the most compassionate, kind, and practically helpful people I have known have been of the Catholic persuasion (even while I felt they'd been hoodwinked by their church hierarchy - as have most people in organized religious denominations.)

So if and when I grump against the Vatican on this blog or another, I do and will not refer to ordinary members of the Catholic Church, but to those in the uppermost rungs of power in Vatican City, that bastion of the New World Order and stronghold of priestly pedophilia. jc

Dec 9, 2009

Most Americans in same boat floating on Jupiter/Neptune

"We may have all come on different ships, but we're in the same boat now."

Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Yes, I put 'most' Americans in the post title due to the top one-percenters who were never in the boat in the first place; in fact, the power elite consider themselves above the common boat and floating on that yacht you spy in the distance...

Here's a previous post concerning April 4, 1968 and the assassination of Dr. King. If you click to enlarge the chart for that day on a Memphis balcony, you see rising the midpoint of Jupiter/Neptune, a pair whose Great Conjunctions have occurred all through 2009 (culminating in their third and last conjunction on December 21, conj US natal Moon, the people.)

This reluctant astrologer has scolded the pair's demonstrable speculation/inflationary money/grand schemes/instability/wastefulness vibes all year as our financial system and health care debate for reforms have ground on.

Yet in the assassination chart of Dr. King, is that all there is to Jupiter/Neptune who may also represent a spiritual (Neptune) teacher and preacher (Jupiter)?

Perhaps Jupiter/Neptune's connection to religious fervor and expansion of spirituality was a theme on the horizon as Dr. King's popularity and leadership were being felt by the masses (Neptune) toward expansion (Jupiter) of anti-Vietnam war protests joining with Civil Rights protests to more strongly make the people's voice heard in Washington where control of 'the helm' is so jealously guarded against the people's of-by-for myth, gossip that was started by the founding fathers.

Politicians wouldn't want our of-by-for functions taking over the ship's course for then their secret lack of power without us would be fully revealed.

In part, *Michael Munkasey gives the Jupiter/Neptune combo as 'visions of how to effect totally different directions to life, generosity with the attention disadvantaged people receive (city garbage workers - jc), and studies concerning drugs, alcohol, or rehabilitation. These motifs are also concerned with how dreams influence society.'

As you know, Dr. King had a dream.

And as you may know, several of the older families in the US - still in leadership positions - are known for making their fortunes through drug smuggling and
, also a major cash cow for the CIA. This includes the period of 'helming' under Reagan and Bush (though Reagan idolaters conveniently forget.)

Yes, someone at America's helm in 1968 felt threatened enough to take divisive and subversive actions which were publicly demonstrated in Memphis on yet another dark day in our nation...and it was mourning in America once again.


Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey.