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Showing posts with label Sagittarius. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sagittarius. Show all posts

Nov 4, 2020

Horoscopes: November and December 2020 Eclipses

2020 into 2021: Nervous Times and Cosmic Blinks

by Jude Cowell (Coh'-wull)

Simply for the sake of comparison, below is a dual image of the two upcoming eclipses that will round out year 2020 and escort society into 2021 with their disruptive, revealing Uranian 'wild card' and 'cosmic blink' qualities: Lunar Eclipse @8Gem38 (lower left) of November 30, 2020 and the Total 4 South December 14, 2020 Solar Eclipse @23Sag08 (the day the Electoral College is scheduled to vote). The eclipses occur across the Gemini-Sagittarius axis which is ruled by Mercury and Jupiter, and both manifest in Mutable (changeable) signs.

However, the Lunar Eclipse brings in Fixed Signs of Taurus-Scorpio and Leo-Aquarius suggesting rigidity within financial and business interests (Taurus-Scorpio) in partnerships (Asc-Desc) with the self-will stubbornness of Leo-AQ affecting career and security matters across the 4/10 axis. Yet perhaps a bit of Aquarian humanitarianism will sneak in to our Domestic Scene (Ic/4th house). And since the November Lunar Eclipse @8Gem38 conjuncts US natal Uranus (8Gem55), yet another unusual twist of fate could appear on America's calendar during this particular eclipse season which just as easily denotes a positive twist so that no additional nervousness will be warranted ahead of time. Pre-worrying never assures good outcomes anyway!

And so the December Solar Eclipse falls within the difficult 4 South Saros Series and perfects near the South Node of the fluctuating Moon so energy tends to drain away from conditions and karma from the past is involved with 10th house matters (Washington DC). Mercury @20Sag05, planet of young people, writing, reporters, messages (ex: tweets), negotiations, commerce, theft, and/or elections, is nearest the eclipse and conjunct the Saturnian South Node indicating ideas and solutions ahead or behind their times, or those that could be plagiarized.

Also, you see that in the 1st-7th houses, the Virgo-Pisces axis (also Mercury-Jupiter ruled) is intercepted suggesting fated issues that must be dealt with in the victim-savior realms (ex: Trump's caged children? hunger and eviction due to the lack of a stimulus package from Congress?). Well, victim-savior issues we know - we've been feeling and experiencing them for quite some time now (for illness, see below).

Influences of the December 14th Solar Eclipse can begin for up to at least two weeks prior to December 14th, perhaps earlier in November. Both eclipses have been discussed on SO'W previously: here and here (horoscopes with details are shown separately and are earlier versions from the dual charts you see here):

Study notes are penned on the charts; please enlarge the image to read.

And here are potential astro-correspondences for the Mercury-Jupiter pair:

Thesis: Communications about plans for growth or expansion; business, legal, religious, and/or philosophical discussions.

Antithesis: A budget strained by too much expansion or inflation; legal decisions that affect commerce or transportation; religious leaders with desires to assume political power; religion censures scholarship.

Persuasion through public relations, speeches, and/or writing, plus, statements that misrepresent, or are arrogant or mouthy are also potentials with the Mercury-Jupiter pair.

Biological Correspondences: Inability to absorb sugars in the blood (diabetes); excessive fat in the blood; weakened lung or oxygen exchange; sciatica; nervous disorders.

(Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey.) #ad

A Note to Nervous Readers: As usual this post concerns national matters and is not directly applicable to personal issues. If concerned by anything written here, please consult your astrologer or your natal horoscope to see where the eclipses fall in your chart and proceed from there. A similar caution also appears in the SO'W sidebar to your right depending on your device. Jude

Feb 16, 2019

On the Fear of Ann Coulter and Donald Trump

Perhaps you've read the excellent column by astrologer Lynn Hayes concerning a certain political flame thrower so happy to be 'in the news' again for her advice to Donald Trump on shutting down the government (December 22, 2018 midnight est for 35 days) and her critiques of Trump that apparently led to his declaration of a national emergency which he announced from the White House Rose Garden today as away to extort billions of dollars of taxpayer money for a dubious "wall" to keep out the marauding hordes Trump fears. Now I ask you, how can circumventing Congress be anything but a power grab by the Executive Branch of government?

Disagree if you must but do check out Ann Coulter's Poisonous Rage where Lynn discusses Coulter's pile-up in Sagittarius of her Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars (Sun conjunct Mars: Miss Independent) and the shadow side of Sag which, according to Dr. Liz Greene, "The Sag is often frightened of making any commitment to the tangible world, because then he'd have to face not only the limitations of form but also the fact that his potential genius might not be quite so boundless and cosmic as he thinks it is." (My italics.) Commitment, tangible, limitations, form--all Saturn's words.

