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Showing posts with label The Jimmy Dore Show. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Jimmy Dore Show. Show all posts

Sep 15, 2018

Tulsi Gabbard Explains Why She Resigned from the DNC pt 1 - clip

And here's a look at the Political and Ethical leanings shown in the natal chart of Tulsi Gabbard written by Millennial Astrologer Kevin Estes.

Sep 9, 2018

Obama Says Trump "Symptom Of Larger Problem" - Jimmy Dore

Plain speaking ahead from comedian, social commentator, and pod caster Jimmy Dore:

Support the independent work of Jimmy Dore @patreon. The Jimmy Dore Show is a member of The Young Turks Network.

Apr 12, 2018

Tucker Carlson Tells Truth About Syria - Crosses Trump

April 12, 2018: here's an excellent needs-to-be-heard segment with Jimmy Dore. If you've never checked out The Jimmy Dore Show--his comedy, news segments, and political commentary before then this segment is a great place to start. And if you're against America blundering into another war (collateral damage, plunder, crime, primal violence, soul sickness, death cults and other evils)--note that this time we're being force fed by John Bolton and others (including media heads like Andrea Mitchell, wife of Ayn-Rander Alan Greenspan, her boyfriend) are guiding a toolish Trump into setting off the powder keg--this time in Syria--as per their long-range plan--watch this!

Good news! The Jimmy Dore Show is now Steeming It!


Now on an astrological note (for timing purposes), a difficult Solar Eclipse will perfect on August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 in the 2 New North Saros Series with potential themes of towers and/or lifestyles collapsing, the necessary rebuilding once the dust has settled, and changes of direction (Brady). This causes me to think of 9/11 and false flag ops typically used by governments to emotionally scam a people into fighting and/or supporting a war even while the US Congress won't declare the 'conflict' as one. And actually, the West vs East conflagration is older than the hills and it's proven itself repeatedly to be at basis an endless round of revenge with machiavellian figures hiding behind dark curtains, clutching the reins--wealthy old men who somehow convince young men to fight proxy-style as crusaders and to fight to the death.

But really we felt forebodings, didn't we, when Donald Trump turned out to have royal Regulus rising with his warrior planet Mars in the last degrees of egotistical Leo, sign of the ruler. Yet only if the unforgivable can be forgiven can we prosper. How tragic to feel I must patiently wait for starry Regulus to fulfill its nature and grant its caution toward a man who takes revenge upon others (regularly and often--it's Mr. Trump's nature...Mars-Saturn = Pluto: the death of many people). For Regulus warns that if revenge is taken, all that has been previously achieved will be lost or suddenly taken away, a karmic situation where a man--or a government--must reap what's been sown.

Better the guilty varmint born with Regulus rising with a raging Mars than the innocent.

Midpoint picture of brutality: The Combination of Stellar Influences, R. Ebertin.

Mar 22, 2017

Jimmy Dore: Senate Democrats Planning to Cave on Supreme Court Nominee

Is the US Congress infested with jelly-spined Democrats of a worthless kind? Are congressional Democrats bought, bribed, intimidated, threatened and/or blackmailed?

The irrepressible Jimmy Dore shares his views:

Please note that a few naughty words may be involved in the above video.

Astro-Notes: Jimmy Dore

Comedian and political commentator James Patrick Dore was born July 26, 1965 Chicago, Illinois about 3 months prior to the first of three Great Conjunctions of explosive, protesting Uranus and Pluto (Oct 9, 1965 @17Vir10) with Saturn in Pisces opposing (which adds resentment while a Saturn-Neptune trine adds compassion and concern for the underdog). No birth hour have I found but his Sun in entertaining Leo pairs with Moon in patriotic Cancer (for the entire 24-hour period) identifying him as a steamy Fire-Water individual.

The comedian's self-dramatizing, tremendously creative Sun Leo-Moon Cancer combo has two 'Images for Integration': "A young child sits on a throne and with great dignity and tenderness crowns his father and mother king and queen...A man and a woman walk hand in hand along the edge of the sea at high noon on a summer's day." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey).