Of course, this fear relates to the ruler-ship of Sagittarius by Jupiter, the planet of boundlessness, expansion, and unlimited potential, plus, the sign's Fire element with Fire's 'dark side' of deep depression when things don't turn out to be as grand as was optimistically expected. Note that with his natal Moon and South Node of the Moon in Sagittarius, Donald Trump suffers from such 'vast optimism vs deep pessimism' issues himself. However, the pair are reported presently to be on the outs beginning with the ill-advised Trump Shutdown--or is their tiff only political theater? If genuine, Trump and Coulter may just be too much alike to get along for the long term especially considering the tendencies of Sag toward self-righteousness and the constant judgment of others, and neither have empathy for other human beings who are treated as if they're only screens upon which Coulter and Trump project their lives of fame and fortune--with the two of them playing 'starring' roles.

Yet astrologically there is one factor between them that's similar yet different: Trump was born with Pluto unaspected while Ms. Coulter was born with Saturn unaspected which emphasizes the distinct possibility of her sashaying through life completely conscience-free. Both conditions are problematic, of course, and few can handle them in a positive way yet we all must choose how we use the planetary energies we were born with. How do you think the two of them are doing so far?

For more on Saturn unaspected you may wish to see my previous post on Justice Neil Gorsuch who shares this problematic condition of 'the loner without a conscience'. Wonder if free-floating fear or anxiety is a feature of an unaspected Saturn, one of the planets known for its 'fear factor'--along with Underworld Pluto, planet of sabotage and creepiness.

Blog Note: yes, relocation is this weekend so Monday will be the start of my 'settling in' week and asap I'll be blogging at you from downtown Raleigh, North Carolina! Wish you were here (to help me unpack!!) jc

Astro-Note: Ann Hart Coulter born December 8, 1961 NYC, hour unknown; Donald Trump June 14, 1946 10:54 am est Queens, NY.

May 21, 2018

A Significant December 2018 Lunation in Sagittarius

May 21, 2018: Just posted to my Jude's Threshold blog on WordPress is a DC Horoscope of the Sag New Moon of December 7, 2018 which, as New Moons can do, may act much as a disruptive solar eclipse--a 'wild card' of the Universe. Noted in the post are brief comments on US SP Mars Rx and the ongoing leaky, scandal-prone transit of watery, eroding Neptune through secretive Pisces for which I chose as illustration my botanical drawing of a False Senator wrasse.

Significant is that US natal Saturn (exalted in Libra) rises in Washington DC along with the natal Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio of Donald Trump (in his 2nd house of Money) with the trio's problematic tendencies toward speculation, fraud, get-rich-quick schemes, and fantasy world whims--the world where his feverish reptile brain lives. Plus, the New Moon @15Sag07 manifests in wide opposition to the guiding planet of Mr. Trump, his 10th house Uranus, shocking planet of chaos and disruption. This may increase the 'wild card' affect of the New Moon and stimulate the whimsical, quixotic notions of his nibs.

Not mentioned in the above-linked post is the culmination-fulfillment stage of the Dec 7th New Moon at the Full Moon of December 22, 2018 @00Can49. This conjoins one of the four Cardinal World Points of manifestation where global events tend to occur, and as you see, the Full Moon perfects very soon after Winter Solstice 2018 which we discussed here yesterday with its Sun Capricorn-Moon Gemini blend of Earth-Air energies.

Apr 8, 2018

Pluto Generations: Libra-Scorpio-Sagittarius

Pluto in Libra, Pluto in Scorpio, and Pluto in Sagittarius Generations

by Kevin Estes

This is the first set of an astrological analysis of all the world's generations. The charts are set for Washington, DC, as it is the capital of the United States, and the charts, in my analysis, describe these generations very accurately. I'm doing the Pluto in Libra, Pluto in Scorpio, and Pluto in Sagittarius generations first, as these three are the first "Aquarian Age" generations for they are the first three generations in the second half of the zodiac, which is about the collective rather than the individual.

Pluto in Libra Oct 5, 1971 2:14 am edt Washington DC:

Most notable placement is the Moon's ruler, Mars, on the descendant, in the 7th house, and conjunct the North Node. This explains the generation's strong focus on relationships and pleasing others, as Libra rules the 7th house, so they have an emotional need to find the "right one". This, along with the Moon in the 9th house, perfectly describes their deep desire for social justice, as well as striving for a more inclusive society, as both Libra and Sagittarius, which rules the 9th house, are associated with justice. This is shown in the Neptune in Sagittarius that around 95% of this generation shares. Describing quite the social generation, the Sun (which is also the chart ruler), Mercury, Venus, and Uranus are in the 3rd house, with Pluto also on the 3rd house cusp! I have met very few introverts in this generation, especially compared to the generations it's sandwiched between, and Uranus in the 3rd house, along with Pluto on its cusp, is why this generation was the first to embrace text messaging, as well as social media, as this generation was the young adults when cell phones became mainstream and Myspace started up.

They were instrumental in changing, and transforming, the communication methods of the world! All of these planets are in Libra as well, meaning that the Libra influence of people in this generation is far more than just Pluto, because the Sun of the generation itself being in Libra means that everyone in the generation is a Libra to some extent.

Pluto in Scorpio Nov 5, 1983 4:06:36 pm est Washington DC:

The main thing that stands out to me is the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto all in the 7th house, in Scorpio! This is why this generation has many similarities to Pluto in Libra, as this strong stellium in the 7th house also gives them a strong desire for social justice, and they also share 9th house influence with the Pluto Libras, as Neptune is on the 9th house cusp in the 9th house, which is why they share the desire for a fairer and more inclusive society that's different than the status quo. This generation also has its Sun in Scorpio, along with its Moon, so along with Pluto being in its own sign, everybody in this generation is a Scorpio Sun/Moon to some extent, which makes for a very intense generation (which the Aries rising also indicates).

The chart ruler, Mars is conjunct Venus, which is the co-ruler of the ascendant, in the 6th house, in Virgo, which rules the 6th house, making for a very ambitious generation and why older generations see them as materialistic, which the Neptune in Capricorn that around 90% of this generation shares also indicates. Also notable are Jupiter and Uranus in the 8th house, which explains this generation's interest in the occult, as well as fascination with tattoos, piercing, and stretched earlobes as a way of expressing themselves.

Pluto in Sagittarius Jan 17, 1995 4:15:15 am est Washington DC:

While the Sun of this generation isn't in its Pluto sign, unlike the previous two, what is very notable is that the generation has Sagittarius rising, with Jupiter and Venus on the ascendant. This describes how this generation comes off as a whole: Optimistic, positive, and tolerant, yet very accident-prone as a result of recklessness. While the generation's Sun is in Capricorn in the 2nd house (which Taurus rules), which should give them a very materialistic side, it is conjunct Uranus and Neptune, countering the earthiness that Sun in 2nd house Capricorn should give and giving everyone in this generation Aquarian and Piscean energies. Mercury is also in the 2nd house, but in Aquarius. All this Aquarian energy is fitting for a generation that didn't know a world before technology expanded, and is also indicated by the Neptune in Aquarius that around 70% of this generation has, as every Sagittarius Pluto born from 1995-1997 has Neptune in Capricorn, along with most of January 1998 and late August-late November of 1998.

The generation's Moon is in Leo, which gives them an emotional need to have fun, that is also intense, as their Moon is in the 8th house. The 8th house Moon is an indicator of this generation continuing the trend of getting tattoos and piercings that the Pluto in Scorpio and Uranus in Scorpio generations set (from my experience, this is happening), and this 8th house energy is prevalent in the intensity and focus of the Stoneman Douglas High School activists in their movement to get semi-automatic rifles off the street. Another notable thing is that the ruler of the 5th house, Mars, is in the 9th house, which is an indicator for their love to travel and expand their world views, for fun! Their Pluto is also in the 12th house, which Pisces rules, giving them more Piscean energy than just Sun and Uranus conjunct Neptune and Saturn in Pisces.

The ingress charts for the generations do show their characters and their roles as a whole, similar to how people's birth charts show their individual characters and roles. More proof that astrology is legit, and not to be taken lightly. ke

Thanks, Kevin, for your millennial view of our younger generations! jc

Above charts compliments of Solar Fire Gold v9; Tropical Zodiac; Placidus House System set for the first moment transit Pluto, now traversing Capricorn, most recently entered each sign.

Note: For those who wish to read this post in its original form with astrodienst charts calculated in the Regiomontanus House System, visit Kevin's Left Wing Astrology blog.