Now I don't know how these word pictures relate to Jimmy Dore but his Sun Leo-Moon Cancer personality blend is shared by illustrious people such as: Ethel Barrymore, Clara Bow, Claude Debussy, Zelda Fitzgerald, Kenny Rogers, Annie Oakley, and astrologer Llewellyn George which suggests a mixture of Entertainment and Astrology, an intriguing blend!

Feb 22, 2017

What Trump Voters Know That the Democrat Elite Don't! - Mark Blyth Interview

You know what the elephant graph is and you've experienced Neo-liberalism's negative effects on economies, both here and abroad. In the following interview economist Mark Blyth discusses such topics with Jimmy Dore along with how President Bill Clinton "finished the house that Ronnie built":

Check out the Jimmy Dore Comedy website.


For Corporate Democrats Why Not Blame Mr. Carter? He Builds Houses, Too

In February 2016 I posted the Carter Inauguration 1977 horoscope and mused that Rule by Corporate Democrats (can be) timed by Carter Inauguration 1977, an event which occurred, of course, earlier than the Clinton presidency, the implementation of NAFTA, Clinton's near gutting of New Deal social safety net programs meant to aid the vulnerable in our society, and other reforms that "finished the house that Ronnie built."

In the Carter Inauguration horoscope you'll see a Fixed Grand Cross--well, actually, a rigid T-Square between a Moon-Saturn opposition and an angular, exalted-in-Scorpio Uranus, the radical zealot. For a Grand Cross pattern to be made the Ascendant (13Tau44) must be factored into the T-Square with the ASC being the presidential Oath of Office, and thus, the president.

Why, 1977's depressive Moon-Saturn opposition across the self-willed Leo-Aquarius polarity (in the 4/10 security/parental axis) is quite enough to foreshadow difficulties to come (hindsight being what it tends to be). An urge for financial security is identified by the deep-pockets planet of corporatism, Jupiter, in materialistic Taurus in 1st house, plus, Jupiter's codified religion is suggested. Yes, protective Jupiter rises yet a disturbing transit was underway at the time in the chart's 6th house: Pluto to US natal Saturn (14Lib48) which suggests an unstable period when structures, traditions, and lifestyles were altered and shifted and could be totally transformed by circumstances. For the people: a depressed economy and a much-mocked president; for the ruling elite: major financing via corporate donors' payrolls and slush finds, and globalism on the rise.

It didn't help that the 1977 inauguration Prenatal Eclipse occurred in the 29th degree of Libra (a critical-crisis degree) and in the 15 North Saros Series which is all about commitment. Curiously, 15 North is also the Prenatal Eclipse (PE) of Mr. Obama's second inauguration in 2013 and also manifested in 1994, one of the Clinton years and the one in which NAFTA came into effect.

Now each presidency is a continuation of basically the same globalism policies of the last president so if 'new boss same as old boss' comes easily to mind, it's because in America the saying perfectly applies every four or eight years (that's Washington on the Venus Cycle). Is 'new boss' Mr. Trump any different? In some ways, on some levels, perhaps so. And no, I don't mind how he inconveniently says out loud what the powers behind the throne apparently don't want said in public. My fret is that his odd Uranian way of doing things and causing chaos is just what power elite globalists ordered for finalizing their world war agenda and global domination plan because to them, Mr. Trump is little more than a mouthpiece blabbing from the White House. North or South.


To set up a natal horoscope for NAFTA, try this data provided in Nicholas Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes: "NAFTA took effect January 1, 1994 at 12:00 am est Washington DC." And it still sucks.

Nov 24, 2016

Google & Facebook Target "Fake News"- Ignore Establishment News Even Worse - video

Here is a favorite commentator of mine, Jimmy Dore, talking 'bout fake news and the newly invented fight against such fakery that Google and Facebook say they're about to wage (have they started yet? I can't tell). How pathetic (and difficult to believe) that companies that trade on information have to be outed on supplying what is basically propaganda. Google and FB say they will change their policies--which is good since falsehoods can never be considered news at all! Their change comes, of course, after Election 2016 and the rigged 'victory' of Mr. Trump. Think websites will clean up their act before the 2018 midterms?

You'll find more commentary on The Jimmy Dore Show YouTube channel.