Feb 21, 2017

Rebecca Miller Spicer: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

A few weeks ago I posted here a Wedding Day Astrology Report on Mr. Trump's Press Secretary, Sean Spicer and his wife Rebecca Miller Spicer. On their wedding day, the Sun (husband) was in Scorpio (Mars-Pluto) and the Moon (wife) was in Sagittarius (Jupiter), a steamy Water-Fire combination of energies.

Belatedly, I have discovered a presentation by 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know concerning Rebecca Spicer (disguised by that computer voice some presenters use) which provides some of Mrs. Spicer's career background. {Edit July 15, 2022: a previously embedded video is no longer available but you might find something on her if you search YouTube for the "5 Fast Facts" title or her name. jc}

Jan 9, 2016

Mars in 2016 - Steve Judd video

2016: Mars in Scorpio and Sagittarius

In 2016, year of the US presidential campaign and election in November, warrior planet Mars performs a 6-month retrograde period beginning in mid-April, just as he reaches pugnacious, belligerent Antares (9Sag), and the action planet's period of inverted energies lasts way too long for anyone's comfort. Frustration, irritation, and aggression are Martian themes, as you know, and many secrets will be leaked or coughed up during the year along with lies revealed. This may be of interest to 2016 candidate Donald Trump with his Mars rising natal chart though other candidates will be affected as well. For example:

At the end of February, early March 2016, Mars crosses President Obama's natal Midheaven (MC), the Career and Public Status point, and he will be very busy with political projects and self-promotion (which includes promotion of Democratic Party concerns and candidates). it can also denote a time of danger, tension, haste, and/or anger for him in relation to such themes in the public sector. In early June MArs conjoins his MC again and at the end of June MArs stations Direct. Inaugural Moon (We the People) in 2009 is involved as well when Mars conjoins the 29 Scorpio position (30Sco = "A Halloween Jester" degree.) In Politics, this symbol always reminds me of the famous 'October Surprise' perpetrated by the Reagan campaign against Democrat Jimmy Carter in days of yore.

And when testy Mars moves within range of an opposition to President Obama's 3 Gemini Moon more irritation, anger, and potential danger will be evident at the White House (his Moon is in his 4th house of Home). Caution and moderation are advised for him, his family members, and for us, the American people as part of his political family. These Mars-to-Moon periods will occur during March and August 2016.

A hint of better news is that transit Mars will be moving direct after having left his shadow (9Sag where he stationed Rx in April) in August prior to Election Day November 8, 2016 though Mars will be at a critical 29th degree in governmental Capricorn. Rounding up we have '30Cap' = "A Secret Business Conference...OPPORTUNITY...positive expression: a gift for clever planning and successful administration in every area of life; negative (shadow/unconscious) expression: rampant selfishness and rank exploitation of others." Wonder if activist Mars will allow it to remain secret? And will their be explosive events when Mars meets Pluto @15Cap in October?

For more details concerning energetic Mars in 2016, check out this very informative presentation by Steve Judd:

A related video by Steve Judd is Neptune in 2016 which includes the difficult Saturn-Neptune square, a phase of their cycle which began in 1989 in the degree range of 10--12 Capricorn.

Please note that this post was prepared without reference to the 'wild card' interruptions of Solar and Lunar Eclipses which also tend to reveal secrets and lies. Here's a list of eclipses through year 2022 where you'll see the two Solar Eclipses of 2016--on March 9 @19Pisces (Total and in the 18 South Series) and September 1, 2016 @9Virgo in the 19 North Series. Obviously the 19 North eclipse acts as the Pre-Natal Eclipse of both Election Day 2016 and Inauguration Day 2017 so 19N themes will influence both events and outcomes. Plus, if you wish, type 'Eclipses' into the sidebar of SO'W for several more entries concerning these solar and lunar 'cosmic blinks' in relation to our nation's past, present, and future.

'30Sco' and '30Cap' symbols from The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, by Marc Edmund Jones.

Nov 25, 2014

Saturn in Sagittarius 2014--2017: Barbara Goldsmith video

Here is a Special Report from astrologer Barbara Goldsmith (10 min 51 sec) on the collective shift of energy we will experience as structural Saturn moves into Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, sign of The Seeker, on December 24, 2014 for a 3-year sojourn.

Tending to think in terms of Political Astrology with expansive Jupiter and restrictive Saturn as our societal planets--describing political parties and 'checks and balances' in Politics--I shall happily skip adding here the more constricting potentials for governmental Saturn in its role of The Establishment, lawmakers, judges, business managers, and such. Barbara's take is more uplifting for society! jc

Oct 1, 2010

Obama plugs Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity (video)

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
BBQ & A<a>
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorRally to Restore Sanity

Check out Jon's report, if you missed it, because his optimistic Rally's title was changed by President Obama while he was speaking to some American school kids, says the erstwhile Sagittarian comedian and social commentator, Mr. Stewart.

Feb 12, 2007

Howard K. Stern 11.29.68

This evening I have two reasons to be miffed--Congress begins debating the escalation of Bush/Cheney's war Tuesday, not today as reported and posted upon below--and there've been too many requests for Stern's natal chart to ignore.

This is Stars Over Washington, not Stars Over Hollywood...Howard's not a politician, and he isn't Starr Jones--but he is a lawyer.

Please click chart to enlarge where you'll see some notes on this Jupiterian fellow...Jupiter relating to the Law, of course, and also to the guru...and to the extent that he could be with such a "my way" kinda gal as Anna Nicole, one might call him a guru if not a svengali of sorts.

Scribbled on his chart (solar/sunrise--no birth time known) you'll see a very strong midpoint picture which remains the same no matter his birth time...Mars/Pluto = Uranus:

chip on one's shoulder; fight first, talk later; dangerous sense of attack; tremendous energy--that's from Noel Tyl's Solar Arc Directory. Ebertin gives the combo a nasty twist: cruelty; violence; brutality; sudden disasters or calamities of great consequence.

Stern's Pre-natal Eclipse Series (PE) is listed on the chart as well: 6South: forceful, taking power; manic force esp in relationships. Degree? 29Vir30, the Moon's degree at their motel check-in, Feb 5, 8:00 pm, Hollywood, FL...Moon 29Vir23, with "29" being a critical or crisis degree.

Now I'm not saying he did anything against her--other than that someone should've gotten her better help for her debilitating depression over loss of her son, Daniel--but Stern has other indications of violence in his natal chart (ex: Mars conj Uranus--plus Mars/Uranus = South Node), yet it's possible that Mr. Stern was attempting to take control of that very thing--and get her to rein herself in.

But with Anna, that was seldom if ever possible, and the brutality of the Mars/Uranus duo is known as the most violent pair around--conj South Node he may have tended to fall back on Mars/Uranus when under stress. And Mars-Uranus is often quirky sexual tendencies as well.

The 'check-in' chart of Feb 5, 8:00 pm, Hollywood, FL, shows a seeking of new contacts or stimuli, and a possible love union of short duration. One inconvenient thing about astrology charts though is that they rarely tell you on whose part, but describe the atmosphere or environment...leaving the people in that environment to act as their free will allows.

The check-in chart also has a telling asteroid rising to the degree...Persephone 12Vir29Rx...keywords: separation anxiety; attitudes toward transitions which take one away from familiar people or circumstances. Persephone may also be where one is an innocent yet willing victim. Poor Anna.

After taking a second look at Anna's natal chart (scroll below) there may have been--or eventually would have been--health factors showing liver or gall bladder problems. Her rapid and excessive weight loss may have improved her health--or not, as it seems. If she was on Phen-Phen to keep her weight down, a heart attack (with vomiting) could have been on the miserable agenda as well.

Anna's well-known speech-slurring--which she had put down to her Texas accent--is another reminder of Marilyn Monroe, who was being prescribed a certain Rx which was actually for epilepsy--and gave her that sleeplessness, and the soft speech she was known for. Was she epileptic? Hmm.m.m...

Did Anna check-in with plans to check herself on out? Possibly.

But Back to Mr. Stern:

Howard's fiery, big-talking *Sun Sag-Moon Aries personality blend gives a kinder picture of him than the above comments might indicate...a plain-speaking, independent, warm-hearted extrovert with a childlike faith in himself which may make him seem more competitive than he really is. But even in competition, he has respect for his opponent.

As a natural egotist, he doesn't like to acknowledge things that are unflattering, and he walks a fine line between altruism and blatant self-interest. People trust him yet his own interests are never far from his mind. But intimate liasons are not his forte...he's romantic enough but isn't patient or willing to listen fully to other people's needs...details are not his strong suit.

He likes the freedom to 'do his own thing' as well, and can lapse into black moods when things go wrong...and life with Anna had been going very wrong, hadn't it? It couldn't have been easy for any of them.

Images for Integration:

He who would be king postpones the coronation for a trek through the Himalayas...A mature student discovers her political convictions and debating talents through confronting the corruption of academia (maybe he is a politician!)

Well, that's all I'd like to say about Howard K. Stern at this time--and hopefully there'll be no more to say as this sad investigation goes on.

*Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas and Suzy Harvey